% % forksand-it-manual.tex % Main LaTeX document for formatting forksand-it-manual % % Fork Sand IT Manual % % Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc. % Copyright (C) 2017, Jeff Moe % % Document template: % Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc. % Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc. % Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Jeff Moe % % This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 % International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Fork Sand, Inc. % %%% XXX NOTE %%% Glossaries and indices are broken: %%% https://sharelatex.tenderapp.com/help/discussions/questions/19378-glossaries-indices-and-speed %%% XXX NOTE % LaTeX Docs: % http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Category:LaTeX % LaTeX Memoir Class % Docs: /usr/share/doc/texlive-doc/latex/memoir/memman.pdf \special{pdf:minorversion 5} %\pdfminorversion=6 % Make pdf include minor version tolerant %\pdfinclusioncopyfonts=1 % Make pdf include minor version tolerant 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respects, they can be viewed as a single system.}} \newglossaryentry{dedicatedserver}{ name={Dedicated Server},plural={Dedicated Servers}, description={, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else.}} \newglossaryentry{sharkfork}{ name={SharkFork}, description={is a SharkTech provided Colocation for a Cluster with Fork Sand Colocation Cabinet}} \newglossaryentry{colocation}{ name={Colocation},plural={Colocations}, description={ centre (also spelled co-location, or colo) or "carrier hotel", is a type of data centre where equipment, space, and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers.}} \newglossaryentry{cabinet}{ name={Cabinet},plural={Cabinets}, description={, inside a data center, is a locking unit that holds a server rack.}} \newglossaryentry{backbone}{ name={Backbone},plural={Backbones}, description={ is a part of computer network that interconnects various pieces of network, providing a path for the exchange of information between different LANs or subnetworks.}} \newglossaryentry{corosynk}{ name={Corosynk}, description={ is what Proxmox uses to keep the cluster nodes in sync. It is used for clustering besides proxmox too: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corosync_Cluster_Engine}. Proxmox recommends applying two Corosynk instances if available. And also a third one for migrating from host to host. }} \newglossaryentry{migration}{ name={Migration}, description={ see Corosynk description for details}} \newglossaryentry{gnulinux}{ name={GNU/Linux}, description={ is a term promoted by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its founder Richard Stallman. Proponents call for the correction of the more extended term, on the grounds that it doesn't give credit to the major contributor and the associated free software philosophy.}} \newglossaryentry{firewall}{ name={Firewall},plural={Firewalls}, description={ (in computing) is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external network, such as the Internet.}} \newglossaryentry{coreboot}{ name={Coreboot}, description={, formerly known as LinuxBIOS, is a software project aimed at replacing proprietary firmware (BIOS or UEFI) found in most computers with a lightweight firmware designed to perform only the minimum number of tasks necessary to load and run a modern 32-bit or 64-bit operating system.}} \newglossaryentry{ipmi}{ name={IPMI}, description={, the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a set of computer interface specifications for an autonomous computer subsystem that provides management and monitoring capabilities independently of the host system's CPU, firmware (BIOS or UEFI) and operating system. IPMI defines a set of interfaces used by system administrators for out-of-band management of computer systems and monitoring of their operation. For example, IPMI provides a way to manage a computer that may be powered off or otherwise unresponsive by using a network connection to the hardware rather than to an operating system or login shell.}} \newglossaryentry{openbmc}{ name={OpenBMC}, description={ project is a Linux Foundation Collaborative open-source project whose goal is to produce an open source implementation of the Baseboard Management Controllers (BMC) Firmware Stack. OpenBMC is a Linux distribution for BMCs meant to work across heterogeneous systems that include enterprise, High-performance computing (HPC), Telecommunications, and cloud-scale data centers.}} \newglossaryentry{tor}{ name={Tor}, description={ is free software for enabling anonymous communication. The name is derived from an acronym for the original software project name "The Onion Router". Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network consisting of thousands of relays to conceal a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.}} \newglossaryentry{kvm}{ name={KVM}, plural={KVMs}, description={, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine is a virtualization infrastructure for the Linux kernel that turns it into a hypervisor. It was merged into the Linux kernel mainline in kernel version 2.6.20, which was released on February 5, 2007. KVM requires a processor with hardware virtualization extensions. KVM has also been ported to FreeBSD and illumos in the form of loadable kernel modules.}} \newglossaryentry{ddos}{ name={DDoS}, description={, a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is a large-scale DoS attack where the perpetrator uses more than one unique IP address, often thousands of them. Since the incoming traffic flooding the victim originates from many different sources, it is impossible to stop the attack simply by using ingress filtering. It also makes it very difficult to distinguish legitimate user traffic from attack traffic when spread across so many points of origin. As an alternative or augmentation of a DDoS, attacks may involve forging of IP sender addresses (IP address spoofing) further complicating identifying and defeating the attack.}} \newglossaryentry{ceph}{ name={Ceph}, description={ is a free-software storage platform, implements object storage on a single distributed computer cluster, and provides interfaces for object-, block- and file-level storage. Ceph aims primarily for completely distributed operation without a single point of failure, scalable to the exabyte level, and freely available.}} \newglossaryentry{docker}{ name={Docker}, plural={Dockers}, description={ is a program that performs operating-system-level virtualization also known as containerization. It is developed by Docker, Inc. Docker is primarily developed for Linux, where it uses the resource isolation features of the Linux kernel such as cgroups and kernel namespaces, and a union-capable file system such as OverlayFS and others to allow independent "containers" to run within a single Linux instance, avoiding the overhead of starting and maintaining virtual machines (VMs).}} %%% END OF PREAMBLE %%% \begin{document} %%% Global pdf include directives \includepdfset{pages=-,noautoscale} %%% BEGIN FRONT MATTER %%% \frontmatter % Set page numbers to lowercase roman numerals, and reset the count to 1 (no *) \pagenumbering{roman} %%% TITLE PAGE %%% % We want the title to be on the right hand page. % If we pad a page, it gives us two with openright \include{Title} %%% END TITLE PAGE %%% COPYRIGHT PAGE %%% \include{Copyright} %%% END COPYRIGHT PAGE %%% % Set page numbering to arabic, but don't reset numbering (*) \pagenumbering*{arabic} %%% TABLE OF CONTENTS %%% { \fontspec{lmroman12-regular.otf}[ BoldFont = lmroman12-regular.otf ] \maxtocdepth{subsection} \settocdepth{subsection} %\setsecnumdepth{subsection} % space between dots \renewcommand{\cftchapterdotsep}{15} % dot symbol (default is period) \renewcommand{\cftdot}{\textperiodcentered} % centered period % Set space between each entry in ToC \setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{5pt} \tableofcontents*} %%% END TABLE OF CONTENTS %%% %%% LIST OF FIGURES %%% \renewcommand*{\lofheadstart}{\vspace{1cm}} \clearpage \listoffigures* %%% END LIST OF FIGURES %%% %%% LIST OF LISTINGS %%% %\renewcommand*{\lofheadstart}{\vspace{1cm}} %\clearpage %\listoflistings %%% END LIST OF LISTINGS %%% %%% CHAPTER STYLE %%% \chapterstyle{aocski} % defined in preamble \def\topblockvspace{0.11} %%% END CHAPTER STYLE %%% %%% INVISIBLE CHAPTERS %%% \newcommand{\invisiblechapter}[1]{% \par\refstepcounter{chapter}% Increase section counter \sectionmark{#1}% Add section mark (header) \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}% Add chapter to ToC % Add more content here, if needed. } %%% END INVISIBLE CHAPTERS %%% %%% CHAPTER CONFIG %%% \newcommand{\chapterheader}{Fork Sand IT Manual} % See \chapterconf below for examples of how this is used. % value 1 is file to include % value 2 is title of chapter % value 3 is sub title of chapter \newcommand{\chapterconf}[3]{ \includepdf[width=210mm% ,% picturecommand*={% \put(200,650){% \invisiblechapter{{#2}\qquad\qquad{#3}}% }% \color[rgb]{0.631,0.957,1}% HEX # 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