# OmniDB wget https://omnidb.org/dist/2.12.0/omnidb-server_2.12.0-debian-amd64.deb dpkg -i omnidb-server_2.12.0-debian-amd64.deb Open firewall port 8000 and 25482 This file isn't used: /opt/omnidb-server/omnidb.conf In the pre-packaged .deb, it runs as root... Config is here: /root/.omnidb/omnidb-server/omnidb.conf listening_address = Add Postgres-XL plugin: wget https://omnidb.org/dist/plugins/omnidb-xl_1.0.0.zip unzip omnidb-xl_1.0.0.zip sudo cp -r plugins/ static/ /opt/omnidb-server/OmniDB_app/ sudo systemctl restart omnidb Log in with admin/admin and set up users/pass. # Notes Maybe add build dependency python3-dev (?) for PL/Python shared library. Maybe gettext. Maybe OpenSSL. XXX change prefix ?