You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1.8 KiB

# GPLv3+
set -x
# A function to jump to application's root, default .../forksand-it-manual
cd $(echo $PWD | sed -e "s/\(.*\/forksand-it-manual\)\/.*/\1/") && echo "current path: $PWD"
cd source || exit
# Generate Source-gen.tex, for auto source code inclusion
rm -f forksand-it-manual.pdf ../forksand-it-manual.pdf
time ./resources/
# A function to jump to application's root, default .../forksand-it-manual
cd $(echo $PWD | sed -e "s/\(.*\/forksand-it-manual\)\/.*/\1/") && echo "current path: $PWD"
cd source/ || exit
# Build main LaTeX file
# Run BibTeX
#bibtex \
# forksand-it-manual
# Build PDF
xelatex \
-halt-on-error \
-shell-escape \
-interaction=nonstopmode \
for i in $(ls *.pdf); do mv -f $i ../$i ; done # in windows every file must be processed explicitly
exit 0
# Use latexmk for final build, takes 5x+ longer to run...
latexmk \
-xelatex \
-halt-on-error \
-shell-escape \
-interaction=nonstopmode \
# Faster, may not be enough runs:
xelatex \
-halt-on-error \
-shell-escape \
-interaction=nonstopmode \