# HOWTO make SMT Stencils with LASER This documents how to make solder paste stencils with a LASER using Inkscape. This is the preferred method over using FlatCAM, for now. ## Equipment Used * LulzBot TAZ 6. * J-Tech Photonics 3.8W LASER. * Graytex Papers "Clear Transparencies for Color Laser Printers" (P/N 235-8511). 5 mil (0.127 mm), clear. ## Software Used * Debian. * KiCAD. * Inkscape. * J-Tech Photonics Inkscape Plugin. # KiCAD This HOWTO assumes you already have a KiCAD file ready. You will need to export the paste layers from KiCAD. This process is for one or two layer boards. You could make stencils for more layers, but that is only useful if you have a process to assemble PCBs with more than two layers. J-Tech Photonics has some documentation about this process using an ancient printer, Replicator G software (!), and proprietary PCB software. See here: https://jtechphotonics.com/?p=473 Note, from that blog post: * "We will then need to shrink the pads and holes by about 2 mills to allow for the spot size of the laser beam on the stencil material when processing." This step is not being done below. XXX ## KiCAD Steps Do thusly: * Open your KiCAD `.pro` file. * Click on "PCB Layout Editor" icon. * `File` --> `Export` --> `SVG...`. * `Output directory`: Where you would like the output file to go. * Under `Layers:` * Under `Copper Layers:` Uncheck all. * Under `Technical Layers:` Include the one layer you want to create a stencil for. Example: `F.Paste` for the front solder paste layer or `B.Paste` for the back solder paste layer. * Under `Options:` * `Default Pen Size`: `0.05 mm`. XXX confirm. * `Print Mode`: `Black and white`. * `SVG Page Size`: `Board area only`. * `Print Board Edges`: Unchecked. * `Print mirrored`: Unchecked. * `Pagination`: `One file per layer`. * Under `Output Messages` show debug as you like. You can `Save...` the file if you want, but it isn't needed. Useful just for debugging. * Now that everything is set up, hit the `Export` button. This will export a file to the `Output directory` specified above. * After `Plot`, hit the `Close` button. * Exit KiCAD: `File` --> `Exit`. # Inkscape In these steps, you take the `.svg` file exported from KiCAD, open it in Inkscape, and use a plugin to export gcode. ## Inkscape Initial Setup The first time you do this process, you need to set up the Inkscape plugins. It is only needed the first time. * First you need to download the plugins. It is available from upstream here: https://jtechphotonics.com/Downloads/Inkscape/JTP_Laser_Tool_V2_2%20-%20inkscape%209_2%20version.zip * If the above URL is unavailable, there is a mirror in this repo here: https://code.forksand.com/forksand/pcba/src/branch/master/equipment/laser/inkscape/jtech * For example, it could be done thusly: ```bash git clone https://code.forksand.com/forksand/pcba cd pcba/equipment/laser/inkscape/jtech mkdir ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ cp -p dxf_input.inx dxf_input.py laser.inx laser.py ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ ``` ## Inkscape Steps Steps to generate gcode from an SVG file. Make sure you have installed the plugin the first time as illustrated in steps above. * Launch Inkscape. * Open the SVG file exported above by KiCAD. * Hit `CTRL-A` to `Select All`. * Hit `Shift-CTRL-G` to `Ungroup`. * Hit `Shift-CTRL-G` to `Ungroup` a second time. XXX check. * Select everything with `CTRL-a`. This assumes it is ungrouped. * Copy with `CTRL-c` or `Edit` --> `Copy`. * Create a new file with `CTRL-n` or `File` --> `New`. XXX Not sure why this is needed, but it works around erroneous gcode exports. * Paste contents with `CTRL-v` or `Edit` --> `Paste`. * Move selected contents to bottom left corner of document: In the task bar set `X:` to `0.000` and `Y:` to `0.000`. * Hit `4` for a decent zoom. * With everything still selected above, go to: `Extensions` --> `Generate Laser Gcode` --> `J Tech Photonics Laser Tool`. * In the `J Tech Photonics Laser Tool` dialog, set values thusly: * `Laser ON Command`: `M106`. * `Laser OFF Command`: `M107`. * `Travel Speed (mm/min or in/min)`: `1000`. XXX confirm. * `Laser Speed (mm/min or in/min)`: `600`. XXX confirm speed for transparencies. * `Laser Power S# (0-255 or 0-12000)`: `255`. * `Power-On Delay (ms or s)`: `0.0`. * `Passes`: `1`. * Pass Depth (mm or in): `1.0`. * `Directory:` Location you want to export the file. Use `.gcode` extension. * `Add numeric suffix to filename`: Unchecked. You can check if you want to do different versions each export. * `All Units (mm or in)`: `mm`. * `Live preview`: Unchecked. Optional. * When it is all set, hit the `Apply` button to generate the gcode. * Hit the `Close` button. * The generated gcode should show a bunch of blue arrows and similar, showing what has been generated (only in `Live preview` mode ?). * Inspect newly created gcode file to make sure the values are sane. Not sane values: `G1 X13004. Y-23242.76`. Sane values: `G1 X33.0302 Y20.0467`. * Hit `Close` button. * `File` --> `Quit`. # LASER ## Setup This assumes the J-Tech Photonics LASER is set up and the TAZ is flashed with Marlin firmware from here: https://code.forksand.com/forksand/marlin-lulzbot-laser The build plate should be a 6mm thick (XXX check number) aluminium plate on top of the printers' bed. The printers' heatbed and glass should be removed. Make sure there is very good ventilation. * Perhaps add a gcode header/footer to the file. * Copy the new `.gcode` file to SD card. Such as: ```bash sudo mount -o uid=1000 /dev/sdc1 /mnt mkdir /mnt/awesome/ cp awesome.gcode /mnt/awesome/ sync sync sync sudo umount /mnt sleep 5 # make sure the SD card has time to write before removing ``` * PUT ON PROTECTIVE EYE WEAR! * Power off LASER. * Disable LASER by removing key. * Power off printer. * Insert SD card into printer. * XXX Tape transparency and paper together? XXX * Place the transparency on top of THREE blank sheets of paper. Position the transparency in landscape mode, unless portrait mode is needed. Bottom left of transparency should be in front left corner on printer. * Secure the transparency/paper sandwich to the aluminium plate and bed. Use three large paper clips and/or tape. * Slowly move toolhead to position where you want the bottom left corner of the stencil to begin (e.g. X=0, Y=0 of the stencil). It is probably best to have a margin of 50mm around the edges (XXX number). Make sure the LASER will be past the paper clips and tape holding the transparency in place. * Power on printer. * Make sure the Z height of LASER toolhead is good with jig. Jig should be 40mm tall (XXX check number). It is presumed the LASER has good focus at the toolhead jig height. * If Z height needs adjustment, in printer LCD, go to Z movement and move to the correct height. (XXX menu sequence). * BE SURE TO PUT ON PROTECTIVE EYE WEAR! * Turn key on LASER to enable. * Power on the LASER via the power switch. * If fan on the LASER PCB doesn't start, press `RESET` button on PCB. * NOTE, LASER WILL TURN ON IN NEXT STEP! * In printer LCD, go to print from SD card, and print the gcode file generated above. * Time to cut depends greatly on board complexity, but in general it's less than 30 minutes. * Power off LASER. * Disable LASER by removing key. * Power off printer. * Remove paper clips. * Remove stencil. * Compare stencil to PCB.