/* Open freecad, select Workbench OpenSCAD import file, select group and export to VRML 2.0 (wrl file) https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/Import_OpenSCAD_code */ n_switches=4; // number of dip switches pitch=2.54; // pin pitch body=[(n_switches+0.5)*pitch, 3*pitch, 1.5*pitch]; height=pitch/8; // body above z axis swhole=[pitch*0.5,pitch,pitch*0.5]; button=[pitch*0.4,pitch*0.4,pitch*0.5]; font = "Liberation Sans"; letter_size = pitch/2; letter_height = pitch/16; module letter(l) { // Use linear_extrude() to make the letters 3D objects as they // are only 2D shapes when only using text() linear_extrude(height = letter_height) { text(l, size = letter_size, font = font, halign = "center", valign = "center", $fn = 16); } } // 2 pins for 1 switch module pin_smd() { translate([0,0,pitch/8]) cube([pitch/3,pitch*0.75,pitch/4],center=true); } module dipsw_smd() { translate([0,0,body[2]/2+height]) // little above union() { // cut off holes for switches difference() { color("maroon") cube(body,center=true); // holes for switches for(i = [0:n_switches-1]) { color("maroon") translate([(i-n_switches/2+0.5)*pitch,0,body[2]/2-swhole[2]/2+0.01]) cube(swhole,center=true); } } // place the switch buttons and letters for(i = [0:n_switches-1]) { translate([(i-n_switches/2+0.5)*pitch,swhole[1]/2-button[1]/2-(swhole[0]-button[0])/2,body[2]/2-button[2]/2+0.01]) color("white") cube(button,center=true); translate([(i-n_switches/2+0.5)*pitch,-body[1]/2+letter_size,body[2]/2]) color("white") letter(chr(48+(i+1)%10)); } // text "ON" translate([(0-n_switches/2+0.5)*pitch, body[1]/2-letter_size,body[2]/2]) color("white") letter("ON"); // the pins for(i = [0:n_switches-1]) { // pins for(j = [-1:2:1]) translate([(i-n_switches/2+0.5)*pitch, j*(body[1]/2+pitch*0.75/2),-body[2]/2-height+pitch/8]) color("white") cube([pitch/3,pitch*0.75,pitch/4],center=true); } } } //scale(1/2.54) // required scale for KiCAD VRML file dipswitch_smd.wrl // rotate([0,0,90]) dipsw_smd();