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% Proxmox.tex
% Fork Sand IT Manual
% Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc.
% Copyright (C) 2017, Jeff Moe
% Copyright (C) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
% This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
% International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Fork Sand, Inc.
% XXX TODO: Proxmox-GUI-login.png
Proxmox is a virtual machine manager.
The private cloud deployment will be based on Proxmox version 5.x.
%There are only Debian 8 (Jessie, oldstable) releases.
%Debian hasn't packaged Proxmox since wheezy. It has it in sid, but even
%that is an old version. The only packages available for Debian are the
%upstream ones for Jessie made by Proxmox.
UPDATE: although Proxmox isn't listed on Debian 9 (Stretch) packages,
there is an installation manual for 5.x version, which is great.
\caption{Proxmox Website}
\item Website: \\ \url{}
\item Debian Stretch ISO: \\
includes the following:
$\cdot$ Complete operating system (Debian Linux, 64-bit)
$\cdot$ The Proxmox VE installer, which partitions the hard
drive(s) with ext4, ext3, xfs or ZFS and installs the
operating system.
$\cdot$ Proxmox VE kernel (Linux) with LXC and KVM support
Proxmox VE Administration Guide 9/309
$\cdot$ Complete toolset for administering virtual machines,
containers and all necessary resources
$\cdot$ Web based management interface for using the toolset
\item Debian Stretch admin guide: \\
The following servers will be deployed to host Proxmox and the KVMs:
%\item \texttt{}
%\item \texttt{} --- Virtual Machine Server 2
%\item \texttt{} --- Virtual Machine Server 3
%\item \texttt{} --- Virtual Machine Server 4
%\item \texttt{} --- Virtual Machine Server 5
%\item \texttt{} --- Proxmox Web GUI 1
%\item \texttt{} --- Proxmox Web GUI 2
%\item \texttt{forksand-hk1} --- Virtual Machine Node 1
%\item \texttt{forksand-hk2} --- Virtual Machine Node 2
%\item \texttt{forksand-hk3} --- Virtual Machine Node 3
\item \texttt{forksand-shark1} --- Virtual Machine Node 1
\item \texttt{forksand-shark2} --- Virtual Machine Node 2
\item \texttt{forksand-shark3} --- Virtual Machine Node 3
\item \texttt{forksand-shark4} --- Virtual Machine Node 4
\item \texttt{forksand-the} --- Virtual Machine Testing Node 1
\item \texttt{forksand-truck} --- Virtual Machine Testing Node 2
%\subsection{Virtual Machine Servers}
%KVM virtual machine servers. Fast CPU, with lots of RAM. Uses Ceph to store
%virtual images.
%\subsection{Proxmox Web GUI Servers}
%A Proxmox's Web GUI for administration of the \gls{cluster}.
\subsection{Virtual Machine Nodes}
Virtual machine nodes. Fast CPU, with lots of RAM. Uses Ceph to store
virtual images.
Every node includes a Proxmox's Web GUI service for administration of the \gls{cluster}.
Any nodes included into the \gls{cluster} may be configured by requesting to any node's GUI.
\caption{Proxmox Sunstone Web Admin GUI}
echo "deb stretch pve-no-subscription" \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-install-repo.list
wget \
-O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-ve-release-5.x.gpg
apt-get update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade --download-only
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install ksm-control-daemon proxmox-veupdate-grub
apt remove os-prober
Things that are bugs or at least aren't configured correctly.
\section{GUI Configuration}
At this point, you should have the Proxmox server up and running.
Todo check related, modify/replace unrelated
%See scripts in \texttt{source/resources/ns24} for automation.
\item Set up Linux Bridge (see fig. \ref{fig:shark2linuxbridge} p.\pageref{fig:shark2linuxbridge}):
%Code: \\ \texttt{ssh -N -C -L 9869:localhost:9869 ns24}
\item In workstation, open browser to urls: \\
URL: \url{http://localhost:8001/}, for shark1 \\
URL: \url{http://localhost:8002/}, for shark2 \\
URL: \url{http://localhost:8003/}, for shark3 \\
URL: \url{http://localhost:8004/}, for shark4 \\
See example at fig. \ref{fig:proxmox-gui-port}:
\caption{Browse shark2 node, visible port No.}
Info: This goes through https with self-signed certificate.
\item \texttt{Hostname} Changing the hostname and IP is not possible after
\gls{cluster} creation. Unlike OpenNebula.
%\item Click \texttt{Infrastructure}.
%\item Click \texttt{Hosts}.
%\item Click The \texttt{+} plus icon.
%\item Enter the hostname of the KVM server you want to use, such as the Sunstone server itself.
% \texttt{Type: KVM}
% \texttt{Hostname: ns24}
%\item Click \texttt{Create}.
%\item Repeatedly hit the reload button that's the two arrows in a circle, as it goes thru
% stages of setup, starting at \texttt{INIT}.
\item Confirm status is \texttt{ON}.
\section{GUI Deploy Image}
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo check related, modify/replace unrelated}
This is a quick and dirty way to deploy a first test image.
NOTE: It is note privacy aware, as it pulls the image from the
Proxmox ``store''.
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo check related, modify/replace unrelated}
How to deploy an image from the Proxmox App store:
\item Click \texttt{Storage}.
\item Click \texttt{Apps}
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item Click on the icon that is a cloud with an arrow in it. This downloads it to Proxmox.
\item Select a datastore by clicking the \texttt{default} line.
\item Leave name and all that the same, and click \texttt{Download}.
\item Click \texttt{Images} under \texttt{Storage} in the left column.
\item Hit the refresh icon repeatedly.
\item When \texttt{Status} is \texttt{READY}, it is good to go.
\item Click \texttt{Templates} in the left column.
\item Click \texttt{VMs}.
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item Click \texttt{Instantiate}.
\item \texttt{VM Name} enter \texttt{deb9}.
\item \texttt{Number of instances} enter \texttt{1}.
\item \texttt{Memory} enter \texttt{768}.
\item \texttt{CPU} enter \texttt{1}.
\item Click the slider to \texttt{Instantiate as persistent}.
\item Click \texttt{Instantiate}.
\item Click \texttt{Instances} in the left column.
\item Click \texttt{VMs}.
\item Click the reload icon, repeat.
\item It is good when \texttt{Status} is \texttt{RUNNING}.
\item Set up an \texttt{ssh} tunnel so VNC can be used:
\texttt{ssh -N -C -L 29876:localhost:29876 ns24}
\item Click on the little monitor icon to launch VNC.
\item Look at booted up screen at \texttt{login:} prompt.
\item This means a Debian KVM booted up and the VNC is working.
There is no password for the \texttt{root} account, only \texttt{ssh} is available.
So without network setup, you can't really do anything with this image.
Booted, it just shows it works.
I think delete this section, it would go before the \texttt{Templates} above.:
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item PROBABLY NO: Click \texttt{Clone} to make a local copy.
\item PROBABLY NO: It will say \texttt{Copy of Debian 9 - KVM}, leave as-is, click \texttt{Clone}.
\item Click on the icon with three dots.
\item Click \texttt{Make Persistent}.
\item Click on the icon with three dots.
\item Click \texttt{Enable}.
\section{Proxmox Networking}
Create --> Linux Bridge: vmbr0
XXX best way for this server? No subnet.
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{taken from forksand-shark4-bootstrap}
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
auto enp1s0f1
iface enp1s0f1 inet static
As user \texttt{jebba}, on the server, run this to generate a key.
Then paste that key into Sunstone under "SSH Public Key".
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
# XXX test. Use this IP and interface, so no but real IPs.
# Comment this out:
auto eth0:27
iface eth0:27 inet static
XXX Check if IP forwarding is needed in \texttt{/etc/sysctl.conf}.
If things are set up to use a bridge and,
\texttt{iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE}
Will bring things up to NAT.
XXX The port forwarding is forwarding all port 53 to guest at the moment.