#!/bin/bash # make-sources-list.sh # GPLv3+ # This will generate a list of files to be included as source code. # Then it will generate LaTeX includes. # XXX Great cruft # Redirect fix XXX # No spaces in filenames, or this may go awry. # Perhaps add QR codes like: CODEDIR="/home/`id -u -n`/FORKSAND/IT//forksand-it-manual/source/resources" cd "$CODEDIR" || exit TEXOUT="/home/`id -u -n`/FORKSAND/IT/forksand-it-manual/source/Source-gen.tex" # Build a grep exclude command that has file extensions to not include. EXCLUDE="\./\.git \.csv$ \.eps \.git$ \.gz$ \.jpg$ \.ods$ \.ods\#$ \.png$ \.pdf$ \.swp$ \.tmp$ \.xml$ \.aux$ \.fuse_hidden*$ \.glo$ \.gls$ \.idx$ \.ilg$ \.ind$ \.lof$ \.log$ \.lol$ _minted-*$ \.old$ \.out$ \.swp$ \.toc$ \.zip$" EXCLUDEGREP="grep -v -i " for i in $EXCLUDE do EXCLUDEGREP="$EXCLUDEGREP -e $i" done SRCFILES=`find . -type f | sort -V | $EXCLUDEGREP` rm -f $TEXOUT $SHAOUT SHA256SUM touch $TEXOUT $SHAOUT SHA256SUM # Make checksums # LaTeX files to be rendered for i in $SRCFILES do #NOUNDER=`echo $i | sed -e 's/_/\\\_/g'` NOUNDER=`echo $i | sed -e 's/_/\\\_/g' | cut -f 2- -d "/"` echo "\section{\texttt{$NOUNDER}}" # echo "\texttt{$NOUNDER} \\\ " echo "\texttt{SHA256: `sha256sum $i | cut -f 1 -d " "`}" sha256sum $i >> SHA256SUM MINTEDPATH=`echo $i | cut -f 2- -d "/"` MINTEDPATH="resources/$MINTEDPATH" echo "\inputminted{sh}{$MINTEDPATH}" done >> $TEXOUT sort -V SHA256SUM > SHA256SUM.tmp echo "There are `cat SHA256SUM | sort -u | wc -l` source code files included." > STATS echo "There are `cat SHA256SUM.tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort -u | wc -l` unique files." >> STATS rm SHA256SUM.tmp # Files not rendered #echo "\section{Not Rendered}" >> $TEXOUT #echo "The files listed in this section were not rendered." >> $TEXOUT #echo "Upstream {\LaTeX} files:" >> $TEXOUT