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matth 3882ceefc1
updaded matt xd87
5 anos atrás
usb_detach Relocate usb_detach to utils (#5121) 5 anos atrás
vagrant Configure Vagrant to use qmk_base_container (#6194) 5 anos atrás
1-setup-path-win.bat Long overdue fixes and improvements to environment setup scripts (#448) 8 anos atrás
2-setup-environment-win.bat Fix avoid certificate errors that occur during '2-setup-environment-win.bat' 7 anos atrás
ELEVATE_LICENSE.md Stops explorer.exe from being started with admin privilieges (#373) 8 anos atrás
Win_Check.bat Fixed Batch Syntax on different versions of Windows 8 anos atrás
activate_msys2.sh Set the executable bit for sh scripts under util. 6 anos atrás
activate_wsl.sh Set the executable bit for sh scripts under util. 6 anos atrás
add-paths.bat Stops explorer.exe from being started with admin privilieges (#373) 8 anos atrás
atmega32a_program.py Add vendor and product arguments to atmega32a_program.py - fix hex print 5 anos atrás
bootloader_at90usb128x_1_0_1.hex add other mcu bootloaders 7 anos atrás
bootloader_atmega16u4_1_0_1.hex add other mcu bootloaders 7 anos atrás
bootloader_atmega32a_1_0_0.hex ISP Flashing Guide - atmega32a info (#4993) 5 anos atrás
bootloader_atmega32u4_1_0_0.hex convert to unix line-endings [skip ci] 6 anos atrás
docker_build.sh updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
drivers.txt updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
elevate.exe Add missing elevate.exe file (#377) 8 anos atrás
freebsd_install.sh QMK CLI and JSON keymap support (#6176) 5 anos atrás
generate_internal_docs.sh Set the executable bit for sh scripts under util. 6 anos atrás
linux_install.sh updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
macos_install.sh updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
msys2_install.sh updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
new_keyboard.sh Add copyright year placeholders to new keyboard script (#6280) 5 anos atrás
new_keymap.sh Bug: Users had to be in the /util directory to run the script (#4228) 6 anos atrás
pro_micro_ISP_B6_10.hex Update ISP flashing guide with pre-compiled binary (#3217) 6 anos atrás
qmk_install.sh Fold install_dependencies.sh into linux_install.sh and freebsd_install.sh 6 anos atrás
rgblight_breathing_table_calc.c If RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHE_CENTER is undefined, use fixed breathe table instead of exp() and sin() (#5484) 5 anos atrás
teensy_2.0_ISP_B0.hex convert to unix line-endings [skip ci] 7 anos atrás
travis_build.sh updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
travis_compiled_push.sh updaded matt xd87 5 anos atrás
travis_docs.sh Set the executable bit for sh scripts under util. 6 anos atrás
travis_push.sh Remove duplication of ssh keys and fix usage on PR builds (#5013) 5 anos atrás
travis_test.sh Update docker util script and travis to use new base container 5 anos atrás
win_shared_install.sh Fix qmk_install.sh on Windows dropping to command prompt (#6488) 5 anos atrás
wsl_install.sh QMK CLI and JSON keymap support (#6176) 5 anos atrás