/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - FB Aka Heartman/Hearty 2016 - - http://heartygfx.blogspot.com - - OpenScad Parametric Box - - CC BY-NC 3.0 License - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12/02/2016 - Fixed minor bug 28/02/2016 - Added holes ventilation option 09/03/2016 - Added PCB feet support, fixed the shell artefact on export mode. 25/01/2018 - emard: separate upbox file to be included and customization */////////////////////////// - Info - ////////////////////////////// // All coordinates are starting as integrated circuit pins. // From the top view : // CoordD <--- CoordC // ^ // ^ // ^ // CoordA ---> CoordB //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// - Paramètres de la boite - Box parameters - ///////////// /* [PCB_Feet--TheBoard_Will_NotBeExported) ] */ //All dimensions are from the center foot axis // - Coin bas gauche - Low left corner X position //PCBPosX = 0; // - Coin bas gauche - Low left corner Y position //PCBPosY = 0; // - Longueur PCB - PCB Length //PCBLength = 15*2.54; // - Largeur PCB - PCB Width //PCBWidth = 18*2.54; // - Heuteur pied - Feet height //FootHeight = 6; // - Diamètre pied - Foot diameter //FootDia = 7; // - Diamètre trou - Hole diameter //FootHole = 1.8; // - 3-foot mode, one foot width-asymmetric, 0 for normal 4-foot mode //Foot3Width = 0; // those clearances should be larger than // the PCB edge to hole centers distances //FootClrX = 7; // foot center to panel clearance //FootClrY = 6; // foot center to shell wall clearance // - Epaisseur - Wall thickness //Thick = 2;//[2:5] /* [Box dimensions] */ // - Longueur - Length // Length = PCBLength+2*(2*Thick+FootClrX); // - Largeur - Width // Width = PCBWidth+2*(Thick+FootClrY); // - Hauteur - Height // Height = 29; /* [Box options] */ // Pieds PCB - PCB feet (x4) // PCBFeet = 1;// [0:No, 1:Yes] // - Decorations to ventilation holes // Vent = 0;// [0:No, 1:Yes] // - Decoration-Holes width (in mm) // Vent_width = 1.5; // - Text you want // txt = "Name"; // - Font size // TxtSize = 5; // - Font // Police ="Arial Black"; // - Diamètre Coin arrondi - Filet diameter // Filet = 2;//[0.1:12] // - lissage de l'arrondi - Filet smoothness // Resolution = 20;//[1:100] // - Tolérance - Tolerance (Panel/rails gap) // m = 1.5; // mounting legs clearance // MountClearance = 0.1; // clearance between Top and Bottom shell // ShellClearance = 0.1; // mounting hole diameters //MountOuterHole = 2.5; //MountInnerHole = 1.8; // fixation leg size //MountLegSize = 16; // fixation hole position from center //MountHolePos = 2.5; /* [Hidden] */ // - Couleur coque - Shell color //Couleur1 = "Orange"; // - Couleur panneaux - Panels color //Couleur2 = "OrangeRed"; // Thick X 2 - making decorations thicker if it is a vent to make sure they go through shell //Dec_Thick = Vent ? Thick*2 : Thick; // - Depth decoration //Dec_size = Vent ? Thick*2 : 0.8; //////////////////// Oversize PCB limitation -Actually disabled - //////////////////// //PCBL= PCBLength+PCBPosX>Length-(Thick*2+7) ? Length-(Thick*3+20+PCBPosX) : PCBLength; //PCBW= PCBWidth+PCBPosY>Width-(Thick*2+10) ? Width-(Thick*2+12+PCBPosY) : PCBWidth; //PCBL=PCBLength; //PCBW=PCBWidth; //echo (" PCBWidth = ",PCBW); /////////// - Boitier générique bord arrondis - Generic Fileted box - ////////// module RoundBox($a=Length, $b=Width, $c=Height){// Cube bords arrondis $fn=Resolution; translate([0,Filet,Filet]){ minkowski (){ cube ([$a-(Length/2),$b-(2*Filet),$c-(2*Filet)], center = false); rotate([0,90,0]){ cylinder(r=Filet,h=Length/2, center = false); } } } }// End of RoundBox Module ////////////////////////////////// - Module Coque/Shell - ////////////////////////////////// module Coque(top=0){//Coque - Shell Thick = Thick*2; difference(){ difference(){//sides decoration union(){ difference() {//soustraction de la forme centrale - Substraction Fileted box difference(){//soustraction cube median - Median cube slicer union() {//union difference(){//Coque RoundBox(); translate([Thick/2,Thick/2,Thick/2]){ RoundBox($a=Length-Thick, $b=Width-Thick, $c=Height-Thick); } }//Fin diff Coque difference(){//largeur Rails translate([Thick+m,Thick/2,Thick/2]){// Rails RoundBox($a=Length-((2*Thick)+(2*m)), $b=Width-Thick, $c=Height-(Thick*2)); }//fin Rails translate([((Thick+m/2)*1.55),Thick/2,Thick/2+0.1]){ // +0.1 added to avoid the artefact RoundBox($a=Length-((Thick*3)+2*m), $b=Width-Thick, $c=Height-Thick); } }//Fin largeur Rails }//Fin union translate([-Thick,-Thick,Height/2]){// Cube à soustraire cube ([Length+100, Width+100, Height], center=false); } }//fin soustraction cube median - End Median cube slicer translate([-Thick/2,Thick,Thick]){// Forme de soustraction centrale RoundBox($a=Length+Thick, $b=Width-Thick*2, $c=Height-Thick); } } if(top < 0.5) for(i = [0:1]) difference(){// Fixation box legs union(){ translate([i*(Length-6*Thick-2*MountLegEdge)+3*Thick+MountLegEdge,Thick,Height/2]){ rotate([90,0,0]){ $fn=6; cylinder(d=MountLegSize,Thick/2); } } translate([i*(Length-6*Thick-2*MountLegEdge)+3*Thick+MountLegEdge,Width-Thick,Height/2]){ rotate([-90,0,0]){ $fn=6; cylinder(d=MountLegSize,Thick/2); } } } // angular cut 45 deg translate([4,Thick+Filet,Height/2-57]){ rotate([45,0,0]){ cube([Length,40,40]); } } // angular cut 45 deg translate([4,Width-(Thick+Filet),Height/2-57]){ rotate([45,0,0]){ cube([Length,40,40]); } } // clearance cut translate([0,-(Thick*1.5-MountClearance),Height/2]){ cube([Length,Thick*2,10]); } // clearance cut translate([0,Width-Thick*2+(Thick*1.5-MountClearance),Height/2]){ rotate([0,0,0]) cube([Length,Thick*2,10]); } } //Fin fixation box legs } union(){// outbox sides decorations //if(Thick==1){Thick=2; for(i=[0:Thick:Length/4]){ // Ventilation holes part code submitted by Ettie - Thanks ;) translate([10+i,-Dec_Thick+Dec_size,1]){ cube([Vent_width,Dec_Thick,Height/4]); } translate([(Length-10) - i,-Dec_Thick+Dec_size,1]){ cube([Vent_width,Dec_Thick,Height/4]); } translate([(Length-10) - i,Width-Dec_size,1]){ cube([Vent_width,Dec_Thick,Height/4]); } translate([10+i,Width-Dec_size,1]){ cube([Vent_width,Dec_Thick,Height/4]); } }// fin de for // } }//fin union decoration }//fin difference decoration if(MountLegSize > 0.001) if(top < 0.5) for(i = [0:1]) union(){ //sides inner holes $fn=20; translate([i*(Length - 6*Thick-2*MountLegEdge) + 3*Thick+MountLegEdge,20,Height/2+MountHolePos]){ rotate([90,0,0]){ cylinder(d=MountInnerHole,20); } } translate([i*(Length - 6*Thick-2*MountLegEdge) + 3*Thick+MountLegEdge,Width-20,Height/2+MountHolePos]){ rotate([-90,0,0]){ cylinder(d=MountInnerHole,20); } } } if(MountLegSize > 0.001) if(top > 0.5) for(i = [0:1]) union() // sides outer holes { $fn=20; translate([i*(Length - 6*Thick-2*MountLegEdge) + 3*Thick+MountLegEdge,5,Height/2-MountHolePos+ShellClearance]){ rotate([90,0,0]){ cylinder(d=MountOuterHole,20); } } translate([i*(Length - 6*Thick-2*MountLegEdge) + 3*Thick+MountLegEdge,Width+5,Height/2-MountHolePos+ShellClearance]){ rotate([90,0,0]){ cylinder(d=MountOuterHole,20); } } }//fin de sides holes }//fin de difference holes }// fin coque ////////////////////////////// - Experiment - /////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// - Module Front/Back Panels - ////////////////////////// module Panels(){//Panels color(Couleur2){ translate([Thick+m,m/2,mz/2]){ difference(){ translate([0,Thick,Thick]){ RoundBox(Length,Width-((Thick*2)+m),Height-((Thick*2)+mz));} translate([Thick,-5,0]){ cube([Length,Width+10,Height]);} } } } } /////////////////////// - Foot with base filet - ///////////////////////////// module foot(FootDia,FootHole,FootHeight){ Filet=2; color("Orange") translate([0,0,Filet-1.5]) difference(){ difference(){ //translate ([0,0,-Thick]){ cylinder(d=FootDia+Filet,FootHeight-Thick, $fn=100); //} rotate_extrude($fn=100){ translate([(FootDia+Filet*2)/2,Filet,0]){ minkowski(){ square(10); circle(Filet, $fn=100); } } } } cylinder(d=FootHole,FootHeight+1, $fn=100); } }// Fin module foot module Feet(){ //////////////////// - PCB only visible in the preview mode - ///////////////////// translate([2*Thick+2,Thick+5,FootHeight+(Thick/2)-0.5]){ if(0) { %square ([PCBL+10,PCBW+10]); translate([PCBL/2,PCBW/2,0.5]){ color("Olive") %text("PCB", halign="center", valign="center", font="Arial black"); } } // Fin PCB } ////////////////////////////// - 4 Feet - ////////////////////////////////////////// translate([2*Thick+FootClrX,Thick+FootClrY,Thick/2]){ foot(FootDia,FootHole,FootHeight); } translate([2*Thick+FootClrX,(Thick)+PCBW+FootClrY,Thick/2]){ foot(FootDia,FootHole,FootHeight); } if(Foot3Width < 0.001) { // 4-foot mode translate([(2*Thick)+PCBL+FootClrX,(Thick)+PCBW+FootClrY,Thick/2]){ foot(FootDia,FootHole,FootHeight); } translate([(2*Thick)+PCBL+FootClrX,Thick+FootClrY,Thick/2]){ foot(FootDia,FootHole,FootHeight); } } else { // 3-foot mode translate([(2*Thick)+PCBL+FootClrX,(Thick)+Foot3Width+FootClrY,Thick/2]){ foot(FootDia,FootHole,FootHeight); } } } // Fin du module Feet ///////////////////////////////////// - Main - /////////////////////////////////////// module rear_panel() { translate([-m/2,0,0]) Panels(); } module front_panel() { rotate([0,0,180]) translate([-Length-m/2,-Width,0]) Panels(); if(Text==1) // Front text color(Couleur1){ translate([Length-(Thick)-m/2,Width/2+Thick*0,(Height/2-(-Thick-m/2+(TxtSize/2)))]){// x,y,z rotate([90,0,90]){ linear_extrude(height = 1.0){ text(txt, font = Police, size = TxtSize, valign ="center", halign ="center"); } } } } } module bottom_shell() { color(Couleur1){ Coque(top=0); if (PCBFeet==1) // Feet translate([PCBPosX,PCBPosY,0]) Feet(); } } // Coque haut - Top Shell module top_shell() { color( Couleur1,1) { translate([Length,0,Height+ShellClearance]){ rotate([0,180,0]){ Coque(top=1); } } } }