@ -309,3 +309,7 @@ Here is checklist what was done or should be done in the next PCB release.
[x] route FTDI_nRXLED to FPGA
[x] route FTDI_nRXLED to FPGA
[ ] resistor in series with + battery
[ ] resistor in series with + battery
[ ] GPDI clock to clock capable pins, swap with USB pullup
[ ] GPDI clock to clock capable pins, swap with USB pullup
[ ] more routing to true differential pins (avoid bank 0 and 1)
[ ] FT2232H powered from 3.3V switched rail with
SOT-23-5 i2c EEPROM like 24CW1280T-I/OT placeholder
by default i2c routed to FPGA for emulation