#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import math from glob import glob from logging import getLogger import logging import shutil import parted def check_call(args): import sys from subprocess import check_call return check_call(args, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) class _ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('{levelname} - {message}', style='{') ) class DiskPath: def __init__(self, id_alias, dev_path): self.id_alias = id_alias self.dev_path = dev_path def __repr__(self): dname = '???' if self.id_alias: dname = os.path.basename(self.id_alias) return '{} ({})'.format(dname, self.dev_path) class LibremDiskDevice(object): def __init__(self, disk): """ Initialize the ExampleDevice object. """ self.path = disk.id_alias self.logger = getLogger(__name__) @property def partition_names(self): """ @return: A list of partition device names on the block device. @rtype: str """ names = glob('{}[0-9]*'.format(self.path)) self.logger.debug('has partitions %s', names) return names def _new_partition(self, device, disk, start, length, set_boot=False): geometry = parted.Geometry(device=device, start=start, length=length) self.logger.debug('created %s', geometry) filesystem = parted.FileSystem(type='ext4', geometry=geometry) self.logger.debug('created %s', filesystem) partition = parted.Partition(disk=disk, type=parted.PARTITION_NORMAL, fs=filesystem, geometry=geometry) self.logger.debug('created %s', partition) disk.addPartition(partition=partition, constraint=device.optimalAlignedConstraint) if set_boot: partition.setFlag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT) return partition def partition_primary_disk(self): """ Create a partition table on the block device for the installer image (rescue disk). """ self.logger.info('Creating partitions') device = parted.getDevice(self.path) self.logger.debug('created %s', device) disk = parted.freshDisk(device, 'msdos') self.logger.debug('created %s', disk) # create the rescue disk partition - the size has been chosen to d-i's liking, so # it doesn't attempt to truncate or override the partition partition_size = round(2099249152 / (device.sectorSize)) # 2 GB self._new_partition(device, disk, 2048, partition_size, True) # 2048 padding is required to make d-i not override the rescue partition disk.commit() # wait for device nodes check_call(['udevadm', 'settle']) # create file system and labels check_call(['mkfs.ext4', '-F', self.path + '-part1']) check_call(['e2label', self.path + '-part1', 'rescue']) def partition_secondary_disk(self): """ Format the whole disk for immediate use. TODO: We maybe want to tell d-i to encrypt additional partitions as well, if they are present. """ self.logger.info('Creating partition on additional disk...') device = parted.getDevice(self.path) self.logger.debug('created %s', device) disk = parted.freshDisk(device, 'msdos') self.logger.debug('created %s', disk) self._new_partition(device, disk, start=2048, length=device.getLength() - 2048) disk.commit() # wait for device nodes check_call(['udevadm', 'settle']) # create file system and labels check_call(['mkfs.ext4', '-F', self.path + '-part1']) def wipe_dev(self, dev_path): """ Wipe a device (partition or otherwise) of meta-data, be it file system, LVM, etc. @param dev_path: Device path of the partition to be wiped. @type dev_path: str """ self.logger.debug('wiping %s', dev_path) with open(dev_path, 'wb') as p: p.write(bytearray(1024)) def wipe(self): """ Wipe the block device of meta-data, be it file system, LVM, etc. This is not intended to be secure, but rather to ensure that auto-discovery tools don't recognize anything here. """ self.logger.info('Wiping partitions and other meta-data') for partition in self.partition_names: self.wipe_dev(partition) self.wipe_dev(self.path) def configure_di_preseed(template_fname, dest_fname, target_disk): """ Replace variables in a debian-installer preseed file and safe the result under a new name. """ contents = None with open(template_fname, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() contents = contents.replace('%TARGET_DISK%', target_disk) with open(dest_fname, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) def pureos_oem_setup(guess_fastest_system_disk=False): OEM_DATA_PATH = '/var/lib/pureos-oem/' logger = getLogger(__name__) # find our main hard disk all_disk_paths = glob('/dev/disk/by-id/*') # we use a dictionary for deduplication local_disks_map = {} for d in all_disk_paths: # exclude USB devices if d.startswith('/dev/disk/by-id/usb-'): continue # exclude partitions if '-part' in d: continue # resolve alias links to direct /dev nodes # we need the real path, as sometimes udev does create different names # when running in d-i dev_path = os.path.realpath(d) # exclude optical disks if dev_path.startswith('/dev/sr'): continue disk = DiskPath(id_alias=d, dev_path=dev_path) local_disks_map[dev_path] = disk if not local_disks_map: logger.error('No hard disk found on this system!') return 1 # get a (deduplicated) list of disks local_disks = list(local_disks_map.values()) # urgh... - there are better ways to detect whether a disk is an SSD, # but none of them worked reliably enough. # So we add this hack here (which we hopefully can remove at some point) primary_disk = local_disks[0] if guess_fastest_system_disk: for disk in local_disks: if '_ssd_' in disk.id_alias.lower(): primary_disk = disk if 'nvme' in disk.id_alias.lower(): primary_disk = disk break else: # try to determine which disk is first by BIOS boot order (this is also just a lucky guess) pdisks = sorted(glob('/dev/disk/by-path/*')) # pdisks also contains unsuitable disks, like the USB drive we are installing from, so # we need to go through the whole list. # a very inefficient and sometimes ineffective way to guess the first disk name... for pdisk in pdisks: first_disk = os.path.realpath(pdisk) disk_found = False for disk in local_disks: if disk.dev_path == first_disk: primary_disk = disk disk_found = True break if disk_found: break logger.info('Found disks: {}'.format(str([d.id_alias for d in local_disks]))) logger.info('Determined primary disk: {}'.format(primary_disk)) # create the new partition and format it logger.info('Partitioning primary disk...') libremhdd = LibremDiskDevice(primary_disk) libremhdd.wipe() libremhdd.partition_primary_disk() if len(local_disks) > 1: for sdisk in local_disks: if sdisk == primary_disk: continue logger.info('Partitioning secondary disk "{}"...'.format(sdisk)) extrahdd = LibremDiskDevice(sdisk) extrahdd.wipe() extrahdd.partition_secondary_disk() # mount the setup disk logger.info('Mounting main disk...') target = os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'target') try: os.makedirs(target) except: pass check_call(['mount', primary_disk.id_alias + '-part1', target]) # copy PureOS image files and d-i logger.info('Copying PureOS install files...') shutil.copy(os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'pureos.iso'), target) shutil.copy(os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'initrd.gz'), target) shutil.copy(os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'vmlinuz'), target) # configure & install preseed configure_di_preseed(os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'di-preseed.cfg.in'), os.path.join(target, 'di-preseed.cfg'), target_disk=primary_disk.dev_path) # set up GRUB logger.info('Creating GRUB configuration...') boot_dir = os.path.join(target, 'boot') grub_dir = os.path.join(boot_dir, 'grub') try: os.makedirs(grub_dir) except: pass shutil.copy(os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'grub', 'grub.cfg'), grub_dir) shutil.copy(os.path.join(OEM_DATA_PATH, 'grub', 'loopback.cfg'), grub_dir) logger.info('Installing GRUB...') check_call(['grub-install', primary_disk.dev_path, '--boot-directory=%s' % (boot_dir)]) check_call(['umount', target]) logger.info('Done.') shutdown = input('Shutdown now? [Y/n]') if not shutdown.strip() or shutdown.lower() == 'y': check_call(['systemctl', 'poweroff']) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print('') print('Do you really want to continue installing the OEM image?') run_oem = input('/!\ THIS WILL ERASE THE CONTENTS OF ALL DISKS FOUND IN THIS DEVICE [Y/n]') if run_oem.strip().lower() != 'y' and run_oem.strip(): print('Installation cancelled. Rebooting.') check_call(['systemctl', 'reboot']) sys.exit(0) # Set up a logger for nice visibility. logger = getLogger(__name__) if os.environ.get('DEBUG'): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(_ConsoleHandler()) print('') guess_system_disk_str = input('Use heuristics to determine the fastest disk as system disk? [y/N]') guess_system_disk = guess_system_disk_str.strip().lower() == 'y' r = pureos_oem_setup(guess_fastest_system_disk=guess_system_disk) sys.exit(r)