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67 lines
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#include "mbed.h"
#include "HIDKeyboard.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "timer.h"
//#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial ser(UART_TX, UART_RX);
#define dprintf(fmt, ...) ser.printf(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define dprintf(fmt, ...)
// button and LEDs
DigitalIn isp(P0_1);
DigitalOut led_red(P0_20);
DigitalOut led_green(P0_21);
HIDKeyboard keyboard;
int main(void) {
//led_red = 0;
//led_green = 0;
debug_enable = true;
xprintf("timer: %i\r\n", timer_read());
report_keyboard_t report = { 2, 0, 4, }; //a
report_keyboard_t report_off = { 0 };
bool last_isp = isp;
uint32_t last_timer;
while (1) {
//keyboard.printf("Hello World from Mbed\r\n");
//keyboard.keyCode('s', KEY_CTRL);
//led_green = !led_green;
//leds = keyboard.lockStatus();
if (last_isp == isp) continue;
if (isp == 0) {
led_red = 0; // on
xprintf("timer: %i\r\n", timer_read32());
xprintf("diff: %i\r\n", timer_elapsed32(last_timer));
} else {
led_red = 1; // off
last_isp = isp;
last_timer = timer_read();
//led_green = !led_green;