Altered the Mass Storage Host LowLevel demo so that SCSI data STALLs from the attached device can be recovered from automatically without having to reset the Mass Storage interface.
Updated MS_Host_ResetMSInterface() to now perform a full Mass Storage reset sequence to prevent data corruption in the event of a device lock up or timeout (thanks to David Lyons).
Add parenthesis around the library Endianness macros that do nothing on a particular architecture to prevent operator precedence issues depending on usage.
Minor documentation corrections.
Changed the reports in the GenericHID device demos to control the board LEDs, to reduce user confusion over the callback routines.
Fixed swapped TWI_ADDRESS_READ and TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE values.
Fixed TWI_ReadPacket() not releasing the TWI bus on read completion.
Added new USB_Host_ConfigurationNumber global variable to indicate the selected configuration in an attached device.
Renamed global state variables that are specific to a certain USB mode to clearly indicate which mode the variable relates to, by changing the USB_* prefix to USB_Device_* or USB_Host_*.
Removed the HOST_STATE_WaitForDeviceRemoval and HOST_STATE_Suspended host state machine states, as these are no longer required.
Altered the USB_Host_SetDeviceConfiguration() function to update the new USB_Host_ConfigurationNumber global as required.
Moved out the Host mode standard request convenience/helper functions from the architecture specific Host driver files to the architecture agnostic HostStandardReq.c driver file.
Fix errors in the new Audio Host mode Class Driver, which would have prevented data from being sent or received properly by the device.
Add microphone/square wave generation compile time switch to the Low Level AudioOutput Host demo.
Modified the Class Driver AudioInput and AudioOutput demos to support multiple sample rates.
Fixed KeyboardHost and KeyboardHostWithParser demos displaying incorrect values when numerical keys were pressed.
Fix broken LowLevel audio demo descriptors.
Minor documentation fixes.
Added missing Audio class control request definitions.
Added support for the Audio class GET STATUS request so that it is correctly ACKed when sent by the host.
Minor code cleanups to add const and reformat where missing, as well as abstract out the internal device signature start address into a macro, so that it can be altered to suit particular devices within a single architecture if needed.
Add missing documentation to the USB_Device_States_t enum.
Renamed all low level Pipe_Read_*, Pipe_Write_* and Pipe_Discard_* functions to use the number of bits instead of a symbolic size (Byte, Word, DWord) so that the function names are applicable and correct across all architectures.