Dean Camera f201f6697b Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
AndroidAccessoryHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
AudioInputHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
AudioOutputHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
GenericHIDHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
JoystickHostWithParser Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
KeyboardHost Add missing SVN eol-style property to ensure that source code line endings and converted to the native values on checkout. 14 years ago
KeyboardHostWithParser Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
MIDIHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
MassStorageHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
MouseHost Add missing SVN eol-style property to ensure that source code line endings and converted to the native values on checkout. 14 years ago
MouseHostWithParser Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
PrinterHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
RNDISEthernetHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
StillImageHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
VirtualSerialHost Run wspurify script on /trunk/ and /branches/ C source files, to remove any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. 13 years ago
makefile Add new Android Open Accessory class driver to the library core and add a new Android Open Accessory Host ClassDriver demo. 14 years ago