Commit Graph

424 Commits (cb10891bd6299b840360c2ad97dbecaa6a37c85d)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dean Camera 3d1baa6f95 Added multiple Report ID support to the HID class driver. Removed OUT endpoint support from HID driver (all OUT reports are now processed through control requests) as a seperate endpoint had issues with determining the exact output report length.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 7665bf323e Fixed EVENT_USB_CDC_ControLineStateChanged() event not taking the CDC interface structure as a parameter.
16 years ago
Dean Camera dc42c5eb6b Added Doxygen documentation to the Audio class driver. Added new modules for each of the new device class drivers to the library documentation.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 4897ef8972 Ensure all USB device class drivers have the same three main functions as their interface for consistency.
16 years ago
Dean Camera a67bd74e3e Minor documentation page updates.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 7c5444b89a Removed new Start of Frame event from the library; performance suffered far too much and it was only useful in one of the standard classes (HID). Altered HID demos to use the previous method of tracking millisecond periods via a hardware timer rather than the SOF events.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 74b7c07e96 Add MIDI class driver, update MIDI device demo to use the new USB class driver. All device demos/projects have now been converted to the new library class drivers, although documentation is yet to be completed.
16 years ago
Dean Camera d1e5266036 Commit of new class abstraction APIs for all device demos other than the MIDI demo - not documented yet.
16 years ago
Dean Camera d0806c817c Deleted StdDescriptors.c, renamed USB_GetDescriptor() to CALLBACK_USB_GetDescriptor, moved ConfigDescriptor.c/.h from the LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/ directory to LUFA/Drivers/USB/HighLevel/ in preperation for the new USB class APIs.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 2ee9fc7077 Rewritten event system to remove all macros, to make user code clearer.
16 years ago
Dean Camera eeba38e343 Create a new function pointer type in StreamCallbacks.h for endpoint/pipe stream callbacks, to make stream function prototypes clearer.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 253deb996f Changed PIPE_CONTROLPIPE_DEFAULT_SIZE from 8 to 64 to try to prevent problems with faulty devices which do not respect the given wLength value when reading in the device descriptor.
16 years ago
Dean Camera a504a3a010 Endpoint configuration is now refined to give better output when all configurations have static inputs - removed the now useless STATIC_ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION compile time token.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 9cec85bfd9 Documentation enhancements to improve documentation cross-references.
16 years ago
Dean Camera d860e9e842 USB_HostRequest renamed to USB_ControlRequest, entire control request header is now read into USB_ControlRequest in Device mode rather than having the library pass only partially read header data to the application.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 37b2130fb2 Changed over all deprecated GCC structure tag initializers to the standardized C99 format (thanks to Mike Alexander).
16 years ago
Dean Camera 663f449c10 Fixed incorrect HID interface class and subclass values in the Mouse and KeyboardMouse demos (thanks to Brian Dickman).
16 years ago
Dean Camera 32e735b2b2 Removed "Host_" section of the function names in ConfigDescriptor.h, as most of the routines can now be used in device mode on the device descriptor.
16 years ago
Dean Camera d38fa49cb6 More documentation changes for better module-level documentation rather than file-level documentation.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 8f6b4ddf76 Fixed GenericHIDHost demo report write routine incorrect for control type requests (thanks to Andrei Krainev).
16 years ago
Dean Camera 6a5a37d7d1 The USB_Host_SendControlRequest() function no longer automatically selects the Control pipe (pipe 0), so that other control type pipes can be used with the function.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 557a945ba1 Removed all binary constants and replaced with decimal or hexadecimal constants so that unpatched GCC compilers can still build the code without having to be itself patched and recompiled first.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 6933f2e1a5 All comments in the library, bootloaders, demos and projects have now been spell-checked and spelling mistakes/typos corrected.
16 years ago
Dean Camera 6a10d6b465 Moved all source to the trunk directory.
16 years ago