@ -54,12 +54,17 @@
* will enumerate as a regular COM port on the host, which can then be opened and data exchanged between the XMEGA and Host as if
* the XMEGA was connected directly to the host's serial port. If the pin is pulled low by shorting it to GND (pin 10), the device
* will enumerate as an AVRISP-MKII to the host, so that the XMEGA can be reprogrammed by AVRStudio or other compatible software
* such as avrdude.
* such as avrdude by connecting to the board as if it was an Atmel AVRISP-MKII programmer.
* After running this project for the first time on a new computer, you will need to supply the .INF file located in this project
* project's directory as the device's driver when running under Windows. This will enable Windows to use its inbuilt CDC drivers,
* negating the need for custom drivers for the device. Other Operating Systems should automatically use their own inbuilt CDC-ACM
* drivers.
* After running this project in serial bridge mode for the first time on a new computer, you will need to supply the .INF file
* located in this project project's directory as the device's driver when running under Windows. This will enable Windows to use
* its inbuilt CDC virtual serial drivers, negating the need for custom drivers for the device. Other Operating Systems should
* automatically use their own inbuilt CDC-ACM drivers.
* In serial bridge mode, the UART baud rate can be altered through the host terminal software to select a new baud rate - the default
* baud is 9600. Note that parity, data bits and stop bits are fixed at none, eight and one respectively can cannot be altered. Changes
* to the connection's parity, data bits or stop bits are ignored by the firmware. As the serial link between the controllers on the
* XPLAIN is software emulated by the USB AVR, not all baud rates will work correctly.
* This project relies on files from the LUFA AVRISP-MKII project for compilation.