/* * Modern Interface for the RepRapDiscount Full * Graphics Smart Controller (ST7920-based 128x64 LCD) * * (c) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc. * * The code in this page is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details. * */ #define BUFFER_WIDTH 256 #define BUFFER_HEIGHT 32 #define DDRAM_LINE_1 0x00 #define DDRAM_LINE_2 0x10 #define DDRAM_LINE_3 0x08 #define DDRAM_LINE_4 0x18 //set optimization so ARDUINO optimizes this file #pragma GCC optimize (3) typedef const __FlashStringHelper *progmem_str; void lcd_data(uint8_t data) { ST7920_WRITE_BYTE(data); } void lcd_cmd(uint8_t data) { ST7920_SET_CMD(); ST7920_WRITE_BYTE(data); } void lcd_write_begin() { ST7920_SET_DAT(); } void lcd_write_byte(uint8_t w) { lcd_data(w & 0xFF); } void lcd_write_word(uint16_t w) { lcd_data((w >> 8) & 0xFF); lcd_data((w >> 0) & 0xFF); } void lcd_write_str(const char *str) { while(*str) { lcd_write_byte(*str++); } } void lcd_write_str(const char *str, uint8_t len) { while(*str && len--) { lcd_write_byte(*str++); } } void lcd_write_str_P(const char *str) { const char *p_str = (const char *)str; char c = pgm_read_byte_near(p_str++); while(c) { lcd_write_byte(c); c = pgm_read_byte_near(p_str++); } } void lcd_write_str(progmem_str str) { lcd_write_str_P((const char*)str); } void lcd_write_number(uint8_t value, uint8_t digits=3) { char str[7]; const char *fmt; switch(digits) { case 6: fmt = PSTR("%6d"); break; case 5: fmt = PSTR("%5d"); break; case 4: fmt = PSTR("%4d"); break; case 3: fmt = PSTR("%3d"); break; case 2: fmt = PSTR("%2d"); break; case 1: fmt = PSTR("%1d"); break; } sprintf_P(str,fmt,value); lcd_write_str(str); } void lcd_clear() { lcd_cmd(0x00000001); u8g_Delay(15); //delay for CGRAM clear } void lcd_display_status(bool display_on, bool cursor_on, bool blink_on) { lcd_cmd(0b00001000 | (display_on ? 0b0100 : 0) | (cursor_on ? 0b0010 : 0) | (blink_on ? 0b0001 : 0) ); } void lcd_extended_function_set(bool extended, bool graphics) { lcd_cmd( 0b00100000 | (extended ? 0b00000100 : 0) | (graphics ? 0b00000010 : 0) ); } void lcd_entry_mode_select(bool ac_increase, bool shift) { lcd_cmd(0b00000100 | (ac_increase ? 0b00000010 : 0) | (shift ? 0b00000001 : 0) ); } void lcd_scroll_or_addr_select(bool sa) { lcd_cmd(0b00100010 | (sa ? 0b000001 : 0) ); } void lcd_set_ddram_address(uint8_t addr) { lcd_cmd(0b10000000 | (addr & 0b00111111)); } void lcd_set_cgram_address(uint8_t addr) { lcd_cmd(0b01000000 | (addr & 0b00111111)); } void lcd_set_gdram_address(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { lcd_cmd(0b10000000 | (y & 0b01111111)); lcd_cmd(0b10000000 | (x & 0b00001111)); } void clear_ddram() { lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_1); lcd_write_begin(); for(int i=0; i < 64;i++) { lcd_write_byte(' '); } lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); } /* This fills the entire graphics buffer with zeros */ void clear_gdram() { for(int y = 0; y < BUFFER_HEIGHT; y++) { lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); lcd_set_gdram_address(0,y); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); lcd_write_begin(); for(int i = 0; i < (BUFFER_WIDTH / 16); i++) { lcd_write_byte(0); lcd_write_byte(0); } } lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); } void load_cgram_icon(uint16_t addr, const void *data) { const uint16_t *p_word = (const uint16_t *)data; lcd_set_cgram_address(addr); lcd_write_begin(); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { uint16_t word = pgm_read_word_near(p_word++); lcd_write_byte((word & 0xFF00) >> 8); lcd_write_byte((word & 0x00FF) >> 0); } } /* Draws an icon in GDRAM. The position is specified in as if they were DDRAM coordinates, i.e. the x position is [1-8], while the y position is [1-4] */ void draw_gdram_icon(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const void *data) { const uint16_t *p_word = (const uint16_t *)data; if(y > 2) { // Handle display folding y -= 2; x += 8; } x -= 1; y -= 1; for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { uint16_t word = pgm_read_word_near(p_word++); lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); lcd_set_gdram_address(x,i+y*16); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_byte((word & 0xFF00) >> 8); lcd_write_byte((word & 0x00FF) >> 0); } } /************************** ICON DEFINITIONS *************************************/ #define CGRAM_ICON_1_ADDR 0x00 #define CGRAM_ICON_2_ADDR 0x10 #define CGRAM_ICON_3_ADDR 0x20 #define CGRAM_ICON_4_ADDR 0x30 #define CGRAM_ICON_1_WORD 0x00 #define CGRAM_ICON_2_WORD 0x02 #define CGRAM_ICON_3_WORD 0x04 #define CGRAM_ICON_4_WORD 0x06 #define N_ELEMENTS(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) PROGMEM const uint16_t nozzle_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000111111110000, 0b0001111111111000, 0b0001111111111000, 0b0001111111111000, 0b0000111111110000, 0b0000111111110000, 0b0001111111111000, 0b0001111111111000, 0b0001111111111000, 0b0000011111100000, 0b0000001111000000, 0b0000000110000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; PROGMEM const uint16_t bed_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0111111111111110, 0b0111111111111110, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; PROGMEM const uint16_t heat1_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0010001000100000, 0b0001000100010000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0001000100010000, 0b0010001000100000, 0b0010001000100000, 0b0001000100010000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; PROGMEM const uint16_t heat2_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0001000100010000, 0b0010001000100000, 0b0010001000100000, 0b0001000100010000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0000100010001000, 0b0001000100010000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; PROGMEM const uint16_t fan1_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0111111111111110, 0b0111000000001110, 0b0110001111000110, 0b0100001111000010, 0b0100000110000010, 0b0101100000011010, 0b0101110110111010, 0b0101100000011010, 0b0100000110000010, 0b0100001111000010, 0b0110001111000110, 0b0111000000001110, 0b0111111111111110, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; PROGMEM const uint16_t fan2_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0111111111111110, 0b0111000000001110, 0b0110010000100110, 0b0100111001110010, 0b0101111001111010, 0b0100110000110010, 0b0100000110000010, 0b0100110000110010, 0b0101111001111010, 0b0100111001110010, 0b0110010000100110, 0b0111000000001110, 0b0111111111111110, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; PROGMEM const uint16_t feedrate_icon[] = { 0b0000000000000000, 0b0111111000000000, 0b0100000000000000, 0b0100000000000000, 0b0100000000000000, 0b0111111011111000, 0b0100000010000100, 0b0100000010000100, 0b0100000010000100, 0b0100000011111000, 0b0000000010001000, 0b0000000010000100, 0b0000000010000100, 0b0000000010000010, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 }; /************************** MAIN SCREEN *************************************/ /* Although this is undocumented, the ST7920 allows the character * data buffer (DDRAM) to be used in conjunction with the graphics * bitmap buffer (CGRAM). The contents of the graphics buffer is * XORed with the data from the character generator. This allows * us to make the progess bar out of graphical data (the bar) and * text data (the percentage). */ void draw_progress_bar(uint8_t value) { #if EXTRUDERS == 1 // If we have only one extruder, draw a long progress bar on the third line const int top = 1; // Top in pixels const int bottom = 13; // Bottom in pixels const int left = 8; // Left edge, in 16-bit words const int width = 5; // Width of progress bar, in 16-bit words #else const int top = 16 + 1; // Top in pixels const int bottom = 16 + 13; // Bottom in pixels const int left = 5; // Left edge, in 16-bit words const int width = 3; // Width of progress bar, in 16-bit words #endif const int char_pcnt = 100/width; // How many percent does each 16-bit word represent? // Draw the progress bar as a bitmap in CGRAM lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); for(int y = top; y <= bottom; y++) { lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); lcd_set_gdram_address(left,y); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); lcd_write_begin(); for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint16_t gfx_word = 0x0000; if((x+1)*char_pcnt <= value) { // Draw completely filled bytes gfx_word = 0xFFFF; } else if((x*char_pcnt) < value) { // Draw partially filled bytes gfx_word = int(0x8000) >> (value % char_pcnt)*16/char_pcnt; } // Draw the frame around the progress bar if(y == top || y == bottom) { // Draw top/bottom border gfx_word = 0xFFFF; } else if (x == (width-1)) { // Draw right border gfx_word |= 0x0001; } else if (x == 0) { // Draw left border gfx_word |= 0x8000; } lcd_write_word(gfx_word); } } // Draw the percentage as text in DDRAM #if EXTRUDERS == 1 lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_3 + 1); #else lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_2 + left); #endif lcd_write_begin(); if(value > 9) { lcd_write_number(value,4); lcd_write_str(F("% ")); } else { lcd_write_number(value,3); lcd_write_str(F("% ")); } } static void draw_fan_icon(bool whichIcon) { lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_1+5); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_word(whichIcon ? CGRAM_ICON_3_WORD : CGRAM_ICON_4_WORD); } static void draw_heat_icon(bool whichIcon, bool heating) { #if EXTRUDERS == 1 lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_2); #else lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_3); #endif lcd_write_begin(); if(heating) { lcd_write_word(whichIcon ? CGRAM_ICON_1_WORD : CGRAM_ICON_2_WORD); } else { lcd_write_byte(' '); lcd_write_byte(' '); } } static void drawStaticElements() { lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); lcd_scroll_or_addr_select(0); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); // Load the animated bed and fan icons load_cgram_icon(CGRAM_ICON_1_ADDR, heat1_icon); load_cgram_icon(CGRAM_ICON_2_ADDR, heat2_icon); load_cgram_icon(CGRAM_ICON_3_ADDR, fan1_icon); load_cgram_icon(CGRAM_ICON_4_ADDR, fan2_icon); // Draw the static icons in GDRAM draw_gdram_icon(1,1,nozzle_icon); #if EXTRUDERS == 2 draw_gdram_icon(1,2,nozzle_icon); #endif draw_gdram_icon(6,2,feedrate_icon); draw_gdram_icon(1,2,bed_icon); // Draw the initial fan icon draw_fan_icon(false); } #define FAR(a,b) (((a > b) ? (a-b) : (b-a)) > 1) static void draw_extruder_1_temp(uint8_t temp, uint8_t target) { lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_1+1); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_number(temp); if(target && FAR(temp, target)) { lcd_write_str(F("\x1A")); lcd_write_number(target); } else { lcd_write_str(F(" ")); } } static void draw_extruder_2_temp(uint8_t temp, uint8_t target) { lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_2+1); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_number(temp); if(target && FAR(temp, target)) { lcd_write_str(F("\x1A")); lcd_write_number(target); } else { lcd_write_str(F(" ")); } } static void draw_bed_temp(uint8_t temp, uint8_t target) { #if EXTRUDERS == 1 lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_2+1); #else lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_3+1); #endif lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_number(temp); if(target && FAR(temp, target)) { lcd_write_str(F("\x1A")); lcd_write_number(target); } else { lcd_write_str(F(" ")); } } static void draw_fan_speed(uint8_t value) { lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_1+6); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_number(value,4); } static void draw_print_time(uint32_t elapsed) { const uint8_t hrs = elapsed/3600; const uint8_t min = (elapsed/60)%60; char str[7]; sprintf_P(str,hrs > 99 ? PSTR("%03d:%02d") : PSTR(" %02d:%02d"),hrs,min); lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_3+5); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_str(str); } static void draw_feedrate_percentage(uint8_t percentage) { // We only have enough room for the feedrate when // we have one extruder #if EXTRUDERS == 1 lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_2+6); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_number(percentage,4); #endif } static void draw_status_message(const char *str) { lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_4); lcd_write_begin(); lcd_write_str(str, 16); } static void draw_position(const float x, const float y, const float z) { char str[7]; lcd_set_ddram_address(DDRAM_LINE_4); lcd_write_begin(); dtostrf(x, -4, 0, str); lcd_write_byte('X'); lcd_write_str(str, 4); dtostrf(y, -4, 0, str); lcd_write_byte('Y'); lcd_write_str(str, 4); dtostrf(z, -5, 1, str); lcd_write_byte('Z'); lcd_write_str(str, 5); } static void lcd_onEntry() { ST7920_CS(); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); clear_gdram(); drawStaticElements(); lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); ST7920_NCS(); } static void lcd_onExit() { ST7920_CS(); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); lcd_clear(); clear_gdram(); lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); ST7920_NCS(); } static void lcd_implementation_status_screen() { // Retrieve values from Marlin const uint8_t fan_speed = ((fanSpeeds[0] + 1) * 100) / 256; const uint8_t percent_done = card.percentDone(); const duration_t elapsed = print_job_timer.duration(); const uint32_t seconds_elapsed = elapsed.value; const float x_pos = current_position[X_AXIS]; const float y_pos = current_position[Y_AXIS]; const float z_pos = current_position[Z_AXIS]; const uint8_t feedrate_perc = feedrate_percentage; const float bed_temp = thermalManager.degBed(); const float bed_target = thermalManager.degTargetBed(); const float extruder_1_temp = thermalManager.degHotend(0); const float extruder_1_target = thermalManager.degTargetHotend(0); #if EXTRUDERS == 2 const float extruder_2_temp = thermalManager.degHotend(1); const float extruder_2_target = thermalManager.degTargetHotend(1); #endif const char * status_string = lcd_status_message; const bool blink = lcd_blink(); const bool position_known = axis_known_position[X_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Y_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Z_AXIS]; static bool show_position = false; static uint8_t last_crc = 0; const uint8_t crc = uint8_t(blink) ^ uint8_t(feedrate_perc) ^ uint8_t(fan_speed) ^ uint8_t(extruder_1_target) ^ #if EXTRUDERS == 2 uint8_t(extruder_2_target) ^ #endif uint8_t(bed_target) ^ uint8_t((uint16_t(status_string) & 0x00FF) >> 0) ^ uint8_t((uint16_t(status_string) & 0xFF00) >> 8); // Only update unless something important has changed. if(last_crc != crc) { last_crc = crc; // Draw the status screen ST7920_CS(); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); //drawStaticElements(); draw_extruder_1_temp(extruder_1_temp, extruder_1_target); #if EXTRUDERS == 2 draw_extruder_2_temp(extruder_2_temp, extruder_2_target); #endif draw_bed_temp(bed_temp, bed_target); draw_fan_speed(fan_speed); draw_print_time(seconds_elapsed); draw_feedrate_percentage(feedrate_perc); static const char * status_string_last = 0; static uint8_t status_string_countdown = 0; static uint8_t status_string_pos_crc = 0; // Dismiss the status message automatically after 10 blinks // if movement is happening on the x axis. const uint8_t pos_crc = uint8_t(x_pos) ^ uint8_t(y_pos); if(status_string_last != status_string) { status_string_countdown = 5; status_string_last = status_string; } else if(pos_crc != status_string_pos_crc && status_string_countdown > 0) { status_string_countdown--; } status_string_pos_crc = pos_crc; if(strlen(status_string) && status_string_countdown > 0) { draw_status_message(status_string); show_position = false; } else if(position_known) { show_position = true; } draw_progress_bar(percent_done); // Update the fan and bed animations if(fan_speed > 0) { draw_fan_icon(blink); } if(bed_target > 0) { draw_heat_icon(blink, true); } else { draw_heat_icon(false, false); } lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); ST7920_NCS(); } else if(show_position) { ST7920_CS(); lcd_extended_function_set(false, true); draw_position(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos); lcd_extended_function_set(true, true); ST7920_NCS(); } } static void lcd_in_status(bool inStatus) { static bool lastInStatus = false; if(!lastInStatus && inStatus) { lcd_onEntry(); lastInStatus = true; } if(lastInStatus && !inStatus) { lcd_onExit(); lastInStatus = false; } } void lcd_clear_text_buffer() { ST7920_CS(); clear_ddram(); ST7920_NCS(); } #pragma GCC reset_options