@ -8,56 +8,56 @@ it is better explained when drawn in kicad:
kicad ulx3s.pro
Currently this is only partial schematics and partial floorplanning.
PCB is not routed. Some footprintes are collected and some are incomplete.
Schematics and PCB floorplanning are mostly complete.
PCB routing is not complete (about 50 routes missing).
An overview if the parts will fit in the space
how it will look.
# Features
From production of this, we are far, far away :)
Power: Switching voltage regulators
# Features
Low power: RTC clock wakeup, quartz and battery
USB: FTDI FT231XS (1Mbit JTAG and 3Mbit usbserial)
GPIO: All differential, PMOD-friendly
3.5 mm jack footprint
Switching voltage regulators
Flash: SPI flash chip for FPGA config
USB footprints without thru-holes
Storage: Micro-SD slot
SPI OLED placeholder (thru hole probably)
LEDs: 16 (8 blink-LEDs, 2 USB leds)
FTDI 2232 usb-jtag chip
Buttons: 6 (4 direction and 2 fire buttons)
SPI flash chip
Audio: 3.5 mm jack footprint
SDRAM chip
Video: GPDI connector with 3.3V-5V I2C bidirectional level shifter
LEDs: 8 blinkleds, 1 usb led
Display: placeholder for 0.96-1.3" SPI OLED COLOR or B/W
RTC clock, quartz and battery
WiFi+bluetooth: placeholder for ESP-32 (JTAG and serial over WiFi possible)
3.3V-5V I2C bidirectional level shifter for GPDI
GPDI is General Purpose Differential Interface,
Electrically LVDS, mostly TMDS tolerant
female receptacle more-or-less compatible
with digital monitors/TVs
# Todo
Completing FPGA IO bank shcematics blocks
# Board
Check SD card slot footprint
Oscillators (25/50/100 MHz)
rearrange PushButtons: 6 (2+4)
3D preview


IR camera placeholder
# Todo
OV767 color camera placeholder
Improve Power supply routing
2.54 mm external JTAG header