
file clean up.
Xyverz 8 years ago committed by GitHub
parent c060afe68e
commit 1493836762

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# The default Preonic layout - largely based on the Planck's
## QWERTY Layer:
/* Qwerty
* ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
* | Esc | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | Bksp |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Tab | Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I | O | P | Del |
* |------+------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | - | A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K | L | ; | " |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------|------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Shift| Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | , | . | / | Shift|
* |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Ctrl | Alt | Left |Right |Lower | Space |Raise | Up | Down | GUI |Enter |
* `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
## LOWER Layer:
/* Lower
* ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
* | ` | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | Bksp |
* |------+------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( | ) | Del |
* |------+------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Caps | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | _ | + | { | } | | |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------|------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | | Mute | Vol- | Vol+ | |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Brite| | Home | End | | Ins | | PgUp | PgDN | |Enter |
* `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
## RAISE Layer:
/* Raise
* ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
* | ` | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | Bksp |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( | ) | Del |
* |------+------+------+------+------+-------------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Caps | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | - | = | [ | ] | \ |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------|------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | | Prev | Play | Next | |
* |------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|
* | Brite| | Home | End | | Ins | | PgUp | PgDN | |Enter |
* `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'