## PS/2 Mouse Support [[toc]] Its possible to hook up a PS/2 mouse (for example touchpads or trackpoints) to your keyboard as a composite device. To hook up a Trackpoint, you need to obtain a Trackpoint module (i.e. harvest from a Thinkpad keyboard), identify the function of each pin of the module, and make the necessary circuitry between controller and Trackpoint module. For more information, please refer to [Trackpoint Hardware](https://deskthority.net/wiki/TrackPoint_Hardware) page on Deskthority Wiki. There are three available modes for hooking up PS/2 devices: USART (best), interrupts (better) or busywait (not recommended). ### The Cirtuitry between Trackpoint and Controller To get the things working, a 4.7K drag is needed between the two lines DATA and CLK and the line 5+. ``` DATA ----------+--------- PIN | 4.7K | MODULE 5+ --------+--+--------- PWR CONTROLLER | 4.7K | CLK ------+------------ PIN ``` ### Busywait Version Note: This is not recommended, you may encounter jerky movement or unsent inputs. Please use interrupt or USART version if possible. In rules.mk: ``` PS2_MOUSE_ENABLE = yes PS2_USE_BUSYWAIT = yes ``` In your keyboard config.h: ``` #ifdef PS2_USE_BUSYWAIT # define PS2_CLOCK_PORT PORTD # define PS2_CLOCK_PIN PIND # define PS2_CLOCK_DDR DDRD # define PS2_CLOCK_BIT 1 # define PS2_DATA_PORT PORTD # define PS2_DATA_PIN PIND # define PS2_DATA_DDR DDRD # define PS2_DATA_BIT 2 #endif ``` ### Interrupt Version The following example uses D2 for clock and D5 for data. You can use any INT or PCINT pin for clock, and any pin for data. In rules.mk: ``` PS2_MOUSE_ENABLE = yes PS2_USE_INT = yes ``` In your keyboard config.h: ``` #ifdef PS2_USE_INT #define PS2_CLOCK_PORT PORTD #define PS2_CLOCK_PIN PIND #define PS2_CLOCK_DDR DDRD #define PS2_CLOCK_BIT 2 #define PS2_DATA_PORT PORTD #define PS2_DATA_PIN PIND #define PS2_DATA_DDR DDRD #define PS2_DATA_BIT 5 #define PS2_INT_INIT() do { \ EICRA |= ((1<