Dean Camera
Update copyrights to 2015 (better late than never).
10 years ago
Dean Camera
Obsolete the old MACROS and MACROE convenience macros.
11 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyrights for 2014.
11 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year to 2013.
12 years ago
Dean Camera
Minor documentation improvements.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
AppConfigHeaders: Make sure that in applications using an AppConfig.h configuration file, all application headers include the configuration file.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Update StaticAnalysisTest to check for missing header files. Fix found incorrect header file paths in the demos and projects.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Update file contributor copyrights for 2012.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Update file header copyrights for 2012.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year on all source files.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Added ability to write protect Mass Storage disk write operations from the host OS.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Changed over links to the new redirect domain, including the new aliased links for LUFA-related pages such as the various download/source control mirrors and support lists.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
All USB class drivers are now automatically included when LUFA/Drivers/USB.h is included, and no longer need to be seperately included.
All LowLevel demos changed to use the constants and types defined in the USB class drivers.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clean up excessive whitespace at the end of each line using the wspurify tool made by Laszlo Monda
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clarify in the project documentation files what the each of the different USB AVR device "series" comprises of.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed MassStorage based demos and projects resetting the SCSI sense values before the command is executed, leading to missed SCSI sense values when the host retrieves the sense key (thanks to Martin Degelsegger).
Added missing DataflashManager_CheckDataflashOperation() function to the MassStorageKeyboard demo, removed redundant SCSI_Codes.h file as these values are part of the MassStorage Class Driver.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update all demos, projects and bootloaders to indent all function parameters, one per line, for better readability.
Add missing const qualifiers to the demos.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add missing const qualifiers to class drivers.
Indent core library function parameters so that there is only one parameter per line, to increase readability.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
More documentation fixes.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add svn:eol-style property to source files, so that the line endings are correctly converted to the target system's native end of line style.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year to 2010.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix MIT license language to make its intent clearer.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Increase timeout of Mass Storage and Still Image host commands to 10 seconds (up from 5) to account for slow-processing devices.
Added brace guards to macros with parameters to prevent unintended changed evaluation of the macro expression.
Minor code cleanups (remove redundant comments, fix spacing, etc.).
16 years ago
Dean Camera
The incomplete StandaloneProgrammer project now uses Host and Device Mass storage classes, so that program data can either be loaded onto the device's Dataflash storage, or read off an attached USB memory stick.
The USB target family and allowable USB mode tokens are now public and documented (USB_CAN_BE_*, USB_SERIES_*_AVR).
The SCSI_Request_Sense_Response_t and SCSI_Inquiry_Response_t type defines are now part of the Mass Storage Class driver common defines, rather than being defined in the Host mode Class driver section only.
The USB_MODE_HOST token is now defined even when host mode is not available.
Added missing CDC_Host_CreateBlockingStream() function code to the CDC Host Class driver.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Cleanups to the Device mode Mass Storage demo applications' SCSI routines.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Add SCSICodes.h to the Class Driver Common folder, and automatically include it in both the Host and Device Mass Storage Class drivers. Delete existing version from the ClassDriver MassStorage device demo's /Lib/ folder.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Added const modifiers to device mode class drivers.
Added parameter directions to function parameter documentation.
Added new experimental FAST_STREAM_FUNCTIONS compile time option to speed up stream transfers at the expense of a higher FLASH consumption (needs testing to verify improved throughput).
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Break device mode class driver interfaces into seperate config and state structs which are then combined, for clarity. Move device mode class driver interfaces back into the device mode class driver headers from the common class headers to make room for host class interfaces.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Add host mode USB Class driver stubs, add beginnings of a CDC host class driver.
Split out common defines/types from class drivers into a seperate common class driver directory.
Make central USB Class driver dispatch headers, used for both device and host modes.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Move new Class Driver powered demos to a new ClassDriver subdirectory, re-add old low level demos to a LowLevel subdirectory.
16 years ago