#include "i2c_keyboard_detection.h" #include "ui_i2c_keyboard_detection.h" #include #include #include #include #include i2c_keyboard_detection::i2c_keyboard_detection(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::i2c_keyboard_detection) { ui->setupUi(this); QObject::connect(&m_com, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(comDataReceived())); QFile fileKbdCodes("hid_keyboard_codes.h"); if (!fileKbdCodes.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return; m_keyComments.clear(); ui->keyList->clear(); while(1) { QString currentStr = QString(fileKbdCodes.readLine()); QString defineStr = "#define "; if (currentStr.length() == 0) break; QString strComment = currentStr.right(currentStr.length() - currentStr.indexOf("//")); currentStr = currentStr.left(currentStr.indexOf("//")); QStringList strWords = currentStr.split(QRegExp("\\s")); for (int i = (strWords.length() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (strWords[i].length() == 0) strWords.removeAt(i); } if (strWords.length() != 3) continue; if (strWords[0] != "#define") continue; if (!strWords[2].startsWith("0x")) continue; strWords[2] = strWords[2].right(2); bool isKbdCode; int kbdCode = strWords[2].toInt(&isKbdCode, 16); if (!isKbdCode) continue; QString addedElement = strWords[1] + " (" + QString::number(kbdCode,16) + ")"; ui->keyList->addItem(addedElement); m_keyComments.push_back(strComment); } fileKbdCodes.close(); //int res = system("iceprog hardware.bin"); //qDebug ("Result: %u", res); //ui->keyList->event(); } i2c_keyboard_detection::~i2c_keyboard_detection() { delete ui; } void i2c_keyboard_detection::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { qDebug("Key pressed: %u", e->nativeScanCode()); // Qt::Key_S; } void i2c_keyboard_detection::on_keyList_itemSelectionChanged() { qDebug ("Current key item changed! Now %u", ui->keyList->currentRow()); /*ui->keyList->setToolTip*/ui->label_keyComment->setText(m_keyComments.at(ui->keyList->currentRow())); QString currentKey = ui->keyList->currentItem()->text(); for (int i = 0; i < m_kbdDetectReport.length(); i++) { if ((m_kbdDetectReport[i].split("\t").at(0) == currentKey) && (ui->enSendKeyToReport->isChecked())) QMessageBox::warning(this, "KEY IS ALREADY ADDED", "This key was already added to report. When you press some key, old value will be lost"); } } void i2c_keyboard_detection::on_comRefleshList_clicked() { QList comList = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); ui->comList->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < comList.length(); i++) ui->comList->addItem(comList.at(i).portName()); } void i2c_keyboard_detection::on_comConnect_clicked() { QWidget* widgets_locked[] = { ui->comList, ui->comRefleshList }; QWidget* widgets_unlocked[] = { }; if (ui->comConnect->text() == "Connect") { m_com.setPortName(ui->comList->currentText()); if (m_com.open(QSerialPort::ReadWrite)) { m_com.setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity); m_com.setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8); m_com.setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop); m_com.setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl); m_com.setBaudRate(115200); ui->comConnect->setText("Disconnect"); m_kbdDetectBytes.clear(); m_kbdDetectData.clear(); } else QMessageBox::warning(this, "COM OPEN ERROR", "Com " + ui->comList->currentText() + " cannot open!"); } else { m_com.close(); ui->comConnect->setText("Connect"); } for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(widgets_locked)/sizeof(QWidget*); i++) widgets_locked[i]->setEnabled(!m_com.isOpen()); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(widgets_unlocked)/sizeof(QWidget*); i++) widgets_unlocked[i]->setEnabled(m_com.isOpen()); } void i2c_keyboard_detection::comDataReceived() { QByteArray dataFromCom = m_com.readAll(); for (int i = 0; i < dataFromCom.length(); i++) { if (dataFromCom[i] == 0xFF) { if (m_kbdDetectBytes.length() != 5) { //on_comConnect_clicked(); QMessageBox::warning(this, "COM PROTOCOL ERROR", "Received start, but last frame is not complete"); } m_kbdDetectBytes.clear(); } else { m_kbdDetectBytes.push_back(dataFromCom[i]); if (m_kbdDetectBytes.length() > 5) { if (m_com.isOpen()) on_comConnect_clicked(); QMessageBox::warning(this, "COM PROTOCOL ERROR", "Received extra byte of frame"); } else if (m_kbdDetectBytes.length() == 5) { int64_t result = ((((int64_t)m_kbdDetectBytes[4]) & 0xFF) << 0) | ((((int64_t)m_kbdDetectBytes[3]) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((((int64_t)m_kbdDetectBytes[2]) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((((int64_t)m_kbdDetectBytes[1]) & 0xFF) << 24) | ((((int64_t)m_kbdDetectBytes[0]) & 0xFF) << 32); //m_kbdDetectBytes.clear(); if (result != 0) { for (int k = 0; k < m_kbdDetectData.length(); k++) { if (m_kbdDetectData[k] == result) return; // RECEIVING IN PROCESS, WAIT TERMINATION FRAME, THIS FRAME WAS ALREADY ADDED } m_kbdDetectData.push_back(result); return; // RECEIVING IN PROCESS, WAIT TERMINATION FRAME } // TERMINATION FRAME PROCESSING START QString currentStatus; QVector connectedLines; if (m_kbdDetectData.length() == 0) currentStatus = "No keys are pressed"; else { currentStatus = "Detected connections: "; for (int k = 0; k < m_kbdDetectData.length(); k++) { //currentKbdReport = currentKbdReport + QString::number(last_kbd_data[k]) + ", "; for (quint64 n = 0; n < 34; n++) { quint64 mask = 1; mask = mask << n; if ((m_kbdDetectData[k] & mask) != 0) { currentStatus = currentStatus + QString::number(n) + " "; connectedLines.push_back(n); } } currentStatus = currentStatus + ", "; } currentStatus = currentStatus.left(currentStatus.length() - 2); m_kbdDetectData.clear(); } currentStatus = currentStatus + " (" + QTime::currentTime().toString("HH:mm:ss.zzz") + ")"; ui->labelKeyboardStatus->setText(currentStatus); if ((connectedLines.length() != 0) && (ui->enSendKeyToReport->isChecked())) { QString currentKey = ui->keyList->currentItem()->text(); for (int k = (m_kbdDetectReport.length() - 1); k >=0; k--) { if (m_kbdDetectReport[k].split("\t").at(0) == currentKey) m_kbdDetectReport.remove(k); } for (int k = 0; k < connectedLines.length(); k++) currentKey = currentKey + "\t" + QString::number(connectedLines[k]); m_kbdDetectReport.push_front(currentKey); QString tarReport; for (int k = 0; k < m_kbdDetectReport.length(); k++) tarReport = tarReport + m_kbdDetectReport[k] + "\n"; ui->kbdReport->setText(tarReport); } } } } } void i2c_keyboard_detection::on_enSendKeyToReport_clicked(bool checked) { if (checked) on_keyList_itemSelectionChanged(); } void i2c_keyboard_detection::on_saveKbdReport_clicked() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), "kbd_connections.txt", tr("*.txt")); if (fileName == "") return; QFile savedFile(fileName); if (!savedFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "CANNOT SAVE FILE", "Can't open file for save report"); return; } QString tarReport; for (int k = 0; k < m_kbdDetectReport.length(); k++) tarReport = tarReport + m_kbdDetectReport[k] + "\n"; if (savedFile.exists()) savedFile.resize(0); savedFile.write(tarReport.toUtf8()); savedFile.close(); } void i2c_keyboard_detection::on_openConnectionsFile_clicked() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), "kbd_connections.txt", tr("*.txt")); if (fileName == "") return; QFile openedFile(fileName); }