Dean Camera
Added new high level TWI packet read/write commands, altered behaviour of the TWI_StartTransmission() function.
Spell check source code files.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Oops - The DS1307 contains an unused "DayOfWeek" register that must be accounted for in the new unified DS1307 Time/Day read and write routines.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Changed TempDataLogger project's DS1307 driver to simplify the function interface and prevent a possible race condition.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Altered all endpoint/pipe stream transfers so that the new BytesProcessed parameter now points to a location where the number of bytes in the transfer that have been completed can be stored (or NULL if entire transaction should be performed in one chunk).
Added new Endpoint_Null_Stream() and Pipe_Null_stream() functions.
Removed the NO_STREAM_CALLBACKS compile time option due to the new partial stream transfer feature replacing it.
Fixed errors in the incomplete Test and Measurement device demo preventing proper operation (thanks to Pavel Plotnikov).
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year on all source files.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Added basic driver example use code to the library documentation.
Made the USARTStream global public and documented in the SerialStream module, allowing for the serial USART stream to be accessed via its handle rather than via the implicit stdout and stdin streams.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Added ability to write protect Mass Storage disk write operations from the host OS.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Changed over links to the new redirect domain, including the new aliased links for LUFA-related pages such as the various download/source control mirrors and support lists.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
All USB class drivers are now automatically included when LUFA/Drivers/USB.h is included, and no longer need to be seperately included.
All LowLevel demos changed to use the constants and types defined in the USB class drivers.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Minor documentation corrections.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clean up excessive whitespace at the end of each line using the wspurify tool made by Laszlo Monda
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clarify in the project documentation files what the each of the different USB AVR device "series" comprises of.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed MassStorage based demos and projects resetting the SCSI sense values before the command is executed, leading to missed SCSI sense values when the host retrieves the sense key (thanks to Martin Degelsegger).
Added missing DataflashManager_CheckDataflashOperation() function to the MassStorageKeyboard demo, removed redundant SCSI_Codes.h file as these values are part of the MassStorage Class Driver.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Oops - fix mixed "initialize" and "initialise" - opt for American spelling due to its wide use in technical standards.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
More spell checking of all source files -- correct missed errors, switch to EN-GB spelling dictionary.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Spell check more of the third party libraries used by LUFA.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Spell check all source files once again to find any typos.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Rename reserved members of all structs so that they are uniformly named across all demos/projects/bootloaders.
Added start of the Incomplete TMC demo's command parser code.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update all demos, projects and bootloaders to indent all function parameters, one per line, for better readability.
Add missing const qualifiers to the demos.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update makefiles to use the latest WinAVR/Atmel toolchain makefile template.
Add new module source variables to the library core makefile, so that module sources can be added to a project's makefile on a per-module rather than per-file basis.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Change over all makefiles to use C99 standards mode, rather than C99 + GNU Extensions.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Disable strict aliasing explicitly in the project makefiles, as this is apparently enabled by default in newer AVR-GCC builds, and aliasing is used heavily for type-punning through the LUFA and third party library's codebase.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix pointer aliasing warning in the Mass Storage demos.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add first lot of AVRStudio project files for some of the library projects.
15 years ago