Lots of updates, new co-location

Jeff Moe 7 years ago
parent 32a3f799c0
commit 252a2ccad4

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
Fork Sand IT Manual
by Fork Sand, Inc.
by Jeff Moe
Copyright 2018, Fork Sand, Inc.
Copyright 2017, Jeff Moe
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
(CC BY-SA 4.0).
Published by Fork Sand Inc., Loveland, Colorado, USA.
Published by Jeff Moe, Loveland, Colorado, USA.
# Sources

@ -2,11 +2,19 @@
# build.sh
# GPLv3+
set -x
rm -f forksand-it-manual.pdf source/forksand-it-manual.pdf
# A function to jump to application's root, default .../forksand-it-manual
cd $(echo $PWD | sed -e "s/\(.*\/forksand-it-manual\)\/.*/\1/") && echo "current path: $PWD"
cd source || exit
# Generate Source-gen.tex, for auto source code inclusion
rm -f forksand-it-manual.pdf ../forksand-it-manual.pdf
time ./resources/make-sources-list.sh
cd ~/FORKSAND/IT/forksand-it-manual/source/ || exit
# A function to jump to application's root, default .../forksand-it-manual
cd $(echo $PWD | sed -e "s/\(.*\/forksand-it-manual\)\/.*/\1/") && echo "current path: $PWD"
cd source/ || exit
# Build main LaTeX file
# Run BibTeX
@ -19,7 +27,7 @@ xelatex \
-interaction=nonstopmode \
mv *.pdf ../
for i in $(ls *.pdf); do mv -f $i ../$i ; done # in windows every file must be processed explicitly
exit 0

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# build.sh
# GPLv3+
set -x
# A function to jump to application's root, default .../forksand-it-manual
cd $(echo $PWD | sed -e "s/\(.*\/forksand-it-manual\)\/.*/\1/") && echo "current path: $PWD"
cd source || exit
rm ./*.aux
rm ./*.l*
rm ./*.glo
rm ./*.idx
rm ./*.out
rm ./*.pyg
rm ./*.toc
rm ./_minted-forksand-it-manual/*.pyg*

@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ Use \texttt{ansible} for management of servers.
\item DebOps: \url{https://docs.debops.org/en/latest/index.html}
\subsection{Build Ansible Debian Package}
An \texttt{Ansible playbook} is an organized unit of scripts that defines
work for a server configuration managed by the automation tool \texttt{ansible}.
\subsection{Build Ansible Debian Package}\label{ssec:bansdpac}
The version of Ansible is 2.2 in Debian 9 (stable/Stretch).
The current stable release is Ansible 2.4.
Below documents how to build a 2.4 package for Debian 9.
@ -109,3 +113,356 @@ Set up some playbooks, grab examples:
git clone https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples.git
cd ansible-examples/
\section{Ansible Debian Mail}
Assuming \texttt{ansible} is built according to section \ref{ssec:bansdpac}
on p.\pageref{ssec:bansdpac}, the following requirements are met.
The following applications are required to utilize this this section objectives.
Ansible can be installed using Python PIP.
\item \texttt{Ansible} 2.4.x+
\item \texttt{Python} 2.7.9+
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo clarify confusion over version requirements}
\subsection{Quick Start}
The following steps will help quickly set up and execute this section objectives.
\texttt{Project Configuration}
The following files need to be edited and configured before executing this playbook.
\caption{Files to be edited} % \label{tab:tech}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{ File}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Description} \\ \hline
groups\char`_vars/all.yml & Server credential information and domain variables \\ \hline
inventory.yml & List of server IPs to connect to \\ \hline
\texttt{Playbook Execution}
After having configured the server credentials and added the server IP to the inventory, use the following command to execute the playbook.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml site.yml`
\subsection{Project Structure}
The following tree depicts the high level structure of this Ansible project.
|-- ansible.cfg
|-- group_vars
|ย ย  -- all.yml
|-- inventory.yml
|-- README.md
|-- roles
|ย ย  |-- dkim_configuration
|ย ย  |-- dovecot_configuration
|ย ย  |-- fail2ban_configuration
|ย ย  |-- letsencrypt_configuration
|ย ย  |-- mikegleasonjr.firewall
|ย ย  |-- outputs
|ย ย  |-- postfix_configuration
|ย ย  |-- server_tasks
|ย ย  |-- spamassassin_configuration
|ย ย  -- sqlgrey_configuration
|-- playbook_execution.log
-- site.yml
\texttt{File and Directory Descriptions}
The following table consists of a description of what each file and directory stands for.
\caption{File and Directory Descriptions} % \label{tab:tech}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{ Name}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Description} \\ \hline
site.yml & Master playbook. Executes all roles in sequential order \\ \hline
inventory.yml & Inventory file containing server IP addresses \\ \hline
ansible.cfg & Ansible configuration file for various Ansible options. \\ \hline
group\char`_vars/ & Group\char`_vars directory contains variable files for the entire group. \\
& The files are named according to the group name. 'all.yml' = group 'all' \\ \hline
group\char`_vars/all.yml & Group variables for the 'all' group. Contains server connection \\
& information along with domain variables \\ \hline
roles/ & Directory containing all roles needed by this project \\ \hline
\texttt{Role descriptions}
The following table consists of descriptions of each role and their purpose. The roles listed below are listed in the required order of execution to ensure successful completion of the playbook.
\caption{Role descriptions} % \label{tab:tech}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{Role Name}&
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{Role Description}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{Depends on} \\ \hline
server\char`_tasks & This roles performs all server tasks. Updating & mikebleasonjr.firewall \\
& server, configuring SSH, disable IPv6, etc. & \\
& Depends on the mikegleasonjr.firewall role. & \\ \hline
mikegleasonjr.firewall & This role set up iptables rules. It is called & None \\
& and ran by the server\char`_tasks roles. & \\ \hline
letsencrypt\char`_configuration & This role installs and executes let's encrypt & None \\ \hline
postfix\char`_configuration & This roles installs postfix, configures postfix & letsencrypt\char`_configuration \\
& using postconf, and sets up virtual file, & \\
& master.cf file, and aliases file & \\ \hline
dkim\char`_configuration & This roles installs OpenDKIM, OpenDMARC & None \\
& and configures them. & \\ \hline
dovecot\char`_configuration & This role installs and configures dovecot & letsencrypt\char`_configuration \\ \hline
spamassassin\char`_configuration & This role installs spamassassin. & None \\ \hline
sqlgrey\char`_configuration & This role installs sqlgrey. & None \\ \hline
fail2ban\char`_configuration & This role installs fail2ban. & None \\ \hline
outputs & This role gathers DNS information for the & None \\
& SPF, DMARC, and DKIM records and & \\
& outputs them to the screen. & \\ \hline
\subsection{Ansible Logging}
Execution processes described in this section are automatically logged to a file called `playbook-execution.log` in the root directory of the project. The path to this log file can be changed by editing `ansible.cfg` in the project root directory and specifying a different path.
Ansible has a built in debug output. Simply run Ansible with a `-v`. There are 5 levels of debug output and they are denoted by the number of v's listed. Each level up provide more debug output than the level before it.
Level 1: `-v`
Level 2: `-vv`
Level 3: `-vvv`
Level 4: `-vvvv`
Level 5: `-vvvvv`
Example execution with level 3 debug output:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml site.yml -vvv
\section{Ansible Gitea}
Assuming \texttt{ansible} is built according to section \ref{ssec:bansdpac}
on p.\pageref{ssec:bansdpac}, the following requirements are met.
The following applications are required to utilize this this section objectives.
Ansible can be installed using Python PIP.
\item \texttt{Ansible} 2.4.x+
\item \texttt{Python} 2.7.9+
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo clarify confusion over version requirements}
\subsection{Quick Start}
The following steps will help quickly set up and execute this section objectives.
\texttt{Project Configuration}
The following files need to be edited and configured before executing this playbook.
\caption{Files to be edited} % \label{tab:tech}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{ File}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Description} \\ \hline
roles/gitea/default/main.yml & Variables for Gitea configuration \\
& (default - standalone with sqlite) \\ \hline
roles/nginx/default/main.yml & Variables for Nginx and Letsencrypt configuration \\ \hline
inventory.yml & List of server IPs to connect to \\ \hline
\qquad \\
\texttt{Playbook Execution}
After having configured the server credentials and added the server IP to the inventory, use the following command to execute the playbook.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml site.yml`
\subsection{Project Structure}
The following tree depicts the high level structure of this Ansible project.
|-- inventory.yml
|-- README.md
|-- roles
|ย ย  |-- gitea
|ย ย  -- nginx
|-- playbook_execution.log
-- site.yml
\texttt{File and Directory Descriptions}
The following table consists of a description of what each file and directory stands for.
\caption{File and Directory Descriptions} % \label{tab:tech}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{ Name}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Description} \\ \hline
site.yml & Master playbook. Executes all roles in sequential order \\ \hline
inventory.yml & Inventory file containing server IP addresses \\ \hline
ansible.cfg & Ansible configuration file for various Ansible options. \\ \hline
roles/ & Directory containing all roles needed by this project \\ \hline
\qquad \\
\texttt{Role descriptions}
The following table consists of descriptions of each role and their purpose. The roles listed below are listed in the required order of execution to ensure successful completion of the playbook.
\caption{Role descriptions} % \label{tab:tech}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{Role Name}&
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{Role Description} \\ \hline
gitea & This roles performs installation and configuration of Gitea server \\ \hline
nginx & This roles performs installation and configuration of Nginx server \\ \hline
\texttt{Role parameters}
\qquad \\
\texttt{\qquad Gitea role parameters}
# Application name
gitea_app_name: "Gitea"
# Application gitea_user_repo_limit
gitea_user: "gitea"
# Application home
gitea_home: "/var/lib/gitea"
# Repo Limit
gitea_user_repo_limit: -1
gitea_http_domain: localhost
gitea_root_url: http://localhost:3000
gitea_protocol: http
gitea_http_port: 3000
# HTTP git Options
gitea_disable_http_git: false
# Offline mode options
gitea_offline_mode: true
\qquad \qquad DB details
# DB Type 'mysql', 'postgres' or 'sqlite3'
gitea_db_type: sqlite3
# DB host
# DB name
gitea_db_name: root
# DB username
gitea_db_user: gitea
# DB password
gitea_db_passord: lel
# DB ssl options
gitea_db_ssl: disable
# DB path (Not needed for postgres and mysql hash it in template file )
gitea_db_path: "{{ gitea_home }}/data/gitea.db"
\qquad \qquad SSH Details
# SSH Listen IP
# SSH domain
gitea_ssh_domain: localhost
# SSH options
gitea_start_ssh: true
# SSH post
gitea_ssh_port: 2222
\qquad \qquad Gitea secret key
# gitea key (GENERATE A NEW KEY)
gitea_secret_key: T0pS3cr31
\qquad \qquad General Settings
# User email settings
gitea_show_user_email: false
# User avatar settings
gitea_disable_gravatar: true
# User register options
gitea_disable_registration: false
# User signup options
gitea_require_signin: true
# User captcha options
gitea_enable_captcha: true
\qquad \\
\texttt{\qquad Nginx roles parameters}
# Domain name for the server
nginx_domain_name: "test.hostnats.com"
# Gitea listening port
gitea_http_port: 3000
# letsencrypt email address
letsencrypt_email: "test@example.com"
\subsection{Ansible Logging}
Execution processes described in this section are automatically logged to a file called `playbook-execution.log` in the root directory of the project. The path to this log file can be changed by editing `ansible.cfg` in the project root directory and specifying a different path.
Ansible has a built in debug output. Simply run Ansible with a `-v`. There are 5 levels of debug output and they are denoted by the number of v's listed. Each level up provide more debug output than the level before it.
Level 1: `-v`
Level 2: `-vv`
Level 3: `-vvv`
Level 4: `-vvvv`
Level 5: `-vvvvv`
Example execution with level 3 debug output:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml site.yml -vvv

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
% ClusterHardware.tex
% Fork Sand IT Manual
% Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc.
% Copyright (C) 2017, Jeff Moe
% Copyright (C) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
% This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
% International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Fork Sand, Inc.
\section{Cluster Hardware Overview}
The cluster will require rackmountable equipment:
\item GNU/Linux Servers
\section{GNU/Linux Servers}
The servers will all run Debian GNU/Linux
\subsection{Denver Server List}
\item \texttt{oc1.forksand.com} --- KVM host.
\item \texttt{rd1.forksand.com} --- Misc.
\section{Network Hardware}
The network switches do not run free software.
\section{Disk Drives}
The disk drives do not run free software.
\item Hard drive platters, 7200 RPM, 2.5" and 3.5"
\item SSD
\item NVMe
Who we'll get hardware from.
\item Pogo Linux --- Debian GNU/Linux Servers, USA.
\item Viking.net --- Coreboot Opteron servers in Germany.
\item raptorcs.com --- POWER9, custom Coreboot systems (?), USA.

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ What is the network doing?
% Authentication
Two-factor authentication using TOTP.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Some resellers:
Various LAN
\item (Hot swap?) Dual Power Supplies
\item (How swap?) RAID (Linux md), with SSD storage.
\item 2.5" drive bays
\item 2.5'' drive bays
\item Total ~8GHz CPU
\item ~8-16 gigs RAM ? Depends on OS.
\item Two servers total, for standby/failover
@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ Notes on some requirements in a firewall.
\section{Firewall Operating Systems in Use}
Debian is used for nearly everything. It could easily be used as a
router/firewall. There are better, more tuned options.
@ -118,6 +119,50 @@ Linux's iptables is used on servers.
\caption{Debian Website}
\subsection{Proxmox setups iptables-firewall}
During Proxmox installation on the nodes, firewall is being confugured.
Some of nodes configurations can be found in chapter Free software under
path apps/forksand-nodes-bootstrap/...
especially in two of files is mentioned:
# Firewalling is done through Proxmox.
cd /etc ; git add . ; git commit -a -m 'Use SharkTech NTP (others firewalled).'
# Enable firewall.
# Datacenter --> shark4 (host) --> Firewall --> Add.
# Enable firewall for datacenter:
# Datacenter --> Firewall --> Options --> Firewall --> Yes
# Datacenter --> Firewall --> Options --> Firewall --> Yes
# Enable firewall for shark4:
# Datacenter --> Firewall --> Add.
Todo check other nodes, add other shark nodes if similar iptables-firewall related configs. \\
Find out why mention of firewall in hk1 node is discarded.
# Enable firewall.
# Datacenter --> truck (host) --> Firewall --> Add.
# Enable firewall for datacenter:
# Datacenter --> Firewall --> Options --> Firewall --> Yes
# Datacenter --> Firewall --> Options --> Firewall --> Yes
# Enable firewall for truck:
# Datacenter --> Firewall --> Add.
Also Nextcloud chapter mentiones configs of iptables firewall \ref{ssec:nextcloudfirewall} on p.\pageref{ssec:nextcloudfirewall}.
Also certain Ansible including virtual machines enable iptables configuratiion.
For example ansible-debian-male contains mikegleasonjr.firewall.
ansible firewall\char`_v4\char`_configure example on github
May be browsed in Free software chapter under path apps/ansible-debian-mail/roles/

@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
% Source.tex
% Fork Sand IT Manual
% Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc.
% Copyright (C) 2017, Jeff Moe
% Copyright (C) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
% This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
% International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Fork Sand, Inc.
\subsection{Cluster Evolution}
Forksand started deployment on dedicated servers.
First stage. Exclusively dedicated servers (deprecated)
\includegraphics[width=115mm,trim=20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm]
{sharkfork-cabling-1-dedicated-vlan.pdf} \\ %
Second stage. Dedicated servers along with a colocation
cabinet. Flat hierarchy. (deprecated)
In progress, services were being migrated one after another to
a colocation instance. On the next stage hierarchy becomes vertical. \\
\includegraphics[width=115mm,trim=20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm]
{sharkfork-cabling-2-mixed-vlan.pdf} \\ %
Third stage. Dedicated servers buffered by
a colocation cabinet. Vertical hierarchy. (deprecated)
\includegraphics[width=115mm,trim=20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm]
{sharkfork-cabling-3-colo-dedicated.pdf} \\ %
Fourth stage. Dedicated servers discarded.
Colocation cabinet buffered only with a firewall. (current)
\includegraphics[width=115mm,trim=20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm]
{sharkfork-cabling-4-final-colocation.pdf} \\ %
Final stage. Firewall discarded. Single colocation cabinet. (in process)
%\includegraphics[width=115mm,trim=10mm 10mm 10mm 10mm]
%{sharkfork-cabling-4-single-colocation.pdf} \\ %
\section{Cluster Hardware Overview}
The cluster will require rackmountable equipment:
\item GNU/Linux Servers
\subsection{Sharkfork 21U hardware instance} \label{sec:hardware-sharkfork-21U}
%\includepdf[width=150mm,offset=0 15,clip]
% \vspace{150mm}
%\subsubsection{Sharkfork 21U detail hardware description} \label{sec:hardware-description-sharkfork-21U}
\definecolor{secondary-brown}{HTML}{F3E2C3} % HEX # F3E2C3 R:243 G:226 B:195 C:0 M:7 Y:20 K:5
\definecolor{primary-blue}{HTML}{A1F4FF} % HEX # A1F4FF R:161 G:244 B:255 C:37 M:4 Y:0 K:0
\definecolor{primary-brown}{HTML}{B07E3B} % HEX # B07E3B R:176 G:126 B:56 C:0 M:28 Y:68 K:31
\definecolor{nonbrand-dark-blue}{HTML}{184B6D} % HEX # 184B6D R:19 G:70 B:109 C:0 M:28 Y:68 K:31
\Large{\textcolor{#4}{#1}} & \rule[-0.5em]{0pt}{1.8em} \Large{\textcolor{#4}{#2}} \\
\rule[1.0em]{0pt}{-1em} & \small{\textcolor{\currentTextColor}{ - #1}} \\
\rule[-0.5em]{0pt}{0em} & \small{\textcolor{\currentTextColor}{ - #1}} \\
\rule[-0.3em]{0pt}{0em}\small{\textcolor{\currentTextColor}{ ~#1}} & \small{\textcolor{\currentTextColor}{#2}} \\
\rule[-0.3em]{0pt}{0em}\small{\textcolor{\currentTextColor}{ ~#1}} & \small{\textcolor{\currentTextColor}{#2}} \\
% \pickColor{#2}
% \rule[-0.3em]{0pt}{0em}\small{Notes:} & \small{#1} \\ \tabucline[2pt]{1-2}
%\caption{IP configs of nodes} \label{tab:sharkNodeIPConfig}
\multicolumn {1}{|[2pt]l|[2pt]}{\rule[-0.7em]{0pt}{2em} Qty}&
\multicolumn {1}{p{13cm}|[2pt]}{ Description} \\ \tabucline[2pt]{1-2}
%%% UNIT %%%
% Unit name
\nodeUnitName{2}{Iris FW1100 - Firewall System}{secondary-brown}{ao-black}
% Unit configuration parameters
\nodeUnitParameter{ 1U Form Factor ~~- Single Intel Xeon D-1587 CPU }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Up to 128GB DDR4 ECC Reg Memory }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Dual 10G SFP+ and Six Gigabit Ethernet }
\nodeUnitLastParameter{ 400W Platinum Level Redundant Power Supply }
% Unit has a set of components parameters
\nodeUnitSetItem {2}{ 8GB DDR4 2666MHz ECC Registered DIMM }
%\nodeUnitSetItem {1}{ No Operating System. Include testing%
% and customer OS preference in notes. }
%\nodeUnitSetItem {1}{ Return to Depot Warranty (3 Year Hardware%
% Warranty with Standard Advance Parts Replacement) }
\nodeUnitSetItem {1}{ 128GB SATA DOM }
\nodeUnitSetLastItem {1}{ Intel 10G Dual Port RJ45 Ethernet Adapter }
% Unit ends with notes, pass "none" parameter if no notes
%\nodeUnitSetNotes { none }
%%% END UNIT %%%
%%% UNIT %%%
% Unit name
\nodeUnitName{1}{Iris NV2225}{primary-blue}{ao-black}
% Unit configuration parameters
\nodeUnitParameter{ 2U Form Factor ~~- Dual Intel Xeon SP Processor }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Up to 768GB DDR4 2133MHz ECC Registered Memory }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Integrated IPMI 2.0 + KVM with dedicated LAN }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Intel x550 Quad port 10G Ethernet }
\nodeUnitLastParameter{ 1600W Redundant High-efficiency Power Supply }
% Unit has a set of components parameters
\nodeUnitSetItem{2}{ Intel Xeon Gold 5115 10C 2.4GHz 13.75MB Cache }
\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ 128GB DDR4 2666MHz ECC Reg (4 x 32GB) }
\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ Samsung 960 EVO M.2 NVME SSD 500GB }
\nodeUnitSetItem{4}{ Ultrastar SN200 800GB NVMe SSD }
%\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ No Operating System. Include testing and customer%
% OS preference in notes. }
%\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ Return to Depot Warranty (3 Year Hardware Warranty%
% with Standard Advance Parts Replacement) }
\nodeUnitSetLastItem{1}{ Intel 10G Dual Port RJ45 Ethernet Adapter }
% Unit ends with notes, pass "none" parameter if no notes
%\nodeUnitSetNotes { none }
%%% END UNIT %%%
%%% UNIT %%%
% Unit name
\nodeUnitName{2}{Iris 1292-R4T}{primary-brown}{ao-black}
% Unit configuration parameters
\nodeUnitParameter{ 1U Form Factor ~~- Dual Intel Xeon SP Processors }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Intel C620 Chipset with QPI up to 9.6GT/sec }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Up to 768GB DDR4 2666MHz ECC Registered Memory }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Integrated IPMI 2.0 + KVM with dedicated LAN }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Intel Quad-port 10GBaseT Ethernet Controller }
\nodeUnitParameter{ 4 x 3.5'' Hot-swap Drive Bays For customizable Storage }
\nodeUnitLastParameter{ 750W Redundant Power Supply }
% Unit has a set of components parameters
\nodeUnitSetItem{2}{ Intel Xeon Silver 4110 8C 2.1GHz 11MB Cache }
\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ 128GB DDR4 2666MHz ECC Reg (8 x 16GB) }
\nodeUnitSetItem{4}{ HGST Ultrastar 6TB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s }
%\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ No Operating System. Include testing and customer%
% OS preference in notes. }
%\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ Return to Depot Warranty (3 Year Hardware Warranty%
% with Standard Advance Parts Replacement) }
\nodeUnitSetLastItem{1}{ Intel 10G Dual Port RJ45 Ethernet Adapter }
% Unit ends with notes, pass "none" parameter if no notes
%\nodeUnitSetNotes { none }
%%% END UNIT %%%
%%% UNIT %%%
% Unit name
\nodeUnitName{2}{Iris NV1211}{nonbrand-dark-blue}{ao-white}
% Unit configuration parameters
\nodeUnitParameter{ 1U Form Factor ~~- Dual Intel Xeon SP Processor }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Up to 1534GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC Registered Memory }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Integrated IPMI 2.0 + KVM with dedicated LAN }
\nodeUnitParameter{ Intel x540 Dual-port 10Gigabit Ethernet }
\nodeUnitParameter{ 10 x 2.5'' Solid State NVMe Disks }
\nodeUnitLastParameter{ 1000W Redundant High-efficiency Power Supply }
% Unit has a set of components parameters
\nodeUnitSetItem{2}{ Intel Xeon Silver 4114 10C 2.2GHz 13.75MB Cache }
\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ 64GB DDR4 2666MHz ECC Reg (4 x 16GB) }
\nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ Samsung 960 EVO M.2 NVME SSD 500GB }
\nodeUnitSetItem{6}{ Ultrastar SN200 800GB NVMe SSD }
% \nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ No Operating System. Include testing and customer%
% OS preference in notes. }
% \nodeUnitSetItem{1}{ Return to Depot Warranty (3 Year Hardware Warranty%
% with Standard Advance Parts Replacement) }
\nodeUnitSetLastItem{1}{ Intel X710 Converged Network Adapter Quad-port 10GBaseT }
% Unit ends with notes, pass "none" parameter if no notes
%\nodeUnitSetNotes { none }
%%% END UNIT %%%
Notes applicable to all units:
{ 1. No Operating System. Include testing and customer OS preference in notes. }
{ 2. Return to Depot Warranty (3 Year Hardware Warranty with Standard Advance Parts Replacement) }
\section{GNU/Linux Servers}
The servers will all run Debian GNU/Linux
\subsection{Denver Server List}
\item \texttt{oc1.forksand.com} --- KVM host.
\item \texttt{rd1.forksand.com} --- Misc.
\texttt{\qquad oc1.forksand.com parameters}
Full Network: Network Gateway AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
Break the main IP into a /30
# Main network interface
# 2 IPs Network Gateway oc1 Broadcast Netmask
# vmbr0 Bridge 0 with 2 IPs Network vmbr0 gateway AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
# vmbr1 Bridge 1 with 6 IPs Network vmbr1 gateway AVAILABLE test99 AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
# vmbr2 Bridge 2 with 14 IPs Network vmbr2 gateway AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
\texttt{\qquad rd1.forksand.com parameters}
Full Network: Network Gateway Main rd1 IP AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
Break the main network into a /30
# Main network interface
# 2 IPs Network Gateway oc1 Broadcast Netmask
# vmbr0 Bridge 0 with 2 IPs Network vmbr0 gateway AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
# vmbr1 Bridge 1 with 6 IPs Network vmbr1 gateway AVAILABLE test99 AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
# vmbr2 Bridge 2 with 14 IPs Network vmbr2 gateway AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Broadcast Netmask
\section{Network Hardware}
The network switches do not run free software.
\section{Disk Drives}
The disk drives do not run free software.
\item Hard drive platters, 7200 RPM, 2.5'' and 3.5''
\item SSD
\item NVMe
Who we'll get hardware from.
\item Pogo Linux --- Debian GNU/Linux Servers, USA.
\item Viking.net --- Coreboot Opteron servers in Germany.
\item raptorcs.com --- POWER9, custom Coreboot systems (?), USA.
\section{Shark nodes configuration. Using an example Shark2}
%\includescreen{shark2/01.png}{Log in to admin-webview}{}
\includescreen{shark2/02.png}{Log in to admin-webview}{\label{fig:shark2login}}
%\includescreen{shark2/03.png}{Logged in to admin-webview. Notification of no valid subscription}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/04.png}{Browse Datacenter, log hidden}{\label{fig:shark2browsedatacenter}}
%\includescreen{shark2/05.png}{Browse shark2 Node}{\label{fig:shark2browsenode}}
\includescreen{shark2/06.png}{Browse shark2 Network}{\label{fig:shark2network}}
%\includescreen{shark2/07.png}{Select first shark2 Network device}{}
\includescreen{shark2/08.png}{Edit first shark2 Network device}{}
\includescreen{shark2/09.png}{Cleanup first shark2 Network device}{\label{fig:shark2cleanupnetdevice1}}
\includescreen{shark2/10.png}{Browse shark2 Network}{}
\includescreen{shark2/11.png}{Create shark2 Linux Bridge}{\label{fig:shark2linuxbridge}}
%\includescreen{shark2/12.png}{Create shark2 Linux Bridge}{}
\includescreen{shark2/13.png}{Create shark2 Linux Bridge}{}
\caption{IP configs of nodes} \label{tab:sharkNodeIPConfig}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{ Parameter}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Shark2}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Shark3}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Shark4} \\ \hline
Linux bridge & & & \\ %\hline
Name & vmbr0 & vmbr0 & vmbr0 \\ %\hline
IP address & & & \\ %\hline
Subnet mask & & & \\ %\hline
Gateway & & & \\ %\hline
Bridge ports & enp2s0 & enp3s0 & enp3s0 \\ \hline
Network Device & & & \\ %\hline
Name & enp3s0 & enp4s0 & enp4s0 \\ %\hline
IP address & & & \\ %\hline
Subnet mask & & & \\ \hline
Network Device & & & \\ %\hline
Name & enp4s0 & enp5s0 & enp5s0 \\ %\hline
IP address & & & \\ %\hline
Subnet mask & & & \\ \hline
\includescreen{shark2/14.png}{Browse shark2 Network}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/15.png}{Select second shark2 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/16.png}{Edit second shark2 Network device}{}
\includescreen{shark2/17.png}{Edit second on the list shark2 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/18.png}{Browse shark2 Network}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/19.png}{Select third shark2 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/20.png}{Edit third shark2 Network device}{}
\includescreen{shark2/21.png}{Edit third on the list shark2 Network device}{}
\caption{IP configs of nodes, duplicate of table \ref{tab:sharkNodeIPConfig}} % \label{tab:sharkLinuxBridge}
\multicolumn {1}{|l|}{ Parameter}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Shark2}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Shark3}&
\multicolumn {1}{l|}{ Shark4} \\ \hline
Linux bridge & & & \\ %\hline
Name & vmbr0 & vmbr0 & vmbr0 \\ %\hline
IP address & & & \\ %\hline
Subnet mask & & & \\ %\hline
Gateway & & & \\ %\hline
Bridge ports & enp2s0 & enp3s0 & enp3s0 \\ \hline
Network Device & & & \\ %\hline
Name & enp3s0 & enp4s0 & enp4s0 \\ %\hline
IP address & & & \\ %\hline
Subnet mask & & & \\ \hline
Network Device & & & \\ %\hline
Name & enp4s0 & enp5s0 & enp5s0 \\ %\hline
IP address & & & \\ %\hline
Subnet mask & & & \\ \hline
\includescreen{shark2/22.png}{Browse shark2 Network}{}
%\includescreen{shark2/23.png}{Browse shark2 node}{}
\includescreen{shark2/24.png}{Restart shark2 node}{}
%\clearpage % avoid LaTeX Error: Too many unprocessed floats.
%\section{Shark3 configuration}
%\includescreen{shark3/01.png}{Log in to admin-webview}{\label{fig:shark3login}}
%\includescreen{shark3/02.png}{Logged in to admin-webview. Notification of no valid subscription}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/03.png}{Browse Datacenter, log hidden}{\label{fig:shark3browsedatacenter}}
%\includescreen{shark3/04.png}{Browse Shark3 Node}{\label{fig:shark3browsenode}}
%\includescreen{shark3/05.png}{Shark3 Network}{\label{fig:shark3network}}
%\includescreen{shark3/06.png}{Browse Shark3 Network}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/07.png}{Select first Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/08.png}{Edit first Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/09.png}{Cleanup first Shark3 Network device}{\label{fig:shark3cleanupnetdevice1}}
%\includescreen{shark3/10.png}{Create Shark3 Linux Bridge}{\label{fig:shark3linuxbridge}}
%\includescreen{shark3/11.png}{Create Shark3 Linux Bridge}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/12.png}{Create Shark3 Linux Bridge}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/13.png}{Create Shark3 Linux Bridge}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/14.png}{Select second Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/15.png}{Edit second Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/16.png}{Edit second Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/17.png}{Select third Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/18.png}{Edit third Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/19.png}{Edit third Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/20.png}{Edit third Shark3 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/21.png}{Browse Shark3 node}{}
%\includescreen{shark3/22.png}{Restart Shark3 node}{}
%\clearpage % avoid LaTeX Error: Too many unprocessed floats.
%\section{Shark4 configuration}
%\includescreen{shark4/01.png}{Log in to admin-webview}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/02.png}{Log in to admin-webview}{\label{fig:shark4login}}
%\includescreen{shark4/03.png}{Browse Datacenter}{\label{fig:shark4browsedatacenter}}
%\includescreen{shark4/04.png}{Browse Datacenter, log hidden}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/05.png}{Browse Shark4 Node}{\label{fig:shark4browsenode}}
%\includescreen{shark4/06.png}{Shark4 Network}{\label{fig:shark4network}}
%\includescreen{shark4/07.png}{Select first Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/08.png}{Edit first Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/09.png}{Cleanup first Shark4 Network device}{\label{fig:shark4cleanupnetdevice1}}
%\includescreen{shark4/10.png}{Create Shark4 Linux Bridge}{\label{fig:shark4linuxbridge}}
%\includescreen{shark4/11.png}{Create Shark4 Linux Bridge}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/12.png}{Select second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/13.png}{Select second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/14.png}{Edit second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/15.png}{Edit second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/16.png}{Select second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/17.png}{Edit second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/18.png}{Edit second Shark4 Network device}{}
%\includescreen{shark4/19.png}{Restart Shark4 node}{}

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
% OpenNebula.tex
% Fork Sand IT Manual
% Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc.
% Copyright (C) 2017, Jeff Moe
% Copyright (C) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
% This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
% International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Fork Sand, Inc.
% XXX TODO: opennebula-sunstone-login.png
OpenNebula is a virtual machine manager.
The private cloud deployment will be based on OpenNebula version 5.4, which
is currently in beta. There are only Debian 8 (Jessie, oldstable) releases.
Debian hasn't packaged OpenNebula since wheezy. It has it in sid, but even
that is an old version. The only packages available for Debian are the
upstream ones for Jessie made by OpenNebula. UPDATE: although it isn't listed
on their website, it does appear their are Debian 9 (Stretch) builds of
OpenNebula for the betas of the forthcoming 5.4 version, which is great.
\caption{OpenNebula Website}
\item Website: \\ \url{https://opennebula.org/}
\item Debian Stretch Repo: \\
The following servers will be deployed to host OpenNebula and the KVMs:
\item \texttt{waz-kvm-001.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 1
\item \texttt{waz-kvm-002.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 2
\item \texttt{waz-kvm-003.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 3
\item \texttt{waz-kvm-004.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 4
\item \texttt{waz-kvm-005.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 5
\item \texttt{waz-sun-001.forksand.com} --- OpenNebula Sunstone Web GUI 1
\item \texttt{waz-sun-002.forksand.com} --- OpenNebula Sunstone Web GUI 2
\subsection{Virtual Machine Servers}
KVM virtual machine servers. Fast CPU, with lots of RAM. Uses Ceph to store
virtual images.
\subsection{Sunstone Web GUI Servers}
Sunstone is OpenNebula's Web GUI for administration of the cluster.
\caption{OpenNebula Sunstone Web Admin GUI}
wget -q -O- https://downloads.opennebula.org/repo/repo.key | apt-key add -
echo "deb http://downloads.opennebula.org/repo/5.4/Debian/9 stable opennebula" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opennebula.list
apt update
apt -y install opennebula-node
service libvirtd restart
Things that are bugs or at least aren't configured correctly.
\section{Sunstone Configuration}
At this point, you should have the OpenNebula Sunstone server up and running.
See scripts in \texttt{source/resources/ns24} for automation.
\item Set up ssh tunnel (use Sunstone server name for ns24):
Code: \\ \texttt{ssh -N -C -L 9869:localhost:9869 ns24}
\item In workstation, open browser to url:
URL: \\ \url{http://localhost:9869/}
Info: \\ This goes through the encrypted SSH tunnel, but doesn't use https.
\item Click \texttt{OpenNebula} in the upper right to get the full web console.
\item Click \texttt{Infrastructure}.
\item Click \texttt{Hosts}.
\item Click The \texttt{+} plus icon.
\item Enter the hostname of the KVM server you want to use, such as the Sunstone server itself.
\texttt{Type: KVM}
\texttt{Hostname: ns24}
\item Click \texttt{Create}.
\item Repeatedly hit the reload button that's the two arrows in a circle, as it goes thru
stages of setup, starting at \texttt{INIT}.
\item Confirm status is \texttt{ON}.
\section{Sunstone Deploy Image}
This is a quick and dirty way to deploy a first test image.
NOTE: It is note privacy aware, as it pulls the image from the
OpenNebula ``store''.
How to deploy an image from the OpenNebula App store:
\item Click \texttt{Storage}.
\item Click \texttt{Apps}
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item Click on the icon that is a cloud with an arrow in it. This downloads it to OpenNebula.
\item Select a datastore by clicking the \texttt{default} line.
\item Leave name and all that the same, and click \texttt{Download}.
\item Click \texttt{Images} under \texttt{Storage} in the left column.
\item Hit the refresh icon repeatedly.
\item When \texttt{Status} is \texttt{READY}, it is good to go.
\item Click \texttt{Templates} in the left column.
\item Click \texttt{VMs}.
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item Click \texttt{Instantiate}.
\item \texttt{VM Name} enter \texttt{deb9}.
\item \texttt{Number of instances} enter \texttt{1}.
\item \texttt{Memory} enter \texttt{768}.
\item \texttt{CPU} enter \texttt{1}.
\item Click the slider to \texttt{Instantiate as persistent}.
\item Click \texttt{Instantiate}.
\item Click \texttt{Instances} in the left column.
\item Click \texttt{VMs}.
\item Click the reload icon, repeat.
\item It is good when \texttt{Status} is \texttt{RUNNING}.
\item Set up an \texttt{ssh} tunnel so VNC can be used:
\texttt{ssh -N -C -L 29876:localhost:29876 ns24}
\item Click on the little monitor icon to launch VNC.
\item Look at booted up screen at \texttt{login:} prompt.
\item This means a Debian KVM booted up and the VNC is working.
There is no password for the \texttt{root} account, only \texttt{ssh} is available.
So without network setup, you can't really do anything with this image.
Booted, it just shows it works.
I think delete this section, it would go before the \texttt{Templates} above.:
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item PROBABLY NO: Click \texttt{Clone} to make a local copy.
\item PROBABLY NO: It will say \texttt{Copy of Debian 9 - KVM}, leave as-is, click \texttt{Clone}.
\item Click on the icon with three dots.
\item Click \texttt{Make Persistent}.
\item Click on the icon with three dots.
\item Click \texttt{Enable}.
\section{OpenNebula Networking}
XXX Yes, this part needs set up...
# /etc/network/interfaces bridge section, add this:
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0
bridge_fd 0
dns-search forksand.com
As user \texttt{jebba}, on the server, run this to generate a key.
Then paste that key into Sunstone under "SSH Public Key".
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
# XXX test. Use this IP and interface, so no but real IPs.
# Comment this out:
auto eth0:27
iface eth0:27 inet static
XXX Check if IP forwarding is needed in \texttt{/etc/sysctl.conf}.
If things are set up to use a bridge and,
\texttt{iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE}
Will bring things up to NAT.
XXX The port forwarding is forwarding all port 53 to guest at the moment.

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
% Proxmox.tex
% Fork Sand IT Manual
% Copyright (C) 2018, Fork Sand, Inc.
% Copyright (C) 2017, Jeff Moe
% Copyright (C) 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc.
% This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
% International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Fork Sand, Inc.
% XXX TODO: Proxmox-GUI-login.png
Proxmox is a virtual machine manager.
The private cloud deployment will be based on Proxmox version 5.x.
%There are only Debian 8 (Jessie, oldstable) releases.
%Debian hasn't packaged Proxmox since wheezy. It has it in sid, but even
%that is an old version. The only packages available for Debian are the
%upstream ones for Jessie made by Proxmox.
UPDATE: although Proxmox isn't listed on Debian 9 (Stretch) packages,
there is an installation manual for 5.x version, which is great.
\caption{Proxmox Website}
\item Website: \\ \url{https://proxmox.com/}
\item Debian Stretch Repo: \\
The following servers will be deployed to host Proxmox and the KVMs:
%\item \texttt{waz-kvm-001.forksand.com}
%\item \texttt{waz-kvm-002.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 2
%\item \texttt{waz-kvm-003.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 3
%\item \texttt{waz-kvm-004.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 4
%\item \texttt{waz-kvm-005.forksand.com} --- Virtual Machine Server 5
%\item \texttt{waz-sun-001.forksand.com} --- Proxmox Web GUI 1
%\item \texttt{waz-sun-002.forksand.com} --- Proxmox Web GUI 2
\item \texttt{forksand-hk1} --- Virtual Machine Node 1
\item \texttt{forksand-hk2} --- Virtual Machine Node 2
\item \texttt{forksand-hk3} --- Virtual Machine Node 3
\item \texttt{\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{forksand-shark1}} \textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{--- Virtual Machine Node ?}
\item \texttt{forksand-shark2} --- Virtual Machine Node 4
\item \texttt{forksand-shark3} --- Virtual Machine Node 5
\item \texttt{forksand-shark4} --- Virtual Machine Node 6
\item \texttt{forksand-the} --- Virtual Machine Node 7
\item \texttt{forksand-truck} --- Virtual Machine Node 8
%\subsection{Virtual Machine Servers}
%KVM virtual machine servers. Fast CPU, with lots of RAM. Uses Ceph to store
%virtual images.
%\subsection{Proxmox Web GUI Servers}
%A Proxmox's Web GUI for administration of the cluster.
\subsection{Virtual Machine Nodes}
Virtual machine nodes. Fast CPU, with lots of RAM. Uses Ceph to store
virtual images.
Every node includes a Proxmox's Web GUI for administration of the cluster.
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo clarify}
\caption{Proxmox Sunstone Web Admin GUI}
echo "deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve stretch pve-no-subscription" \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-install-repo.list
wget http://download.proxmox.com/debian/proxmox-ve-release-5.x.gpg \
-O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-ve-release-5.x.gpg
apt-get update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade --download-only
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install ksm-control-daemon proxmox-veupdate-grub
apt remove os-prober
Things that are bugs or at least aren't configured correctly.
\section{GUI Configuration}
At this point, you should have the Proxmox server up and running.
Todo check related, modify/replace unrelated
See scripts in \texttt{source/resources/ns24} for automation.
\item Set up Linux Bridge (use Sunstone server name for ns24):
Code: \\ \texttt{ssh -N -C -L 9869:localhost:9869 ns24}
\item In workstation, open browser to url:
URL: \\ \url{http://localhost:9869/}
Info: \\ This goes through the encrypted SSH tunnel, but doesn't use https.
\item Click \texttt{Proxmox} in the upper right to get the full web console.
\item Click \texttt{Infrastructure}.
\item Click \texttt{Hosts}.
\item Click The \texttt{+} plus icon.
\item Enter the hostname of the KVM server you want to use, such as the Sunstone server itself.
\texttt{Type: KVM}
\texttt{Hostname: ns24}
\item Click \texttt{Create}.
\item Repeatedly hit the reload button that's the two arrows in a circle, as it goes thru
stages of setup, starting at \texttt{INIT}.
\item Confirm status is \texttt{ON}.
\section{GUI Deploy Image}
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo check related, modify/replace unrelated}
This is a quick and dirty way to deploy a first test image.
NOTE: It is note privacy aware, as it pulls the image from the
Proxmox ``store''.
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{Todo check related, modify/replace unrelated}
How to deploy an image from the Proxmox App store:
\item Click \texttt{Storage}.
\item Click \texttt{Apps}
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item Click on the icon that is a cloud with an arrow in it. This downloads it to Proxmox.
\item Select a datastore by clicking the \texttt{default} line.
\item Leave name and all that the same, and click \texttt{Download}.
\item Click \texttt{Images} under \texttt{Storage} in the left column.
\item Hit the refresh icon repeatedly.
\item When \texttt{Status} is \texttt{READY}, it is good to go.
\item Click \texttt{Templates} in the left column.
\item Click \texttt{VMs}.
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item Click \texttt{Instantiate}.
\item \texttt{VM Name} enter \texttt{deb9}.
\item \texttt{Number of instances} enter \texttt{1}.
\item \texttt{Memory} enter \texttt{768}.
\item \texttt{CPU} enter \texttt{1}.
\item Click the slider to \texttt{Instantiate as persistent}.
\item Click \texttt{Instantiate}.
\item Click \texttt{Instances} in the left column.
\item Click \texttt{VMs}.
\item Click the reload icon, repeat.
\item It is good when \texttt{Status} is \texttt{RUNNING}.
\item Set up an \texttt{ssh} tunnel so VNC can be used:
\texttt{ssh -N -C -L 29876:localhost:29876 ns24}
\item Click on the little monitor icon to launch VNC.
\item Look at booted up screen at \texttt{login:} prompt.
\item This means a Debian KVM booted up and the VNC is working.
There is no password for the \texttt{root} account, only \texttt{ssh} is available.
So without network setup, you can't really do anything with this image.
Booted, it just shows it works.
I think delete this section, it would go before the \texttt{Templates} above.:
\item Click \texttt{Debian 9 - KVM}.
\item PROBABLY NO: Click \texttt{Clone} to make a local copy.
\item PROBABLY NO: It will say \texttt{Copy of Debian 9 - KVM}, leave as-is, click \texttt{Clone}.
\item Click on the icon with three dots.
\item Click \texttt{Make Persistent}.
\item Click on the icon with three dots.
\item Click \texttt{Enable}.
\section{Proxmox Networking}
Create --> Linux Bridge: vmbr0
XXX best way for this server? No subnet.
\textcolor[rgb]{0.80,0.00,0.00}{taken from forksand-shark4-bootstrap}
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
auto enp1s0f1
iface enp1s0f1 inet static
dns-search forksand.com
As user \texttt{jebba}, on the server, run this to generate a key.
Then paste that key into Sunstone under "SSH Public Key".
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
# XXX test. Use this IP and interface, so no but real IPs.
# Comment this out:
auto eth0:27
iface eth0:27 inet static
XXX Check if IP forwarding is needed in \texttt{/etc/sysctl.conf}.
If things are set up to use a bridge and,
\texttt{iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE}
Will bring things up to NAT.
XXX The port forwarding is forwarding all port 53 to guest at the moment.

@ -79,6 +79,837 @@ Used on many servers for a database.
Shared calendars, files, collaborative document editing with
LibreOffice Online, videoconferencing.
Some of this is from owncloud era...
#Install debian jessie, ssh server, standard system utilities
#install jebba ssh key
#install sudo
#disable password ssh
#disable root ssh
#Set up DNS
#Set up Server
#Create new jessie server, and boot it up.
#Copy over key:
ssh-copy-id jebba@pwn.themoes.org
#Log in to new machine:
ssh jebba@pwn.themoes.org
#Change jebba's password.
passwd jebba
#Set a root password:
su -
passwd root
#Disable source repos:
sed -i -e 's/deb-src/#deb-src/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
#Set up `git` as kludge to track /etc
apt-get -y install git
cd /etc
git init
chmod og-rwx /etc/.git
vi /etc/.gitignore
Add these lines to /etc/.gitignore
\subsection{Set up a git user:}
vi ~/.gitconfig
name = Jeff Moe
branch = auto
diff = auto