/* Copyright 2018 Jack Humbert <jack.humb@gmail.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "ver3.h" #include "qwiic.h" #include "action_layer.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "DRV2605L.h" #ifdef QWIIC_MICRO_OLED_ENABLE /* screen off after this many milliseconds */ #include "timer.h" #define ScreenOffInterval 60000 /* milliseconds */ static uint16_t last_flush; volatile uint8_t led_numlock = false; volatile uint8_t led_capslock = false; volatile uint8_t led_scrolllock = false; static uint8_t layer; static bool queue_for_send = false; static uint8_t encoder_value = 32; __attribute__ ((weak)) void draw_ui(void) { clear_buffer(); last_flush = timer_read(); send_command(DISPLAYON); /* Layer indicator is 41 x 10 pixels */ #define LAYER_INDICATOR_X 0 #define LAYER_INDICATOR_Y 0 draw_string(LAYER_INDICATOR_X + 1, LAYER_INDICATOR_Y + 2, "LAYER", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); draw_rect_filled_soft(LAYER_INDICATOR_X + 32, LAYER_INDICATOR_Y + 1, 9, 9, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_char(LAYER_INDICATOR_X + 34, LAYER_INDICATOR_Y + 2, layer + 0x30, PIXEL_ON, XOR, 0); /* Matrix display is 19 x 9 pixels */ #define MATRIX_DISPLAY_X 0 #define MATRIX_DISPLAY_Y 18 for (uint8_t x = 0; x < MATRIX_ROWS; x++) { for (uint8_t y = 0; y < MATRIX_COLS; y++) { draw_pixel(MATRIX_DISPLAY_X + y + 2, MATRIX_DISPLAY_Y + x + 2,(matrix_get_row(x) & (1 << y)) > 0, NORM); } } draw_rect_soft(MATRIX_DISPLAY_X, MATRIX_DISPLAY_Y, 19, 9, PIXEL_ON, NORM); /* hadron oled location on thumbnail */ draw_rect_filled_soft(MATRIX_DISPLAY_X + 14, MATRIX_DISPLAY_Y + 2, 3, 1, PIXEL_ON, NORM); /* draw_rect_soft(0, 13, 64, 6, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_line_vert(encoder_value, 13, 6, PIXEL_ON, NORM); */ /* Mod display is 41 x 16 pixels */ #define MOD_DISPLAY_X 30 #define MOD_DISPLAY_Y 18 uint8_t mods = get_mods(); if (mods & MOD_LSFT) { draw_rect_filled_soft(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 0, MOD_DISPLAY_Y, 5 + (1 * 6), 11, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 3, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "S", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else { draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 3, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "S", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } if (mods & MOD_LCTL) { draw_rect_filled_soft(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 10, MOD_DISPLAY_Y, 5 + (1 * 6), 11, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 13, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "C", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else { draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 13, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "C", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } if (mods & MOD_LALT) { draw_rect_filled_soft(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 20, MOD_DISPLAY_Y, 5 + (1 * 6), 11, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 23, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "A", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else { draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 23, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "A", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } if (mods & MOD_LGUI) { draw_rect_filled_soft(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 30, MOD_DISPLAY_Y, 5 + (1 * 6), 11, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 33, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "G", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else { draw_string(MOD_DISPLAY_X + 33, MOD_DISPLAY_Y + 2, "G", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } /* Lock display is 23 x 32 */ #define LOCK_DISPLAY_X 100 #define LOCK_DISPLAY_Y 0 if (led_numlock == true) { draw_rect_filled_soft(LOCK_DISPLAY_X, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y, 5 + (3 * 6), 9, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 3, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 1, "NUM", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else if (led_numlock == false) { draw_string(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 3, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 1, "NUM", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } if (led_capslock == true) { draw_rect_filled_soft(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 0, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 11, 5 + (3 * 6), 9, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 3, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 11 +1, "CAP", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else if (led_capslock == false) { draw_string(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 3, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 11 +1, "CAP", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } if (led_scrolllock == true) { draw_rect_filled_soft(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 0, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 22, 5 + (3 * 6), 9, PIXEL_ON, NORM); draw_string(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 3, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 22 +1, "SCR", PIXEL_OFF, NORM, 0); } else if (led_scrolllock == false) { draw_string(LOCK_DISPLAY_X + 3, LOCK_DISPLAY_Y + 22 +1, "SCR", PIXEL_ON, NORM, 0); } send_buffer(); } void read_host_led_state(void) { uint8_t leds = host_keyboard_leds(); if (leds & (1 << USB_LED_NUM_LOCK)) { if (led_numlock == false){ led_numlock = true;} } else { if (led_numlock == true){ led_numlock = false;} } if (leds & (1 << USB_LED_CAPS_LOCK)) { if (led_capslock == false){ led_capslock = true;} } else { if (led_capslock == true){ led_capslock = false;} } if (leds & (1 << USB_LED_SCROLL_LOCK)) { if (led_scrolllock == false){ led_scrolllock = true;} } else { if (led_scrolllock == true){ led_scrolllock = false;} } } uint32_t layer_state_set_kb(uint32_t state) { state = layer_state_set_user(state); layer = biton32(state); queue_for_send = true; return state; } bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { queue_for_send = true; return process_record_user(keycode, record); } void encoder_update_kb(uint8_t index, bool clockwise) { encoder_value = (encoder_value + (clockwise ? 1 : -1)) % 64; queue_for_send = true; } #endif void matrix_init_kb(void) { #ifdef DRV2605L DRV_init(); #endif queue_for_send = true; matrix_init_user(); } void matrix_scan_kb(void) { if (queue_for_send) { #ifdef DRV2605L DRV_EFFECT play_eff = strong_click; DRV_pulse(play_eff); #endif #ifdef QWIIC_MICRO_OLED_ENABLE read_host_led_state(); draw_ui(); #endif queue_for_send = false; } #ifdef QWIIC_MICRO_OLED_ENABLE if (timer_elapsed(last_flush) > ScreenOffInterval) { send_command(DISPLAYOFF); /* 0xAE */ } #endif matrix_scan_user(); }