#ao-oca-dev2 How to set up a clone of an existing OCA 9 server. ############### # First, set up database server # Install Debian Stretch # Install postgres 9.6 from Debian repo # Add fast disk for /var/lib/postgresql apt-get install pbzip2 apt-get install \ postgresql-all # XXX set up postgres config. # XXX is superuser. OCA 9 import needs it, so don't mix with other DB. sudo -u postgres createuser aooncedev2 -U postgres --createdb --superuser --pwprompt # Create database: sudo -u postgres createdb --owner aooncedev2 aooncedev2 # Set up Postgres IP: auto ens18 ens19 iface ens19 inet static address # XXX edit /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf and change to be # like this (note single quotes ') # ao-pg1 listen_addresses = ',' # what IP address(es) to listen on; # Set up access permissions file as root: cat > /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf < Email --> Incoming Mail Servers # Technical --> Email --> Outgoing Mail Servers # Technical --> Automation --> Schedule Actions # Disable: Email Queue Manager, Cycle Count Planner Computation, # Marketing Campaign: Campaign workitems processing, # Run Event Reminder, # DDMRP Buffer ADU calculation # Reordering Rule DDMRP calculation ##############################################################################