/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / Petit FatFs - FAT file system module R0.01a (C)ChaN, 2009 /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / Petit FatFs module is an open source software to implement FAT file system to / small embedded systems. This is a free software and is opened for education, / research and commercial developments under license policy of following trems. / / Copyright (C) 2009, ChaN, all right reserved. / / * The Petit FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY. / * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for / personal, non-profit or commercial use UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. / * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. / /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / Jun 15,'09 R0.01a Branched from FatFs R0.07b /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pff.h" /* Petit FatFs configurations and declarations */ #include "diskio.h" /* Declarations of low level disk I/O functions */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Work Area ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static FATFS *FatFs; /* Pointer to the file system object (logical drive) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* String functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Fill memory */ static void mem_set (void* dst, int val, int cnt) { char *d = (char*)dst; while (cnt--) *d++ = (char)val; } /* Compare memory to memory */ static int mem_cmp (const void* dst, const void* src, int cnt) { const char *d = (const char *)dst, *s = (const char *)src; int r = 0; while (cnt-- && (r = *d++ - *s++) == 0) ; return r; } /* Check if chr is contained in the string */ static int chk_chr (const char* str, int chr) { while (*str && *str != chr) str++; return *str; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* FAT access - Read value of a FAT entry */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static CLUST get_fat ( /* 1:IO error, Else:Cluster status */ CLUST clst /* Cluster# to get the link information */ ) { WORD wc, bc, ofs; BYTE buf[4]; FATFS *fs = FatFs; if (clst < 2 || clst >= fs->max_clust) /* Range check */ return 1; switch (fs->fs_type) { case FS_FAT12 : bc = (WORD)clst; bc += bc / 2; ofs = bc % 512; bc /= 512; if (ofs != 511) { if (disk_readp(buf, fs->fatbase + bc, ofs, 2)) break; } else { if (disk_readp(buf, fs->fatbase + bc, 511, 1)) break; if (disk_readp(buf+1, fs->fatbase + bc + 1, 0, 1)) break; } wc = LD_WORD(buf); return (clst & 1) ? (wc >> 4) : (wc & 0xFFF); case FS_FAT16 : if (disk_readp(buf, fs->fatbase + clst / 256, (WORD)(((WORD)clst % 256) * 2), 2)) break; return LD_WORD(buf); #if _FS_FAT32 case FS_FAT32 : if (disk_readp(buf, fs->fatbase + clst / 128, (WORD)(((WORD)clst % 128) * 4), 4)) break; return LD_DWORD(buf) & 0x0FFFFFFF; #endif } return 1; /* An error occured at the disk I/O layer */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get sector# from cluster# */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static DWORD clust2sect ( /* !=0: Sector number, 0: Failed - invalid cluster# */ CLUST clst /* Cluster# to be converted */ ) { FATFS *fs = FatFs; clst -= 2; if (clst >= (fs->max_clust - 2)) return 0; /* Invalid cluster# */ return (DWORD)clst * fs->csize + fs->database; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Directory handling - Rewind directory index */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static FRESULT dir_rewind ( DIR *dj /* Pointer to directory object */ ) { CLUST clst; FATFS *fs = FatFs; dj->index = 0; clst = dj->sclust; if (clst == 1 || clst >= fs->max_clust) /* Check start cluster range */ return FR_DISK_ERR; #if _FS_FAT32 if (!clst && fs->fs_type == FS_FAT32) /* Replace cluster# 0 with root cluster# if in FAT32 */ clst = fs->dirbase; #endif dj->clust = clst; /* Current cluster */ dj->sect = clst ? clust2sect(clst) : fs->dirbase; /* Current sector */ return FR_OK; /* Seek succeeded */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Directory handling - Move directory index next */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static FRESULT dir_next ( /* FR_OK:Succeeded, FR_NO_FILE:End of table, FR_DENIED:EOT and could not streach */ DIR *dj /* Pointer to directory object */ ) { CLUST clst; WORD i; FATFS *fs = FatFs; i = dj->index + 1; if (!i || !dj->sect) /* Report EOT when index has reached 65535 */ return FR_NO_FILE; if (!(i & (16-1))) { /* Sector changed? */ dj->sect++; /* Next sector */ if (dj->clust == 0) { /* Static table */ if (i >= fs->n_rootdir) /* Report EOT when end of table */ return FR_NO_FILE; } else { /* Dynamic table */ if (((i / 16) & (fs->csize-1)) == 0) { /* Cluster changed? */ clst = get_fat(dj->clust); /* Get next cluster */ if (clst <= 1) return FR_DISK_ERR; if (clst >= fs->max_clust) /* When it reached end of dynamic table */ return FR_NO_FILE; /* Report EOT */ dj->clust = clst; /* Initialize data for new cluster */ dj->sect = clust2sect(clst); } } } dj->index = i; return FR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Directory handling - Find an object in the directory */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static FRESULT dir_find ( DIR *dj /* Pointer to the directory object linked to the file name */ ) { FRESULT res; BYTE c, *dir; res = dir_rewind(dj); /* Rewind directory object */ if (res != FR_OK) return res; dir = FatFs->buf; do { res = disk_readp(dir, dj->sect, (WORD)((dj->index % 16) * 32), 32) /* Read an entry */ ? FR_DISK_ERR : FR_OK; if (res != FR_OK) break; c = dir[DIR_Name]; /* First character */ if (c == 0) { res = FR_NO_FILE; break; } /* Reached to end of table */ if (!(dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_VOL) && !mem_cmp(dir, dj->fn, 11)) /* Is it a valid entry? */ break; res = dir_next(dj); /* Next entry */ } while (res == FR_OK); return res; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read an object from the directory */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if _USE_DIR static FRESULT dir_read ( DIR *dj /* Pointer to the directory object to store read object name */ ) { FRESULT res; BYTE a, c, *dir; res = FR_NO_FILE; while (dj->sect) { dir = FatFs->buf; res = disk_readp(dir, dj->sect, (WORD)((dj->index % 16) * 32), 32) /* Read an entry */ ? FR_DISK_ERR : FR_OK; if (res != FR_OK) break; c = dir[DIR_Name]; if (c == 0) { res = FR_NO_FILE; break; } /* Reached to end of table */ a = dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_MASK; if (c != 0xE5 && c != '.' && !(a & AM_VOL)) /* Is it a valid entry? */ break; res = dir_next(dj); /* Next entry */ if (res != FR_OK) break; } if (res != FR_OK) dj->sect = 0; return res; } #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Pick a segment and create the object name in directory form */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static FRESULT create_name ( DIR *dj, /* Pointer to the directory object */ const char **path /* Pointer to pointer to the segment in the path string */ ) { BYTE c, ni, si, i, *sfn; const char *p; /* Create file name in directory form */ sfn = dj->fn; mem_set(sfn, ' ', 11); si = i = 0; ni = 8; p = *path; for (;;) { c = p[si++]; if (c < ' ' || c == '/') break; /* Break on end of segment */ if (c == '.' || i >= ni) { if (ni != 8 || c != '.') return FR_INVALID_NAME; i = 8; ni = 11; continue; } if (c >= 0x7F || chk_chr(" +,;[=\\]\"*:<>\?|", c)) /* Reject unallowable chrs for SFN */ return FR_INVALID_NAME; if (c >='a' && c <= 'z') c -= 0x20; sfn[i++] = c; } if (!i) return FR_INVALID_NAME; /* Reject null string */ *path = &p[si]; /* Rerurn pointer to the next segment */ sfn[11] = (c < ' ') ? 1 : 0; /* Set last segment flag if end of path */ return FR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get file information from directory entry */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if _USE_DIR static void get_fileinfo ( /* No return code */ DIR *dj, /* Pointer to the directory object */ FILINFO *fno /* Pointer to store the file information */ ) { BYTE i, c, *dir; char *p; p = fno->fname; if (dj->sect) { dir = FatFs->buf; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { /* Copy file name body */ c = dir[i]; if (c == ' ') break; if (c == 0x05) c = 0xE5; *p++ = c; } if (dir[8] != ' ') { /* Copy file name extension */ *p++ = '.'; for (i = 8; i < 11; i++) { c = dir[i]; if (c == ' ') break; *p++ = c; } } fno->fattrib = dir[DIR_Attr]; /* Attribute */ fno->fsize = LD_DWORD(dir+DIR_FileSize); /* Size */ fno->fdate = LD_WORD(dir+DIR_WrtDate); /* Date */ fno->ftime = LD_WORD(dir+DIR_WrtTime); /* Time */ } *p = 0; } #endif /* _USE_DIR */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Follow a file path */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static FRESULT follow_path ( /* FR_OK(0): successful, !=0: error code */ DIR *dj, /* Directory object to return last directory and found object */ const char *path /* Full-path string to find a file or directory */ ) { FRESULT res; BYTE *dir; if (*path == '/') path++; /* Strip heading separator */ dj->sclust = 0; /* Set start directory (always root dir) */ if ((BYTE)*path < ' ') { /* Null path means the root directory */ res = dir_rewind(dj); FatFs->buf[0] = 0; } else { /* Follow path */ for (;;) { res = create_name(dj, &path); /* Get a segment */ if (res != FR_OK) break; res = dir_find(dj); /* Find it */ if (res != FR_OK) { /* Could not find the object */ if (res == FR_NO_FILE && !*(dj->fn+11)) res = FR_NO_PATH; break; } if (*(dj->fn+11)) break; /* Last segment match. Function completed. */ dir = FatFs->buf; /* There is next segment. Follow the sub directory */ if (!(dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_DIR)) { /* Cannot follow because it is a file */ res = FR_NO_PATH; break; } dj->sclust = #if _FS_FAT32 ((DWORD)LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI) << 16) | #endif LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO); } } return res; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check a sector if it is an FAT boot record */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static BYTE check_fs ( /* 0:The FAT boot record, 1:Valid boot record but not an FAT, 2:Not a boot record, 3:Error */ BYTE *buf, /* Working buffer */ DWORD sect /* Sector# (lba) to check if it is an FAT boot record or not */ ) { if (disk_readp(buf, sect, 510, 2)) /* Read the boot sector */ return 3; if (LD_WORD(buf) != 0xAA55) /* Check record signature */ return 2; if (!disk_readp(buf, sect, BS_FilSysType, 2) && LD_WORD(buf) == 0x4146) /* Check FAT12/16 */ return 0; #if _FS_FAT32 if (!disk_readp(buf, sect, BS_FilSysType32, 2) && LD_WORD(buf) == 0x4146) /* Check FAT32 */ return 0; #endif return 1; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Mount/Unmount a Locical Drive */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT pf_mount ( FATFS *fs /* Pointer to new file system object (NULL: Unmount) */ ) { BYTE fmt, buf[36]; DWORD bsect, fsize, tsect, mclst; FatFs = 0; if (!fs) return FR_OK; /* Unregister fs object */ if (disk_initialize() & STA_NOINIT) /* Check if the drive is ready or not */ return FR_NOT_READY; /* Search FAT partition on the drive */ bsect = 0; fmt = check_fs(buf, bsect); /* Check sector 0 as an SFD format */ if (fmt == 1) { /* Not an FAT boot record, it may be FDISK format */ /* Check a partition listed in top of the partition table */ if (disk_readp(buf, bsect, MBR_Table, 16)) { /* 1st partition entry */ fmt = 3; } else { if (buf[4]) { /* Is the partition existing? */ bsect = LD_DWORD(&buf[8]); /* Partition offset in LBA */ fmt = check_fs(buf, bsect); /* Check the partition */ } } } if (fmt == 3) return FR_DISK_ERR; if (fmt) return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; /* No valid FAT patition is found */ /* Initialize the file system object */ if (disk_readp(buf, bsect, 13, sizeof(buf))) return FR_DISK_ERR; fsize = LD_WORD(buf+BPB_FATSz16-13); /* Number of sectors per FAT */ if (!fsize) fsize = LD_DWORD(buf+BPB_FATSz32-13); fsize *= buf[BPB_NumFATs-13]; /* Number of sectors in FAT area */ fs->fatbase = bsect + LD_WORD(buf+BPB_RsvdSecCnt-13); /* FAT start sector (lba) */ fs->csize = buf[BPB_SecPerClus-13]; /* Number of sectors per cluster */ fs->n_rootdir = LD_WORD(buf+BPB_RootEntCnt-13); /* Nmuber of root directory entries */ tsect = LD_WORD(buf+BPB_TotSec16-13); /* Number of sectors on the file system */ if (!tsect) tsect = LD_DWORD(buf+BPB_TotSec32-13); mclst = (tsect /* Last cluster# + 1 */ - LD_WORD(buf+BPB_RsvdSecCnt-13) - fsize - fs->n_rootdir / 16 ) / fs->csize + 2; fs->max_clust = (CLUST)mclst; fmt = FS_FAT12; /* Determine the FAT sub type */ if (mclst >= 0xFF7) fmt = FS_FAT16; /* Number of clusters >= 0xFF5 */ if (mclst >= 0xFFF7) /* Number of clusters >= 0xFFF5 */ #if _FS_FAT32 fmt = FS_FAT32; #else return FR_NO_FILESYSTEM; #endif fs->fs_type = fmt; /* FAT sub-type */ #if _FS_FAT32 if (fmt == FS_FAT32) fs->dirbase = LD_DWORD(buf+(BPB_RootClus-13)); /* Root directory start cluster */ else #endif fs->dirbase = fs->fatbase + fsize; /* Root directory start sector (lba) */ fs->database = fs->fatbase + fsize + fs->n_rootdir / 16; /* Data start sector (lba) */ fs->flag = 0; FatFs = fs; return FR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Open or Create a File */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT pf_open ( const char *path /* Pointer to the file name */ ) { FRESULT res; DIR dj; BYTE sp[12], dir[32]; FATFS *fs = FatFs; if (!fs) /* Check file system */ return FR_NOT_ENABLED; fs->flag = 0; fs->buf = dir; dj.fn = sp; res = follow_path(&dj, path); /* Follow the file path */ if (res != FR_OK) return res; /* Follow failed */ if (!dir[0] || (dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_DIR)) /* It is a directory */ return FR_NO_FILE; fs->org_clust = /* File start cluster */ #if _FS_FAT32 ((DWORD)LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI) << 16) | #endif LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO); fs->fsize = LD_DWORD(dir+DIR_FileSize); /* File size */ fs->fptr = 0; /* File pointer */ fs->flag = FA_READ; return FR_OK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read File */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT pf_read ( void* dest, /* Pointer to the destination object */ WORD btr, /* Number of bytes to read (bit15:destination) */ WORD* br /* Pointer to number of bytes read */ ) { DRESULT dr; CLUST clst; DWORD sect, remain; WORD rcnt; BYTE *rbuff = dest; FATFS *fs = FatFs; *br = 0; if (!fs) return FR_NOT_ENABLED; /* Check file system */ if (!(fs->flag & FA_READ)) return FR_INVALID_OBJECT; remain = fs->fsize - fs->fptr; if (btr > remain) btr = (UINT)remain; /* Truncate btr by remaining bytes */ for ( ; btr; /* Repeat until all data transferred */ rbuff += rcnt, fs->fptr += rcnt, *br += rcnt, btr -= rcnt) { if ((fs->fptr % 512) == 0) { /* On the sector boundary? */ if ((fs->fptr / 512 % fs->csize) == 0) { /* On the cluster boundary? */ clst = (fs->fptr == 0) ? /* On the top of the file? */ fs->org_clust : get_fat(fs->curr_clust); if (clst <= 1) { fs->flag = 0; return FR_DISK_ERR; } fs->curr_clust = clst; /* Update current cluster */ fs->csect = 0; /* Reset sector offset in the cluster */ } sect = clust2sect(fs->curr_clust); /* Get current sector */ if (!sect) { fs->flag = 0; return FR_DISK_ERR; } sect += fs->csect; fs->dsect = sect; fs->csect++; /* Next sector address in the cluster */ } rcnt = 512 - ((WORD)fs->fptr % 512); /* Get partial sector data from sector buffer */ if (rcnt > btr) rcnt = btr; if (fs->flag & FA_STREAM) { dr = disk_readp(dest, fs->dsect, (WORD)(fs->fptr % 512), (WORD)(rcnt | 0x8000)); } else { dr = disk_readp(rbuff, fs->dsect, (WORD)(fs->fptr % 512), rcnt); } if (dr) { fs->flag = 0; return (dr == RES_STRERR) ? FR_STREAM_ERR : FR_DISK_ERR; } } return FR_OK; } #if _USE_LSEEK /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Seek File R/W Pointer */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT pf_lseek ( DWORD ofs /* File pointer from top of file */ ) { CLUST clst; DWORD bcs, nsect, ifptr; FATFS *fs = FatFs; if (!fs) return FR_NOT_ENABLED; /* Check file system */ if (!(fs->flag & FA_READ)) return FR_INVALID_OBJECT; if (ofs > fs->fsize) ofs = fs->fsize; /* Clip offset with the file size */ ifptr = fs->fptr; fs->fptr = 0; if (ofs > 0) { bcs = (DWORD)fs->csize * 512; /* Cluster size (byte) */ if (ifptr > 0 && (ofs - 1) / bcs >= (ifptr - 1) / bcs) { /* When seek to same or following cluster, */ fs->fptr = (ifptr - 1) & ~(bcs - 1); /* start from the current cluster */ ofs -= fs->fptr; clst = fs->curr_clust; } else { /* When seek to back cluster, */ clst = fs->org_clust; /* start from the first cluster */ fs->curr_clust = clst; } while (ofs > bcs) { /* Cluster following loop */ clst = get_fat(clst); /* Follow cluster chain if not in write mode */ if (clst <= 1 || clst >= fs->max_clust) { fs->flag = 0; return FR_DISK_ERR; } fs->curr_clust = clst; fs->fptr += bcs; ofs -= bcs; } fs->fptr += ofs; fs->csect = (BYTE)(ofs / 512) + 1; /* Sector offset in the cluster */ nsect = clust2sect(clst); /* Current sector */ if (!nsect) { fs->flag = 0; return FR_DISK_ERR; } fs->dsect = nsect + fs->csect - 1; } return FR_OK; } #endif #if _USE_DIR /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Create a Directroy Object */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT pf_opendir ( DIR *dj, /* Pointer to directory object to create */ const char *path /* Pointer to the directory path */ ) { FRESULT res; BYTE sp[12], dir[32]; FATFS *fs = FatFs; if (!fs) { /* Check file system */ res = FR_NOT_ENABLED; } else { fs->buf = dir; dj->fn = sp; res = follow_path(dj, path); /* Follow the path to the directory */ if (res == FR_OK) { /* Follow completed */ if (dir[0]) { /* It is not the root dir */ if (dir[DIR_Attr] & AM_DIR) { /* The object is a directory */ dj->sclust = #if _FS_FAT32 ((DWORD)LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI) << 16) | #endif LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO); } else { /* The object is not a directory */ res = FR_NO_PATH; } } if (res == FR_OK) { res = dir_rewind(dj); /* Rewind dir */ } } if (res == FR_NO_FILE) res = FR_NO_PATH; } return res; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read Directory Entry in Sequense */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT pf_readdir ( DIR *dj, /* Pointer to the open directory object */ FILINFO *fno /* Pointer to file information to return */ ) { FRESULT res; BYTE sp[12], dir[32]; FATFS *fs = FatFs; if (!fs) { /* Check file system */ res = FR_NOT_ENABLED; } else { fs->buf = dir; dj->fn = sp; if (!fno) { res = dir_rewind(dj); } else { res = dir_read(dj); if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { dj->sect = 0; res = FR_OK; } if (res == FR_OK) { /* A valid entry is found */ get_fileinfo(dj, fno); /* Get the object information */ res = dir_next(dj); /* Increment index for next */ if (res == FR_NO_FILE) { dj->sect = 0; res = FR_OK; } } } } return res; } #endif /* _FS_DIR */