# Minimal required parts When manually assembling boards, it is good to know the minimal parts list that has to be assembled for the board to respond and be programmed. FPGA U1 Switching power supplies: C1,U3,L1,C2,RA1,RB1,C3,C4,C22,C17 C9,U4,L2,C10,RA2,RB2,C11,C12,C23,C19 C5,U5,L3,C6,RA3,RB3,C7,C8,C24,C20 Power-up and hold circuit: US1 - USB connector D8 - US1 power routing diode R10,D12 - USB power up D16,R3,B0 - BTN0 power up R6,Q1,D13,D10,R1 - power up transistor D11,R4,R2 - power hold FPGA decoupling capacitors, board could probably work without them: C17,C19,C20,C25,C26,C31,C32,C27,C28,C29,C30 USB-serial to program FPGA over USB. FPGA can also be programmed without USB-serial chip using J4 JTAG header and external JTAG programmer: R49,R50,R9,U6 Clock 25MHz to properly clock examples. FPGA will respond with JTAG ID and can be programmed even work for combinatorial-only examples (no registers) without this clock. Y1