73 lines
1.9 KiB

6 years ago
# HOWTO set up buildbot
Install buster on two machines (KVMs) named:
buildbot (master)
bb1 (worker)
# On buildbot KVM:
apt update
apt install buildbot
Answer "Yes". This will install buildbot (server) and buildbot-worker.
man 7 buildbot
buildbot create-master /var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs
chown -R buildbot: /var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs
mv /var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs/master.cfg.sample /var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs/master.cfg
# no changes?
vim /var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs/master.cfg
# Test config is ok:
buildbot checkconfig /var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs/master.cfg
Set /etc/default/buildbot to be like this (fs=Fork Sand):
MASTER_ENABLED[1]=1 # 1-enabled, 0-disabled
MASTER_NAME[1]="fs" # short name printed on start/stop
MASTER_USER[1]="buildbot" # user to run master as
MASTER_BASEDIR[1]="/var/lib/buildbot/masters/fs" # basedir to master (absolute path)
MASTER_OPTIONS[1]="" # buildbot options
MASTER_PREFIXCMD[1]="" # prefix command, i.e. nice, linux32, dchroot
# Start it:
systemctl start buildbot@fs.service
systemctl enable buildbot@fs.service
# Install via Docker on Buster
apt install docker docker-compose
# Test docker is ok:
docker run -i busybox /bin/echo Success
# clone the example repository
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot-docker-example-config
# Build the Buildbot container (it will take a few minutes to download packages)
cd buildbot-docker-example-config/simple
docker-compose up
# Create a tunnel:
ssh -N -C -L 8010:localhost:8010 buildbot
# Hit it in browser
6 years ago
# Misc
BuildBot plugin for Gitea: