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commit c7b09d858e

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@ -73,3 +73,7 @@ id_rsa_*
# python things
# doc things

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d="m209.95 151.26l97.367-97.688c-23.457-23.36-50.2-38.727-82.193-47.23l-35.43 133.29c7.71 1.86 14.76 5.91 20.25 11.63z"
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d="m174.73 162.13c2.934-0.792 6.094-0.876 8.876-0.292l41-155.36c-31.994-8.502-61.625-8.332-93.483 0.274l42.101 155.85c-0.01-0.02 1.13-0.37 1.5-0.47z"
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d="m74.845 210.48l-68.095 18.39c8.606 31.857 23.185 56.824 46.641 80.185l50.281-50.287c-13.274-12.92-23.614-30.02-28.825-48.29z"
d="m52.964 216.39l-46.214 12.48c8.606 31.857 23.185 56.824 46.641 80.185l34.202-34.049c-16.028-15.71-28.198-35.5-34.629-58.62z"
d="m31.091 222.3l-24.34 6.575c8.606 31.857 23.185 56.824 46.641 80.185l18.214-17.989c-18.763-18.43-33.043-41.79-40.515-68.77z"
d="m167.59 193.87l-114.31 114.78c23.455 23.359 47.388 37.112 79.381 45.616l41.606-156.55c-3.16-0.85-4.37-1.55-6.68-3.85z"
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d="m119.43 242.22l-66.15 66.43c23.456 23.359 47.388 37.112 79.381 45.616l24.079-90.603c-14.02-3.92-26.87-11.31-37.31-21.45z"
d="m103.44 258.28l-50.16 50.37c23.455 23.359 47.388 37.112 79.381 45.616l18.258-68.701c-17.86-4.95-34.22-14.35-47.48-27.29z"
d="m87.451 274.34l-34.17 34.31c23.455 23.359 47.388 37.112 79.381 45.616l12.438-46.801c-21.69-5.97-41.58-17.4-57.649-33.13z"
d="m71.459 290.39l-18.179 18.26c23.455 23.359 47.388 37.112 79.381 45.616l6.618-24.9c-25.53-6.99-48.93-20.44-67.821-38.98z"
d="m173.85 197.82l-41.812 156.61c31.993 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-42.101-155.85c-2.95 0.59-6.08 0.35-9.06-0.62z"
d="m167.98 219.87l-35.941 134.56c31.993 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-36.127-133.73c-6.82 1.57-14.22 1.29-20.9-0.69z"
d="m162.15 241.77l-30.107 112.65c31.993 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-30.219-111.86c-10.69 2.62-22.24 2.33-32.64-0.65z"
d="m156.32 263.68l-24.276 90.754c31.993 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-24.305-89.969c-14.54 3.66-30.26 3.33-44.38-0.64z"
d="m150.49 285.57l-18.446 68.856c31.993 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-18.396-68.095c-18.41 4.7-38.28 4.34-56.12-0.63z"
d="m144.7 307.61l-12.655 46.815c31.993 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-12.484-46.215c-23.22 6.1-46.19 5.49-67.83-0.45z"
d="m138.88 329.52l-6.839 24.913c31.994 8.501 61.11 8.47 92.969-0.136l-6.575-24.341c-27.08 7.13-54.2 6.49-79.56-0.43z"
d="m192.47 193.82c-2.109 1.906-5.088 3.48-8.022 4.273-0.373 0.101-1.527 0.377-1.533 0.354l42.101 155.85c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-113.56-113.61z"
d="m208.69 210.01c-4.857 4.652-11.156 8.255-18.107 10.133-0.485 0.131-0.729 0.176-1.699 0.42l36.127 133.73c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-97.33-97.42z"
d="m224.73 226.01c-7.572 7.374-17.307 13.052-28.233 16.004-0.486 0.131-0.732 0.17-1.701 0.42l30.219 111.86c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-81.3-81.42z"
d="m240.78 242.02c-10.285 10.097-23.467 17.838-38.372 21.864-0.484 0.131-0.729 0.186-1.696 0.438l24.305 89.969c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-65.25-65.41z"
d="m208.31 285.76c-0.485 0.132-0.731 0.185-1.698 0.439l18.396 68.095c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-49.444-49.336c-13 12.81-29.38 22.56-48.27 27.66z"
d="m213.98 307.7c-0.324 0.088-0.49 0.122-1.456 0.38l12.484 46.215c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-33.533-33.371c-15.72 15.59-35.58 27.44-58.5 33.63z"
d="m219.89 329.57c-0.325 0.088-0.491 0.121-1.457 0.38l6.575 24.341c31.857-8.606 57.647-23.407 81.009-46.862l-17.47-17.385c-18.43 18.34-41.75 32.27-68.65 39.53z"
d="m197.71 185.73c-0.843 3.153-2.941 5.768-5.242 8.083l113.97 113.5c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-156.56-41.6z"
d="m219.85 191.62c-2.041 6.976-5.889 13.329-11.148 18.372l97.727 97.328c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-134.41-35.72z"
d="m241.75 197.44c-3.064 10.814-8.936 20.677-16.995 28.538l81.675 81.342c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-112.52-29.9z"
d="m263.66 203.26c-4.089 14.652-11.976 28.037-22.837 38.716l65.61 65.343c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-90.6-24.08z"
d="m285.56 209.08c-5.112 18.491-15.019 35.392-28.682 48.887l49.554 49.352c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-68.7-18.26z"
d="m307.46 214.9c-6.137 22.329-18.063 42.745-34.525 59.06l33.496 33.358c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-46.81-12.44z"
d="m329.36 220.72c-7.161 26.167-21.104 50.1-40.368 69.23l17.438 17.366c23.359-23.456 39.325-47.987 47.829-79.98l-24.9-6.62z"
d="m198.44 177.09c0.588 2.949 0.342 6.08-0.624 9.056l156.61 41.813c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-155.85 42.1z"
d="m220.56 171.12c1.57 6.827 1.293 14.228-0.688 20.901l134.56 35.941c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-133.73 36.13z"
d="m242.43 165.21c2.612 10.689 2.32 22.245-0.657 32.643l112.65 30.108c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-111.85 30.22z"
d="m264.32 159.29c3.655 14.55 3.324 30.265-0.649 44.388l90.754 24.277c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-89.96 24.3z"
d="m286.2 153.38c4.699 18.412 4.345 38.281-0.625 56.128l68.855 18.446c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-68.1 18.39z"
d="m308.08 147.47c6.088 23.216 5.471 46.185-0.464 67.83l46.814 12.655c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-46.21 12.48z"
d="m329.95 141.56c7.131 27.078 6.49 54.192-0.435 79.554l24.911 6.84c8.501-31.994 8.47-61.111-0.136-92.969l-24.34 6.58z"
d="m198.09 175.56c0.101 0.374 0.377 1.528 0.354 1.534l155.85-42.101c-8.606-31.858-23.408-57.649-46.862-81.009l-113.63 113.48c1.9 2.11 3.5 5.16 4.29 8.1z"
d="m220.14 169.42c0.131 0.486 0.176 0.729 0.42 1.699l133.73-36.126c-8.606-31.858-23.407-57.648-46.862-81.009l-97.479 97.275c4.61 4.84 8.32 11.25 10.19 18.16z"
d="m242.01 163.51c0.131 0.484 0.169 0.729 0.419 1.697l111.86-30.218c-8.606-31.858-23.408-57.649-46.862-81.009l-81.486 81.231c7.34 7.56 13.13 17.41 16.07 28.3z"
d="m263.89 157.6c0.13 0.484 0.185 0.725 0.438 1.692l89.969-24.304c-8.606-31.858-23.408-57.649-46.862-81.009l-65.48 65.173c10.06 10.28 17.91 23.57 21.93 38.45z"
d="m285.76 151.69c0.131 0.483 0.183 0.724 0.438 1.69l68.095-18.395c-8.606-31.858-23.408-57.649-46.862-81.009l-49.482 49.121c12.79 13 22.71 29.74 27.8 48.6z"
d="m307.7 146.03c0.087 0.321 0.12 0.48 0.378 1.447l46.215-12.484c-8.606-31.858-23.408-57.649-46.862-81.009l-33.484 33.07c15.59 15.719 27.55 36.039 33.74 58.969z"
d="m329.58 140.12c0.086 0.321 0.118 0.48 0.377 1.446l24.341-6.575c-8.606-31.858-23.52-58.061-46.974-81.421l-17.375 17.432c18.32 18.435 32.35 42.199 39.62 69.109z"


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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Quantum Mechanical Keyboard Firmware
[![Current Version](](
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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# ARM Debugging usign Eclipse
This page describes how to setup debugging for ARM MCUs using an SWD adapter and open-source/free tools. In this guide we will install GNU MCU Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers and OpenOCD together with all the necessary dependencies.
This guide is catered towards advance users and assumes you can compile an ARM compatible keyboard on your machine using the MAKE flow.
@ -84,4 +86,4 @@ Reset your keyboard.
Press the bug icon and if all goes well you should soon find yourself in the debug perspective. Here the program counter will pause at the beginning of the main function and way for you to press Play. Most of the features of all debuggers work on ARM MCUs but for exact details google is your friend!
Happy debugging!
Happy debugging!

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Becoming a QMK Collaborator
A QMK collaborator is a keyboard maker or designer that is interested in helping QMK grow and fully support their keyboard(s), and encouraging their users and customers to submit features, ideas, and keymaps. We're always looking to add more keyboards and collaborators, but we ask that they fulfill these requirements:
* **Have a PCB available for sale.** Unfortunately there's just too much variation and complications with handwired keyboards.

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
This page describes how to setup and use the QMK CLI.
# Overview

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# Coding Conventions (C)
Most of our style is pretty easy to pick up on, but right now it's not entirely consistent. You should match the style of the code surrounding your change, but if that code is inconsistent or unclear use the following guidelines:
* We indent using four (4) spaces (soft tabs)

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Coding Conventions (Python)
Most of our style follows PEP8 with some local modifications to make things less nit-picky.
* We target Python 3.5 for compatability with all supported platforms.

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Atmel AVR
QMK should run on any Atmel AVR processor with enough Flash. It has been tested on the following:
* ATmega32U4 ([PJRC Teensy 2.0](

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Configuring QMK
QMK is nearly infinitely configurable. Wherever possible we err on the side of allowing users to customize their keyboard, even at the expense of code size. That level of flexibility makes for a daunting configuration experience, however.
There are two main types of configuration files in QMK- `config.h` and ``. These files exist at various levels in QMK and all files of the same type are combined to build the final configuration. The levels, from lowest priority to highest priority, are:

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# How to Contribute
👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to read this and contribute! 🎉👍
Third-party contributions help us grow and improve QMK. We want to make the pull request and contribution process useful and easy for both contributors and maintainers. To this end we've put together some guidelines for contributors to help your pull request be accepted without major changes.

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# How to Customize Your Keyboard's Behavior
For a lot of people a custom keyboard is about more than sending button presses to your computer. You want to be able to do things that are more complex than simple button presses and macros. QMK has hooks that allow you to inject code, override functionality, and otherwise customize how your keyboard behaves in different situations.
This page does not assume any special knowledge about QMK, but reading [Understanding QMK]( will help you understand what is going on at a more fundamental level.

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# For a Deeper Understanding

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# Detailed Guides

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# Documentation Best Practices
This page exists to document best practices when writing documentation for QMK. Following these guidelines will help to keep a consistent tone and style, which will in turn help other people more easily understand QMK.
# Page Opening

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# Documentation Templates
This page documents the templates you should use when submitting new Keymaps and Keyboards to QMK.
## Keymap `` Template

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# Frequently Asked Questions
* [General](
* [Building or Compiling QMK](
* [Debugging and Troubleshooting QMK](

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# Frequently Asked Build Questions
This page covers questions about building QMK. If you haven't yet done so, you should read the [Build Environment Setup]( and [Make Instructions]( guides.
## Can't Program on Linux

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# Debugging FAQ
This page details various common questions people have about troubleshooting their keyboards.
# Debug Console

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# Frequently Asked Questions
## What is QMK?
[QMK](, short for Quantum Mechanical Keyboard, is a group of people building tools for custom keyboards. We started with the [QMK firmware](, a heavily modified fork of [TMK](

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# Keymap FAQ
This page covers questions people often have about keymaps. If you haven't you should read [Keymap Overview]( first.
## What Keycodes Can I Use?

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# Advanced Keycodes
Your keymap can include keycodes that are more advanced than normal, for example keys that switch layers or send modifiers when held, but send regular keycodes when tapped. This page documents the functions that are available to you.
## Assigning Custom Names

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# Audio
Your keyboard can make sounds! If you've got a Planck, Preonic, or basically any AVR keyboard that allows access to certain PWM-capable pins, you can hook up a simple speaker and make it beep. You can use those beeps to indicate layer transitions, modifiers, special keys, or just to play some funky 8bit tunes.
Up to two simultaneous audio voices are supported, one driven by timer 1 and another driven by timer 3. The following pins can be defined as audio outputs in config.h:

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# Auto Shift: Why Do We Need a Shift Key?
Tap a key and you get its character. Tap a key, but hold it *slightly* longer
and you get its shifted state. Voilà! No shift key needed!

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# Backlighting
Many keyboards support backlit keys by way of individual LEDs placed through or underneath the keyswitches. QMK is able to control the brightness of these LEDs by switching them on and off rapidly in a certain ratio, a technique known as *Pulse Width Modulation*, or PWM. By altering the duty cycle of the PWM signal, it creates the illusion of dimming.
The MCU can only supply so much current to its GPIO pins. Instead of powering the backlight directly from the MCU, the backlight pin is connected to a transistor or MOSFET that switches the power to the LEDs.

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# Bluetooth
## Bluetooth Known Supported Hardware
Currently Bluetooth support is limited to AVR based chips. For Bluetooth 2.1 Qmk has support for RN-42 HID Firmware and Bluefruit EZ Key the later of which is not produced anymore. For more recent BLE protocols currently only the Adafruit Bluefruit SPI friend is directly supported. BLE is needed to connect to iOS devices. Note iOS does not support Mouse Input.

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# Bootmagic
There are three separate but related features that allow you to change the behavior of your keyboard without reflashing. While each of them have similar functionality, it is accessed in different ways depending on how your keyboard is configured.
**Bootmagic** is a system for configuring your keyboard while it initializes. To trigger a Bootmagic command, hold down the Bootmagic key and one or more command keys.

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# Combos
The Combo feature is a chording type solution for adding custom actions. It lets you hit multiple keys at once and produce a different effect. For instance, hitting `A` and `S` within the tapping term would hit `ESC` instead, or have it perform even more complex tasks.
To enable this feature, yu need to add `COMBO_ENABLE = yes` to your ``.

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# Command
Command, formerly known as Magic, is a way to change your keyboard's behavior without having to flash or unplug it to use [Bootmagic]( There is a lot of overlap between this functionality and the [Bootmagic Keycodes]( Wherever possible we encourage you to use that feature instead of Command.
On some keyboards Command is disabled by default. If this is the case, it must be explicitly enabled in your ``:

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# Debounce algorithm
QMK supports multiple debounce algorithms through its debounce API.
The logic for which debounce method called is below. It checks various defines that you have set in

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# Dynamic Macros: Record and Replay Macros in Runtime
QMK supports temporary macros created on the fly. We call these Dynamic Macros. They are defined by the user from the keyboard and are lost when the keyboard is unplugged or otherwise rebooted.
You can store one or two macros and they may have a combined total of 128 keypresses. You can increase this size at the cost of RAM.

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# Encoders
Basic encoders are supported by adding this to your ``:

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# Grave Escape
If you're using a 60% keyboard, or any other layout with no F-row, you will have noticed that there is no dedicated Escape key. Grave Escape is a feature that allows you to share the grave key (<code>&#96;</code> and `~`) with Escape.
## Usage

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# Haptic Feedback
## Haptic feedback options
The following options are currently available for haptic feedback in ``:

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# HD44780 LCD Displays
This is an integration of Peter Fleury's LCD library. This page will explain the basics. [For in depth documentation visit his page.](
You can enable support for HD44780 Displays by setting the `HD44780_ENABLE` flag in your keyboards `` to yes. This will use about 400 KB of extra space.

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# Key Lock
Sometimes you may find yourself needing to hold down a specific key for a long period of time. Key Lock holds down the next key you press for you. Press it again, and it will be released.
Let's say you need to type in ALL CAPS for a few sentences. Hit `KC_LOCK`, and then Shift. Now, Shift will be considered held until you tap it again. You can think of Key Lock as Caps Lock, but supercharged.

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# Layouts: Using a Keymap with Multiple Keyboards
The `layouts/` folder contains different physical key layouts that can apply to different keyboards.

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# The Leader Key: A New Kind of Modifier
If you've ever used Vim, you know what a Leader key is. If not, you're about to discover a wonderful concept. :) Instead of hitting Alt+Shift+W for example (holding down three keys at the same time), what if you could hit a _sequence_ of keys instead? So you'd hit our special modifier (the Leader key), followed by W and then C (just a rapid succession of keys), and something would happen.
That's what `KC_LEAD` does. Here's an example:

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# LED Matrix Lighting
This feature allows you to use LED matrices driven by external drivers. It hooks into the backlight system so you can use the same keycodes as backlighting to control it.
If you want to use RGB LED's you should use the [RGB Matrix Subsystem]( instead.

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# Macros
Macros allow you to send multiple keystrokes when pressing just one key. QMK has a number of ways to define and use macros. These can do anything you want: type common phrases for you, copypasta, repetitive game movements, or even help you code.
!> **Security Note**: While it is possible to use macros to send passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information it is a supremely bad idea to do so. Anyone who gets a hold of your keyboard will be able to access that information by opening a text editor.

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# Mouse keys
Mouse keys is a feature that allows you to emulate a mouse using your keyboard. You can move the pointer at different speeds, press 5 buttons and scroll in 8 directions.
## Adding mouse keys to your keyboard

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# OLED Driver
## OLED Supported Hardware
OLED modules using SSD1306 or SH1106 driver ICs, communicating over I2C.

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## Pointing Device
Pointing Device is a generic name for a feature intended to be generic: moving the system pointer around. There are certainly other options for it - like mousekeys - but this aims to be easily modifiable and lightweight. You can implement custom keys to control functionality, or you can gather information from other peripherals and insert it directly here - let QMK handle the processing for you.
To enable Pointing Device, uncomment the following line in your

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## PS/2 Mouse Support
Its possible to hook up a PS/2 mouse (for example touchpads or trackpoints) to your keyboard as a composite device.
To hook up a Trackpoint, you need to obtain a Trackpoint module (i.e. harvest from a Thinkpad keyboard), identify the function of each pin of the module, and make the necessary circuitry between controller and Trackpoint module. For more information, please refer to [Trackpoint Hardware]( page on Deskthority Wiki.

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# RGB Matrix Lighting
This feature allows you to use RGB LED matrices driven by external drivers. It hooks into the RGBLIGHT system so you can use the same keycodes as RGBLIGHT to control it.
If you want to use single color LED's you should use the [LED Matrix Subsystem]( instead.

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# RGB Lighting
QMK has the ability to control RGB LEDs attached to your keyboard. This is commonly called *underglow*, due to the LEDs often being mounted on the bottom of the keyboard, producing a nice diffused effect when combined with a translucent case.
![Planck with RGB Underglow](

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# Space Cadet: The Future, Built In
Steve Losh described the [Space Cadet Shift]( quite well. Essentially, when you tap Left Shift on its own, you get an opening parenthesis; tap Right Shift on its own and you get the closing one. When held, the Shift keys function as normal. Yes, it's as cool as it sounds, and now even cooler supporting Control and Alt as well!
## Usage

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# Split Keyboard
Many keyboards in the QMK Firmware repo are "split" keyboards. They use two controllers—one plugging into USB, and the second connected by a serial or an I<sup>2</sup>C connection over a TRRS or similar cable.
Split keyboards can have a lot of benefits, but there is some additional work needed to get them enabled.

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# Stenography in QMK
[Stenography]( is a method of writing most often used by court reports, closed-captioning, and real-time transcription for the deaf. In stenography words are chorded syllable by syllable with a mixture of spelling, phonetic, and shortcut (briefs) strokes. Professional stenographers can reach 200-300 WPM without any of the strain usually found in standard typing and with far fewer errors (>99.9% accuracy).
The [Open Steno Project]( has built an open-source program called Plover that provides real-time translation of steno strokes into words and commands. It has an established dictionary and supports

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# Swap-Hands Action
The swap-hands action allows support for one-handed typing without requiring a separate layer. Set `SWAP_HANDS_ENABLE` in the Makefile and define a `hand_swap_config` entry in your keymap. Now whenever the `ACTION_SWAP_HANDS` command key is pressed the keyboard is mirrored. For instance, to type "Hello, World" on QWERTY you would type `^Ge^s^s^w^c W^wr^sd`
## Configuration

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# Tap Dance: A Single Key Can Do 3, 5, or 100 Different Things
<!-- FIXME: Break this up into multiple sections -->
Hit the semicolon key once, send a semicolon. Hit it twice, rapidly -- send a colon. Hit it three times, and your keyboard's LEDs do a wild dance. That's just one example of what Tap Dance can do. It's one of the nicest community-contributed features in the firmware, conceived and created by [algernon]( in [#451]( Here's how algernon describes the feature:

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# Terminal
> This feature is currently *huge* at 4400 bytes, and should probably only be put on boards with a lot of memory, or for fun.
The terminal feature is a command-line-like interface designed to communicate through a text editor with keystrokes. It's beneficial to turn off auto-indent features in your editor.

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# Thermal Printer
<!-- FIXME: Describe thermal printers support here. -->
## Thermal Printer Keycodes

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# Unicode Support
Unicode characters can be input straight from your keyboard! There are some limitations, however.
QMK has three different methods for enabling Unicode input and defining keycodes:

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# Userspace: Sharing Code Between Keymaps
If you use more than one keyboard with a similar keymap, you might see the benefit in being able to share code between them. Create your own folder in `users/` named the same as your keymap (ideally your github username, `<name>`) with the following structure:
* `/users/<name>/` (added to the path automatically)

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# Velocikey
Velocikey is a feature that lets you control the speed of lighting effects (like the Rainbow Swirl effect) with the speed of your typing. The faster you type, the faster the lights will go!
## Usage

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# QMK Features
QMK has a staggering number of features for building your keyboard. It can take some time to understand all of them and determine which one will achieve your goal.

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# Flashing Instructions and Bootloader Information
There are quite a few different types of bootloaders that keyboards use, and just about all of the use a different flashing method. Luckily, projects like the [QMK Toolbox]( aim to be compatible with all the different types without having to think about it much, but this article will describe the different types of bootloaders, and available methods for flashing them.
If you have a bootloader selected with the `BOOTLOADER` variable in your ``, QMK will automatically calculate if your .hex file is the right size to be flashed to the device, and output the total size in bytes (along with the max). To run this process manually, compile with the target `check-size`, eg `make planck/rev4:default:check-size`.

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# Installing Build Tools
This page describes setting up the build environment for QMK. These instructions cover AVR processors (such as the atmega32u4).
<!-- FIXME: We should have ARM instructions somewhere. -->

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# Getting Help
There are a lot of resources for getting help with QMK.
## Realtime Chat

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# How to Use Github with QMK
Github can be a little tricky to those that aren't familiar with it - this guide will walk through each step of forking, cloning, and submitting a pull request with QMK.
?> This guide assumes you're somewhat comfortable with running things at the command line, and have git installed on your system.

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# Introduction
This page attempts to explain the basic information you need to know to work with the QMK project. It assumes that you are familiar with navigating a Unix shell, but does not assume you are familiar with C or with compiling using make.
## Basic QMK Structure

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# More Detailed `make` Instructions
The full syntax of the `make` command is `<keyboard_folder>:<keymap>:<target>`, where:
* `<keyboard_folder>` is the path of the keyboard, for example `planck`

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# Vagrant Quick Start
This project includes a `Vagrantfile` that will allow you to build a new firmware for your keyboard very easily without major changes to your primary operating system. This also ensures that when you clone the project and perform a build, you have the exact same environment as anyone else using the Vagrantfile to build. This makes it much easier for people to help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter.
## Requirements
@ -54,4 +56,4 @@ Execute the following to bypass the `vagrant` user booting directly to the offic
vagrant ssh -c 'sudo -i'

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# Quantum Hand-Wiring Guide
Parts list:
* *x* keyswitches (MX, Matias, Gateron, etc)
* *x* diodes

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# Hardware
QMK runs on a variety of hardware. If your processor can be targeted by [LUFA]( or [ChibiOS]( you can probably get QMK running on it. This section explores getting QMK running on, and communicating with, hardware of all kinds.
* [Keyboard Guidelines](

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# Keyboards with AVR Processors
This page describes the support for for AVR processors in QMK. AVR processors include the atmega32u4, atmega32u2, at90usb1286, and other processors from Atmel Corporation. AVR processors are 8-bit MCU's that are designed to be easy to work with. The most common AVR processors in keyboards have on-board USB and plenty of GPIO for supporting large keyboard matrices. They are the most popular MCU for use in keyboards today.
If you have not yet you should read the [Keyboard Guidelines]( to get a sense of how keyboards fit into QMK.

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# QMK Hardware Drivers
QMK is used on a lot of different hardware. While support for the most common MCU's and matrix configurations is built-in there are a number of drivers that can be added to a keyboard to support additional hardware. Examples include mice and other pointing devices, i/o expanders for split keyboards, bluetooth modules, and LCD, OLED, and TFT screens.
<!-- FIXME: This should talk about how drivers are integrated into QMK and how you can add your own driver.

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# QMK Keyboard Guidelines
Since starting, QMK has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to people like you who contribute to creating and maintaining our community keyboards. As we've grown we've discovered some patterns that work well, and ask that you conform to them to make it easier for other people to benefit from your hard work.

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# How Keys Are Registered, and Interpreted by Computers
In this file, you can will learn the concepts of how keyboards work over USB,
and you'll be able to better understand what you can expect from changing your
firmware directly.

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# I2C Master Driver
The I2C Master drivers used in QMK have a set of common functions to allow portability between MCUs.
## Available functions

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# group `defines` {#group__defines}
## Summary
Members | Descriptions

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# GPIO Control
QMK has a GPIO control abstraction layer which is microcontroller agnostic. This is done to allow easy access to pin control across different platforms.
## Functions

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# group `input_callback_reg` {#group__input__callback__reg}
These are the functions you use to register your input callbacks.
The functions are called when the appropriate midi message is matched on the associated device's input.

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# group `midi_device` {#group__midi__device}
You use the functions when you are implementing your own midi device.
You set a send function to actually send bytes via your device, this method is called when you call a send function with this device, for instance midi_send_cc

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# group `midi_device_setup_process` {#group__midi__device__setup__process}
These are method that you must use to initialize and run a device.
## Summary

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# group `midi_util` {#group__midi__util}
## Summary
Members | Descriptions

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# ISP Flashing Guide
If you're having trouble flashing/erasing your board, and running into cryptic error messages like any of the following:
libusb: warning [darwin_transfer_status] transfer error: timed out

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# Keycodes Overview
When defining a [keymap]( each key needs a valid key definition. This page documents the symbols that correspond to keycodes that are available to you in QMK.
This is a reference only. Each group of keys links to the page documenting their functionality in more detail.

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# Basic Keycodes
The basic set of keycodes are based on the [HID Keyboard/Keypad Usage Page (0x07)]( with the exception of `KC_NO`, `KC_TRNS` and keycodes in the `0xA5-DF` range. See below for more details.
## Letters and Numbers

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# US ANSI Shifted Symbols
These keycodes correspond to characters that are "shifted" on a standard US ANSI keyboard. They do not have keycodes of their own but are simply shortcuts for `LSFT(kc)`, and as such send a Left Shift with the unshifted keycode, not the symbol itself.
## Caveats

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# Keymap Overview
QMK keymaps are defined inside a C source file. The data structure is an array of arrays. The outer array is a list of layer arrays while the inner layer array is a list of keys. Most keyboards define a `LAYOUT()` macro to help you create this array of arrays.

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# For Makers and Modders

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# The Complete Newbs Guide To QMK
QMK is a powerful Open Source firmware for your mechanical keyboard. You can use QMK to customize your keyboard in ways both simple and powerful. People of all skill levels, from complete newbie to master programmer, have successfully used QMK to customize their keyboard. This guide will help you do the same, no matter your skill level.
Not sure if your keyboard can run QMK? If it's a mechanical keyboard you built yourself chances are good it can. We support a [large number of hobbyist boards](, so even if your current keyboard can't run QMK you shouldn't have trouble finding one to suit your needs.

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# Best Practices
## Or, "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Git."
This document aims to instruct novices in the best ways to have a smooth experience in contributing to QMK. We will walk through the process of contributing to QMK, detailing some ways to make this task easier, and then later we'll break some things in order to teach you how to fix them.

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# Building Your First Firmware
Now that you have setup your build environment you are ready to start building custom firmware. For this section of the guide we will bounce between 3 programs- your file manager, your text editor, and your terminal window. Keep all 3 open until you are done and happy with your keyboard firmware.
If you have closed and reopened your terminal window since following the first part of the guide, don't forget to `cd qmk_firmware` so that your terminal is in the correct directory.

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# QMK Configurator
The [QMK Configurator]( is an online graphical user interface that generates QMK Firmware hex files.
?> **Please follow these steps in order.**

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# Flashing Your Keyboard
Now that you've built a custom firmware file you'll want to flash your keyboard.
## Flashing Your Keyboard with QMK Toolbox

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# Introduction
Your computer keyboard has a processor inside of it, not unlike the one inside your computer. This processor runs software that is responsible for detecting button presses and sending reports about the state of the keyboard when buttons are pressed or released. QMK fills the role of that software, detecting button presses and passing that information on to the host computer. When you build your custom keymap, you are creating the equivalent of an executable program for your keyboard.
QMK tries to put a lot of power into your hands by making easy things easy, and hard things possible. You don't have to know how to program to create powerful keymaps — you only have to follow a few simple syntax rules.

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# Learning Resources
These resources are aimed at giving new members in the QMK community more understanding to the information provided in the Newbs docs.
Git resources:

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# Testing and Debugging
Once you've flashed your keyboard with a custom firmware you're ready to test it out. With a little bit of luck everything will work perfectly, but if not this document will help you figure out what's wrong.
## Testing

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# Setting up Eclipse for QMK Development
[Eclipse][1] is an open-source [Integrated Development Environment]( (IDE) widely used for Java development, but with an extensible plugin system that allows to customize it for other languages and usages.
Using an IDE such as Eclipse provides many advantages over a plain text editor, such as:
@ -85,4 +87,4 @@ We will now configure a make target that cleans the project and builds the keyma
8. Double-click the build target you created to trigger a build.
9. Select the <kbd>Console</kbd> view at the bottom to view the running build.

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# Other Topics

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# Setting up Visual Studio Code for QMK Development
[Visual Studio Code]( (VS Code) is an open-source code editor that supports many different programming languages.
Using a full-featured editor such as VS Code provides many advantages over a plain text editor, such as:

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# Converting a board to use the Proton C
If a board currently supported in QMK uses a Pro Micro (or compatible board) and you want to use the Proton C, you can generate the firmware by appending `CONVERT_TO_PROTON_C=yes` (or `CTPC=yes`) to your make argument, like this:
make 40percentclub/mf68:default CTPC=yes

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# Python Development in QMK
This document gives an overview of how QMK has structured its python code. You should read this before working on any of the python code.
## Script directories

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# QMK Internals

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# Quantum Keycodes
Quantum keycodes allow for easier customization of your keymap than the basic ones provide, without having to define custom actions.
All keycodes within quantum are numbers between `0x0000` and `0xFFFF`. Within your `keymap.c` it may look like you have functions and other special cases, but ultimately the C preprocessor will translate those into a single 4 byte integer. QMK has reserved `0x0000` through `0x00FF` for standard keycodes. These are keycodes such as `KC_A`, `KC_1`, and `KC_LCTL`, which are basic keys defined in the USB HID specification.

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# List of Useful Core Functions To Make Your Keyboard Better
There are a lot of hidden functions in QMK that are incredible useful, or may add a bit of functionality that you've been wanting. Functions that are specific to certain features are not included here, as those will be on their respective feature page.
## (OLKB) Tri Layers

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# Reference

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# Supporting Your Keyboard in QMK Configurator
This page covers how to properly support keyboards in the [QMK Configurator](

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# Glossary of QMK Terms
## ARM
A line of 32-bit MCU's produced by a number of companies, such as Atmel, Cypress, Kinetis, NXP, ST, and TI.

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# `info.json`
This file is used by the [QMK API]( It contains the information [QMK Configurator]( needs to display a representation of your keyboard. You can also set metadata here.
You can create `info.json` files at every level under `qmk_firmware/keyboards/<name>` to specify this metadata. These files are combined, with more specific files overriding keys in less specific files. This means you do not need to duplicate your metadata information. For example, `qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard/info.json` specifies `manufacturer` and `maintainer`, while `qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard/66/info.json` specifies more specific information about Clueboard 66%.

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# Support
If you need help with something, the best place to get quick support is going to be on our [Discord Server]( There is usually somebody online, and there are a bunch of very helpful people there.
Don't forget to read our [Code of Conduct](

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# Understanding QMK's Code
This document attempts to explain how the QMK firmware works from a very high level. It assumes you understand basic programming concepts but does not (except where needed to demonstrate) assume familiarity with C. It assumes that you have a basic understanding of the following documents:
* [Introduction](

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# Unit Testing
If you are new to unit testing, then you can find many good resources on internet. However most of it is scattered around in small pieces here and there, and there's also many different opinions, so I won't give any recommendations.
Instead I recommend these two books, explaining two different styles of Unit Testing in detail.

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"scripts": {
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