/*! \file usb_ch9_std.h \brief USB 2.0 standard defines \version 2019-06-05, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32 USBFS&USBHS */ /* Copyright (c) 2019, GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __USB_CH9_STD_H #define __USB_CH9_STD_H #include "usb_conf.h" #define USB_DEV_QUALIFIER_DESC_LEN 0x0AU /*!< USB device qualifier descriptor length */ #define USB_DEV_DESC_LEN 0x12U /*!< USB device descriptor length */ #define USB_CFG_DESC_LEN 0x09U /*!< USB configuration descriptor length */ #define USB_ITF_DESC_LEN 0x09U /*!< USB interface descriptor length */ #define USB_EP_DESC_LEN 0x07U /*!< USB endpoint descriptor length */ #define USB_OTG_DESC_LEN 0x03U /*!< USB device OTG descriptor length */ #define USB_SETUP_PACKET_LEN 0x08U /*!< USB setup packet length */ /* bit 7 of bmRequestType: data phase transfer direction */ #define USB_TRX_MASK 0x80U /*!< USB transfer direction mask */ #define USB_TRX_OUT 0x00U /*!< USB transfer OUT direction */ #define USB_TRX_IN 0x80U /*!< USB transfer IN direction */ /* bit 6..5 of bmRequestType: request type */ #define USB_REQTYPE_STRD 0x00U /*!< USB standard request */ #define USB_REQTYPE_CLASS 0x20U /*!< USB class request */ #define USB_REQTYPE_VENDOR 0x40U /*!< USB vendor request */ #define USB_REQTYPE_MASK 0x60U /*!< USB request mask */ #define USBD_BUS_POWERED 0x00U /*!< USB bus power supply */ #define USBD_SELF_POWERED 0x01U /*!< USB self power supply */ #define USB_STATUS_REMOTE_WAKEUP 2U /*!< USB is in remote wakeup status */ #define USB_STATUS_SELF_POWERED 1U /*!< USB is in self powered status */ /* bit 4..0 of bmRequestType: recipient type */ enum _usb_recp_type { USB_RECPTYPE_DEV = 0x0U, /*!< USB device request type */ USB_RECPTYPE_ITF = 0x1U, /*!< USB interface request type */ USB_RECPTYPE_EP = 0x2U, /*!< USB endpoint request type */ USB_RECPTYPE_MASK = 0x3U /*!< USB request type mask */ }; /* bRequest value */ enum _usb_request { USB_GET_STATUS = 0x0U, /*!< USB get status request */ USB_CLEAR_FEATURE = 0x1U, /*!< USB clear feature request */ USB_RESERVED2 = 0x2U, USB_SET_FEATURE = 0x3U, /*!< USB set feature request */ USB_RESERVED4 = 0x4U, USB_SET_ADDRESS = 0x5U, /*!< USB set address request */ USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR = 0x6U, /*!< USB get descriptor request */ USB_SET_DESCRIPTOR = 0x7U, /*!< USB set descriptor request */ USB_GET_CONFIGURATION = 0x8U, /*!< USB get configuration request */ USB_SET_CONFIGURATION = 0x9U, /*!< USB set configuration request */ USB_GET_INTERFACE = 0xAU, /*!< USB get interface request */ USB_SET_INTERFACE = 0xBU, /*!< USB set interface request */ USB_SYNCH_FRAME = 0xCU /*!< USB synchronize frame request */ }; /* descriptor types of USB specifications */ enum _usb_desctype { USB_DESCTYPE_DEV = 0x1U, /*!< USB device descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIG = 0x2U, /*!< USB configuration descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_STR = 0x3U, /*!< USB string descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_ITF = 0x4U, /*!< USB interface descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_EP = 0x5U, /*!< USB endpoint descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_DEV_QUALIFIER = 0x6U, /*!< USB device qualtfier descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_OTHER_SPD_CONFIG = 0x7U, /*!< USB other speed configuration descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_ITF_POWER = 0x8U, /*!< USB interface power descriptor type */ USB_DESCTYPE_BOS = 0xFU /*!< USB BOS descriptor type */ }; /* USB Endpoint Descriptor bmAttributes bit definitions */ /* bits 1..0 : transfer type */ enum _usbx_type { USB_EP_ATTR_CTL = 0x0U, /*!< USB control transfer type */ USB_EP_ATTR_ISO = 0x1U, /*!< USB Isochronous transfer type */ USB_EP_ATTR_BULK = 0x2U, /*!< USB Bulk transfer type */ USB_EP_ATTR_INT = 0x3U /*!< USB Interrupt transfer type */ }; /* bits 3..2 : Sync type (only if ISOCHRONOUS) */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_NOSYNC 0x00 /* No Synchronization */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_ASYNC 0x04 /* Asynchronous */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_ADAPTIVE 0x08 /* Adaptive */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_SYNC 0x0C /* Synchronous */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_SYNCTYPE 0x0C /* Synchronous type */ /* bits 5..4 : usage type (only if ISOCHRONOUS) */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_DATA 0x00 /* Data endpoint */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_FEEDBACK 0x10 /* Feedback endpoint */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_IMPLICIT_FEEDBACK_DATA 0x20 /* Implicit feedback Data endpoint */ #define USB_EP_ATTR_USAGETYPE 0x30 /* Usage type */ #define FEATURE_SELECTOR_EP 0x00 /* USB endpoint feature selector */ #define FEATURE_SELECTOR_DEV 0x01 /* USB device feature selector */ #define BYTE_SWAP(addr) (((uint16_t)(*((uint8_t *)(addr)))) + \ (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(*(((uint8_t *)(addr)) + 1U))) << 8U)) #define BYTE_LOW(x) ((uint8_t)((x) & 0x00FFU)) #define BYTE_HIGH(x) ((uint8_t)(((x) & 0xFF00U) >> 8U)) #define USB_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define USB_DEFAULT_CONFIG 0U /* USB classes */ #define USB_CLASS_HID 0x03U /*!< USB HID class */ #define USB_CLASS_MSC 0x08U /*!< USB MSC class */ /* use the following values when USB host need to get descriptor */ #define USBH_DESC(x) (((x)<< 8U) & 0xFF00U) /* as per usb specs :standard request with data request timeout: 5sec standard request with no data stage timeout : 50ms */ #define DATA_STAGE_TIMEOUT 5000U /*!< USB data stage timeout*/ #define NODATA_STAGE_TIMEOUT 50U /*!< USB no data stage timeout*/ #pragma pack(1) /* USB standard device request structure */ typedef struct _usb_req { uint8_t bmRequestType; /*!< type of request */ uint8_t bRequest; /*!< request of setup packet */ uint16_t wValue; /*!< value of setup packet */ uint16_t wIndex; /*!< index of setup packet */ uint16_t wLength; /*!< length of setup packet */ } usb_req; /* USB setup packet define */ typedef union _usb_setup { uint8_t data[8]; usb_req req; } usb_setup; /* USB descriptor defines */ typedef struct _usb_desc_header { uint8_t bLength; /*!< size of the descriptor */ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /*!< type of the descriptor */ } usb_desc_header; typedef struct _usb_desc_dev { usb_desc_header header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */ uint16_t bcdUSB; /*!< BCD of the supported USB specification */ uint8_t bDeviceClass; /*!< USB device class */ uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; /*!< USB device subclass */ uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; /*!< USB device protocol */ uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; /*!< size of the control (address 0) endpoint's bank in bytes */ uint16_t idVendor; /*!< vendor ID for the USB product */ uint16_t idProduct; /*!< unique product ID for the USB product */ uint16_t bcdDevice; /*!< product release (version) number */ uint8_t iManufacturer; /*!< string index for the manufacturer's name */ uint8_t iProduct; /*!< string index for the product name/details */ uint8_t iSerialNumber; /*!< string index for the product's globally unique hexadecimal serial number */ uint8_t bNumberConfigurations; /*!< total number of configurations supported by the device */ } usb_desc_dev; typedef struct _usb_desc_config { usb_desc_header header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */ uint16_t wTotalLength; /*!< size of the configuration descriptor header,and all sub descriptors inside the configuration */ uint8_t bNumInterfaces; /*!< total number of interfaces in the configuration */ uint8_t bConfigurationValue; /*!< configuration index of the current configuration */ uint8_t iConfiguration; /*!< index of a string descriptor describing the configuration */ uint8_t bmAttributes; /*!< configuration attributes */ uint8_t bMaxPower; /*!< maximum power consumption of the device while in the current configuration */ } usb_desc_config; typedef struct _usb_desc_itf { usb_desc_header header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */ uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; /*!< index of the interface in the current configuration */ uint8_t bAlternateSetting; /*!< alternate setting for the interface number */ uint8_t bNumEndpoints; /*!< total number of endpoints in the interface */ uint8_t bInterfaceClass; /*!< interface class ID */ uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; /*!< interface subclass ID */ uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; /*!< interface protocol ID */ uint8_t iInterface; /*!< index of the string descriptor describing the interface */ } usb_desc_itf; typedef struct _usb_desc_ep { usb_desc_header header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size. */ uint8_t bEndpointAddress; /*!< logical address of the endpoint */ uint8_t bmAttributes; /*!< endpoint attributes */ uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; /*!< size of the endpoint bank, in bytes */ uint8_t bInterval; /*!< polling interval in milliseconds for the endpoint if it is an INTERRUPT or ISOCHRONOUS type */ #ifdef AUDIO_ENDPOINT uint8_t bRefresh; /*!< reset to 0 */ uint8_t bSynchAddress; /*!< reset to 0 */ #endif } usb_desc_ep; typedef struct _usb_desc_LANGID { usb_desc_header header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size. */ uint16_t wLANGID; /*!< LANGID code */ } usb_desc_LANGID; #pragma pack() #endif /* __USB_CH9_STD_H */