# Example Configuration for BQ [Hephestos 2](http://www.bq.com/uk/hephestos-2) This configuration file is based on the original configuration file shipped with the heavily modified Marlin fork by BQ. The original firmware and configuration file can be found at [BQ Github repository](https://github.com/bq/Marlin). NOTE: The look and feel of the Hephestos 2 while navigating the LCD menu will change by using the original Marlin firmware. ## Changelog * 2016/03/01 - Initial release * 2016/03/21 - Activated 4-point auto leveling by default Updated miscellaneous z-probe values * 2016/06/21 - Disabled hot bed related options Activated software endstops SD printing now disables the heater when finished * 2016/07/13 - Update the `DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT` for the Z axis Increased the `DEFAULT_XYJERK` * 2016/12/13 - Configuration updated.