Added tool for testing Marlin and error correction.

Marcio Teixeira 8 years ago
parent 7f3c7398e4
commit 410d5e737b

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# A tool to send a GCODE file to Marlin via a serial or USB connection.
# This tool can also exercise error correction and recovery in Marlin by
# corrupting a fraction of the GCODE packets that are sent.
# (c) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
# The code in this page is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
from __future__ import print_function
from pyMarlin import *
import argparse
import serial
UseNoisySerial = True
def load_gcode(filename):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
gcode = f.readlines()
print("Read %d lines" % len(gcode))
return gcode
def send_gcode_test(filename, serial):
gcode = load_gcode("test.gco");
for i, line in enumerate(gcode):
while(not serial.clearToSend()):
if(i % 1000 == 0):
print("Progress: %d" % (i*100/len(gcode)), end='\r')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''sends gcode to a printer while injecting errors to test error recovery.''')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--fake', help='Use a fake Marlin simulation instead of serial port, for self-testing.', action='store_false', dest='port')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='Serial port.', default='/dev/ttyACM1')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--errors', help='Corrupt 1 out N lines to exercise error recovery.', default='0', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', help='Write log file.')
parser.add_argument('filename', help='file containing gcode.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.port:
print("Serial port: ", args.port)
sio = serial.Serial(args.port, 115000, timeout = 3, writeTimeout = 10000)
print("Using simulated Marlin device.")
sio = FakeMarlinSerialDevice()
if args.log:
print("Writing log file: ", args.log)
chatty = LoggingSerialConnection(sio, args.log)
chatty = sio
if args.errors:
print("1 out of %d lines will be corrupted." % args.errors)
noisy = NoisySerialConnection(chatty)
noisy.setErrorRate(1, args.errors)
noisy = chatty
proto = MarlinSerialProtocol(noisy)
send_gcode_test(args.filename, proto)

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
from pyMarlin.loggingSerialConnection import LoggingSerialConnection
from pyMarlin.noisySerialConnection import NoisySerialConnection
from pyMarlin.loggingSerialConnection import LoggingSerialConnection
from pyMarlin.marlinSerialProtocol import MarlinSerialProtocol
from pyMarlin.fakeMarlinSerialDevice import FakeMarlinSerialDevice
__all__ = ['LoggingSerialConnection','NoisySerialConnection','MarlinSerialProtocol','FakeMarlinSerialDevice']

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# (c) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
# The code in this page is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
import functools
import random
import string
import re
class FakeMarlinSerialDevice:
"""This serial class simply pretends to be Marlin by acknowledging
commands with "ok" and requesting commands to be resent if they
contain errors"""
def __init__(self):
self.line = 1
self.replies = []
self.pendingOk = 0
self.cumulativeReads = 0
self.cumulativeWrites = 0
self.cumulativeQueueSize = 0
self.cumulativeErrors = 0
def _enqueue_reply(self, str):
if str == b"ok":
self.pendingOk += 1
self.replies.append(str + '\n')
def _dequeue_reply(self):
if len(self.replies):
reply = self.replies.pop(0)
if reply == b"ok\n":
self.pendingOk -= 1
return reply
return ''
def _computeChecksum(self, data):
"""Computes the GCODE checksum, this is the XOR of all characters in the payload, including the position"""
return functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, data))
def write(self, data):
m = re.match('N(\d+)(\D[^*]*)\*(\d*)$', data)
if m and int( == self.line and self._computeChecksum("N%d%s" % (self.line, == int(
# We have a valid, properly sequenced command with a valid checksum
self.line += 1
# Otherwise, request the command be resent
self.cumulativeErrors += 1
self.replies = []
self.pendingOk = 0
self._enqueue_reply("Resend: " + str(self.line))
for i in range(0,random.randint(0,4)):
# Simulate a command that takes a while to execute
self.cumulativeWrites += 1
self.cumulativeQueueSize += self.pendingOk
def readline(self):
self.cumulativeReads += 1
return self._dequeue_reply()
def flush(self):
def close(self):
print "Average length of commands queue: %.2f" % (float(self.cumulativeQueueSize) / self.cumulativeWrites)
print "Average reads per write: %.2f" % (float(self.cumulativeReads) / self.cumulativeWrites)
print "Average errors per write: %.2f" % (float(self.cumulativeErrors) / self.cumulativeWrites)
print "Total writes: %d" % self.cumulativeWrites
print "Total errors: %d" % self.cumulativeErrors

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# (c) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
# The code in this page is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
class LoggingSerialConnection:
"""Wrapper class which prints the input and output from a serial connection"""
def __init__(self, serial, filename):
self.serial = serial
self.verbose = True
self.file = open(filename, 'w+')
def _log(self, *args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=self.file, **kwargs)
def write(self, data):
self._log("> " + data, end='')
def flush(self):
def close(self):
def readline(self):
data = self.serial.readline()
if(data == b""):
self._log("< Timeout")
self._log("< " + data, end='')
return data

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
# (c) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
# The code in this page is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
# Marlin implements an error correcting scheme on the serial connections.
# GCode commands are sent with a line number and a checksum. If Marlin
# detects an error, it requests that the transmission resume from the
# last known good line number.
# In addition to this resend mechanism, Marlin also implements flow
# control. Sent commands are acknowleged by "ok" when complete.
# However, to optimize path planning, Marlin contains a command
# buffer and slicing software should send enough commands to keep
# that buffer filled (minus a reserve capacity for emergency commands
# such as an emergency STOP). It is thus necessary to send a certain
# number prior the earlier ones being acknowleged and to track how
# many commands have been sent but not yet acknowleged.
# The class MarlinSerialProtocol implements the error correction
# and also manages acknowlegements and flow control.
# The prototypical use case for this class is as follows:
# for line in enumerate(gcode):
# serial.sendCommand(line)
# while(not serial.clearToSend()):
# serial.readLine()
import functools
class GCodeHistory:
"""This class implements a history of GCode commands. Right now, we
keep the entire history, but this probably could be reduced to a
smaller range. This class keeps a pointer to the position of
the first unsent command, which typically is the one just recently
appended, but after a resend request from Marlin that position can
rewound to further back."""
def __init__(self):
def clear(self):
self.list = [None] # Pad so the first element is at index 1
self.pos = 1
def append(self, cmd):
def rewindTo(self, position):
self.pos = max(1,min(position, len(self.list)))
def getAppendPosition(self):
"""Returns the position at which the next append will happen"""
return len(self.list)
def getNextCommand(self):
"""Returns the next unsent command."""
if(not self.atEnd()):
res = self.pos, self.list[self.pos]
self.pos += 1;
return res
def atEnd(self):
return self.pos == len(self.list)
class MarlinSerialProtocol:
"""This class implements the Marlin serial protocol, such
as adding a checksum to each line, replying to resend
requests and keeping the Marlin buffer full"""
def __init__(self, serial):
self.serial = serial
self.marlinBufSize = 4
self.marlinReserve = 1
self.pendingOk = 0
self.history = GCodeHistory()
def _stripCommentsAndWhitespace(self, str):
return str.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
def _replaceEmptyLineWithM105(self, str):
"""Marlin will not accept empty lines, so replace blanks with M115 (Get Extruder Temperature)"""
return "M105" if str == "" else str
def _computeChecksum(self, data):
"""Computes the GCODE checksum, this is the XOR of all characters in the payload, including the position"""
return functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, map(ord, data))
def _addPositionAndChecksum(self, position, cmd):
"""An GCODE with line number and checksum consists of N{position}{cmd}*{checksum}"""
data = "N%d%s" % (position, cmd)
return "N%d%s*%d" % (position, cmd, self._computeChecksum(data))
def _sendToMarlin(self):
"""Sends as many commands as are available and to fill the Marlin buffer.
Commands are read from the history. Generally only the most recently
appended command is sent; but after a resend request, we may be
further back in the history than that"""
while(not self.history.atEnd() and self.marlinBufferCapacity() > 0):
pos, cmd = self.history.getNextCommand();
self.serial.write(cmd + '\n')
self.pendingOk += 1
def _isResend(self, line):
"""If the line is a resend command from Marlin, returns the line number. This
code was taken from Cura 1, I do not know why it is so convoluted."""
if "resend" in line.lower() or "rs" in line:
return int(line.replace("N:"," ").replace("N"," ").replace(":"," ").split()[-1])
if "rs" in line:
return int(line.split()[1])
def _resendFrom(self, position):
"""If Marlin requests a resend, we need to backtrack."""
self.pendingOk = 1
# When receive a resend request, we must temporarily
# switch to sending commands one at a time, otherwise
# buffering could lead to additional errors, which
# cause Marlin to send more resend requests and
# to us never recovering.
self.resyncCountdown = self.marlinBufSize
def _flushReadBuffer(self):
while self.serial.readline() != b"":
def sendCommand(self, cmd):
"""Sends a command. Should only be called if clearToSend() is true"""
cmd = self._stripCommentsAndWhitespace(cmd)
cmd = self._replaceEmptyLineWithM105(cmd)
cmd = self._addPositionAndChecksum(self.history.getAppendPosition(), cmd)
# Add command to the history, but immediately send it out.
def readLine(self):
"""This reads data from Marlin. If no data is available '' will be returned after
the comm timeout. This *must* be called periodically to keep outgoing data moving
from the buffers."""
line = self.serial.readline()
if self._isResend(line):
# When a resend is requested, handle it.
# Return blank to caller.
position = self._isResend(line)
line = b""
elif line.startswith(b"ok"):
self.pendingOk -= 1
# Decrement the resync countdown so we
# can eventually return to buffered mode
if self.resyncCountdown > 0:
self.resyncCountdown -= 1
return line
def clearToSend(self):
return self.marlinBufferCapacity() > 0
def marlinBufferCapacity(self):
"""Returns how many buffer positions are open in Marlin. This is the difference between
the non-reserved buffer spots and the number of not yet acknowleged commands"""
if self.resyncCountdown > 0:
# If we are have recently received a resend request, go
# into unbuffered line-by-line mode temporarily.
return 0 if self.pendingOk else 1
return (self.marlinBufSize - self.marlinReserve) - self.pendingOk
def restart(self):
"""Clears all buffers and issues a M110 to Marlin. Call this at the start of every print."""
self. _flushReadBuffer()
self.resyncCountdown = self.marlinBufSize
def close(self):

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# (c) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
# The code in this page is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
import random
import string
class NoisySerialConnection:
"""Wrapper class which injects character noise into the outgoing packets
of a serial connection for testing Marlin's error correction"""
def __init__(self, serial):
self.serial = serial
self.errorRate = 0
def _corruptStr(self, str):
"""Introduces a single character error on a string"""
charToCorrupt = random.randint(0, len(str) - 1)
return str[:charToCorrupt] + random.choice(string.ascii_letters) + str[charToCorrupt+1:]
def write(self, data):
if(random.random() < self.errorRate):
data = self._corruptStr(data)
def readline(self):
return self.serial.readline()
def flush(self):
def close(self):
def setErrorRate(self, badWrites, totalWrites):
"""Inserts a single character error into every badWrites out of totalWrites"""
self.errorRate = float(badWrites)/float(totalWrites)