@ -38,16 +38,17 @@
GPIO 40-pin 2.54 mm double-row connectors J1 and J2 for GPIO
at 3.3V logical level with 56 bidirectional
single-ended pins or 28 bidirectional differential pairs
or combined, some single-ended and some differential.
at 3.3V logical level with 56 bidirectional single-ended
pins or 28 bidirectional differential pairs or combined,
some single-ended and some differential.
J1 pins marked 9-13 are shared with WiFi (PCB v1.7)
J2 pins marked 14-17 are shared with ADC.
Pin-compatible with 4 PMOD connectors (GND and 3.3V power
are on the right place)
J1-J2 distance suitable to be plugged into triple
4 PMOD connectors can be made out of it
(GND and 3.3V power are on the right place)
J1-J2 distance is suitable to be plugged into triple
protoboard using a single row of J1/J2.
J2 has also 5V IN/OUT (be careful, digital pins are 3.3V).
J2 has also 5V IN/OUT (be careful, GPIO pins are not
5V tolerant).
SD Micro SD card, all signal pins are routed to FPGA and
shared with ESP-32