files to compare manually: planner.cpp stepper.cpp temperature.cpp --- things that changed: * planner.cpp estimate_acc_distance now works with floats. in calculate_trapezoid:for_block long acceleration_rate=(long)((float)acceleration*8.388608) is gone so is block_>acceleration_rate void planner_reverse_pass: some stuff I don't understand right now changed in planner_forward_pass: done: BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE is now necessarily power of 2 (aka 8 16, 32). Inportant to document this somewhere. no more inline in void plan_discard_current_block() no more inline in plan_get_current_block() in plan_buffer_line(...) the long target[4]; and calculations of thoose should go after the while(block_buffer_tail==..). if the axis_steps_per_unit are changed from the gcode (M92) the calculation for the currently planned buffer move will be corrupt, because Target is calculated with one value, and the stuff afterwards with another. At least this solved the problem I had with the M92 E* changes in the code. Very sure about this, I took me 20min to find this as the solution for the bug I was hunting. around if(feed_rate!true+return? done #define K1 0.95 maybe in the configuration.h? semi-done: PID-C checking needed. Untested but added. ---- still needed to finish the merge, before testin! manage_heater ISR movement planner TODO: remove traveling at maxpseed remove Simplelcd remove DEBUG_STEPS? block_t pid_dt ->0.1 whats the changes to the PID, checking needed ---- second merge saturday morning: done: PID_dt->0.1