dim=[12.43,16.8,1.7]; // base dimensions above=0.1; // base above the PCB clearance color_base=[0.2,0.1,0.1]; // 2 small pins (small) GND dim_pin_small=[1.1,0.4,0.1]; pos_pin_small=[ [-dim[0]/2-dim_pin_small[0]/2,dim[1]/2-2.75,0.05], [ dim[0]/2+dim_pin_small[0]/2,dim[1]/2-14.45,0.05] ]; // mounting 4 side pins (big) dim_pin_big=[1.1,1.4,0.1]; pos_pin_big=[ [-dim[0]/2-dim_pin_big[0]/2,dim[1]/2-4.45,0.05], [ dim[0]/2+dim_pin_big[0]/2,dim[1]/2-4.45,0.05], [-dim[0]/2-dim_pin_big[0]/2,dim[1]/2-12.75,0.05], [ dim[0]/2+dim_pin_big[0]/2,dim[1]/2-12.75,0.05] ]; // Pins for signal solder contacts pin_th = 0.1; // Thickness pin_W = 0.4; // Pin width pin_L = 7.3; // Total Length pin_H = 0.3+pin_th/2; // Pin height (from bottom to top) pin_l = 0.9; // Length of the bottom part pin_a = 115; // Bending angle pin_pitch = 1.1; pin_count = 8; color_pin="white"; // Bent pin // _L - whole pin length // _l - length of bottom part // _H - whole pin height // _th - pin thickness // _a - bending angle // _W - pin width module pin(_L,_l,_H,_th,_a,_W) { // Internal variables _d1 = _th*sin(_a) / (1-cos(_a)); _d2 = (_th-_H)*cos(_a) / sin(_a); rotate([90,0,90]) // Extrude the following polygon linear_extrude(height = _W, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0) polygon([[0,0], [_l,0], [_l+_d2,_H-_th], [_L,_H-_th], [_L,_H], [_l+_d2-_d1,_H], [_l-_d1,_th], [0,_th]]); } // Array of pins // _cnt - number of pins // _distance - distance between pin centres module pins_array(_cnt, _distance) { if (_cnt>0) color(color_pin) { for (_i = [0:_cnt-1]) { translate([_distance*_i,0,0]) pin(pin_L,pin_l,pin_H,pin_th,pin_a,pin_W); } } } module SCHD3A100() { translate([0,0,dim[2]/2+above]) difference() { color(color_base) cube(dim, center=true); // cut SD card area translate([0,0,dim[2]/2-1/2+0.01]) color(color_base) cube([11,15,1],center=true); // cut pin soldering area translate([-1.3/2,dim[1]/2-10.15,0]) color(color_base) cube([8.9,2,4],center=true); // cut pin spring area translate([-1.3/2,dim[1]/2-5,0]) color(color_base) cube([8.9,6,4],center=true); } for(i=[0:len(pos_pin_big)-1]) translate(pos_pin_big[i]) color(color_pin) cube(dim_pin_big,center=true); for(i=[0:len(pos_pin_small)-1]) translate(pos_pin_small[i]) color(color_pin) cube(dim_pin_small,center=true); translate([3.2-(pin_count-1)*pin_pitch,-2.2,0]) pins_array(pin_count, pin_pitch); } SCHD3A100();