/* Copyright (C) Dean Camera, 2016. dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com www.lufa-lib.org */ #ifndef _RTC_H_ #define _RTC_H_ /* Includes: */ #include <avr/io.h> #include <LUFA/Drivers/Peripheral/TWI.h> #include "Config/AppConfig.h" /* Type Defines: */ typedef struct { uint8_t Hour; uint8_t Minute; uint8_t Second; uint8_t Day; uint8_t Month; uint8_t Year; } TimeDate_t; typedef struct { union { struct { unsigned Sec : 4; unsigned TenSec : 3; unsigned CH : 1; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte1; union { struct { unsigned Min : 4; unsigned TenMin : 3; unsigned Reserved : 1; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte2; union { struct { unsigned Hour : 4; unsigned TenHour : 2; unsigned TwelveHourMode : 1; unsigned Reserved : 1; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte3; union { struct { unsigned DayOfWeek : 3; unsigned Reserved : 5; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte4; union { struct { unsigned Day : 4; unsigned TenDay : 2; unsigned Reserved : 2; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte5; union { struct { unsigned Month : 4; unsigned TenMonth : 1; unsigned Reserved : 3; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte6; union { struct { unsigned Year : 4; unsigned TenYear : 4; } Fields; uint8_t IntVal; } Byte7; } DS1307_DateTimeRegs_t; /* Macros: */ /** TWI address of the DS1307 device on the bus. */ #define DS1307_ADDRESS 0xD0 /* Function Prototypes: */ void RTC_Init(void); void RTC_Tick500ms(void); bool RTC_SetTimeDate(const TimeDate_t* NewTimeDate); bool RTC_GetTimeDate(TimeDate_t* const TimeDate); #endif