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546 lines
11 KiB

(base_design gammaray2usb.dsn)
(resolution um 10)
(component "Package_DIP:DIP-8_W7.62mm"
(place U1 2161282 -897942 front 270)
(component "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-5"
(place SW1 890815 -1376908 front 270)
(component "Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Vishay_T7-YA_Single_Vertical"
(place RV1 1771344 -413167 front 90)
(component Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal
(place R8 883890 -447965 front 180)
(place R5 2082247 -1043352 front 0)
(place R4 2200121 -1334120 front 180)
(place R3 1662412 -830738 front 0)
(place R2 1235124 -559922 front 180)
(place R1 2080077 -673383 front 0)
(component Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal::1
(place R7 1222941 -731061 front 270)
(place R6 1211606 -1297376 front 90)
(component "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline"
(place Q2 1353773 -768707 front 0)
(place Q1 2107647 -779708 front 0)
(component LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm
(place D2 1285691 -420732 front 180)
(component OptoDevice:Osram_DIL2_4.3x4.65mm_P5.08mm
(place D1 1641871 -703651 front 0)
(component Capacitor_THT:CP_Axial_L10.0mm_D4.5mm_P15.00mm_Horizontal
(place C5 1039683 -975114 front 180)
(place C3 2215641 -1244899 front 180)
(component Capacitor_THT:CP_Axial_L10.0mm_D4.5mm_P15.00mm_Horizontal::1
(place C4 2206962 -1159187 front 180)
(place C2 1929330 -1371147 front 90)
(place C1 2034178 -556463 front 0)
(component Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6
(place BZ1 786245 -624978 front 0)
(resolution um 10)
(host_cad "KiCad's Pcbnew")
(host_version "6.0.0-1")
(padstack "Via[0-1]_800:400_um"
(circle F.Cu 8000 0 0)
(circle B.Cu 8000 0 0)
(attach off)
(net "Net-(BZ1-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 2500
889683 -975114
889683 -988367
(path F.Cu 2500
889683 -988367
890815 -989499
890815 -1365533
(path B.Cu 2500
786245 -638231
889683 -741669
889683 -975114
(path B.Cu 2500
786245 -624978
786245 -638231
(path B.Cu 2500
782290 -447965
782290 -459218
(path B.Cu 2500
786245 -624978
786245 -463173
782290 -459218
(net GND
(path B.Cu 2500
2107647 -779708
2099144 -779708
(path B.Cu 2500
2056962 -1159187
2056962 -821890
2099144 -779708
(path B.Cu 2500
2181677 -673383
2181677 -684636
(path B.Cu 2500
2181677 -684636
2107647 -758666
2107647 -779708
(path B.Cu 2500
2184178 -569716
2181677 -572217
2181677 -673383
(path F.Cu 2500
2056962 -1159187
2056962 -1172440
(path F.Cu 2500
2028636 -1221147
2052388 -1244899
(path F.Cu 2500
1929330 -1221147
2028636 -1221147
(path F.Cu 2500
2056962 -1172440
2028636 -1200766
2028636 -1221147
(path F.Cu 2500
1285691 -420732
1273438 -420732
(path F.Cu 2500
862245 -624978
1054238 -432985
1265781 -432985
1273438 -425328
1273438 -420732
(path F.Cu 2500
2184178 -556463
2170925 -556463
(path F.Cu 2500
2170925 -556463
2157672 -543210
1850587 -543210
1720544 -413167
(path F.Cu 2500
1285691 -420732
1712979 -420732
1720544 -413167
(path F.Cu 2500
2065641 -1244899
2052388 -1244899
(path B.Cu 2500
2184178 -556463
2184178 -569716
(net "Net-(C1-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 2500
1641871 -683001
1358203 -683001
1235124 -559922
(path F.Cu 2500
2034178 -556463
1768409 -556463
1641871 -683001
(path F.Cu 2500
1641871 -683001
1641871 -703651
(net "Net-(C2-Pad1)"
(path B.Cu 2500
1937972 -1355878
1366473 -784380
1366473 -768707
(path B.Cu 2500
2087268 -1334120
2065509 -1355879
1937972 -1355879
1937972 -1355878
(path B.Cu 2500
1929330 -1364520
1937972 -1355878
(path B.Cu 2500
2098521 -1334120
2087268 -1334120
(path B.Cu 2500
1929330 -1371147
1929330 -1364520
(net +9V
(path B.Cu 2500
1771344 -766694
1389689 -766694
1387676 -768707
(path B.Cu 2500
2200121 -1273672
2152461 -1273672
1789572 -910783
1789572 -784922
1771344 -766694
(path B.Cu 2500
1771344 -766694
1771344 -413167
(path B.Cu 2500
1379173 -768707
1387676 -768707
(path B.Cu 2500
2200121 -1273672
2200121 -1334120
(path B.Cu 2500
2215641 -1258152
2200121 -1273672
(path B.Cu 2500
2215641 -1244899
2215641 -1258152
(net "Net-(C4-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 2500
2206962 -1159187
2206962 -1145934
(path F.Cu 2500
2206962 -1145934
2183847 -1122819
2183847 -1043352
(net "Net-(C5-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 2500
1039683 -975114
1039683 -1248915
900315 -1388283
(path B.Cu 2500
1039683 -975114
1069235 -975114
1211688 -832661
(path B.Cu 2500
1222941 -832661
1211688 -832661
(net "Net-(D1-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 2500
2120347 -779708
2120347 -768955
(path F.Cu 2500
2052033 -701427
2080077 -673383
(path F.Cu 2500
1692671 -703651
2049809 -703651
2052033 -701427
(path F.Cu 2500
2120347 -768955
2119561 -768955
2052033 -701427
(net "Net-(D2-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 2500
1260291 -420732
911123 -420732
883890 -447965
(net "Net-(Q1-Pad3)"
(path F.Cu 2500
2063804 -859704
2099229 -895129
2099229 -897942
(path F.Cu 2500
1764012 -830738
2034838 -830738
2063804 -859704
(path F.Cu 2500
2133047 -790461
2063804 -859704
(path F.Cu 2500
2133047 -779708
2133047 -790461
(path F.Cu 2500
2110482 -897942
2099229 -897942
(net "Net-(Q2-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 2500
1353773 -768707
1353773 -779460
(path F.Cu 2500
1662412 -830738
1405051 -830738
1353773 -779460
(path F.Cu 2500
1353773 -768707
1345270 -768707
(path F.Cu 2500
1345270 -768707
1345270 -760415
1144777 -559922
(path F.Cu 2500
1133524 -559922
1144777 -559922
(net "Net-(R5-Pad1)"
(path F.Cu 2500
1211606 -1297376
1465630 -1043352
2082247 -1043352
(path B.Cu 2500
2135882 -897942
2135882 -909195
(path B.Cu 2500
2082247 -1043352
2124629 -1000970
2124629 -920448
2135882 -909195
(net "Net-(R6-Pad2)"
(path F.Cu 2500
1211606 -1195776
1200353 -1195776
(path F.Cu 2500
1200353 -1195776
997676 -1398453
896128 -1398453
894043 -1396368
894043 -1379576
900315 -1373304
900315 -1365533
(path F.Cu 2500
1217233 -1195776
1211606 -1195776
(path F.Cu 2500
1217233 -1195776
1222859 -1195776
(path F.Cu 2500
1222859 -1195776
1509440 -909195
2141590 -909195
2150029 -900756
2150029 -897942
(path F.Cu 2500
2161282 -897942
2150029 -897942
(net "Net-(R7-Pad1)"
(path B.Cu 2500
1222941 -731061
1566235 -387767
1745944 -387767