@ -171,7 +171,38 @@ its own CRC and it will just not load if FLASHed with errors.
FleaFPGA-JTAG bitstream-flash.vme
FleaFPGA-JTAG bitstream-flash.vme
"OpenOCD" tool accepts SVF files and can upload to SRAM or onboard FLASH.
"OpenOCD" tool accepts SVF files and can upload to SRAM or onboard FLASH.
For details see their documentation.
For details see their ft232r driver documentation. In short, this
config file should help to get started, modified to set actual
${CHIP_ID} and ${FILE_SVF}
interface ft232r
ft232r_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6015
# ft232r_serial_desc 123456
ft232r_tck_num DSR
ft232r_tms_num DCD
ft232r_tdi_num RI
ft232r_tdo_num CTS
ft232r_trst_num RTS
ft232r_srst_num DTR
ft232r_restore_serial 0x15
adapter_khz 1000
telnet_port 4444
gdb_port 3333
jtag newtap lfe5 tap -expected-id ${CHIP_ID} -irlen 8 -irmask 0xFF -ircapture 0x5
# 12F: CHIP_ID=0x21111043
# 25F: CHIP_ID=0x41111043
# 45F: CHIP_ID=0x41112043
# 85F: CHIP_ID=0x41113043
svf -tap lfe5.tap -quiet -progress ${FILE_SVF}
# Programming over JTAG header
# Programming over JTAG header