1.**Toolchain** Install [WinAVR][winavr]. This is old but works well for this purpose. `WinAVR` is a tool set to build firmware including C compiler(gcc) and make commands. You can use [CrossPack][crosspack] instead if you are on Mac.
2.**Programmer** Install [Atmel FLIP][flip]. `FLIP` is a tool to program(load) firmware into AVR controller via DFU bootloader. AVR USB chips including ATmega32U4 has DFU bootloader by factory default. You can also use [dfu-programmer][dfu-prog] instead if you are on Mac or Linux.
3.**Driver** At first time you start DFU bootloader on Chip 'Found New Hardware Wizard' will come up on Windows. If you install device driver properly you can find chip name like 'ATmega32U4' under 'LibUSB-Win32 Devices' tree on 'Device Manager'. If not you shall need to update its driver on 'Device Manager'. You will find the driver in `FLIP` install directory like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Flip 3.4.5\usb\. If you use `dfu-programmer` install its driver.
Open terminal window to get access to commands. You can use `cmd` in Windows or `Terminal.app` on Mac OSX. In Windows press `Windows` key and `R` then enter `cmd` in 'Run command' dialog showing up.
### 2. Change directory
Move to project directory in the firmware source.
cd tmk_keyboard/{'keyboard' or 'converter'}/<project>
### 3. Make
Build firmware using GNU `make` command. You'll see `<project>_<variant>.hex` file in that directory unless something unexpected occurs in build process.
Now you have **hex** file to program on current directory. This **hex** is only needed to program your controller, other files are used for development and you may leave and forget them.
### 1. Start bootloader
How to program controller depends on controller chip and its board design. To program AVR USB chips you'll need to start it up in bootloader mode. Most of boards with the chip have a push button to let bootloader come up. Consult with your controller board manual.
### 2. Program with DFU bootloader
Stock AVR USB chip including ATmega32U4 has DFU bootloader by factory default. `FLIP` is a DFU programmer on Windows offered by Atmel. Open source command line tool `dfu-programmer` also supports AVR chips, it runs on Linux, Mac OSX and even Windows.
1. On menu bar click Device -> Select, then. `ATmega32u4`.
2. On menu bar click Settings -> Communication -> USB, then click 'Open' button on 'USB Port Connection' dialog.
At this point you'll see greyouted widgets on the app get colored and ready.
3. On menu bar click File -> Load HEX File, then select your firmware hex file on File Selector dialog.
4. On 'Operations Flow' panel click 'Run' button to load the firmware binary to the chip. Note that you should keep 'Erase', 'Blank Check', 'Program' and 'Verify' check boxes selected.
5. Re-plug USB cord or click 'Start Application' button to restart your controller.
If you have PJRC Teensy see instruction of `Teensy Loader`.
Or use this command if you have command line version of Teensy Loader installed.
$ make -f Makefile.<variant> teensy
### 4. Program with Other programmer
You may want to use other programmer like `avrdude` with AVRISPmkII, Aruduino or USBasp. In that case you can still use make target `program` for build with configuring `PROGRAM_CMD` in Makefile.
Optional. Set proper command for your controller, bootloader and programmer. This command can be used with `make program`. Not needed if you use `FLIP`, `dfu-programmer` or `Teesy Loader`.
`Magic` key bind may be `LShift` + `RShift` in many project, but `Power` key on ADB converter. `Magic` keybind can be vary on each project, check `config.h` in project directory.
Following commands can be also executed with `Magic` + key. In console mode `Magic` keybind is not needed.
To enable this feature define these two macros in `config.h` and use `KC_LCAP` for locking CapsLock in keymap instead of normal `KC_CAPS`. Resync option tries to keep lock switch state consistent with keyboard LED state.