/ Petit FatFs - FAT file system module include file R0.02a (C)ChaN, 2010
/ Petit FatFs module is an open source software to implement FAT file system to
/ small embedded systems. This is a free software and is opened for education,
/ research and commercial developments under license policy of following trems.
/ Copyright (C) 2010, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * The Petit FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/ personal, non-profit or commercial use UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
#include "integer.h"
/ Petit FatFs Configuration Options
/ CAUTION! Do not forget to make clean the project after any changes to
/ the configuration options.
#ifndef _FATFS
#define _FATFS
#define _USE_READ 1 /* 1:Enable pf_read() */
#define _USE_DIR 0 /* 1:Enable pf_opendir() and pf_readdir() */
#define _USE_LSEEK 0 /* 1:Enable pf_lseek() */
#define _USE_WRITE 0 /* 1:Enable pf_write() */
#define _FS_FAT12 1 /* 1:Enable FAT12 support */
#define _FS_FAT32 0 /* 1:Enable FAT32 support */
#define _CODE_PAGE 1
/* Defines which code page is used for path name. Supported code pages are:
/ 932, 936, 949, 950, 437, 720, 737, 775, 850, 852, 855, 857, 858, 862, 866,
/ 874, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1257, 1258 and 1 (ASCII only).
/ SBCS code pages except for 1 requiers a case conversion table. This
/ might occupy 128 bytes on the RAM on some platforms, e.g. avr-gcc. */
#define _WORD_ACCESS 0
/* The _WORD_ACCESS option defines which access method is used to the word
/ data in the FAT structure.
/ 0: Byte-by-byte access. Always compatible with all platforms.
/ 1: Word access. Do not choose this unless following condition is met.
/ When the byte order on the memory is big-endian or address miss-aligned
/ word access results incorrect behavior, the _WORD_ACCESS must be set to 0.
/ If it is not the case, the value can also be set to 1 to improve the
/ performance and code efficiency. */
/* End of configuration options. Do not change followings without care. */
#if _FS_FAT32
#define CLUST WORD
/* File system object structure */
typedef struct {
BYTE fs_type; /* FAT sub type */
BYTE flag; /* File status flags */
BYTE csize; /* Number of sectors per cluster */
BYTE pad1;
WORD n_rootdir; /* Number of root directory entries (0 on FAT32) */
CLUST n_fatent; /* Number of FAT entries (= number of clusters + 2) */
DWORD fatbase; /* FAT start sector */
DWORD dirbase; /* Root directory start sector (Cluster# on FAT32) */
DWORD database; /* Data start sector */
DWORD fptr; /* File R/W pointer */
DWORD fsize; /* File size */
CLUST org_clust; /* File start cluster */
CLUST curr_clust; /* File current cluster */
DWORD dsect; /* File current data sector */
/* Directory object structure */
typedef struct {
WORD index; /* Current read/write index number */
BYTE* fn; /* Pointer to the SFN (in/out) {file[8],ext[3],status[1]} */
CLUST sclust; /* Table start cluster (0:Static table) */
CLUST clust; /* Current cluster */
DWORD sect; /* Current sector */
} DIR;
/* File status structure */
typedef struct {
DWORD fsize; /* File size */
WORD fdate; /* Last modified date */
WORD ftime; /* Last modified time */
BYTE fattrib; /* Attribute */
char fname[13]; /* File name */
/* File function return code (FRESULT) */
typedef enum {
FR_OK = 0, /* 0 */
FR_DISK_ERR, /* 1 */
FR_NOT_READY, /* 2 */
FR_NO_FILE, /* 3 */
FR_NO_PATH, /* 4 */
FR_NOT_OPENED, /* 5 */
/* Petit FatFs module application interface */
FRESULT pf_mount (FATFS*); /* Mount/Unmount a logical drive */
FRESULT pf_open (const char*); /* Open a file */
FRESULT pf_read (void*, WORD, WORD*); /* Read data from the open file */
FRESULT pf_write (const void*, WORD, WORD*); /* Write data to the open file */
FRESULT pf_lseek (DWORD); /* Move file pointer of the open file */
FRESULT pf_opendir (DIR*, const char*); /* Open a directory */
FRESULT pf_readdir (DIR*, FILINFO*); /* Read a directory item from the open directory */
/* Flags and offset address */
/* File status flag (FATFS.flag) */
#define FA_OPENED 0x01
#define FA_WPRT 0x02
#define FA__WIP 0x40
/* FAT sub type (FATFS.fs_type) */
#define FS_FAT12 1
#define FS_FAT16 2
#define FS_FAT32 3
/* File attribute bits for directory entry */
#define AM_RDO 0x01 /* Read only */
#define AM_HID 0x02 /* Hidden */
#define AM_SYS 0x04 /* System */
#define AM_VOL 0x08 /* Volume label */
#define AM_LFN 0x0F /* LFN entry */
#define AM_DIR 0x10 /* Directory */
#define AM_ARC 0x20 /* Archive */
#define AM_MASK 0x3F /* Mask of defined bits */
/* Multi-byte word access macros */
#if _WORD_ACCESS == 1 /* Enable word access to the FAT structure */
#define LD_WORD(ptr) (WORD)(*(WORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define LD_DWORD(ptr) (DWORD)(*(DWORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define ST_WORD(ptr,val) *(WORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr)=(WORD)(val)
#define ST_DWORD(ptr,val) *(DWORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr)=(DWORD)(val)
#else /* Use byte-by-byte access to the FAT structure */
#define LD_WORD(ptr) (WORD)(((WORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)<<8)|(WORD)*(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define LD_DWORD(ptr) (DWORD)(((DWORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+3)<<24)|((DWORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+2)<<16)|((WORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)<<8)|*(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define ST_WORD(ptr,val) *(BYTE*)(ptr)=(BYTE)(val); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)=(BYTE)((WORD)(val)>>8)
#define ST_DWORD(ptr,val) *(BYTE*)(ptr)=(BYTE)(val); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)=(BYTE)((WORD)(val)>>8); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+2)=(BYTE)((DWORD)(val)>>16); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+3)=(BYTE)((DWORD)(val)>>24)
#endif /* _FATFS */