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7 years ago
apt install pg-activity pgtop
sudo su - postgres
7 years ago
# Consider:
# Analysis, on pg server:
# pg-activity
# pgtop
# Analysis, separate server. See powa/ dir.
7 years ago
# PoWa:
# postgresql-10-powa -- Workload analyzer
# postgresql-10-pg-qualstats
# postgresql-10-pg-stat-kcache
7 years ago
# postgresql-10-hypopg - PostgreSQL extension adding support for hypothetical indexes.
7 years ago
# pgbadger - Fast PostgreSQL log analysis report
# pgcluu - PostgreSQL performance monitoring and auditing tool
# postgresql-10-pgaudit
7 years ago
# Administration, separate server:
# pgadmin -- web admin
# tora (workstation) -- graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators. Ancient version in Debian, no postgres.
# pgmodeler - PostgreSQL database modeler GUI interface
# Report generation:
# openrpt - graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering engine
# Backups:
# autopostgresqlbackup - Automated tool to make periodic backups of PostgreSQL databases
# backupninja - lightweight, extensible meta-backup system
# barman - Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
# pgbackrest - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
# pg-backup-ctl - backup and recover PostgreSQL using log archiving
# Misc
# pspg - PostgreSQL pager
# pgcli -- command line
7 years ago
log_timezone = 'Navajo'