Added missing header files needed for compilation.

-- Cleanup of build script
Marcio Teixeira 8 years ago
parent 1932de77b4
commit 7018721651

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
Arduino.h - Main include file for the Arduino SDK
Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Arduino Team. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef Arduino_h
#define Arduino_h
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "binary.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
void yield(void);
#define HIGH 0x1
#define LOW 0x0
#define INPUT 0x0
#define OUTPUT 0x1
#define INPUT_PULLUP 0x2
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559
#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105
#define EULER 2.718281828459045235360287471352
#define SERIAL 0x0
#define DISPLAY 0x1
#define LSBFIRST 0
#define MSBFIRST 1
#define CHANGE 1
#define FALLING 2
#define RISING 3
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny24__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny44__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__)
#define DEFAULT 0
#define EXTERNAL 1
#define INTERNAL1V1 2
#elif defined(__AVR_ATtiny25__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny45__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__)
#define DEFAULT 0
#define EXTERNAL 4
#define INTERNAL1V1 8
#define INTERNAL2V56 9
#define INTERNAL2V56_EXTCAP 13
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644A__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644PA__)
#define INTERNAL1V1 2
#define INTERNAL2V56 3
#define INTERNAL 3
#define DEFAULT 1
#define EXTERNAL 0
// undefine stdlib's abs if encountered
#ifdef abs
#undef abs
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define abs(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x))
#define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
#define round(x) ((x)>=0?(long)((x)+0.5):(long)((x)-0.5))
#define radians(deg) ((deg)*DEG_TO_RAD)
#define degrees(rad) ((rad)*RAD_TO_DEG)
#define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
#define interrupts() sei()
#define noInterrupts() cli()
#define clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() ( F_CPU / 1000000L )
#define clockCyclesToMicroseconds(a) ( (a) / clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() )
#define microsecondsToClockCycles(a) ( (a) * clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() )
#define lowByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) & 0xff))
#define highByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) >> 8))
#define bitRead(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
#define bitSet(value, bit) ((value) |= (1UL << (bit)))
#define bitClear(value, bit) ((value) &= ~(1UL << (bit)))
#define bitWrite(value, bit, bitvalue) (bitvalue ? bitSet(value, bit) : bitClear(value, bit))
// avr-libc defines _NOP() since 1.6.2
#ifndef _NOP
#define _NOP() do { __asm__ volatile ("nop"); } while (0)
typedef unsigned int word;
#define bit(b) (1UL << (b))
typedef bool boolean;
typedef uint8_t byte;
void init(void);
void initVariant(void);
int atexit(void (*func)()) __attribute__((weak));
void pinMode(uint8_t, uint8_t);
void digitalWrite(uint8_t, uint8_t);
int digitalRead(uint8_t);
int analogRead(uint8_t);
void analogReference(uint8_t mode);
void analogWrite(uint8_t, int);
unsigned long millis(void);
unsigned long micros(void);
void delay(unsigned long);
void delayMicroseconds(unsigned int us);
unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout);
unsigned long pulseInLong(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout);
void shiftOut(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t val);
uint8_t shiftIn(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, uint8_t bitOrder);
void attachInterrupt(uint8_t, void (*)(void), int mode);
void detachInterrupt(uint8_t);
void setup(void);
void loop(void);
// Get the bit location within the hardware port of the given virtual pin.
// This comes from the pins_*.c file for the active board configuration.
#define analogInPinToBit(P) (P)
// On the ATmega1280, the addresses of some of the port registers are
// greater than 255, so we can't store them in uint8_t's.
extern const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[];
extern const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[];
extern const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[];
extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[];
// extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_PGM[];
extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[];
extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[];
// Get the bit location within the hardware port of the given virtual pin.
// This comes from the pins_*.c file for the active board configuration.
// These perform slightly better as macros compared to inline functions
#define digitalPinToPort(P) ( pgm_read_byte( digital_pin_to_port_PGM + (P) ) )
#define digitalPinToBitMask(P) ( pgm_read_byte( digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM + (P) ) )
#define digitalPinToTimer(P) ( pgm_read_byte( digital_pin_to_timer_PGM + (P) ) )
#define analogInPinToBit(P) (P)
#define portOutputRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( pgm_read_word( port_to_output_PGM + (P))) )
#define portInputRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( pgm_read_word( port_to_input_PGM + (P))) )
#define portModeRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( pgm_read_word( port_to_mode_PGM + (P))) )
#define NOT_A_PIN 0
#define NOT_A_PORT 0
#define PA 1
#define PB 2
#define PC 3
#define PD 4
#define PE 5
#define PF 6
#define PG 7
#define PH 8
#define PJ 10
#define PK 11
#define PL 12
#define NOT_ON_TIMER 0
#define TIMER0A 1
#define TIMER0B 2
#define TIMER1A 3
#define TIMER1B 4
#define TIMER1C 5
#define TIMER2 6
#define TIMER2A 7
#define TIMER2B 8
#define TIMER3A 9
#define TIMER3B 10
#define TIMER3C 11
#define TIMER4A 12
#define TIMER4B 13
#define TIMER4C 14
#define TIMER4D 15
#define TIMER5A 16
#define TIMER5B 17
#define TIMER5C 18
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "WCharacter.h"
#include "WString.h"
#include "HardwareSerial.h"
#include "USBAPI.h"
#if defined(HAVE_HWSERIAL0) && defined(HAVE_CDCSERIAL)
#error "Targets with both UART0 and CDC serial not supported"
uint16_t makeWord(uint16_t w);
uint16_t makeWord(byte h, byte l);
#define word(...) makeWord(__VA_ARGS__)
unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout = 1000000L);
unsigned long pulseInLong(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout = 1000000L);
void tone(uint8_t _pin, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration = 0);
void noTone(uint8_t _pin);
// WMath prototypes
long random(long);
long random(long, long);
void randomSeed(unsigned long);
long map(long, long, long, long, long);
#include "pins_arduino.h"

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
HardwareSerial.h - Hardware serial library for Wiring
Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Modified 28 September 2010 by Mark Sproul
Modified 14 August 2012 by Alarus
Modified 3 December 2013 by Matthijs Kooijman
#ifndef HardwareSerial_h
#define HardwareSerial_h
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "Stream.h"
// Define constants and variables for buffering incoming serial data. We're
// using a ring buffer (I think), in which head is the index of the location
// to which to write the next incoming character and tail is the index of the
// location from which to read.
// NOTE: a "power of 2" buffer size is reccomended to dramatically
// optimize all the modulo operations for ring buffers.
// WARNING: When buffer sizes are increased to > 256, the buffer index
// variables are automatically increased in size, but the extra
// atomicity guards needed for that are not implemented. This will
// often work, but occasionally a race condition can occur that makes
// Serial behave erratically. See
#if ((RAMEND - RAMSTART) < 1023)
#if ((RAMEND - RAMSTART) < 1023)
typedef uint16_t tx_buffer_index_t;
typedef uint8_t tx_buffer_index_t;
typedef uint16_t rx_buffer_index_t;
typedef uint8_t rx_buffer_index_t;
// Define config for Serial.begin(baud, config);
#define SERIAL_5N1 0x00
#define SERIAL_6N1 0x02
#define SERIAL_7N1 0x04
#define SERIAL_8N1 0x06
#define SERIAL_5N2 0x08
#define SERIAL_6N2 0x0A
#define SERIAL_7N2 0x0C
#define SERIAL_8N2 0x0E
#define SERIAL_5E1 0x20
#define SERIAL_6E1 0x22
#define SERIAL_7E1 0x24
#define SERIAL_8E1 0x26
#define SERIAL_5E2 0x28
#define SERIAL_6E2 0x2A
#define SERIAL_7E2 0x2C
#define SERIAL_8E2 0x2E
#define SERIAL_5O1 0x30
#define SERIAL_6O1 0x32
#define SERIAL_7O1 0x34
#define SERIAL_8O1 0x36
#define SERIAL_5O2 0x38
#define SERIAL_6O2 0x3A
#define SERIAL_7O2 0x3C
#define SERIAL_8O2 0x3E
class HardwareSerial : public Stream
volatile uint8_t * const _ubrrh;
volatile uint8_t * const _ubrrl;
volatile uint8_t * const _ucsra;
volatile uint8_t * const _ucsrb;
volatile uint8_t * const _ucsrc;
volatile uint8_t * const _udr;
// Has any byte been written to the UART since begin()
bool _written;
volatile rx_buffer_index_t _rx_buffer_head;
volatile rx_buffer_index_t _rx_buffer_tail;
volatile tx_buffer_index_t _tx_buffer_head;
volatile tx_buffer_index_t _tx_buffer_tail;
// Don't put any members after these buffers, since only the first
// 32 bytes of this struct can be accessed quickly using the ldd
// instruction.
unsigned char _rx_buffer[SERIAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
unsigned char _tx_buffer[SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
inline HardwareSerial(
volatile uint8_t *ubrrh, volatile uint8_t *ubrrl,
volatile uint8_t *ucsra, volatile uint8_t *ucsrb,
volatile uint8_t *ucsrc, volatile uint8_t *udr);
void begin(unsigned long baud) { begin(baud, SERIAL_8N1); }
void begin(unsigned long, uint8_t);
void end();
virtual int available(void);
virtual int peek(void);
virtual int read(void);
virtual int availableForWrite(void);
virtual void flush(void);
virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
inline size_t write(unsigned long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
inline size_t write(long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
inline size_t write(unsigned int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
inline size_t write(int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
using Print::write; // pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print
operator bool() { return true; }
// Interrupt handlers - Not intended to be called externally
inline void _rx_complete_irq(void);
void _tx_udr_empty_irq(void);
#if defined(UBRRH) || defined(UBRR0H)
extern HardwareSerial Serial;
#if defined(UBRR1H)
extern HardwareSerial Serial1;
#if defined(UBRR2H)
extern HardwareSerial Serial2;
#if defined(UBRR3H)
extern HardwareSerial Serial3;
extern void serialEventRun(void) __attribute__((weak));

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Print.h - Base class that provides print() and println()
Copyright (c) 2008 David A. Mellis. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef Print_h
#define Print_h
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h> // for size_t
#include "WString.h"
#include "Printable.h"
#define DEC 10
#define HEX 16
#define OCT 8
#ifdef BIN // Prevent warnings if BIN is previously defined in "iotnx4.h" or similar
#undef BIN
#define BIN 2
class Print
int write_error;
size_t printNumber(unsigned long, uint8_t);
size_t printFloat(double, uint8_t);
void setWriteError(int err = 1) { write_error = err; }
Print() : write_error(0) {}
int getWriteError() { return write_error; }
void clearWriteError() { setWriteError(0); }
virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
size_t write(const char *str) {
if (str == NULL) return 0;
return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
size_t write(const char *buffer, size_t size) {
return write((const uint8_t *)buffer, size);
// default to zero, meaning "a single write may block"
// should be overriden by subclasses with buffering
virtual int availableForWrite() { return 0; }
size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);
size_t print(const String &);
size_t print(const char[]);
size_t print(char);
size_t print(unsigned char, int = DEC);
size_t print(int, int = DEC);
size_t print(unsigned int, int = DEC);
size_t print(long, int = DEC);
size_t print(unsigned long, int = DEC);
size_t print(double, int = 2);
size_t print(const Printable&);
size_t println(const __FlashStringHelper *);
size_t println(const String &s);
size_t println(const char[]);
size_t println(char);
size_t println(unsigned char, int = DEC);
size_t println(int, int = DEC);
size_t println(unsigned int, int = DEC);
size_t println(long, int = DEC);
size_t println(unsigned long, int = DEC);
size_t println(double, int = 2);
size_t println(const Printable&);
size_t println(void);
virtual void flush() { /* Empty implementation for backward compatibility */ }

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Printable.h - Interface class that allows printing of complex types
Copyright (c) 2011 Adrian McEwen. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef Printable_h
#define Printable_h
#include <stdlib.h>
class Print;
/** The Printable class provides a way for new classes to allow themselves to be printed.
By deriving from Printable and implementing the printTo method, it will then be possible
for users to print out instances of this class by passing them into the usual
Print::print and Print::println methods.
class Printable
virtual size_t printTo(Print& p) const = 0;

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
Stream.h - base class for character-based streams.
Copyright (c) 2010 David A. Mellis. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
parsing functions based on TextFinder library by Michael Margolis
#ifndef Stream_h
#define Stream_h
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "Print.h"
// compatability macros for testing
#define getInt() parseInt()
#define getInt(ignore) parseInt(ignore)
#define getFloat() parseFloat()
#define getFloat(ignore) parseFloat(ignore)
#define getString( pre_string, post_string, buffer, length)
readBytesBetween( pre_string, terminator, buffer, length)
// This enumeration provides the lookahead options for parseInt(), parseFloat()
// The rules set out here are used until either the first valid character is found
// or a time out occurs due to lack of input.
enum LookaheadMode{
SKIP_ALL, // All invalid characters are ignored.
SKIP_NONE, // Nothing is skipped, and the stream is not touched unless the first waiting character is valid.
SKIP_WHITESPACE // Only tabs, spaces, line feeds & carriage returns are skipped.
#define NO_IGNORE_CHAR '\x01' // a char not found in a valid ASCII numeric field
class Stream : public Print
unsigned long _timeout; // number of milliseconds to wait for the next char before aborting timed read
unsigned long _startMillis; // used for timeout measurement
int timedRead(); // private method to read stream with timeout
int timedPeek(); // private method to peek stream with timeout
int peekNextDigit(LookaheadMode lookahead, bool detectDecimal); // returns the next numeric digit in the stream or -1 if timeout
virtual int available() = 0;
virtual int read() = 0;
virtual int peek() = 0;
Stream() {_timeout=1000;}
// parsing methods
void setTimeout(unsigned long timeout); // sets maximum milliseconds to wait for stream data, default is 1 second
unsigned long getTimeout(void) { return _timeout; }
bool find(char *target); // reads data from the stream until the target string is found
bool find(uint8_t *target) { return find ((char *)target); }
// returns true if target string is found, false if timed out (see setTimeout)
bool find(char *target, size_t length); // reads data from the stream until the target string of given length is found
bool find(uint8_t *target, size_t length) { return find ((char *)target, length); }
// returns true if target string is found, false if timed out
bool find(char target) { return find (&target, 1); }
bool findUntil(char *target, char *terminator); // as find but search ends if the terminator string is found
bool findUntil(uint8_t *target, char *terminator) { return findUntil((char *)target, terminator); }
bool findUntil(char *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen); // as above but search ends if the terminate string is found
bool findUntil(uint8_t *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen) {return findUntil((char *)target, targetLen, terminate, termLen); }
long parseInt(LookaheadMode lookahead = SKIP_ALL, char ignore = NO_IGNORE_CHAR);
// returns the first valid (long) integer value from the current position.
// lookahead determines how parseInt looks ahead in the stream.
// See LookaheadMode enumeration at the top of the file.
// Lookahead is terminated by the first character that is not a valid part of an integer.
// Once parsing commences, 'ignore' will be skipped in the stream.
float parseFloat(LookaheadMode lookahead = SKIP_ALL, char ignore = NO_IGNORE_CHAR);
// float version of parseInt
size_t readBytes( char *buffer, size_t length); // read chars from stream into buffer
size_t readBytes( uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) { return readBytes((char *)buffer, length); }
// terminates if length characters have been read or timeout (see setTimeout)
// returns the number of characters placed in the buffer (0 means no valid data found)
size_t readBytesUntil( char terminator, char *buffer, size_t length); // as readBytes with terminator character
size_t readBytesUntil( char terminator, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) { return readBytesUntil(terminator, (char *)buffer, length); }
// terminates if length characters have been read, timeout, or if the terminator character detected
// returns the number of characters placed in the buffer (0 means no valid data found)
// Arduino String functions to be added here
String readString();
String readStringUntil(char terminator);
long parseInt(char ignore) { return parseInt(SKIP_ALL, ignore); }
float parseFloat(char ignore) { return parseFloat(SKIP_ALL, ignore); }
// These overload exists for compatibility with any class that has derived
// Stream and used parseFloat/Int with a custom ignore character. To keep
// the public API simple, these overload remains protected.
struct MultiTarget {
const char *str; // string you're searching for
size_t len; // length of string you're searching for
size_t index; // index used by the search routine.
// This allows you to search for an arbitrary number of strings.
// Returns index of the target that is found first or -1 if timeout occurs.
int findMulti(struct MultiTarget *targets, int tCount);

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Arduino. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef __USBAPI__
#define __USBAPI__
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;
#include "Arduino.h"
// This definitions is usefull if you want to reduce the EP_SIZE to 16
// at the moment only 64 and 16 as EP_SIZE for all EPs are supported except the control endpoint
#ifndef USB_EP_SIZE
#define USB_EP_SIZE 64
#if defined(USBCON)
#include "USBDesc.h"
#include "USBCore.h"
// USB
#define EP_TYPE_CONTROL (0x00)
#define EP_TYPE_BULK_IN ((1<<EPTYPE1) | (1<<EPDIR))
#define EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT_IN ((1<<EPTYPE1) | (1<<EPTYPE0) | (1<<EPDIR))
class USBDevice_
bool configured();
void attach();
void detach(); // Serial port goes down too...
void poll();
bool wakeupHost(); // returns false, when wakeup cannot be processed
extern USBDevice_ USBDevice;
// Serial over CDC (Serial1 is the physical port)
struct ring_buffer;
#if ((RAMEND - RAMSTART) < 1023)
#error Please lower the CDC Buffer size
class Serial_ : public Stream
int peek_buffer;
Serial_() { peek_buffer = -1; };
void begin(unsigned long);
void begin(unsigned long, uint8_t);
void end(void);
virtual int available(void);
virtual int peek(void);
virtual int read(void);
virtual int availableForWrite(void);
virtual void flush(void);
virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
virtual size_t write(const uint8_t*, size_t);
using Print::write; // pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print
operator bool();
volatile uint8_t _rx_buffer_head;
volatile uint8_t _rx_buffer_tail;
unsigned char _rx_buffer[SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
// This method allows processing "SEND_BREAK" requests sent by
// the USB host. Those requests indicate that the host wants to
// send a BREAK signal and are accompanied by a single uint16_t
// value, specifying the duration of the break. The value 0
// means to end any current break, while the value 0xffff means
// to start an indefinite break.
// readBreak() will return the value of the most recent break
// request, but will return it at most once, returning -1 when
// readBreak() is called again (until another break request is
// received, which is again returned once).
// This also mean that if two break requests are received
// without readBreak() being called in between, the value of the
// first request is lost.
// Note that the value returned is a long, so it can return
// 0-0xffff as well as -1.
int32_t readBreak();
// These return the settings specified by the USB host for the
// serial port. These aren't really used, but are offered here
// in case a sketch wants to act on these settings.
uint32_t baud();
uint8_t stopbits();
uint8_t paritytype();
uint8_t numbits();
bool dtr();
bool rts();
enum {
enum {
extern Serial_ Serial;
// Low level API
typedef struct
uint8_t bmRequestType;
uint8_t bRequest;
uint8_t wValueL;
uint8_t wValueH;
uint16_t wIndex;
uint16_t wLength;
} USBSetup;
// MSC 'Driver'
int MSC_GetInterface(uint8_t* interfaceNum);
int MSC_GetDescriptor(int i);
bool MSC_Setup(USBSetup& setup);
bool MSC_Data(uint8_t rx,uint8_t tx);
// CSC 'Driver'
int CDC_GetInterface(uint8_t* interfaceNum);
int CDC_GetDescriptor(int i);
bool CDC_Setup(USBSetup& setup);
#define TRANSFER_PGM 0x80
#define TRANSFER_ZERO 0x20
int USB_SendControl(uint8_t flags, const void* d, int len);
int USB_RecvControl(void* d, int len);
int USB_RecvControlLong(void* d, int len);
uint8_t USB_Available(uint8_t ep);
uint8_t USB_SendSpace(uint8_t ep);
int USB_Send(uint8_t ep, const void* data, int len); // blocking
int USB_Recv(uint8_t ep, void* data, int len); // non-blocking
int USB_Recv(uint8_t ep); // non-blocking
void USB_Flush(uint8_t ep);
#endif /* if defined(USBCON) */

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
WCharacter.h - Character utility functions for Wiring & Arduino
Copyright (c) 2010 Hernando Barragan. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef Character_h
#define Character_h
#include <ctype.h>
// WCharacter.h prototypes
inline boolean isAlphaNumeric(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isAlpha(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isAscii(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isWhitespace(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isControl(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isDigit(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isGraph(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isLowerCase(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isPrintable(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isPunct(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isSpace(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isUpperCase(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline boolean isHexadecimalDigit(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline int toAscii(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline int toLowerCase(int c) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline int toUpperCase(int c)__attribute__((always_inline));
// Checks for an alphanumeric character.
// It is equivalent to (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c)).
inline boolean isAlphaNumeric(int c)
return ( isalnum(c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for an alphabetic character.
// It is equivalent to (isupper(c) || islower(c)).
inline boolean isAlpha(int c)
return ( isalpha(c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks whether c is a 7-bit unsigned char value
// that fits into the ASCII character set.
inline boolean isAscii(int c)
return ( isascii (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for a blank character, that is, a space or a tab.
inline boolean isWhitespace(int c)
return ( isblank (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for a control character.
inline boolean isControl(int c)
return ( iscntrl (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for a digit (0 through 9).
inline boolean isDigit(int c)
return ( isdigit (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for any printable character except space.
inline boolean isGraph(int c)
return ( isgraph (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for a lower-case character.
inline boolean isLowerCase(int c)
return (islower (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for any printable character including space.
inline boolean isPrintable(int c)
return ( isprint (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for any printable character which is not a space
// or an alphanumeric character.
inline boolean isPunct(int c)
return ( ispunct (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for white-space characters. For the avr-libc library,
// these are: space, formfeed ('\f'), newline ('\n'), carriage
// return ('\r'), horizontal tab ('\t'), and vertical tab ('\v').
inline boolean isSpace(int c)
return ( isspace (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for an uppercase letter.
inline boolean isUpperCase(int c)
return ( isupper (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Checks for a hexadecimal digits, i.e. one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F.
inline boolean isHexadecimalDigit(int c)
return ( isxdigit (c) == 0 ? false : true);
// Converts c to a 7-bit unsigned char value that fits into the
// ASCII character set, by clearing the high-order bits.
inline int toAscii(int c)
return toascii (c);
// Warning:
// Many people will be unhappy if you use this function.
// This function will convert accented letters into random
// characters.
// Converts the letter c to lower case, if possible.
inline int toLowerCase(int c)
return tolower (c);
// Converts the letter c to upper case, if possible.
inline int toUpperCase(int c)
return toupper (c);

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
WString.h - String library for Wiring & Arduino
...mostly rewritten by Paul Stoffregen...
Copyright (c) 2009-10 Hernando Barragan. All right reserved.
Copyright 2011, Paul Stoffregen,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef String_class_h
#define String_class_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// When compiling programs with this class, the following gcc parameters
// dramatically increase performance and memory (RAM) efficiency, typically
// with little or no increase in code size.
// -felide-constructors
// -std=c++0x
class __FlashStringHelper;
#define F(string_literal) (reinterpret_cast<const __FlashStringHelper *>(PSTR(string_literal)))
// An inherited class for holding the result of a concatenation. These
// result objects are assumed to be writable by subsequent concatenations.
class StringSumHelper;
// The string class
class String
// use a function pointer to allow for "if (s)" without the
// complications of an operator bool(). for more information, see:
typedef void (String::*StringIfHelperType)() const;
void StringIfHelper() const {}
// constructors
// creates a copy of the initial value.
// if the initial value is null or invalid, or if memory allocation
// fails, the string will be marked as invalid (i.e. "if (s)" will
// be false).
String(const char *cstr = "");
String(const String &str);
String(const __FlashStringHelper *str);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
String(String &&rval);
String(StringSumHelper &&rval);
explicit String(char c);
explicit String(unsigned char, unsigned char base=10);
explicit String(int, unsigned char base=10);
explicit String(unsigned int, unsigned char base=10);
explicit String(long, unsigned char base=10);
explicit String(unsigned long, unsigned char base=10);
explicit String(float, unsigned char decimalPlaces=2);
explicit String(double, unsigned char decimalPlaces=2);
// memory management
// return true on success, false on failure (in which case, the string
// is left unchanged). reserve(0), if successful, will validate an
// invalid string (i.e., "if (s)" will be true afterwards)
unsigned char reserve(unsigned int size);
inline unsigned int length(void) const {return len;}
// creates a copy of the assigned value. if the value is null or
// invalid, or if the memory allocation fails, the string will be
// marked as invalid ("if (s)" will be false).
String & operator = (const String &rhs);
String & operator = (const char *cstr);
String & operator = (const __FlashStringHelper *str);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
String & operator = (String &&rval);
String & operator = (StringSumHelper &&rval);
// concatenate (works w/ built-in types)
// returns true on success, false on failure (in which case, the string
// is left unchanged). if the argument is null or invalid, the
// concatenation is considered unsucessful.
unsigned char concat(const String &str);
unsigned char concat(const char *cstr);
unsigned char concat(char c);
unsigned char concat(unsigned char c);
unsigned char concat(int num);
unsigned char concat(unsigned int num);
unsigned char concat(long num);
unsigned char concat(unsigned long num);
unsigned char concat(float num);
unsigned char concat(double num);
unsigned char concat(const __FlashStringHelper * str);
// if there's not enough memory for the concatenated value, the string
// will be left unchanged (but this isn't signalled in any way)
String & operator += (const String &rhs) {concat(rhs); return (*this);}
String & operator += (const char *cstr) {concat(cstr); return (*this);}
String & operator += (char c) {concat(c); return (*this);}
String & operator += (unsigned char num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (int num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (unsigned int num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (long num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (unsigned long num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (float num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (double num) {concat(num); return (*this);}
String & operator += (const __FlashStringHelper *str){concat(str); return (*this);}
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const String &rhs);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const char *cstr);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, char c);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned char num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, int num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned int num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, long num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned long num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, float num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, double num);
friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const __FlashStringHelper *rhs);
// comparison (only works w/ Strings and "strings")
operator StringIfHelperType() const { return buffer ? &String::StringIfHelper : 0; }
int compareTo(const String &s) const;
unsigned char equals(const String &s) const;
unsigned char equals(const char *cstr) const;
unsigned char operator == (const String &rhs) const {return equals(rhs);}
unsigned char operator == (const char *cstr) const {return equals(cstr);}
unsigned char operator != (const String &rhs) const {return !equals(rhs);}
unsigned char operator != (const char *cstr) const {return !equals(cstr);}
unsigned char operator < (const String &rhs) const;
unsigned char operator > (const String &rhs) const;
unsigned char operator <= (const String &rhs) const;
unsigned char operator >= (const String &rhs) const;
unsigned char equalsIgnoreCase(const String &s) const;
unsigned char startsWith( const String &prefix) const;
unsigned char startsWith(const String &prefix, unsigned int offset) const;
unsigned char endsWith(const String &suffix) const;
// character acccess
char charAt(unsigned int index) const;
void setCharAt(unsigned int index, char c);
char operator [] (unsigned int index) const;
char& operator [] (unsigned int index);
void getBytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int bufsize, unsigned int index=0) const;
void toCharArray(char *buf, unsigned int bufsize, unsigned int index=0) const
{ getBytes((unsigned char *)buf, bufsize, index); }
const char* c_str() const { return buffer; }
char* begin() { return buffer; }
char* end() { return buffer + length(); }
const char* begin() const { return c_str(); }
const char* end() const { return c_str() + length(); }
// search
int indexOf( char ch ) const;
int indexOf( char ch, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
int indexOf( const String &str ) const;
int indexOf( const String &str, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
int lastIndexOf( char ch ) const;
int lastIndexOf( char ch, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
int lastIndexOf( const String &str ) const;
int lastIndexOf( const String &str, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
String substring( unsigned int beginIndex ) const { return substring(beginIndex, len); };
String substring( unsigned int beginIndex, unsigned int endIndex ) const;
// modification
void replace(char find, char replace);
void replace(const String& find, const String& replace);
void remove(unsigned int index);
void remove(unsigned int index, unsigned int count);
void toLowerCase(void);
void toUpperCase(void);
void trim(void);
// parsing/conversion
long toInt(void) const;
float toFloat(void) const;
double toDouble(void) const;
char *buffer; // the actual char array
unsigned int capacity; // the array length minus one (for the '\0')
unsigned int len; // the String length (not counting the '\0')
void init(void);
void invalidate(void);
unsigned char changeBuffer(unsigned int maxStrLen);
unsigned char concat(const char *cstr, unsigned int length);
// copy and move
String & copy(const char *cstr, unsigned int length);
String & copy(const __FlashStringHelper *pstr, unsigned int length);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
void move(String &rhs);
class StringSumHelper : public String
StringSumHelper(const String &s) : String(s) {}
StringSumHelper(const char *p) : String(p) {}
StringSumHelper(char c) : String(c) {}
StringSumHelper(unsigned char num) : String(num) {}
StringSumHelper(int num) : String(num) {}
StringSumHelper(unsigned int num) : String(num) {}
StringSumHelper(long num) : String(num) {}
StringSumHelper(unsigned long num) : String(num) {}
StringSumHelper(float num) : String(num) {}
StringSumHelper(double num) : String(num) {}
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // String_class_h

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
binary.h - Definitions for binary constants
Copyright (c) 2006 David A. Mellis. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef Binary_h
#define Binary_h
#define B0 0
#define B00 0
#define B000 0
#define B0000 0
#define B00000 0
#define B000000 0
#define B0000000 0
#define B00000000 0
#define B1 1
#define B01 1
#define B001 1
#define B0001 1
#define B00001 1
#define B000001 1
#define B0000001 1
#define B00000001 1
#define B10 2
#define B010 2
#define B0010 2
#define B00010 2
#define B000010 2
#define B0000010 2
#define B00000010 2
#define B11 3
#define B011 3
#define B0011 3
#define B00011 3
#define B000011 3
#define B0000011 3
#define B00000011 3
#define B100 4
#define B0100 4
#define B00100 4
#define B000100 4
#define B0000100 4
#define B00000100 4
#define B101 5
#define B0101 5
#define B00101 5
#define B000101 5
#define B0000101 5
#define B00000101 5
#define B110 6
#define B0110 6
#define B00110 6
#define B000110 6
#define B0000110 6
#define B00000110 6
#define B111 7
#define B0111 7
#define B00111 7
#define B000111 7
#define B0000111 7
#define B00000111 7
#define B1000 8
#define B01000 8
#define B001000 8
#define B0001000 8
#define B00001000 8
#define B1001 9
#define B01001 9
#define B001001 9
#define B0001001 9
#define B00001001 9
#define B1010 10
#define B01010 10
#define B001010 10
#define B0001010 10
#define B00001010 10
#define B1011 11
#define B01011 11
#define B001011 11
#define B0001011 11
#define B00001011 11
#define B1100 12
#define B01100 12
#define B001100 12
#define B0001100 12
#define B00001100 12
#define B1101 13
#define B01101 13
#define B001101 13
#define B0001101 13
#define B00001101 13
#define B1110 14
#define B01110 14
#define B001110 14
#define B0001110 14
#define B00001110 14
#define B1111 15
#define B01111 15
#define B001111 15
#define B0001111 15
#define B00001111 15
#define B10000 16
#define B010000 16
#define B0010000 16
#define B00010000 16
#define B10001 17
#define B010001 17
#define B0010001 17
#define B00010001 17
#define B10010 18
#define B010010 18
#define B0010010 18
#define B00010010 18
#define B10011 19
#define B010011 19
#define B0010011 19
#define B00010011 19
#define B10100 20
#define B010100 20
#define B0010100 20
#define B00010100 20
#define B10101 21
#define B010101 21
#define B0010101 21
#define B00010101 21
#define B10110 22
#define B010110 22
#define B0010110 22
#define B00010110 22
#define B10111 23
#define B010111 23
#define B0010111 23
#define B00010111 23
#define B11000 24
#define B011000 24
#define B0011000 24
#define B00011000 24
#define B11001 25
#define B011001 25
#define B0011001 25
#define B00011001 25
#define B11010 26
#define B011010 26
#define B0011010 26
#define B00011010 26
#define B11011 27
#define B011011 27
#define B0011011 27
#define B00011011 27
#define B11100 28
#define B011100 28
#define B0011100 28
#define B00011100 28
#define B11101 29
#define B011101 29
#define B0011101 29
#define B00011101 29
#define B11110 30
#define B011110 30
#define B0011110 30
#define B00011110 30
#define B11111 31
#define B011111 31
#define B0011111 31
#define B00011111 31
#define B100000 32
#define B0100000 32
#define B00100000 32
#define B100001 33
#define B0100001 33
#define B00100001 33
#define B100010 34
#define B0100010 34
#define B00100010 34
#define B100011 35
#define B0100011 35
#define B00100011 35
#define B100100 36
#define B0100100 36
#define B00100100 36
#define B100101 37
#define B0100101 37
#define B00100101 37
#define B100110 38
#define B0100110 38
#define B00100110 38
#define B100111 39
#define B0100111 39
#define B00100111 39
#define B101000 40
#define B0101000 40
#define B00101000 40
#define B101001 41
#define B0101001 41
#define B00101001 41
#define B101010 42
#define B0101010 42
#define B00101010 42
#define B101011 43
#define B0101011 43
#define B00101011 43
#define B101100 44
#define B0101100 44
#define B00101100 44
#define B101101 45
#define B0101101 45
#define B00101101 45
#define B101110 46
#define B0101110 46
#define B00101110 46
#define B101111 47
#define B0101111 47
#define B00101111 47
#define B110000 48
#define B0110000 48
#define B00110000 48
#define B110001 49
#define B0110001 49
#define B00110001 49
#define B110010 50
#define B0110010 50
#define B00110010 50
#define B110011 51
#define B0110011 51
#define B00110011 51
#define B110100 52
#define B0110100 52
#define B00110100 52
#define B110101 53
#define B0110101 53
#define B00110101 53
#define B110110 54
#define B0110110 54
#define B00110110 54
#define B110111 55
#define B0110111 55
#define B00110111 55
#define B111000 56
#define B0111000 56
#define B00111000 56
#define B111001 57
#define B0111001 57
#define B00111001 57
#define B111010 58
#define B0111010 58
#define B00111010 58
#define B111011 59
#define B0111011 59
#define B00111011 59
#define B111100 60
#define B0111100 60
#define B00111100 60
#define B111101 61
#define B0111101 61
#define B00111101 61
#define B111110 62
#define B0111110 62
#define B00111110 62
#define B111111 63
#define B0111111 63
#define B00111111 63
#define B1000000 64
#define B01000000 64
#define B1000001 65
#define B01000001 65
#define B1000010 66
#define B01000010 66
#define B1000011 67
#define B01000011 67
#define B1000100 68
#define B01000100 68
#define B1000101 69
#define B01000101 69
#define B1000110 70
#define B01000110 70
#define B1000111 71
#define B01000111 71
#define B1001000 72
#define B01001000 72
#define B1001001 73
#define B01001001 73
#define B1001010 74
#define B01001010 74
#define B1001011 75
#define B01001011 75
#define B1001100 76
#define B01001100 76
#define B1001101 77
#define B01001101 77
#define B1001110 78
#define B01001110 78
#define B1001111 79
#define B01001111 79
#define B1010000 80
#define B01010000 80
#define B1010001 81
#define B01010001 81
#define B1010010 82
#define B01010010 82
#define B1010011 83
#define B01010011 83
#define B1010100 84
#define B01010100 84
#define B1010101 85
#define B01010101 85
#define B1010110 86
#define B01010110 86
#define B1010111 87
#define B01010111 87
#define B1011000 88
#define B01011000 88
#define B1011001 89
#define B01011001 89
#define B1011010 90
#define B01011010 90
#define B1011011 91
#define B01011011 91
#define B1011100 92
#define B01011100 92
#define B1011101 93
#define B01011101 93
#define B1011110 94
#define B01011110 94
#define B1011111 95
#define B01011111 95
#define B1100000 96
#define B01100000 96
#define B1100001 97
#define B01100001 97
#define B1100010 98
#define B01100010 98
#define B1100011 99
#define B01100011 99
#define B1100100 100
#define B01100100 100
#define B1100101 101
#define B01100101 101
#define B1100110 102
#define B01100110 102
#define B1100111 103
#define B01100111 103
#define B1101000 104
#define B01101000 104
#define B1101001 105
#define B01101001 105
#define B1101010 106
#define B01101010 106
#define B1101011 107
#define B01101011 107
#define B1101100 108
#define B01101100 108
#define B1101101 109
#define B01101101 109
#define B1101110 110
#define B01101110 110
#define B1101111 111
#define B01101111 111
#define B1110000 112
#define B01110000 112
#define B1110001 113
#define B01110001 113
#define B1110010 114
#define B01110010 114
#define B1110011 115
#define B01110011 115
#define B1110100 116
#define B01110100 116
#define B1110101 117
#define B01110101 117
#define B1110110 118
#define B01110110 118
#define B1110111 119
#define B01110111 119
#define B1111000 120
#define B01111000 120
#define B1111001 121
#define B01111001 121
#define B1111010 122
#define B01111010 122
#define B1111011 123
#define B01111011 123
#define B1111100 124
#define B01111100 124
#define B1111101 125
#define B01111101 125
#define B1111110 126
#define B01111110 126
#define B1111111 127
#define B01111111 127
#define B10000000 128
#define B10000001 129
#define B10000010 130
#define B10000011 131
#define B10000100 132
#define B10000101 133
#define B10000110 134
#define B10000111 135
#define B10001000 136
#define B10001001 137
#define B10001010 138
#define B10001011 139
#define B10001100 140
#define B10001101 141
#define B10001110 142
#define B10001111 143
#define B10010000 144
#define B10010001 145
#define B10010010 146
#define B10010011 147
#define B10010100 148
#define B10010101 149
#define B10010110 150
#define B10010111 151
#define B10011000 152
#define B10011001 153
#define B10011010 154
#define B10011011 155
#define B10011100 156
#define B10011101 157
#define B10011110 158
#define B10011111 159
#define B10100000 160
#define B10100001 161
#define B10100010 162
#define B10100011 163
#define B10100100 164
#define B10100101 165
#define B10100110 166
#define B10100111 167
#define B10101000 168
#define B10101001 169
#define B10101010 170
#define B10101011 171
#define B10101100 172
#define B10101101 173
#define B10101110 174
#define B10101111 175
#define B10110000 176
#define B10110001 177
#define B10110010 178
#define B10110011 179
#define B10110100 180
#define B10110101 181
#define B10110110 182
#define B10110111 183
#define B10111000 184
#define B10111001 185
#define B10111010 186
#define B10111011 187
#define B10111100 188
#define B10111101 189
#define B10111110 190
#define B10111111 191
#define B11000000 192
#define B11000001 193
#define B11000010 194
#define B11000011 195
#define B11000100 196
#define B11000101 197
#define B11000110 198
#define B11000111 199
#define B11001000 200
#define B11001001 201
#define B11001010 202
#define B11001011 203
#define B11001100 204
#define B11001101 205
#define B11001110 206
#define B11001111 207
#define B11010000 208
#define B11010001 209
#define B11010010 210
#define B11010011 211
#define B11010100 212
#define B11010101 213
#define B11010110 214
#define B11010111 215
#define B11011000 216
#define B11011001 217
#define B11011010 218
#define B11011011 219
#define B11011100 220
#define B11011101 221
#define B11011110 222
#define B11011111 223
#define B11100000 224
#define B11100001 225
#define B11100010 226
#define B11100011 227
#define B11100100 228
#define B11100101 229
#define B11100110 230
#define B11100111 231
#define B11101000 232
#define B11101001 233
#define B11101010 234
#define B11101011 235
#define B11101100 236
#define B11101101 237
#define B11101110 238
#define B11101111 239
#define B11110000 240
#define B11110001 241
#define B11110010 242
#define B11110011 243
#define B11110100 244
#define B11110101 245
#define B11110110 246
#define B11110111 247
#define B11111000 248
#define B11111001 249
#define B11111010 250
#define B11111011 251
#define B11111100 252
#define B11111101 253
#define B11111110 254
#define B11111111 255

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
wiring_private.h - Internal header file.
Part of Arduino -
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 David A. Mellis
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef WiringPrivate_h
#define WiringPrivate_h
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "Arduino.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#ifndef sbi
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
uint32_t countPulseASM(volatile uint8_t *port, uint8_t bit, uint8_t stateMask, unsigned long maxloops);
#define EXTERNAL_INT_0 0
#define EXTERNAL_INT_1 1
#define EXTERNAL_INT_2 2
#define EXTERNAL_INT_3 3
#define EXTERNAL_INT_4 4
#define EXTERNAL_INT_5 5
#define EXTERNAL_INT_6 6
#define EXTERNAL_INT_7 7
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega128RFA1__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega256RFR2__) || \
defined(__AVR_AT90USB82__) || defined(__AVR_AT90USB162__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega32U2__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega16U2__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega8U2__)
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644A__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644PA__)
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
typedef void (*voidFuncPtr)(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
* Copyright (c) 2010 by Cristian Maglie <>
* Copyright (c) 2014 by Paul Stoffregen <> (Transaction API)
* Copyright (c) 2014 by Matthijs Kooijman <> (SPISettings AVR)
* Copyright (c) 2014 by Andrew J. Kroll <> (atomicity fixes)
* SPI Master library for arduino.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <Arduino.h>
// SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION means SPI has beginTransaction(), endTransaction(),
// usingInterrupt(), and SPISetting(clock, bitOrder, dataMode)
// SPI_HAS_NOTUSINGINTERRUPT means that SPI has notUsingInterrupt() method
// SPI_ATOMIC_VERSION means that SPI has atomicity fixes and what version.
// This way when there is a bug fix you can check this define to alert users
// of your code if it uses better version of this library.
// This also implies everything that SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION as documented above is
// available too.
// Uncomment this line to add detection of mismatched begin/end transactions.
// A mismatch occurs if other libraries fail to use SPI.endTransaction() for
// each SPI.beginTransaction(). Connect an LED to this pin. The LED will turn
// on if any mismatch is ever detected.
#ifndef LSBFIRST
#define LSBFIRST 0
#ifndef MSBFIRST
#define MSBFIRST 1
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV4 0x00
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 0x01
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 0x02
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV128 0x03
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 0x04
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV8 0x05
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV32 0x06
#define SPI_MODE0 0x00
#define SPI_MODE1 0x04
#define SPI_MODE2 0x08
#define SPI_MODE3 0x0C
#define SPI_MODE_MASK 0x0C // CPOL = bit 3, CPHA = bit 2 on SPCR
#define SPI_CLOCK_MASK 0x03 // SPR1 = bit 1, SPR0 = bit 0 on SPCR
#define SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK 0x01 // SPI2X = bit 0 on SPSR
// define SPI_AVR_EIMSK for AVR boards with external interrupt pins
#if defined(EIMSK)
#elif defined(GICR)
#elif defined(GIMSK)
class SPISettings {
SPISettings(uint32_t clock, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode) {
if (__builtin_constant_p(clock)) {
init_AlwaysInline(clock, bitOrder, dataMode);
} else {
init_MightInline(clock, bitOrder, dataMode);
SPISettings() {
init_AlwaysInline(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
void init_MightInline(uint32_t clock, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode) {
init_AlwaysInline(clock, bitOrder, dataMode);
void init_AlwaysInline(uint32_t clock, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode)
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) {
// Clock settings are defined as follows. Note that this shows SPI2X
// inverted, so the bits form increasing numbers. Also note that
// fosc/64 appears twice
// SPR1 SPR0 ~SPI2X Freq
// 0 0 0 fosc/2
// 0 0 1 fosc/4
// 0 1 0 fosc/8
// 0 1 1 fosc/16
// 1 0 0 fosc/32
// 1 0 1 fosc/64
// 1 1 0 fosc/64
// 1 1 1 fosc/128
// We find the fastest clock that is less than or equal to the
// given clock rate. The clock divider that results in clock_setting
// is 2 ^^ (clock_div + 1). If nothing is slow enough, we'll use the
// slowest (128 == 2 ^^ 7, so clock_div = 6).
uint8_t clockDiv;
// When the clock is known at compiletime, use this if-then-else
// cascade, which the compiler knows how to completely optimize
// away. When clock is not known, use a loop instead, which generates
// shorter code.
if (__builtin_constant_p(clock)) {
if (clock >= F_CPU / 2) {
clockDiv = 0;
} else if (clock >= F_CPU / 4) {
clockDiv = 1;
} else if (clock >= F_CPU / 8) {
clockDiv = 2;
} else if (clock >= F_CPU / 16) {
clockDiv = 3;
} else if (clock >= F_CPU / 32) {
clockDiv = 4;
} else if (clock >= F_CPU / 64) {
clockDiv = 5;
} else {
clockDiv = 6;
} else {
uint32_t clockSetting = F_CPU / 2;
clockDiv = 0;
while (clockDiv < 6 && clock < clockSetting) {
clockSetting /= 2;
// Compensate for the duplicate fosc/64
if (clockDiv == 6)
clockDiv = 7;
// Invert the SPI2X bit
clockDiv ^= 0x1;
// Pack into the SPISettings class
spcr = _BV(SPE) | _BV(MSTR) | ((bitOrder == LSBFIRST) ? _BV(DORD) : 0) |
(dataMode & SPI_MODE_MASK) | ((clockDiv >> 1) & SPI_CLOCK_MASK);
spsr = clockDiv & SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK;
uint8_t spcr;
uint8_t spsr;
friend class SPIClass;
class SPIClass {
// Initialize the SPI library
static void begin();
// If SPI is used from within an interrupt, this function registers
// that interrupt with the SPI library, so beginTransaction() can
// prevent conflicts. The input interruptNumber is the number used
// with attachInterrupt. If SPI is used from a different interrupt
// (eg, a timer), interruptNumber should be 255.
static void usingInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNumber);
// And this does the opposite.
static void notUsingInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNumber);
// Note: the usingInterrupt and notUsingInterrupt functions should
// not to be called from ISR context or inside a transaction.
// For details see:
// Before using SPI.transfer() or asserting chip select pins,
// this function is used to gain exclusive access to the SPI bus
// and configure the correct settings.
inline static void beginTransaction(SPISettings settings) {
if (interruptMode > 0) {
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
if (interruptMode == 1) {
interruptSave = SPI_AVR_EIMSK;
SPI_AVR_EIMSK &= ~interruptMask;
SREG = sreg;
} else
interruptSave = sreg;
if (inTransactionFlag) {
inTransactionFlag = 1;
SPCR = settings.spcr;
SPSR = settings.spsr;
// Write to the SPI bus (MOSI pin) and also receive (MISO pin)
inline static uint8_t transfer(uint8_t data) {
SPDR = data;
* The following NOP introduces a small delay that can prevent the wait
* loop form iterating when running at the maximum speed. This gives
* about 10% more speed, even if it seems counter-intuitive. At lower
* speeds it is unnoticed.
asm volatile("nop");
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ; // wait
return SPDR;
inline static uint16_t transfer16(uint16_t data) {
union { uint16_t val; struct { uint8_t lsb; uint8_t msb; }; } in, out;
in.val = data;
if (!(SPCR & _BV(DORD))) {
SPDR = in.msb;
asm volatile("nop"); // See transfer(uint8_t) function
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ;
out.msb = SPDR;
SPDR = in.lsb;
asm volatile("nop");
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ;
out.lsb = SPDR;
} else {
SPDR = in.lsb;
asm volatile("nop");
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ;
out.lsb = SPDR;
SPDR = in.msb;
asm volatile("nop");
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ;
out.msb = SPDR;
return out.val;
inline static void transfer(void *buf, size_t count) {
if (count == 0) return;
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)buf;
SPDR = *p;
while (--count > 0) {
uint8_t out = *(p + 1);
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ;
uint8_t in = SPDR;
SPDR = out;
*p++ = in;
while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))) ;
*p = SPDR;
// After performing a group of transfers and releasing the chip select
// signal, this function allows others to access the SPI bus
inline static void endTransaction(void) {
if (!inTransactionFlag) {
inTransactionFlag = 0;
if (interruptMode > 0) {
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
if (interruptMode == 1) {
SPI_AVR_EIMSK = interruptSave;
SREG = sreg;
} else
SREG = interruptSave;
// Disable the SPI bus
static void end();
// This function is deprecated. New applications should use
// beginTransaction() to configure SPI settings.
inline static void setBitOrder(uint8_t bitOrder) {
if (bitOrder == LSBFIRST) SPCR |= _BV(DORD);
else SPCR &= ~(_BV(DORD));
// This function is deprecated. New applications should use
// beginTransaction() to configure SPI settings.
inline static void setDataMode(uint8_t dataMode) {
SPCR = (SPCR & ~SPI_MODE_MASK) | dataMode;
// This function is deprecated. New applications should use
// beginTransaction() to configure SPI settings.
inline static void setClockDivider(uint8_t clockDiv) {
SPSR = (SPSR & ~SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK) | ((clockDiv >> 2) & SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK);
// These undocumented functions should not be used. SPI.transfer()
// polls the hardware flag which is automatically cleared as the
// AVR responds to SPI's interrupt
inline static void attachInterrupt() { SPCR |= _BV(SPIE); }
inline static void detachInterrupt() { SPCR &= ~_BV(SPIE); }
static uint8_t initialized;
static uint8_t interruptMode; // 0=none, 1=mask, 2=global
static uint8_t interruptMask; // which interrupts to mask
static uint8_t interruptSave; // temp storage, to restore state
static uint8_t inTransactionFlag;
extern SPIClass SPI;

@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
pins_arduino.h - Pin definition functions for Arduino
Part of Arduino -
Copyright (c) 2007 David A. Mellis
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef Pins_Arduino_h
#define Pins_Arduino_h
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) ((p < 16) ? (p) + 54 : -1)
#define digitalPinHasPWM(p) (((p) >= 2 && (p) <= 13) || ((p) >= 44 && (p)<= 46))
#define PIN_SPI_SS (53)
#define PIN_SPI_MOSI (51)
#define PIN_SPI_MISO (50)
#define PIN_SPI_SCK (52)
static const uint8_t SS = PIN_SPI_SS;
static const uint8_t MOSI = PIN_SPI_MOSI;
static const uint8_t MISO = PIN_SPI_MISO;
static const uint8_t SCK = PIN_SPI_SCK;
#define PIN_WIRE_SDA (20)
#define PIN_WIRE_SCL (21)
static const uint8_t SDA = PIN_WIRE_SDA;
static const uint8_t SCL = PIN_WIRE_SCL;
#define LED_BUILTIN 13
#define PIN_A0 (54)
#define PIN_A1 (55)
#define PIN_A2 (56)
#define PIN_A3 (57)
#define PIN_A4 (58)
#define PIN_A5 (59)
#define PIN_A6 (60)
#define PIN_A7 (61)
#define PIN_A8 (62)
#define PIN_A9 (63)
#define PIN_A10 (64)
#define PIN_A11 (65)
#define PIN_A12 (66)
#define PIN_A13 (67)
#define PIN_A14 (68)
#define PIN_A15 (69)
static const uint8_t A0 = PIN_A0;
static const uint8_t A1 = PIN_A1;
static const uint8_t A2 = PIN_A2;
static const uint8_t A3 = PIN_A3;
static const uint8_t A4 = PIN_A4;
static const uint8_t A5 = PIN_A5;
static const uint8_t A6 = PIN_A6;
static const uint8_t A7 = PIN_A7;
static const uint8_t A8 = PIN_A8;
static const uint8_t A9 = PIN_A9;
static const uint8_t A10 = PIN_A10;
static const uint8_t A11 = PIN_A11;
static const uint8_t A12 = PIN_A12;
static const uint8_t A13 = PIN_A13;
static const uint8_t A14 = PIN_A14;
static const uint8_t A15 = PIN_A15;
// A majority of the pins are NOT PCINTs, SO BE WARNED (i.e. you cannot use them as receive pins)
// Only pins available for RECEIVE (TRANSMIT can be on any pin):
// (I've deliberately left out pin mapping to the Hardware USARTs - seems senseless to me)
// Pins: 10, 11, 12, 13, 50, 51, 52, 53, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
#define digitalPinToPCICR(p) ( (((p) >= 10) && ((p) <= 13)) || \
(((p) >= 50) && ((p) <= 53)) || \
(((p) >= 62) && ((p) <= 69)) ? (&PCICR) : ((uint8_t *)0) )
#define digitalPinToPCICRbit(p) ( (((p) >= 10) && ((p) <= 13)) || (((p) >= 50) && ((p) <= 53)) ? 0 : \
( (((p) >= 62) && ((p) <= 69)) ? 2 : \
0 ) )
#define digitalPinToPCMSK(p) ( (((p) >= 10) && ((p) <= 13)) || (((p) >= 50) && ((p) <= 53)) ? (&PCMSK0) : \
( (((p) >= 62) && ((p) <= 69)) ? (&PCMSK2) : \
((uint8_t *)0) ) )
#define digitalPinToPCMSKbit(p) ( (((p) >= 10) && ((p) <= 13)) ? ((p) - 6) : \
( ((p) == 50) ? 3 : \
( ((p) == 51) ? 2 : \
( ((p) == 52) ? 1 : \
( ((p) == 53) ? 0 : \
( (((p) >= 62) && ((p) <= 69)) ? ((p) - 62) : \
0 ) ) ) ) ) )
#define digitalPinToInterrupt(p) ((p) == 2 ? 0 : ((p) == 3 ? 1 : ((p) >= 18 && (p) <= 21 ? 23 - (p) : NOT_AN_INTERRUPT)))
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] = {
(uint16_t) &DDRA,
(uint16_t) &DDRB,
(uint16_t) &DDRC,
(uint16_t) &DDRD,
(uint16_t) &DDRE,
(uint16_t) &DDRF,
(uint16_t) &DDRG,
(uint16_t) &DDRH,
(uint16_t) &DDRJ,
(uint16_t) &DDRK,
(uint16_t) &DDRL,
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] = {
(uint16_t) &PORTA,
(uint16_t) &PORTB,
(uint16_t) &PORTC,
(uint16_t) &PORTD,
(uint16_t) &PORTE,
(uint16_t) &PORTF,
(uint16_t) &PORTG,
(uint16_t) &PORTH,
(uint16_t) &PORTJ,
(uint16_t) &PORTK,
(uint16_t) &PORTL,
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] = {
(uint16_t) &PINA,
(uint16_t) &PINB,
(uint16_t) &PINC,
(uint16_t) &PIND,
(uint16_t) &PINE,
(uint16_t) &PINF,
(uint16_t) &PING,
(uint16_t) &PINH,
(uint16_t) &PINJ,
(uint16_t) &PINK,
(uint16_t) &PINL,
const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] = {
// -------------------------------------------
PE , // PE 0 ** 0 ** USART0_RX
PE , // PE 1 ** 1 ** USART0_TX
PE , // PE 4 ** 2 ** PWM2
PE , // PE 5 ** 3 ** PWM3
PG , // PG 5 ** 4 ** PWM4
PE , // PE 3 ** 5 ** PWM5
PH , // PH 3 ** 6 ** PWM6
PH , // PH 4 ** 7 ** PWM7
PH , // PH 5 ** 8 ** PWM8
PH , // PH 6 ** 9 ** PWM9
PB , // PB 4 ** 10 ** PWM10
PB , // PB 5 ** 11 ** PWM11
PB , // PB 6 ** 12 ** PWM12
PB , // PB 7 ** 13 ** PWM13
PJ , // PJ 1 ** 14 ** USART3_TX
PJ , // PJ 0 ** 15 ** USART3_RX
PH , // PH 1 ** 16 ** USART2_TX
PH , // PH 0 ** 17 ** USART2_RX
PD , // PD 3 ** 18 ** USART1_TX
PD , // PD 2 ** 19 ** USART1_RX
PD , // PD 1 ** 20 ** I2C_SDA
PD , // PD 0 ** 21 ** I2C_SCL
PA , // PA 0 ** 22 ** D22
PA , // PA 1 ** 23 ** D23
PA , // PA 2 ** 24 ** D24
PA , // PA 3 ** 25 ** D25
PA , // PA 4 ** 26 ** D26
PA , // PA 5 ** 27 ** D27
PA , // PA 6 ** 28 ** D28
PA , // PA 7 ** 29 ** D29
PC , // PC 7 ** 30 ** D30
PC , // PC 6 ** 31 ** D31
PC , // PC 5 ** 32 ** D32
PC , // PC 4 ** 33 ** D33
PC , // PC 3 ** 34 ** D34
PC , // PC 2 ** 35 ** D35
PC , // PC 1 ** 36 ** D36
PC , // PC 0 ** 37 ** D37
PD , // PD 7 ** 38 ** D38
PG , // PG 2 ** 39 ** D39
PG , // PG 1 ** 40 ** D40
PG , // PG 0 ** 41 ** D41
PL , // PL 7 ** 42 ** D42
PL , // PL 6 ** 43 ** D43
PL , // PL 5 ** 44 ** D44
PL , // PL 4 ** 45 ** D45
PL , // PL 3 ** 46 ** D46
PL , // PL 2 ** 47 ** D47
PL , // PL 1 ** 48 ** D48
PL , // PL 0 ** 49 ** D49
PB , // PB 3 ** 50 ** SPI_MISO
PB , // PB 2 ** 51 ** SPI_MOSI
PB , // PB 1 ** 52 ** SPI_SCK
PB , // PB 0 ** 53 ** SPI_SS
PF , // PF 0 ** 54 ** A0
PF , // PF 1 ** 55 ** A1
PF , // PF 2 ** 56 ** A2
PF , // PF 3 ** 57 ** A3
PF , // PF 4 ** 58 ** A4
PF , // PF 5 ** 59 ** A5
PF , // PF 6 ** 60 ** A6
PF , // PF 7 ** 61 ** A7
PK , // PK 0 ** 62 ** A8
PK , // PK 1 ** 63 ** A9
PK , // PK 2 ** 64 ** A10
PK , // PK 3 ** 65 ** A11
PK , // PK 4 ** 66 ** A12
PK , // PK 5 ** 67 ** A13
PK , // PK 6 ** 68 ** A14
PK , // PK 7 ** 69 ** A15
const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] = {
// -------------------------------------------
_BV( 0 ) , // PE 0 ** 0 ** USART0_RX
_BV( 1 ) , // PE 1 ** 1 ** USART0_TX
_BV( 4 ) , // PE 4 ** 2 ** PWM2
_BV( 5 ) , // PE 5 ** 3 ** PWM3
_BV( 5 ) , // PG 5 ** 4 ** PWM4
_BV( 3 ) , // PE 3 ** 5 ** PWM5
_BV( 3 ) , // PH 3 ** 6 ** PWM6
_BV( 4 ) , // PH 4 ** 7 ** PWM7
_BV( 5 ) , // PH 5 ** 8 ** PWM8
_BV( 6 ) , // PH 6 ** 9 ** PWM9
_BV( 4 ) , // PB 4 ** 10 ** PWM10
_BV( 5 ) , // PB 5 ** 11 ** PWM11
_BV( 6 ) , // PB 6 ** 12 ** PWM12
_BV( 7 ) , // PB 7 ** 13 ** PWM13
_BV( 1 ) , // PJ 1 ** 14 ** USART3_TX
_BV( 0 ) , // PJ 0 ** 15 ** USART3_RX
_BV( 1 ) , // PH 1 ** 16 ** USART2_TX
_BV( 0 ) , // PH 0 ** 17 ** USART2_RX
_BV( 3 ) , // PD 3 ** 18 ** USART1_TX
_BV( 2 ) , // PD 2 ** 19 ** USART1_RX
_BV( 1 ) , // PD 1 ** 20 ** I2C_SDA
_BV( 0 ) , // PD 0 ** 21 ** I2C_SCL
_BV( 0 ) , // PA 0 ** 22 ** D22
_BV( 1 ) , // PA 1 ** 23 ** D23
_BV( 2 ) , // PA 2 ** 24 ** D24
_BV( 3 ) , // PA 3 ** 25 ** D25
_BV( 4 ) , // PA 4 ** 26 ** D26
_BV( 5 ) , // PA 5 ** 27 ** D27
_BV( 6 ) , // PA 6 ** 28 ** D28
_BV( 7 ) , // PA 7 ** 29 ** D29
_BV( 7 ) , // PC 7 ** 30 ** D30
_BV( 6 ) , // PC 6 ** 31 ** D31
_BV( 5 ) , // PC 5 ** 32 ** D32
_BV( 4 ) , // PC 4 ** 33 ** D33
_BV( 3 ) , // PC 3 ** 34 ** D34
_BV( 2 ) , // PC 2 ** 35 ** D35
_BV( 1 ) , // PC 1 ** 36 ** D36
_BV( 0 ) , // PC 0 ** 37 ** D37
_BV( 7 ) , // PD 7 ** 38 ** D38
_BV( 2 ) , // PG 2 ** 39 ** D39
_BV( 1 ) , // PG 1 ** 40 ** D40
_BV( 0 ) , // PG 0 ** 41 ** D41
_BV( 7 ) , // PL 7 ** 42 ** D42
_BV( 6 ) , // PL 6 ** 43 ** D43
_BV( 5 ) , // PL 5 ** 44 ** D44
_BV( 4 ) , // PL 4 ** 45 ** D45
_BV( 3 ) , // PL 3 ** 46 ** D46
_BV( 2 ) , // PL 2 ** 47 ** D47
_BV( 1 ) , // PL 1 ** 48 ** D48
_BV( 0 ) , // PL 0 ** 49 ** D49
_BV( 3 ) , // PB 3 ** 50 ** SPI_MISO
_BV( 2 ) , // PB 2 ** 51 ** SPI_MOSI
_BV( 1 ) , // PB 1 ** 52 ** SPI_SCK
_BV( 0 ) , // PB 0 ** 53 ** SPI_SS
_BV( 0 ) , // PF 0 ** 54 ** A0
_BV( 1 ) , // PF 1 ** 55 ** A1
_BV( 2 ) , // PF 2 ** 56 ** A2
_BV( 3 ) , // PF 3 ** 57 ** A3
_BV( 4 ) , // PF 4 ** 58 ** A4
_BV( 5 ) , // PF 5 ** 59 ** A5
_BV( 6 ) , // PF 6 ** 60 ** A6
_BV( 7 ) , // PF 7 ** 61 ** A7
_BV( 0 ) , // PK 0 ** 62 ** A8
_BV( 1 ) , // PK 1 ** 63 ** A9
_BV( 2 ) , // PK 2 ** 64 ** A10
_BV( 3 ) , // PK 3 ** 65 ** A11
_BV( 4 ) , // PK 4 ** 66 ** A12
_BV( 5 ) , // PK 5 ** 67 ** A13
_BV( 6 ) , // PK 6 ** 68 ** A14
_BV( 7 ) , // PK 7 ** 69 ** A15
const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] = {
// -------------------------------------------
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PE 0 ** 0 ** USART0_RX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PE 1 ** 1 ** USART0_TX
TIMER3B , // PE 4 ** 2 ** PWM2
TIMER3C , // PE 5 ** 3 ** PWM3
TIMER0B , // PG 5 ** 4 ** PWM4
TIMER3A , // PE 3 ** 5 ** PWM5
TIMER4A , // PH 3 ** 6 ** PWM6
TIMER4B , // PH 4 ** 7 ** PWM7
TIMER4C , // PH 5 ** 8 ** PWM8
TIMER2B , // PH 6 ** 9 ** PWM9
TIMER2A , // PB 4 ** 10 ** PWM10
TIMER1A , // PB 5 ** 11 ** PWM11
TIMER1B , // PB 6 ** 12 ** PWM12
TIMER0A , // PB 7 ** 13 ** PWM13
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PJ 1 ** 14 ** USART3_TX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PJ 0 ** 15 ** USART3_RX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PH 1 ** 16 ** USART2_TX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PH 0 ** 17 ** USART2_RX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PD 3 ** 18 ** USART1_TX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PD 2 ** 19 ** USART1_RX
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PD 1 ** 20 ** I2C_SDA
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PD 0 ** 21 ** I2C_SCL
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 0 ** 22 ** D22
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 1 ** 23 ** D23
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 2 ** 24 ** D24
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 3 ** 25 ** D25
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 4 ** 26 ** D26
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 5 ** 27 ** D27
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 6 ** 28 ** D28
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PA 7 ** 29 ** D29
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 7 ** 30 ** D30
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 6 ** 31 ** D31
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 5 ** 32 ** D32
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 4 ** 33 ** D33
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 3 ** 34 ** D34
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 2 ** 35 ** D35
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 1 ** 36 ** D36
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PC 0 ** 37 ** D37
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PD 7 ** 38 ** D38
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PG 2 ** 39 ** D39
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PG 1 ** 40 ** D40
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PG 0 ** 41 ** D41
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PL 7 ** 42 ** D42
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PL 6 ** 43 ** D43
TIMER5C , // PL 5 ** 44 ** D44
TIMER5B , // PL 4 ** 45 ** D45
TIMER5A , // PL 3 ** 46 ** D46
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PL 2 ** 47 ** D47
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PL 1 ** 48 ** D48
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PL 0 ** 49 ** D49
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PB 3 ** 50 ** SPI_MISO
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PB 2 ** 51 ** SPI_MOSI
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PB 1 ** 52 ** SPI_SCK
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PB 0 ** 53 ** SPI_SS
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 0 ** 54 ** A0
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 1 ** 55 ** A1
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 2 ** 56 ** A2
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 3 ** 57 ** A3
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 4 ** 58 ** A4
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 5 ** 59 ** A5
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 6 ** 60 ** A6
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PF 7 ** 61 ** A7
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 0 ** 62 ** A8
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 1 ** 63 ** A9
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 2 ** 64 ** A10
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 3 ** 65 ** A11
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 4 ** 66 ** A12
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 5 ** 67 ** A13
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 6 ** 68 ** A14
NOT_ON_TIMER , // PK 7 ** 69 ** A15
// These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
// sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
// of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
// the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
// SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
// SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
// SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
// SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
// SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
// pins are NOT connected to anything by default.

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#ifndef LiquidCrystal_h
#define LiquidCrystal_h
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "Print.h"
// commands
#define LCD_RETURNHOME 0x02
#define LCD_CURSORSHIFT 0x10
#define LCD_FUNCTIONSET 0x20
// flags for display entry mode
#define LCD_ENTRYRIGHT 0x00
#define LCD_ENTRYLEFT 0x02
// flags for display on/off control
#define LCD_DISPLAYON 0x04
#define LCD_DISPLAYOFF 0x00
#define LCD_CURSORON 0x02
#define LCD_CURSOROFF 0x00
#define LCD_BLINKON 0x01
#define LCD_BLINKOFF 0x00
// flags for display/cursor shift
#define LCD_DISPLAYMOVE 0x08
#define LCD_CURSORMOVE 0x00
#define LCD_MOVERIGHT 0x04
#define LCD_MOVELEFT 0x00
// flags for function set
#define LCD_8BITMODE 0x10
#define LCD_4BITMODE 0x00
#define LCD_2LINE 0x08
#define LCD_1LINE 0x00
#define LCD_5x10DOTS 0x04
#define LCD_5x8DOTS 0x00
class LiquidCrystal : public Print {
LiquidCrystal(uint8_t rs, uint8_t enable,
uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3,
uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7);
LiquidCrystal(uint8_t rs, uint8_t rw, uint8_t enable,
uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3,
uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7);
LiquidCrystal(uint8_t rs, uint8_t rw, uint8_t enable,
uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3);
LiquidCrystal(uint8_t rs, uint8_t enable,
uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3);
void init(uint8_t fourbitmode, uint8_t rs, uint8_t rw, uint8_t enable,
uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3,
uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7);
void begin(uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows, uint8_t charsize = LCD_5x8DOTS);
void clear();
void home();
void noDisplay();
void display();
void noBlink();
void blink();
void noCursor();
void cursor();
void scrollDisplayLeft();
void scrollDisplayRight();
void leftToRight();
void rightToLeft();
void autoscroll();
void noAutoscroll();
void setRowOffsets(int row1, int row2, int row3, int row4);
void createChar(uint8_t, uint8_t[]);
void setCursor(uint8_t, uint8_t);
virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
void command(uint8_t);
using Print::write;
void send(uint8_t, uint8_t);
void write4bits(uint8_t);
void write8bits(uint8_t);
void pulseEnable();
uint8_t _rs_pin; // LOW: command. HIGH: character.
uint8_t _rw_pin; // LOW: write to LCD. HIGH: read from LCD.
uint8_t _enable_pin; // activated by a HIGH pulse.
uint8_t _data_pins[8];
uint8_t _displayfunction;
uint8_t _displaycontrol;
uint8_t _displaymode;
uint8_t _initialized;
uint8_t _numlines;
uint8_t _row_offsets[4];

@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
C++ Interface
Universal 8bit Graphics Library
Copyright (c) 2011,
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution.
#ifndef _CPP_U8GLIB
#define _CPP_U8GLIB
#include <Print.h>
#include "utility/u8g.h"
class U8GLIB : public Print
u8g_t u8g;
u8g_uint_t tx, ty; // current position for the Print base class procedures
uint8_t is_begin;
void prepare(void) { tx = 0; ty = 0; is_begin = 0; }
void cbegin(void) { if ( is_begin == 0 ) { is_begin = 1; u8g_Begin(&u8g); } }
uint8_t initSPI(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE);
uint8_t initHWSPI(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE);
uint8_t initI2C(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t options);
uint8_t init8BitFixedPort(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t en, uint8_t cs, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw, uint8_t reset);
uint8_t init8Bit(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE);
uint8_t initRW8Bit(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t wr, uint8_t rd, uint8_t reset);
/* constructor */
{ }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev)
{ prepare(); u8g_Init(&u8g, dev); }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_com_fnptr com_fn)
{ prepare(); u8g_InitComFn(&u8g, dev, com_fn); }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset)
{ initSPI(dev, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset); }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset)
{ initHWSPI(dev, cs, a0, reset); }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t options)
{ initI2C(dev, options); }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw, uint8_t reset)
{ init8Bit(dev, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, cs2, di, rw, reset); }
U8GLIB(u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t wr, uint8_t rd, uint8_t reset)
{ initRW8Bit(dev, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, cs, a0, wr, rd, reset); }
uint8_t begin(void) { is_begin = 1; return u8g_Begin(&u8g); }
void setPrintPos(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y) { tx = x; ty = y; }
u8g_t *getU8g(void) { return &u8g; }
/* implementation of the write interface to the print class */
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
size_t write(uint8_t c) { tx += u8g_DrawGlyph(&u8g, tx, ty, c); return 1;}
void write(uint8_t c) { tx += u8g_DrawGlyph(&u8g, tx, ty, c); }
/* screen rotation */
void undoRotation(void) { u8g_UndoRotation(&u8g); }
void setRot90(void) { u8g_SetRot90(&u8g); }
void setRot180(void) { u8g_SetRot180(&u8g); }
void setRot270(void) { u8g_SetRot270(&u8g); }
/* screen scaling */
void undoScale(void) { u8g_UndoScale(&u8g); }
void setScale2x2(void) { u8g_SetScale2x2(&u8g); }
/* picture loop */
void firstPage(void) { cbegin(); u8g_FirstPage(&u8g); }
uint8_t nextPage(void) { return u8g_NextPage(&u8g); }
/* system commands */
uint8_t setContrast(uint8_t contrast) { cbegin(); return u8g_SetContrast(&u8g, contrast); }
void sleepOn(void) { u8g_SleepOn(&u8g); }
void sleepOff(void) { u8g_SleepOff(&u8g); }
/* graphic primitives */
void setColorEntry(uint8_t color_index, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { u8g_SetColorEntry(&u8g, color_index, r, g, b); }
void setHiColor(uint16_t rgb) { u8g_SetHiColor(&u8g, rgb); }
void setHiColorByRGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { u8g_SetHiColorByRGB(&u8g, r, g, b); }
void setRGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { u8g_SetRGB(&u8g, r, g, b); }
void setColorIndex(uint8_t color_index) { u8g_SetColorIndex(&u8g, color_index); }
uint8_t getColorIndex(void) { return u8g_GetColorIndex(&u8g); }
void setDefaultForegroundColor(void) { u8g_SetDefaultForegroundColor(&u8g); }
void setDefaultBackgroundColor(void) { u8g_SetDefaultBackgroundColor(&u8g); }
void setDefaultMidColor(void) { u8g_SetDefaultMidColor(&u8g); }
u8g_uint_t getWidth(void) { return u8g_GetWidth(&u8g); }
u8g_uint_t getHeight(void) { return u8g_GetHeight(&u8g); }
uint8_t getMode(void) { return u8g_GetMode(&u8g); }
void drawPixel(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y) { return u8g_DrawPixel(&u8g, x, y); }
void drawHLine(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w) { u8g_DrawHLine(&u8g, x, y, w); }
void drawVLine(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t h) { u8g_DrawVLine(&u8g, x, y, h); }
void drawLine(u8g_uint_t x1, u8g_uint_t y1, u8g_uint_t x2, u8g_uint_t y2) { u8g_DrawLine(&u8g, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
void drawFrame(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h) { u8g_DrawFrame(&u8g, x, y, w, h); }
void drawRFrame(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, u8g_uint_t r) { u8g_DrawRFrame(&u8g, x, y, w, h,r); }
void drawBox(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h) { u8g_DrawBox(&u8g, x, y, w, h); }
void drawRBox(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, u8g_uint_t r) { u8g_DrawRBox(&u8g, x, y, w, h,r); }
void drawCircle(u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t opt = U8G_DRAW_ALL) { u8g_DrawCircle(&u8g, x0, y0, rad, opt); }
void drawDisc(u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t opt = U8G_DRAW_ALL) { u8g_DrawDisc(&u8g, x0, y0, rad, opt); }
void drawEllipse(u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rx, u8g_uint_t ry, uint8_t opt = U8G_DRAW_ALL) { u8g_DrawEllipse(&u8g, x0, y0, rx, ry, opt); }
void drawFilledEllipse(u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rx, u8g_uint_t ry, uint8_t opt = U8G_DRAW_ALL) { u8g_DrawFilledEllipse(&u8g, x0, y0, rx, ry, opt); }
/* bitmap handling */
void drawBitmap(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, u8g_uint_t h, const uint8_t *bitmap)
{ u8g_DrawBitmap(&u8g, x, y, cnt, h, bitmap); }
void drawBitmapP(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, u8g_uint_t h, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *bitmap)
{ u8g_DrawBitmapP(&u8g, x, y, cnt, h, bitmap); }
void drawXBM(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, const uint8_t *bitmap)
{ u8g_DrawXBM(&u8g, x, y, w, h, bitmap); }
void drawXBMP(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *bitmap)
{ u8g_DrawXBMP(&u8g, x, y, w, h, bitmap); }
/* font handling */
void setFont(const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t *font) {u8g_SetFont(&u8g, font); }
int8_t getFontAscent(void) { return u8g_GetFontAscent(&u8g); }
int8_t getFontDescent(void) { return u8g_GetFontDescent(&u8g); }
int8_t getFontLineSpacing(void) { return u8g_GetFontLineSpacing(&u8g); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s) { return u8g_DrawStr(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr90(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s) { return u8g_DrawStr90(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr180(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s) { return u8g_DrawStr180(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr270(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s) { return u8g_DrawStr270(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStrP(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s) { return u8g_DrawStrP(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr90P(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s) { return u8g_DrawStr90P(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr180P(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s) { return u8g_DrawStr180P(&u8g, x, y, s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr270P(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s) { return u8g_DrawStr270P(&u8g, x, y, s); }
void setFontPosBaseline(void) { u8g_SetFontPosBaseline(&u8g); }
void setFontPosBottom(void) { u8g_SetFontPosBottom(&u8g); }
void setFontPosCenter(void) { u8g_SetFontPosCenter(&u8g); }
void setFontPosTop(void) { u8g_SetFontPosTop(&u8g); }
void setFontRefHeightText(void) { u8g_SetFontRefHeightText(&u8g); }
void setFontRefHeightExtendedText(void) { u8g_SetFontRefHeightExtendedText(&u8g); }
void setFontRefHeightAll(void) { u8g_SetFontRefHeightAll(&u8g); }
void setFontLineSpacingFactor(uint8_t factor) { u8g_SetFontLineSpacingFactor(&u8g, factor); }
u8g_uint_t getStrPixelWidth(const char *s) { return u8g_GetStrPixelWidth(&u8g, s); }
u8g_uint_t getStrPixelWidthP(u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s) { return u8g_GetStrPixelWidthP(&u8g, s); }
u8g_uint_t getStrWidth(const char *s) { return u8g_GetStrWidth(&u8g, s); }
u8g_uint_t getStrWidthP(u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s) { return u8g_GetStrWidthP(&u8g, s); }
void setHardwareBackup(u8g_state_cb backup_cb) { u8g_SetHardwareBackup(&u8g, backup_cb); }
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
// support for the F() macro
u8g_uint_t drawStr(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const __FlashStringHelper *s) { return u8g_DrawStrP(&u8g, x, y, (u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr90(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const __FlashStringHelper *s) { return u8g_DrawStr90P(&u8g, x, y, (u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr180(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const __FlashStringHelper *s) { return u8g_DrawStr180P(&u8g, x, y, (u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)s); }
u8g_uint_t drawStr270(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const __FlashStringHelper *s) { return u8g_DrawStr270P(&u8g, x, y, (u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)s); }
u8g_uint_t getStrPixelWidth(const __FlashStringHelper *s) { return u8g_GetStrPixelWidthP(&u8g, (u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)s); }
u8g_uint_t getStrWidth(const __FlashStringHelper *s) { return u8g_GetStrWidthP(&u8g, (u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)s); }
/* cursor handling */
void setCursorFont(const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *cursor_font) { u8g_SetCursorFont(&u8g, cursor_font); }
void setCursorStyle(uint8_t encoding) { u8g_SetCursorStyle(&u8g, encoding); }
void setCursorPos(u8g_uint_t cursor_x, u8g_uint_t cursor_y) { u8g_SetCursorPos(&u8g, cursor_x, cursor_y); }
void setCursorColor(uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg) { u8g_SetCursorColor(&u8g, fg, bg); }
void enableCursor(void) { u8g_EnableCursor(&u8g); }
void disableCursor(void) { u8g_DisableCursor(&u8g); }
void drawCursor(void) { u8g_DrawCursor(&u8g); }
/* virtual screen */
void setVirtualScreenDimension(u8g_uint_t width, u8g_uint_t height) { u8g_SetVirtualScreenDimension(&u8g, width, height); }
uint8_t addToVirtualScreen(u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, U8GLIB &child_u8g) { return u8g_AddToVirtualScreen(&u8g, x, y, &child_u8g.u8g); }
class U8GLIB_DOGS102 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGS102(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGS102(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGS102_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGS102_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGS102_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_MINI12864 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_MINI12864(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_MINI12864(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_MINI12864_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_MINI12864_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_MINI12864_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGM132 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGM132(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm132_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGM132(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm132_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD_C12832 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD_C12832(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD_C12832(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD_C12832(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD_C12832_USART : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD_C12832_USART(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_hw_usart_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGM128 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGM128(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGM128(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGM128(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGM128_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGM128_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGM128_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGM128_2X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_2x_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_LM6059 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LM6059(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_LM6059(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_LM6059_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LM6059_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_LM6059_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_LM6063 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LM6063(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_LM6063(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_LM6063_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LM6063_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_LM6063_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_64128N : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_64128N(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_64128N(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_64128N(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_64128N_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_64128N_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_64128N_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_64128N_2X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD_C12864 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD_C12864(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD_C12864(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD_C12864_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD_C12864_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD_C12864_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_UC1601_C128032 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_UC1601_C128032(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_UC1601_C128032(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_UC1601_C128032_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_UC1601_C128032_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_UC1601_C128032_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, cs2, di, rw, reset)
{ }
// U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64(uint8_t cs)
// : U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_sw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE)
// { }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_1X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_1X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_1X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_hw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_1X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset) // cs1 = cs2 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_CUSTOM_1X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_CUSTOM_1X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_custom, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_4X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_4X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_4X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_hw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_4X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset) // cs1 = cs2 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_CUSTOM_4X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_CUSTOM_4X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_custom, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32 : public U8GLIB // OBSOLETE, use U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_1X instead
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, cs2, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_1X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_1X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_1X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_hw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_1X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset) // cs1 = cs2 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_4X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_4X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_4x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_4X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_4x_hw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_192X32_4X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_4x_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset) // cs1 = cs2 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, cs2, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_1X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_1X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_1X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_hw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_1X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset) // cs1 = cs2 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_4X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_4X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_4x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_4X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_4x_hw_spi, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, reset) // a0 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7920_202X32_4X(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_4x_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset) // cs1 = cs2 = U8G_PIN_NONE
{ }
class U8GLIB_LC7981_160X80 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LC7981_160X80(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_lc7981_160x80_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_LC7981_240X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LC7981_240X64(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_lc7981_240x64_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_LC7981_240X128 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LC7981_240X128(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_lc7981_240x128_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
// 16 bit mode required: Remove comment from "#define U8G_16BIT 1" in utility/u8g.h
class U8GLIB_LC7981_320X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_LC7981_320X64(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_lc7981_320x64_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGXL160_BW : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_BW(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_bw_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_BW(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_bw_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGXL160_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_BW : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_BW(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_bw_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_BW(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_bw_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_BW : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_BW(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_bw_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_BW(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_bw_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_BW(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_bw_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, U8G_PIN_NONE, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_BW : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_BW(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_bw_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_BW(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_bw_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_BW(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_bw_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, U8G_PIN_NONE, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_BW : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_BW(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_bw_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_BW(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_bw_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_BW(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_bw_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, U8G_PIN_NONE, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_BW : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_BW(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_bw_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_BW(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_bw_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_GR(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_gr_parallel, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, U8G_PIN_NONE, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD31OLED_2X_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64_2X(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_2x_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1309_128X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1309_128X64(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1309_128X64(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1309_128X64(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32_2X : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32_2X(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_2x_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32_2X(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_2x_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32_2X(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_2x_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_NHD27OLED_2X_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_GR(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_gr_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_2X_GR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_2X_GR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_2x_gr_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_2X_GR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_2x_gr_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1327_96X96_2X_GR(uint8_t options = U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_2x_gr_i2c, options)
{ }
class U8GLIB_HT1632_24X16 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_HT1632_24X16(uint8_t wr, uint8_t data, uint8_t cs)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ht1632_24x16, wr, data, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, U8G_PIN_NONE)
{ }
class U8GLIB_PCF8812 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_PCF8812(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_pcf8812_96x65_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_PCF8812(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_pcf8812_96x65_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_PCD8544 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_PCD8544(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_pcd8544_84x48_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_PCD8544(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_pcd8544_84x48_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_TLS8204_84X48 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_TLS8204_84X48(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_tls8204_84x48_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_KS0108_128 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_KS0108_128(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ks0108_128x64_fast, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, cs2, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SBN1661_122X32 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SBN1661_122X32(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_sbn1661_122x32, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, U8G_PIN_NONE, cs1, cs2, di, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_T6963_240X128 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_T6963_240X128(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t wr, uint8_t rd, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_t6963_240x128_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, cs, a0, wr, rd, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_T6963_240X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_T6963_240X64(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t wr, uint8_t rd, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_t6963_240x64_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, cs, a0, wr, rd, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_T6963_128X64 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_T6963_128X64(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t wr, uint8_t rd, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_t6963_128x64_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, cs, a0, wr, rd, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_ST7687_C144MVGD: public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ST7687_C144MVGD(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7687_c144mvgd_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ST7687_C144MVGD(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ks0108_128x64_fast, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs, U8G_PIN_NONE, a0, rw, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_ILI9325D_320x240 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_ILI9325D_320x240(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ili9325d_320x240_8bit, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, en, cs1, U8G_PIN_NONE, di, rw, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_ILI9325D_320x240( uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw = U8G_PIN_NONE, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
{ init8BitFixedPort(&u8g_dev_ili9325d_320x240_8bit, en, cs1, di, rw, reset); }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_332 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_332(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_332_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_332(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_332_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_4X_332 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_4X_332(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_332_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_4X_332(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_332_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_332 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_332(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_332_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_332(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_332_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_4X_332 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_4X_332(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_332_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_4X_332(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_332_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_IDX : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_IDX(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_idx_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_IDX(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_idx_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_HICOLOR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_HICOLOR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_hicolor_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_HICOLOR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_hicolor_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_4X_HICOLOR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_4X_HICOLOR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_hicolor_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128_4X_HICOLOR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_hicolor_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_HICOLOR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_HICOLOR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_hicolor_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_HICOLOR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_hicolor_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_4X_HICOLOR : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_4X_HICOLOR(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_hicolor_sw_spi, sck, mosi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
U8GLIB_SSD1351_128X128GH_4X_HICOLOR(uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
: U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_hicolor_hw_spi, cs, a0, reset)
{ }
class U8GLIB_FLIPDISC_2X7 : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_FLIPDISC_2X7(void) : U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_flipdisc_2x7)
{ }
class U8GLIB_VS : public U8GLIB
U8GLIB_VS(void) : U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_vs)
{ }
#endif /* _CPP_U8GLIB */

@ -0,0 +1,1807 @@
Universal 8bit Graphics Library
Copyright (c) 2011,
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution.
#ifndef _U8G_H
#define _U8G_H
/* uncomment the following line to support displays larger than 240x240 */
//#define U8G_16BIT 1
/* comment the following line to generate more compact but interrupt unsafe code */
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __18CXX
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef signed short int16_t;
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__AVR__)
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
use the com interface directly on any systems which are not AVR or ARDUINO
#if defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define U8G_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
# define U8G_PURE __attribute__ ((pure))
# define U8G_NOCOMMON __attribute__ ((nocommon))
# define U8G_SECTION(name) __attribute__ ((section (name)))
# if defined(__MSPGCC__)
/* mspgcc does not have .progmem sections. Use -fdata-sections. */
# define U8G_FONT_SECTION(name)
# endif
# if defined(__AVR__)
# define U8G_FONT_SECTION(name) U8G_SECTION(".progmem." name)
# endif
# define U8G_NOINLINE
# define U8G_PURE
# define U8G_NOCOMMON
# define U8G_SECTION(name)
# define U8G_FONT_SECTION(name)
/* flash memory access */
#if defined(__AVR__)
/* U8G_PROGMEM is used by the XBM example */
typedef uint8_t PROGMEM u8g_pgm_uint8_t;
typedef uint8_t u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t;
#define u8g_pgm_read(adr) pgm_read_byte_near(adr)
#define U8G_PSTR(s) ((u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)PSTR(s))
#define U8G_PROGMEM
#define PROGMEM
typedef uint8_t u8g_pgm_uint8_t;
typedef uint8_t u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t;
#define u8g_pgm_read(adr) (*(const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)(adr))
#define U8G_PSTR(s) ((u8g_pgm_uint8_t *)(s))
/* interrupt safe code */
#if defined(U8G_INTERRUPT_SAFE)
# if defined(__AVR__)
extern uint8_t global_SREG_backup; /* u8g_state.c */
# define U8G_ATOMIC_START() do { global_SREG_backup = SREG; cli(); } while(0)
# define U8G_ATOMIC_END() SREG = global_SREG_backup
# define U8G_ATOMIC_OR(ptr, val) do { uint8_t tmpSREG = SREG; cli(); (*(ptr) |= (val)); SREG = tmpSREG; } while(0)
# define U8G_ATOMIC_AND(ptr, val) do { uint8_t tmpSREG = SREG; cli(); (*(ptr) &= (val)); SREG = tmpSREG; } while(0)
# else
# define U8G_ATOMIC_OR(ptr, val) (*(ptr) |= (val))
# define U8G_ATOMIC_AND(ptr, val) (*(ptr) &= (val))
# define U8G_ATOMIC_START()
# define U8G_ATOMIC_END()
# endif /* __AVR__ */
# define U8G_ATOMIC_OR(ptr, val) (*(ptr) |= (val))
# define U8G_ATOMIC_AND(ptr, val) (*(ptr) &= (val))
# define U8G_ATOMIC_START()
# define U8G_ATOMIC_END()
#endif /* U8G_INTERRUPT_SAFE */
/* forward */
typedef struct _u8g_t u8g_t;
typedef struct _u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_t;
typedef struct _u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t;
typedef struct _u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t;
typedef struct _u8g_box_t u8g_box_t;
typedef struct _u8g_dev_arg_irgb_t u8g_dev_arg_irgb_t;
/* generic */
#if defined(U8G_16BIT)
typedef uint16_t u8g_uint_t;
typedef int16_t u8g_int_t;
typedef uint8_t u8g_uint_t;
typedef int8_t u8g_int_t;
struct _u8g_box_t
u8g_uint_t x0, y0, x1, y1;
typedef struct _u8g_box_t u8g_box_t;
#endif /* OBSOLETE */
/* device structure */
#ifdef __XC8
/* device prototype */
typedef uint8_t (*u8g_dev_fnptr)(void *u8g, void *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* com prototype */
typedef uint8_t (*u8g_com_fnptr)(void *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr);
/* device prototype */
typedef uint8_t (*u8g_dev_fnptr)(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* com prototype */
typedef uint8_t (*u8g_com_fnptr)(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr);
struct _u8g_dev_t
u8g_dev_fnptr dev_fn; /* device procedure */
void *dev_mem; /* device memory */
u8g_com_fnptr com_fn; /* communication procedure */
/* device list */
/* Size: 128x64 SDL, u8g_dev_sdl.c */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_1bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_1bit_h;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_2bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_2bit_double_mem;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_hicolor;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sdl_fullcolor;
int u8g_sdl_get_key(void);
/* Size: 70x30 monochrom, stdout */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_stdout;
/* Size: monochrom, writes "u8g.pbm" */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pbm;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pbm_8h1;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pbm_8h2; /* grayscale simulation */
/* Size: 128x64 monochrom, no output, used for performance measure */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_gprof;
/* Display: EA DOGS102, Size: 102x64 monochrom */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_dogs102_2x_hw_spi;
/* Display: Mini12864 (dealextreme), Size: 128x64 monochrom */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1701_mini12864_2x_hw_spi;
/* Display: EA DOGM132, Size: 128x32 monochrom */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm132_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm132_hw_spi;
/* Display: EA DOGM128, Size: 128x64 monochrom */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_2x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128_2x_parallel;
/* Display: Topway LM6059 128x64 (Adafruit) */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6059_2x_hw_spi;
/* Display: Topway LM6063 128x64 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_lm6063_2x_hw_spi;
/* Display: Newhaven NHD-C12864 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12864_2x_hw_spi;
/* Display: Newhaven NHD-C12832 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_nhd_c12832_hw_usart_spi;
/* Display: Displaytech 64128N */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_parallel;
/* Display: LCD-AG-C128032R-DIW W/KK E6 PBF */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1601_c128032_2x_hw_spi;
/* dfrobot 128x64 Graphic LCD (SKU:FIT0021) */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_custom;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_4x_custom;
/* NHD-19232WG */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_4x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_4x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_192x32_4x_8bit;
/* CrystalFontz CFAG20232 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_4x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_4x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7920_202x32_4x_8bit;
/* LC7981 160x80 display */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_lc7981_160x80_8bit;
/* LC7981 240x64 display */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_lc7981_240x64_8bit;
/* LC7981 240x128 display */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_lc7981_240x128_8bit;
/* LC7981 320x64 display */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_lc7981_320x64_8bit;
/* T6963, all t6963 devices have double page (2x) */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_t6963_240x128_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_t6963_240x64_8bit;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_t6963_128x64_8bit;
/* Display: EA DOGXL160, Size: 160x104 monochrom & gray level */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_bw_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_bw_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_gr_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_bw_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_bw_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_uc1610_dogxl160_2x_gr_hw_spi;
/* Display: Generic KS0108b, Size: 128x64 monochrom */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ks0108_128x64; /* official Arduino Library interface */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ks0108_128x64_fast; /* faster, but uses private tables from the Arduino Library */
/* Nokia 84x48 Display with PCD8544 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pcd8544_84x48_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pcd8544_84x48_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_tls8204_84x48_sw_spi;
/* Nokia 96x65 Display with PCF8812 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pcf8812_96x65_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_pcf8812_96x65_hw_spi;
/* NHD-2.7-12864UCY3 OLED Display with SSD1325 Controller */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_bw_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_bw_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_bw_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_gr_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_bw_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_bw_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_bw_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1325_nhd27oled_2x_gr_hw_spi;
/* LY120 OLED with SSD1327 Controller (tested with Seeedstudio module) */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_gr_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_gr_i2c;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_2x_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_2x_gr_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1327_96x96_2x_gr_i2c;
/* NHD-3.12-25664 OLED Display with SSD1322 Controller */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_bw_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_bw_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_bw_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_bw_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_bw_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_gr_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_gr_parallel;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_gr_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1322_nhd31oled_2x_gr_hw_spi;
/* OLED 128x64 Display with SSD1306 Controller */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_i2c;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_2x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x64_2x_i2c;
/* OLED 128x64 Display with SSD1309 Controller */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_i2c;
/* OLED 128x32 Display with SSD1306 Controller */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_i2c;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_2x_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_2x_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1306_128x32_2x_i2c;
/* experimental 65K TFT with st7687 controller */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7687_c144mvgd_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7687_c144mvgd_8bit;
/* SBN1661/SED1520 display with 122x32 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_sbn1661_122x32;
/* flip disc matrix */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_flipdisc_2x7;
void u8g_SetFlipDiscCallback(u8g_t *u8g, void (*cb)(uint8_t id, uint8_t page, uint8_t width, uint8_t *row1, uint8_t *row2));
/* ILI9325D based TFT */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ili9325d_320x240_8bit;
/* SSD1351 OLED (breakout board from */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_332_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_332_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_332_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_332_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_idx_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_idx_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_hicolor_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_hicolor_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_hicolor_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_4x_hicolor_hw_spi;
/* SSD1351 OLED (Freetronics, GPIOs set to high level) */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_332_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_332_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_332_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_332_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_hicolor_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_hicolor_hw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_hicolor_sw_spi;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128gh_4x_hicolor_hw_spi;
/* HT1632 */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_ht1632_24x16;
/* A2 Micro Printer */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_a2_micro_printer_384x240;
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_a2_micro_printer_192x120_ds;
/* u8g_virtual_screen.c */
extern u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_vs;
/* device messages */
struct _u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t
u8g_uint_t x, y; /* will be modified */
uint8_t pixel; /* will be modified, pixel sequence or transparency value */
uint8_t dir;
uint8_t color; /* color or index value, red value for true color mode */
uint8_t hi_color; /* high byte for 64K color mode, low byte is in "color", green value for true color mode */
uint8_t blue; /* blue value in true color mode */
/* typedef struct _u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t; */ /* forward decl */
/* range for r,g,b: 0..255 */
#define U8G_GET_HICOLOR_BY_RGB(r,g,b) (((uint16_t)((r)&0x0f8))<<8)|(((uint16_t)((g)&0x0fc))<<3)|(((uint16_t)((b)>>3)))
struct _u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t
u8g_uint_t x, y, w, h;
/* typedef struct _u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t; */ /* forward decl */
struct _u8g_box_t
u8g_uint_t x0, y0, x1, y1;
/* typedef struct _u8g_box_t u8g_box_t; */ /* forward decl */
struct _u8g_dev_arg_irgb_t
u8g_uint_t idx, r, g, b; /* index with rgb value */
/* typedef struct _u8g_dev_arg_irgb_t u8g_dev_arg_irgb_t; */ /* forward decl */
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_INIT 10
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_STOP 11
/* arg: pointer to uint8_t, contranst value between 0 and 255 */
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_SLEEP_ON 16
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_SLEEP_OFF 17
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_PAGE_NEXT 21
/* arg: u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t * */
/* new algorithm with U8G_DEV_MSG_GET_PAGE_BOX makes this msg obsolete */
/* arg: u8g_box_t *, fill structure with current page properties */
/* arg: u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t * */
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_SET_4TPIXEL 45
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_SET_PIXEL 50
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_SET_8PIXEL 59
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_SET_XY_CB 61
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_GET_WIDTH 70
#define U8G_DEV_MSG_GET_MODE 72
/* device modes */
#define U8G_MODE(is_index_mode, is_color, bits_per_pixel) (((is_index_mode)<<6) | ((is_color)<<5)|(bits_per_pixel))
#define U8G_MODE_UNKNOWN 0
#define U8G_MODE_BW U8G_MODE(0, 0, 1)
#define U8G_MODE_GRAY2BIT U8G_MODE(0, 0, 2)
#define U8G_MODE_R3G3B2 U8G_MODE(0, 1, 8)
#define U8G_MODE_INDEX U8G_MODE(1, 1, 8)
/* hicolor is R5G6B5 */
#define U8G_MODE_HICOLOR U8G_MODE(0, 1, 16)
/* truecolor */
#define U8G_MODE_TRUECOLOR U8G_MODE(0, 1, 24)
#define U8G_MODE_GET_BITS_PER_PIXEL(mode) ((mode)&31)
#define U8G_MODE_IS_COLOR(mode) (((mode)&32)==0?0:1)
#define U8G_MODE_IS_INDEX_MODE(mode) (((mode)&64)==0?0:1)
/* com options */
/* uncomment the following line for Atmega HW SPI double speed, issue 89 */
/* #define U8G_HW_SPI_2X 1 */
/* com messages */
#define U8G_COM_MSG_STOP 0
#define U8G_COM_MSG_INIT 1
/* CHIP_SELECT argument: number of the chip which needs to be activated, so this is more like high active */
#define U8G_COM_MSG_RESET 4
/* com driver */
uint8_t u8g_com_null_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_null.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_std_sw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_std_sw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_hw_usart_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_atmega_hw_usart_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_sw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_sw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_hw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_hw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_ATtiny85_std_hw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_arduino_ATTiny85_std_hw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_st7920_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_st7920_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_st7920_custom_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_st7920_custom.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_st7920_hw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_st7920_hw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_parallel_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_parallel.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_fast_parallel_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_fast_parallel.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_port_d_wr_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_port_d_wr.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_no_en_parallel_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_no_en_parallel.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_ssd_i2c_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_ssd_i2c.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_arduino_t6963_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_arduino_t6963.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_atmega_hw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_atmega_hw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_atmega_sw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_atmega_sw_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_atmega_st7920_sw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_atmega_st7920_spi.c */
uint8_t u8g_com_atmega_st7920_hw_spi_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr);
uint8_t u8g_com_atmega_parallel_fn(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t msg, uint8_t arg_val, void *arg_ptr); /* u8g_com_atmega_parallel.c */
Translation of system specific com drives to generic com names
At the moment, the following generic com drives are available
defined(__18CXX) || defined(__PIC32MX)
/* ==== HW SPI, Arduino ====*/
#if defined(ARDUINO)
#if defined(__AVR__)
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__)
#define U8G_COM_HW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_ATtiny85_std_hw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_HW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_HW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_hw_spi_fn
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
#define U8G_COM_HW_USART_SPI u8g_com_arduino_hw_usart_spi_fn
#endif /* __AVR_ATmega32U4__ */
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_HW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_st7920_hw_spi_fn
#endif /* __AVR_ATtiny85__ */
#elif defined(__18CXX) || defined(__PIC32MX)
#define U8G_COM_HW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_HW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
#elif defined(__arm__) /* Arduino Due */
#define U8G_COM_HW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_hw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_HW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
/* ==== HW SPI, not Arduino ====*/
#ifndef U8G_COM_HW_SPI
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define U8G_COM_HW_SPI u8g_com_atmega_hw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_HW_SPI u8g_com_atmega_st7920_hw_spi_fn
#ifndef U8G_COM_HW_SPI
#define U8G_COM_HW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_HW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_HW_USART_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
/* ==== SW SPI, Arduino ====*/
#if defined(ARDUINO)
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define U8G_COM_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_sw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_st7920_spi_fn
#elif defined(__18CXX) || defined(__PIC32MX)
#define U8G_COM_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_sw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_st7920_spi_fn
#elif defined(__arm__) /* Arduino Due */
//#define U8G_COM_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_std_sw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_sw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_SW_SPI u8g_com_arduino_st7920_spi_fn
#ifndef U8G_COM_SW_SPI
/* ==== SW SPI, not Arduino ====*/
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define U8G_COM_SW_SPI u8g_com_atmega_sw_spi_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_SW_SPI u8g_com_atmega_st7920_sw_spi_fn
#ifndef U8G_COM_SW_SPI
#define U8G_COM_SW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_ST7920_SW_SPI u8g_com_null_fn
/* ==== Parallel iinterface, Arduino ====*/
#if defined(ARDUINO)
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define U8G_COM_PARALLEL u8g_com_arduino_parallel_fn
#define U8G_COM_FAST_PARALLEL u8g_com_arduino_fast_parallel_fn
#define U8G_COM_T6963 u8g_com_arduino_t6963_fn
#else /* Arduino Due, Chipkit PIC32 */
#define U8G_COM_PARALLEL u8g_com_arduino_parallel_fn
#define U8G_COM_FAST_PARALLEL u8g_com_arduino_parallel_fn
#define U8G_COM_T6963 u8g_com_null_fn
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define U8G_COM_PARALLEL u8g_com_atmega_parallel_fn
#define U8G_COM_FAST_PARALLEL u8g_com_atmega_parallel_fn
#define U8G_COM_T6963 u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_PARALLEL u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_FAST_PARALLEL u8g_com_null_fn
#define U8G_COM_T6963 u8g_com_null_fn
#if defined(ARDUINO)
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define U8G_COM_SSD_I2C u8g_com_arduino_ssd_i2c_fn
#ifndef U8G_COM_SSD_I2C
#if defined(__AVR__)
/* AVR variant can use the arduino version at the moment */
#define U8G_COM_SSD_I2C u8g_com_arduino_ssd_i2c_fn
#ifndef U8G_COM_SSD_I2C
#define U8G_COM_SSD_I2C u8g_com_null_fn
/* com api */
#define U8G_SPI_CLK_CYCLE_50NS 1
#define U8G_SPI_CLK_CYCLE_300NS 2
#define U8G_SPI_CLK_CYCLE_400NS 3
#define U8G_SPI_CLK_CYCLE_NONE 255
uint8_t u8g_InitCom(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t clk_cycle_time);
void u8g_StopCom(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
void u8g_EnableCom(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev); /* obsolete */
void u8g_DisableCom(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev); /* obsolete */
void u8g_SetChipSelect(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cs);
void u8g_SetResetLow(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
void u8g_SetResetHigh(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
void u8g_SetAddress(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t address);
uint8_t u8g_WriteByte(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t val);
uint8_t u8g_WriteSequence(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cnt, uint8_t *seq);
uint8_t u8g_WriteSequenceP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cnt, const uint8_t *seq);
#define U8G_ESC_DLY(x) 255, ((x) & 0x7f)
#define U8G_ESC_CS(x) 255, (0xd0 | ((x)&0x0f))
#define U8G_ESC_ADR(x) 255, (0xe0 | ((x)&0x0f))
#define U8G_ESC_RST(x) 255, (0xc0 | ((x)&0x0f))
#define U8G_ESC_VCC(x) 255, (0xbe | ((x)&0x01))
#define U8G_ESC_END 255, 254
#define U8G_ESC_255 255, 255
//uint8_t u8g_WriteEscSeqP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_pgm_uint8_t *esc_seq);
uint8_t u8g_WriteEscSeqP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, const uint8_t *esc_seq);
/* u8g_com_api_16gr.c */
uint8_t u8g_WriteByteBWTo16GrDevice(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t b);
uint8_t u8g_WriteSequenceBWTo16GrDevice(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cnt, uint8_t *ptr);
uint8_t u8g_WriteByte4LTo16GrDevice(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t b);
uint8_t u8g_WriteSequence4LTo16GrDevice(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cnt, uint8_t *ptr);
/* u8g_arduino_common.c */
void u8g_com_arduino_digital_write(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t pin_index, uint8_t value);
void u8g_com_arduino_assign_pin_output_high(u8g_t *u8g);
/* u8g_com_io.c */
/* create internal number from port and pin */
uint8_t u8g_Pin(uint8_t port, uint8_t bitpos);
#define PN(port,bitpos) u8g_Pin(port,bitpos)
/* low level procedures */
void u8g_SetPinOutput(uint8_t internal_pin_number);
void u8g_SetPinLevel(uint8_t internal_pin_number, uint8_t level);
void u8g_SetPinInput(uint8_t internal_pin_number);
uint8_t u8g_GetPinLevel(uint8_t internal_pin_number);
/* u8g level procedures, expect U8G_PI_xxx macro */
void u8g_SetPIOutput(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t pi);
void u8g_SetPILevel(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t pi, uint8_t level);
/* page */
struct _u8g_page_t
u8g_uint_t page_height;
u8g_uint_t total_height;
u8g_uint_t page_y0;
u8g_uint_t page_y1;
uint8_t page;
typedef struct _u8g_page_t u8g_page_t;
void u8g_page_First(u8g_page_t *p) U8G_NOINLINE; /* u8g_page.c */
void u8g_page_Init(u8g_page_t *p, u8g_uint_t page_height, u8g_uint_t total_height ) U8G_NOINLINE; /* u8g_page.c */
uint8_t u8g_page_Next(u8g_page_t *p) U8G_NOINLINE; /* u8g_page.c */
/* page buffer (pb) */
struct _u8g_pb_t
u8g_page_t p;
u8g_uint_t width; /* pixel width */
void *buf;
typedef struct _u8g_pb_t u8g_pb_t;
/* u8g_pb.c */
void u8g_pb_Clear(u8g_pb_t *b);
uint8_t u8g_pb_IsYIntersection(u8g_pb_t *pb, u8g_uint_t v0, u8g_uint_t v1);
uint8_t u8g_pb_IsXIntersection(u8g_pb_t *b, u8g_uint_t v0, u8g_uint_t v1);
uint8_t u8g_pb_IsIntersection(u8g_pb_t *pb, u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t *bbx);
void u8g_pb_GetPageBox(u8g_pb_t *pb, u8g_box_t *box);
uint8_t u8g_pb_Is8PixelVisible(u8g_pb_t *b, u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t *arg_pixel);
uint8_t u8g_pb_WriteBuffer(u8g_pb_t *b, u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
note on __attribute__ ((nocommon))
AVR scripts often use --gc-sections on the linker to remove unused section.
This works fine for initialed data and text sections. In principle .bss is also
handled, but the name##_pb definition is not removed. Reason is, that
array definitions are placed in the COMMON section, by default
The attribute "nocommon" removes this automatic assignment to the
COMMON section and directly puts it into .bss. As a result, if more
than one buffer is defined in one file, then it will be removed with --gc-sections
.. not sure if Arduino IDE uses -fno-common... if yes, then the attribute is
#define U8G_PB_DEV(name, width, height, page_height, dev_fn, com_fn) \
uint8_t name##_buf[width] U8G_NOCOMMON ; \
u8g_pb_t name##_pb = { {page_height, height, 0, 0, 0}, width, name##_buf}; \
u8g_dev_t name = { dev_fn, &name##_pb, com_fn }
void u8g_pb8v1_Init(u8g_pb_t *b, void *buf, u8g_uint_t width) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_pb8v1_Clear(u8g_pb_t *b) U8G_NOINLINE;
uint8_t u8g_pb8v1_IsYIntersection(u8g_pb_t *b, u8g_uint_t v0, u8g_uint_t v1);
uint8_t u8g_pb8v1_IsXIntersection(u8g_pb_t *b, u8g_uint_t v0, u8g_uint_t v1);
uint8_t u8g_pb8v1_WriteBuffer(u8g_pb_t *b, u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb8v1_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb16v1.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb16v1_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb14v1.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb14v1_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb8v2.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb8v2_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb16v2.c (double memory of pb8v2) */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb16v2_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb8h1.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb8h1_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb16h1.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb16h1_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb32h1.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb32h1_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb8h2.c 8 pixel rows, byte has horzontal orientation */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb8h2_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb16h2.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb16h2_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb8h1f.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb8h1f_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pb8h8.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pb8h8_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pbxh16.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pbxh16_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_pbxh24.c */
uint8_t u8g_dev_pbxh24_base_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
/* u8g_ll_api.c */
/* cursor draw callback */
typedef void (*u8g_draw_cursor_fn)(u8g_t *u8g);
/* vertical reference point calculation callback */
typedef u8g_uint_t (*u8g_font_calc_vref_fnptr)(u8g_t *u8g);
/* state backup and restore procedure */
typedef void (*u8g_state_cb)(uint8_t msg);
/* PI = Pin Index */
/* reset pin, usually optional */
#define U8G_PI_RESET 0
/* address / data or instruction */
#define U8G_PI_A0 1
#define U8G_PI_DI 1
/* chip select line */
#define U8G_PI_CS 2
#define U8G_PI_CS1 2
#define U8G_PI_CS2 3
/* Feb 2013: A0 state moved from 7 to 3 for t6963 controller*/
#define U8G_PI_A0_STATE 3
/* enable / clock signal */
#define U8G_PI_EN 4
#define U8G_PI_CS_STATE 4
#define U8G_PI_SCK 4
#define U8G_PI_SCL 4
#define U8G_PI_RD 4
/* data pins, shared with SPI and I2C pins */
#define U8G_PI_D0 5
#define U8G_PI_MOSI 5
#define U8G_PI_SDA 5
#define U8G_PI_D1 6
#define U8G_PI_MISO 6
#define U8G_PI_D2 7
#define U8G_PI_D3 8
#define U8G_PI_SET_A0 8
#define U8G_PI_D4 9
#define U8G_PI_D5 10
#define U8G_PI_I2C_OPTION 11
#define U8G_PI_D6 11
#define U8G_PI_D7 12
/* read/write pin, must be the last pin in the list, this means U8G_PIN_LIST_LEN = U8G_PI_RW + 1*/
#define U8G_PI_WR 13
#define U8G_PI_RW 13
#define U8G_PIN_LIST_LEN 14
#define U8G_PIN_DUMMY 254
#define U8G_PIN_NONE 255
struct _u8g_t
u8g_uint_t width;
u8g_uint_t height;
u8g_dev_t *dev; /* first device in the device chain */
const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *font; /* regular font for all text procedures */
const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *cursor_font; /* special font for cursor procedures */
uint8_t cursor_fg_color, cursor_bg_color;
uint8_t cursor_encoding;
uint8_t mode; /* display mode, one of U8G_MODE_xxx */
u8g_uint_t cursor_x;
u8g_uint_t cursor_y;
u8g_draw_cursor_fn cursor_fn;
int8_t glyph_dx;
int8_t glyph_x;
int8_t glyph_y;
uint8_t glyph_width;
uint8_t glyph_height;
u8g_font_calc_vref_fnptr font_calc_vref;
uint8_t font_height_mode;
int8_t font_ref_ascent;
int8_t font_ref_descent;
uint8_t font_line_spacing_factor; /* line_spacing = factor * (ascent - descent) / 64 */
uint8_t line_spacing;
u8g_dev_arg_pixel_t arg_pixel;
/* uint8_t color_index; */
uint8_t pin_list[U8G_PIN_LIST_LEN];
u8g_state_cb state_cb;
u8g_box_t current_page; /* current box of the visible page */
#define u8g_GetFontAscent(u8g) ((u8g)->font_ref_ascent)
#define u8g_GetFontDescent(u8g) ((u8g)->font_ref_descent)
#define u8g_GetFontLineSpacing(u8g) ((u8g)->line_spacing)
uint8_t u8g_call_dev_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg);
uint8_t u8g_InitLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
void u8g_FirstPageLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
uint8_t u8g_NextPageLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
uint8_t u8g_SetContrastLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t contrast);
void u8g_DrawPixelLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y);
void u8g_Draw8PixelLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, uint8_t pixel);
void u8g_Draw4TPixelLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, uint8_t pixel);
uint8_t u8g_IsBBXIntersectionLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h); /* obsolete */
u8g_uint_t u8g_GetWidthLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
u8g_uint_t u8g_GetHeightLL(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev);
void u8g_UpdateDimension(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_Begin(u8g_t *u8g); /* reset device, put it into default state and call u8g_UpdateDimension() */
uint8_t u8g_Init(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev); /* only usefull if the device only as hardcoded ports */
uint8_t u8g_InitComFn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, u8g_com_fnptr com_fn); /* Init procedure for anything which is not Arduino or AVR (e.g. ARM, but not Due, which is Arduino) */
uint8_t u8g_InitSPI(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset);
uint8_t u8g_InitHWSPI(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset);
uint8_t u8g_InitI2C(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t options); /* use U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE as options */
uint8_t u8g_Init8BitFixedPort(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t en, uint8_t cs, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw, uint8_t reset);
uint8_t u8g_Init8Bit(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t en, uint8_t cs1, uint8_t cs2, uint8_t di, uint8_t rw, uint8_t reset);
uint8_t u8g_InitRW8Bit(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t wr, uint8_t rd, uint8_t reset);
void u8g_FirstPage(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_NextPage(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_SetContrast(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t contrast);
void u8g_SleepOn(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SleepOff(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_DrawPixel(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y);
void u8g_Draw8Pixel(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, uint8_t pixel);
void u8g_Draw4TPixel(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, uint8_t pixel);
uint8_t u8g_Stop(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetColorEntry(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t idx, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void u8g_SetColorIndex(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t idx);
void u8g_SetHiColor(u8g_t *u8g, uint16_t rgb);
void u8g_SetHiColorByRGB(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void u8g_SetRGB(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
uint8_t u8g_GetColorIndex(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_GetDefaultForegroundColor(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetDefaultForegroundColor(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_GetDefaultBackgroundColor(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetDefaultBackgroundColor(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_GetDefaultMidColor(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetDefaultMidColor(u8g_t *u8g);
#define u8g_GetWidth(u8g) ((u8g)->width)
#define u8g_GetHeight(u8g) ((u8g)->height)
#define u8g_GetMode(u8g) ((u8g)->mode)
/* u8g_state.c */
#define U8G_STATE_ENV_IDX 0
#define U8G_STATE_U8G_IDX 1
#define U8G_STATE_BACKUP 1
#define U8G_STATE_MSG_COMPOSE(cmd,idx) (((cmd)<<1) | (idx))
#define U8G_STATE_MSG_GET_IDX(msg) ((msg)&1)
#define U8G_STATE_MSG_IS_BACKUP(msg) ((msg)&2)
void u8g_state_dummy_cb(uint8_t msg);
void u8g_backup_spi(uint8_t msg); /* backup SPI state controller */
/* backward compatible definition */
#define u8g_backup_avr_spi u8g_backup_spi
void u8g_SetHardwareBackup(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_state_cb backup_cb);
/* u8g_clip.c */
uint8_t u8g_IsBBXIntersection(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h);
/* u8g_rot.c */
void u8g_UndoRotation(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetRot90(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetRot180(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetRot270(u8g_t *u8g);
/* u8g_scale.c */
void u8g_UndoScale(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetScale2x2(u8g_t *u8g);
/* u8g_font.c */
size_t u8g_font_GetSize(const void *font);
uint8_t u8g_font_GetFontStartEncoding(const void *font) U8G_NOINLINE;
uint8_t u8g_font_GetFontEndEncoding(const void *font) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_SetFont(u8g_t *u8g, const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t *font);
uint8_t u8g_GetFontBBXWidth(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_GetFontBBXHeight(u8g_t *u8g);
int8_t u8g_GetFontBBXOffX(u8g_t *u8g);
int8_t u8g_GetFontBBXOffY(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_GetFontCapitalAHeight(u8g_t *u8g);
uint8_t u8g_IsGlyph(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t requested_encoding);
int8_t u8g_GetGlyphDeltaX(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t requested_encoding);
int8_t u8g_draw_glyph(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t encoding); /* used by u8g_cursor.c */
int8_t u8g_DrawGlyphDir(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, uint8_t encoding);
int8_t u8g_DrawGlyph(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t encoding);
int8_t u8g_DrawGlyph90(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t encoding);
int8_t u8g_DrawGlyph180(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t encoding);
int8_t u8g_DrawGlyph270(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t encoding);
int8_t u8g_DrawGlyphFontBBX(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, uint8_t encoding);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr90(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr180(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr270(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStrDir(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStrP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr90P(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr180P(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStr270P(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
void u8g_SetFontRefHeightText(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontRefHeightExtendedText(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontRefHeightAll(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontLineSpacingFactor(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t factor);
u8g_uint_t u8g_font_calc_vref_font(u8g_t *u8g);
u8g_uint_t u8g_font_calc_vref_bottom(u8g_t *u8g);
u8g_uint_t u8g_font_calc_vref_top(u8g_t *u8g);
u8g_uint_t u8g_font_calc_vref_center(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontPosBaseline(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontPosBottom(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontPosCenter(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_SetFontPosTop(u8g_t *u8g);
u8g_uint_t u8g_GetStrPixelWidth(u8g_t *u8g, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_GetStrPixelWidthP(u8g_t *u8g, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
int8_t u8g_GetStrX(u8g_t *u8g, const char *s);
int8_t u8g_GetStrXP(u8g_t *u8g, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_GetStrWidth(u8g_t *u8g, const char *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_GetStrWidthP(u8g_t *u8g, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *s);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawStrFontBBX(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, uint8_t dir, const char *s);
void u8g_GetStrMinBox(u8g_t *u8g, const char *s, u8g_uint_t *x, u8g_uint_t *y, u8g_uint_t *width, u8g_uint_t *height);
void u8g_GetStrAMinBox(u8g_t *u8g, const char *s, u8g_uint_t *x, u8g_uint_t *y, u8g_uint_t *width, u8g_uint_t *height);
u8g_uint_t u8g_DrawAAStr(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, const char *s);
/* u8g_rect.c */
void u8g_draw_box(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_DrawHLine(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w);
void u8g_DrawVLine(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w);
void u8g_DrawFrame(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h);
void u8g_DrawBox(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h);
void u8g_DrawRFrame(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, u8g_uint_t r);
void u8g_DrawRBox(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, u8g_uint_t r);
/* u8g_bitmap.c */
void u8g_DrawHBitmap(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, const uint8_t *bitmap);
void u8g_DrawHBitmapP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *bitmap);
void u8g_DrawBitmap(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, u8g_uint_t h, const uint8_t *bitmap);
void u8g_DrawBitmapP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t cnt, u8g_uint_t h, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *bitmap);
void u8g_DrawXBM(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, const uint8_t *bitmap);
void u8g_DrawXBMP(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_uint_t w, u8g_uint_t h, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *bitmap);
/* u8g_line.c */
void u8g_DrawLine(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x1, u8g_uint_t y1, u8g_uint_t x2, u8g_uint_t y2);
/* u8g_circle.c */
/* the following, commented code has been rewritten or is not yet finished
#define U8G_CIRC_UPPER_RIGHT 0x01
#define U8G_CIRC_UPPER_LEFT 0x02
#define U8G_CIRC_LOWER_LEFT 0x04
#define U8G_CIRC_LOWER_RIGHT 0x08
void u8g_DrawEmpCirc(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t option);
void u8g_DrawFillCirc(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t option);
void u8g_DrawEllipseRect(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t x1, u8g_uint_t y1);
#define U8G_DRAW_UPPER_RIGHT 0x01
#define U8G_DRAW_UPPER_LEFT 0x02
#define U8G_DRAW_LOWER_LEFT 0x04
#define U8G_DRAW_LOWER_RIGHT 0x08
void u8g_draw_circle(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t option) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_draw_disc(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t option) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_DrawCircle(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t option);
void u8g_DrawDisc(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rad, uint8_t option);
/* u8g_ellipse.c */
void u8g_DrawEllipse(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rx, u8g_uint_t ry, uint8_t option);
void u8g_DrawFilledEllipse(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t x0, u8g_uint_t y0, u8g_uint_t rx, u8g_uint_t ry, uint8_t option);
/* u8g_clip.c */
uint8_t u8g_is_box_bbx_intersection(u8g_box_t *box, u8g_dev_arg_bbx_t *bbx);
/* u8g_cursor.c */
void u8g_SetCursorFont(u8g_t *u8g, const u8g_pgm_uint8_t *cursor_font);
void u8g_SetCursorStyle(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t encoding);
void u8g_SetCursorPos(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_uint_t cursor_x, u8g_uint_t cursor_y);
void u8g_SetCursorColor(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg);
void u8g_EnableCursor(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_DisableCursor(u8g_t *u8g);
void u8g_DrawCursor(u8g_t *u8g);
/* u8g_virtual_screen.c */
void u8g_SetVirtualScreenDimension(u8g_t *vs_u8g, u8g_uint_t width, u8g_uint_t height);
uint8_t u8g_AddToVirtualScreen(u8g_t *vs_u8g, u8g_uint_t x, u8g_uint_t y, u8g_t *child_u8g);
void st_Draw(uint8_t fps);
void st_Step(uint8_t player_pos, uint8_t is_auto_fire, uint8_t is_fire);
/* u8g_com_i2c.c */
/* options for u8g_i2c_init() */
#define U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE 0
/* retrun values from u8g_twi_get_error() */
#define U8G_I2C_ERR_NONE 0x00
/* the following values are bit masks */
#define U8G_I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT 0x01
#define U8G_I2C_ERR_BUS 0x02
void u8g_i2c_clear_error(void) U8G_NOINLINE;
uint8_t u8g_i2c_get_error(void) U8G_NOINLINE;
uint8_t u8g_i2c_get_err_pos(void) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_i2c_init(uint8_t options) U8G_NOINLINE; /* use U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE as options */
uint8_t u8g_i2c_wait(uint8_t mask, uint8_t pos) U8G_NOINLINE;
uint8_t u8g_i2c_start(uint8_t sla) U8G_NOINLINE;
uint8_t u8g_i2c_send_byte(uint8_t data) U8G_NOINLINE;
void u8g_i2c_stop(void) U8G_NOINLINE;
/* u8g_u8toa.c */
/* v = value, d = number of digits */
const char *u8g_u8toa(uint8_t v, uint8_t d);
/* u8g_u8toa.c */
/* v = value, d = number of digits */
const char *u8g_u16toa(uint16_t v, uint8_t d);
/* u8g_delay.c */
/* delay by the specified number of milliseconds */
void u8g_Delay(uint16_t val);
/* delay by one microsecond */
void u8g_MicroDelay(void);
/* delay by 10 microseconds */
void u8g_10MicroDelay(void);
/* chessengine.c */
#define CHESS_KEY_NONE 0
#define CHESS_KEY_NEXT 1
#define CHESS_KEY_PREV 2
#define CHESS_KEY_BACK 4
void chess_Init(u8g_t *u8g, uint8_t empty_body_color);
void chess_Draw(void);
void chess_Step(uint8_t keycode);
/* font definitions */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_m2icon_5[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_m2icon_5");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_m2icon_7[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_m2icon_7");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_m2icon_9[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_m2icon_9");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_u8glib_4[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_u8glib_4");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_u8glib_4r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_u8glib_4r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x12_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x12_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_cu12_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_cu12_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_10x20_75r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_10x20_75r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_10x20_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_10x20_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_10x20_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_10x20_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_10x20[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_10x20");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_10x20r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_10x20r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_4x6[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_4x6");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_4x6r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_4x6r");
//extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_4x6n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_4x6n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_5x7[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_5x7");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_5x7r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_5x7r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_5x8[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_5x8");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_5x8r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_5x8r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x12_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x12_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x12_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x12_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13B[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13B");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13Br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13Br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13O[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13O");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_6x13Or[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_6x13Or");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13B[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13B");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13Br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13Br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13O[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13O");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x13Or[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x13Or");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x14B[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x14B");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x14Br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x14Br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_7x14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_7x14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13B[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13B");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13Br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13Br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13O[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13O");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_8x13Or[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_8x13Or");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15B[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15B");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15Br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15Br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x15r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x15r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18B[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18B");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18Br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18Br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_9x18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_9x18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_cursor[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_cursor");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_cursorr[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_cursorr");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_micro[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_micro");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_cu12_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_cu12_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_cu12_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_cu12_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_cu12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_cu12");
Free-Universal Bold
r: Reduced char set (codes 32 - 128)
n: Numbers (codes 42 - 57)
no char: Full set (codes 32 - 255)
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub11[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub11");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub11r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub11r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub11n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub11n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub14n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub14n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub17[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub17");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub17r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub17r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub17n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub17n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub20[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub20");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub20r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub20r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub20n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub20n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub25[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub25");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub25r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub25r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub25n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub25n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub30[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub30");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub30r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub30r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub30n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub30n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub35n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub35n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub42n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub42n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fub49n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fub49n");
Free-Universal Regular
r: Reduced char set (codes 32 - 128)
n: Numbers (codes 42 - 57)
no char: Full set (codes 32 - 255)
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur11[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur11");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur11r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur11r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur11n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur11n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur14n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur14n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur17[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur17");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur17r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur17r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur17n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur17n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur20[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur20");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur20r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur20r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur20n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur20n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur25[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur25");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur25r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur25r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur25n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur25n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur30[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur30");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur30r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur30r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur30n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur30n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur35n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur35n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur42n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur42n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fur49n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fur49n");
Gentium Bold
r: Reduced char set (codes 32 - 128)
n: Numbers (codes 42 - 57)
no char: Full set (codes 32 - 255)
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb11[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb11");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb17[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb17");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb20[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb20");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb25[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb25");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb30[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb30");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb11r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb11r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb17r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb17r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb20r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb20r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb25r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb25r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb30r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb30r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb11n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb11n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb12n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb12n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb14n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb14n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb17n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb17n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb20n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb20n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb25n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb25n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdb30n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdb30n");
Gentium Regular
r: Reduced char set (codes 32 - 128)
n: Numbers (codes 42 - 57)
no char: Full set (codes 32 - 255)
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr9[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr9");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr11[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr11");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr17[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr17");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr20[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr20");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr25[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr25");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr30[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr30");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr9r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr9r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr11r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr11r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr17r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr17r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr20r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr20r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr25r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr25r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr30r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr30r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr9n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr9n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr10n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr10n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr11n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr11n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr12n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr12n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr14n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr14n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr17n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr17n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr20n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr20n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr25n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr25n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_gdr30n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_gdr30n");
Old-Standard Bold
r: Reduced char set (codes 32 - 128)
n: Numbers (codes 42 - 57)
no char: Full set (codes 32 - 255)
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb21[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb21");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb26[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb26");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb29[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb29");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb35[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb35");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb21r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb21r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb26r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb26r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb29r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb29r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb35r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb35r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb18n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb18n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb21n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb21n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb26n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb26n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb29n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb29n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osb35n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osb35n");
Old-Standard Regular
r: Reduced char set (codes 32 - 128)
n: Numbers (codes 42 - 57)
no char: Full set (codes 32 - 255)
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr21[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr21");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr26[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr26");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr29[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr29");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr35[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr35");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr21r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr21r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr26r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr26r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr29r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr29r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr35r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr35r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr18n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr18n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr21n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr21n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr26n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr26n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr29n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr29n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr35n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr35n");
//extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_osr41[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_osr41");
/* GNU unifont */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_18_19[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_18_19");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_72_73[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_72_73");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_67_75[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_67_75");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_76[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_76");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_77[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_77");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_78_79[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_78_79");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_86[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_86");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifontr[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifontr");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_0_8[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_0_8");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_2_3[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_2_3");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_4_5[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_4_5");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_8_9[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_8_9");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_unifont_12_13[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_unifont_12_13");
/* 04b fonts */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_03b[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_03b");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_03bn[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_03bn");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_03br[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_03br");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_03[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_03");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_03n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_03n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_03r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_03r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_04b_24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_04b_24r");
/* orgdot fonts */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_orgv01[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_orgv01");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_orgv01r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_orgv01r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_orgv01n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_orgv01n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fixed_v0[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fixed_v0");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fixed_v0r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fixed_v0r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_fixed_v0n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_fixed_v0n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_tpssb[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_tpssb");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_tpssbr[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_tpssbr");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_tpssbn[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_tpssbn");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_tpss[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_tpss");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_tpssr[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_tpssr");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_tpssn[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_tpssn");
/* contributed */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_freedoomr25n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_freedoomr25n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_freedoomr10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_freedoomr10r");
/* adobe X11 */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courB24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courB24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_courR24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_courR24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvB24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvB24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_helvR24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_helvR24n");
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extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenB24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenB24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_ncenR24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_ncenR24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_symb24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_symb24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timB24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timB24n");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR08[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR08");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR08r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR08r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR10[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR10");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR10r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR10r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR12[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR12");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR12r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR12r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR14[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR14");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR14r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR14r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR18[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR18");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR18r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR18r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR24[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR24");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR24r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR24r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_timR24n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_timR24n");
/* fontstruct */
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_p01type[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_p01type");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_p01typer[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_p01typer");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_p01typen[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_p01typen");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_lucasfont_alternate[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_lucasfont_alternate");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_lucasfont_alternater[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_lucasfont_alternater");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_lucasfont_alternaten[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_lucasfont_alternaten");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_chikita[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_chikita");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_chikitar[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_chikitar");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_chikitan[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_chikitan");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_pixelle_micro[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_pixelle_micro");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_pixelle_micror[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_pixelle_micror");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_pixelle_micron[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_pixelle_micron");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_trixel_square[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_trixel_square");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_trixel_squarer[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_trixel_squarer");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_trixel_squaren[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_trixel_squaren");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_robot_de_niro[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_robot_de_niro");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_robot_de_niror[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_robot_de_niror");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_robot_de_niron[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_robot_de_niron");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_baby[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_baby");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_babyr[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_babyr");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_babyn[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_babyn");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_blipfest_07[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_blipfest_07");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_blipfest_07r[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_blipfest_07r");
extern const u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t u8g_font_blipfest_07n[] U8G_FONT_SECTION("u8g_font_blipfest_07n");
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _U8G_H */

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (C) 2017 AlephObjects, Inc.
@ -12,6 +13,15 @@
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU AGPL for more details.
# The following variables list the models and toolheads to build for:
MINI_MODELS="Gladiola_Mini Huerfano_Mini Gladiola_GLCD Huerfano_GLCD"
MINI_TOOLHEADS="Gladiola_SingleExtruder Albatross_Flexystruder Heather_Aero"
TAZ_MODELS="Oliveoil_TAZ_6 Huerfano_TAZ_7"
TAZ_TOOLHEADS="Oliveoil_SingleExtruder Kanyu_Flexystruder Opah_Moarstruder Javelin_DualExtruder Longfin_FlexyDually Yellowfin_DualExtruder Angelfish_Aero"
# build_firmware <printer> <toolhead>
@ -82,6 +92,51 @@ check_avr_tools() {
check_tool avr-size
# build_for_mini
# Build all the toolhead variants for the mini
build_for_mini() {
for model in $MINI_MODELS
for toolhead in $MINI_TOOLHEADS
build_firmware ${model} ${toolhead}
# build_for_taz
# Build all the toolhead variants for the TAZ
build_for_taz() {
for model in $TAZ_MODELS
for toolhead in $TAZ_TOOLHEADS
build_firmware ${model} ${toolhead}
# build_summary
# Print out a summary of hex files that were created
build_summary() {
echo Firmware hex files built in "`pwd`/build":
ls build
@ -92,32 +147,6 @@ check_avr_tools
rm -rf build
mkdir build
MINI_MODELS="Gladiola_Mini Huerfano_Mini Gladiola_GLCD Huerfano_GLCD"
TAZ_MODELS="Oliveoil_TAZ_6 Huerfano_TAZ_7"
MINI_TOOLHEADS="Gladiola_SingleExtruder Albatross_Flexystruder Heather_Aero"
TAZ_TOOLHEADS="Oliveoil_SingleExtruder Kanyu_Flexystruder Opah_Moarstruder Javelin_DualExtruder Longfin_FlexyDually Yellowfin_DualExtruder Angelfish_Aero"
for model in $MINI_MODELS
for toolhead in $MINI_TOOLHEADS
build_firmware ${model} ${toolhead}
for model in $TAZ_MODELS
for toolhead in $TAZ_TOOLHEADS
build_firmware ${model} ${toolhead}
echo Firmware hex files built in "`pwd`/build":
ls build
