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Jason Thigpen ff8b1b9c69
Add crd's XD60 ANSI keymap (#4702)
6 years ago
.. Add crd's XD60 ANSI keymap (#4702) 6 years ago
keymap.c Add crd's XD60 ANSI keymap (#4702) 6 years ago

ANSI Layout

This is the standard ANSI keymap that I use on all of my 60% boards. This keymap includes a single function layer available by holding the designated key on the bottom row.

I don't ever use Caps Lock, so that keycode is not mapped anywhere. In place of the usual Caps Lock key, I have the following bnehaviour encoded: Escape when tapped and Control when held.

I also have the bottom right mod cluster mapped to navigational direction keys when tapped. Shift = Up, Alt = Down, Ctrl = Right, Fn = Left. When held, these keys send the usual modifier signals.

/* Base layer
 * ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
 * |  `  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  0  |  -  |  =  | Backspace |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |  Tab   |  Q  |  W  |  E  |  R  |  T  |  Y  |  U  |  I  |  O  |  P  |  [  |  ]  |    \   |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Esc/Ctrl|  A  |  S  |  D  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  ;  |  '  |    Enter    |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |   Shift   |  Z  |  X  |  C  |  V  |  B  |  N  |  M  |  ,  |  .  |  ?  |  Shift          |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Ctrl |  Alt  |  Cmd  |               Space               |  Cmd  |  Fn  |  Alt  |  Ctrl |
 * `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

While holding the function key, you have access to the following layout. Any key not indicated is considered "transparent" and sends the signal indicated in the layer below. This function later gets you dedicated access to Escape and Delete keys, function keys on numbers, WASD directions, other navigation, multimedia controls, RGB (underglow) controls, and firmware reset (DFU mode).

/* Fn layer
 * ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
 * | Esc | F1  | F2  | F3  | F4  | F5  | F6  | F7  | F8  | F9  | F10 | F11 | F12 |  Del      |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |        | Home|  Up | End |     |     |     |     | Mute|     |     | Pg+ | Pg- | Reset  |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |         | Left| Down|Right|     |     |     |Brt- |Vol- |Vol+ |Brt+ |     |  RGB Toggle |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |R(Bt-)|R(Bt+)|R(Rot)|              |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |      |       |       |                                   |       |      |       |       |
 * `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'