* And and fix _noeeprom functions to many of the RGB Underglow functions
* Many functions are unnecessarily calling the eeprom write code. The toggle/enable is command is especially guilty of this, as it writes to EEPROM 3 times. But rgb mode writes twice, every time it's called. And init resets the rgb eeprom range and then writes back to it twice!
* Fixed the rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom to work as expected, by moving a lot of the code to a helper function.
* Added a noeeprom function for mode, enable, disable, and toggle functions. (didn't bother for increase/decrease stuff, and didn't add new keycodes)
* Add to predefined colors list
* Add new functions to manual/docs
* Update RGB Sleep feature to use _noeeprom
Because that's exactly what it should be doing, actually!
Look in `rgblights.h` for all available functions, but if you want to control all or some LEDs your goto functions are:
rgblight_disable(); // turn all lights off
rgblight_enable(); // turn lights on, based on their previous state (stored in EEPROM)
// turn all lights off (stored in EEPROM)
// turn lights on, based on their previous state (stored in EEPROM)
// turn all lights off (not stored in EEPROM)
// turn lights on, based on their previous state (not stored in EEPROM)
// where r/g/b is a number from 0..255. Turns all the LEDs to this color (ignores mode, not stored in EEPROM).
rgblight_setrgb(r, g, b);
// HSV color control - h is a value from 0..360 and s/v is a value from 0..255 (stored in EEPROM)
rgblight_sethsv(h, s, v);
// HSV color control - h is a value from 0..360 and s/v is a value from 0..255 (not stored in EEPROM)
rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom(h, s, v);
// Sets the mode, if rgb animations are enabled (stored in eeprom)
// Sets the mode, if rgb animations are enabled (not stored in eeprom)
// MODE 1, solid color
// MODE 2-5, breathing
// MODE 6-8, rainbow mood
// MODE 9-14, rainbow swirl
// MODE 15-20, snake
// MODE 21-23, knight
// MODE 24, xmas
// MODE 25-34, static rainbow
rgblight_setrgb(r, g, b); // where r/g/b is a number from 0..255. Turns all the LEDs to this color
rgblight_sethsv(h, s, v); // HSV color control - h is a value from 0..360 and s/v is a value from 0..255
rgblight_setrgb_at(r,g,b, LED); // control a single LED. 0 <= LED <RGBLED_NUM
rgblight_sethsv_at(h,s,v, LED); // control a single LED. 0 <= LED <RGBLED_NUM
@ -126,7 +151,7 @@ note: for backwards compatibility, `RGB_SMOD` is an alias for `RGB_MOD`.
## Hardware Modification

Here is a quick demo on Youtube (with NPKC KC60) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKrpPAHlisY).