Dean Camera
Fixed missing bounds checks and off-by-one in the DFU bootloader signature bytes (thanks to Reuti)
10 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyrights to 2015 (better late than never).
10 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix bootloaders not starting user application if the HWB is grounded during watchdog reset.
11 years ago
Dean Camera
Add Leonardo compatibility to most bootloaders, run user application if BOOTRST fuse is set and the last reset cause was not the /RESET pin.
11 years ago
Dean Camera
Don't run user application in the bootloader unless a valid app is present (thanks to Alex Kazik).
11 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyrights for 2014.
11 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix signature bytes in the DFU class bootloader.
12 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed race condition in the DFU class bootloader causing failed device reprogramming in some circumstances (thanks to Luis Mendes).
12 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year to 2013.
12 years ago
Dean Camera
Minor documentation improvements.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Use the framework provided GlobalInterruptEnable() function instead of the AVR8/XMEGA specific sei() macro, for future demo/project portability.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Reduce bootloader magic key to 16 bits to save FLASH space.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Added new JTAG_ENABLE() macro for the AVR8 architecture. Fixed the JTAG_DISABLE() macro clearing all other bits in MCUSR when called.
Moved the XPLAIN board specific bootloader entry condition code to the Application_Jump_Check() function of the DFU bootloader, added support for the original XPLAIN board to the CDC class bootloader.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Switch over Demos, Bootloaders and Projects to the new and improved build system.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Ensure the DFU bootloader disables and clears the activity LED toggle timer when a soft-reset to application space is used.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Turn off watchdog before jumping to the user application in the DFU and CDC based bootloaders, for the specific case of /HWB being low during reset (where the bootloader will re-enter).
13 years ago
Dean Camera
The library bootloaders will now correctly start the user application after a watchdog-based application start, even if the /HWB line is held low externally during the reset phase.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Update file contributor copyrights for 2012.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Update file header copyrights for 2012.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed DFU class bootloader not resetting the LED pins as high impedance inputs when a software jump to the user applications is requested.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Minor bootloader tweaks; make some functions static where possible to reduce the compiled binary size, add additional comments to the makefiles.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line.
13 years ago
Dean Camera
Use the proper "-Wl,--undefined=BootloaderAPI_JumpTable" linker command line parameter in the bootloaders to ensure that the API jump tables are not discarded, rather than the previous C volatile pointer hack (thanks to Opendous Inc.).
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Added User Application APIs to the CDC and DFU class bootloaders.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Massive corrections to the project documentation and code comments, thanks to Russian translation services provided by Andrey from
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Make DFU and CDC class bootloaders also toggle the LEDs on command activity in addition to the periodic flashing.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Added LED flashing to the CDC and DFU class bootloaders to indicate when they are running.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Correct UC3 global interrupt functions.
Replace all calls and references to _delay_ms() in the code with the architecture-agnostic Delay_MS() function.
Improve code generation for the Delay_MS() function on the AVR8 architecture when called with a constant input.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Renamed all low level Endpoint_Read_*, Endpoint_Write_* and Endpoint_Discard_* functions to use the number of bits instead of a symbolic size (Byte, Word, DWord) so that the function names are applicable and correct across all architectures.
Renamed all low level Pipe_Read_*, Pipe_Write_* and Pipe_Discard_* functions to use the number of bits instead of a symbolic size (Byte, Word, DWord) so that the function names are applicable and correct across all architectures.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Add static keyword to all project globals whose scope should be restricted to the same module as they are declared in.
Tighten up the HID class bootloader code slightly, document that it currently exceeds 2KB of bootloader space for all models other than the Series 2 USB AVRs.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Change bootloader makefiles to automatically compute the bootloader starting address from a flash size and bootloader section size, expressed in KB.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Renamed all driver termination *_ShutDown() functions to the more logical name *_Disable().
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year on all source files.
14 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed broken DFU bootloader, added XPLAIN support for bootloader start when XCK jumpered to ground.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Renamed the EVENT_USB_Device_UnhandledControlRequest() event to EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest() as it is now fired before the library request handlers, not afterwards.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Changed over links to the new redirect domain, including the new aliased links for LUFA-related pages such as the various download/source control mirrors and support lists.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Clean up excessive whitespace at the end of each line using the wspurify tool made by Laszlo Monda
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add the "REQ_" prefix to the DFU class bootloader class-specific request constants.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed software application start command broken in the DFU class bootloader when dfu-programmer is used due to application start address corruption.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Oops - fix mixed "initialize" and "initialise" - opt for American spelling due to its wide use in technical standards.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
More spell checking of all source files -- correct missed errors, switch to EN-GB spelling dictionary.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add svn:eol-style property to source files, so that the line endings are correctly converted to the target system's native end of line style.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
USB_Init() no longer calls sei() to enable global interrupts - this must now be done in the user application once all init code has run.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed DFU bootloader programming not discarding the correct number of filler bytes from the host when non-aligned programming ranges are specified (thanks to Thomas Bleeker).
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Update copyright year to 2010.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Fix MIT license language to make its intent clearer.
15 years ago
Dean Camera
Add to the existing CDC Class Driver's CreateStream() function documentation to explicitly state that the created streams are bidirectional.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Corrected incorrect signature bytes for the AT90USB82 and added support for the ATMEGAXX2 variant AVRs to the DFU bootloader.
Added warning to the EVENT_USB_Device_Connect() and EVENT_USB_Device_Disconnect() events that they may be fired multiple times during device enumeration on the series 2 AVRs.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Fixed DFU and CDC class bootloaders on the AT90USBXXX2 series USB AVRs.
16 years ago
Dean Camera
Renamed all library events to properly seperate out Device and Host mode events. Changed the firing conditions for some events to ensure that events are fired by their own USB mode only.
Remove VBUS events - not needed as the library takes care of VBUS detection and feedback on supported AVRs via the USB_Device_Connected and USB_Device_Disconnected events.
Fixed incorrect Host state assignment in the incomplete BluetoothHost demo.
16 years ago