126 lines
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126 lines
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kicad-ESP8266 - a library for KiCAD
This project has both schematic symbols, footprints, and 3d models for
ESP8266 based modules. It is a work-in-progress. Additions and
corrections are welcome. Enter a pull request or file an issue on
The present modules are:
* ESP-01 - Note that there are two versions of this module available on
open market. The schematic symbol is for the `v090` version
which is probably the same as the `v080`. There is an older
version that does not include any GPIO signals. The footprint
is the same for all of the ESP-01 modules.
* ESP-12 - This is includes an alias part, ESP-07v2, that is suitable
for the 16 pin variant of the ESP-07. Note that there is a 14
pin version of the ESP-07 that has different signals and
pinout. The footprint for the ESP-12 (and ESP-07v2)
elongated through-hole pads to match those modules.
* ESP-201 - This is a 26 pin module with pins on 0.1 inch spacing. I
could not find any official measurements for the pin
locations so the footprint was created from empirical
measurements on the unit I have.
* ESP-12E - This is for the 22 pin variant of the ESP-12. Though all the
esp-12 signals are in the same place on ESP-12E, pin numbers
have changed.
There are 3d models for the ESP-12 and the ESP-07v2.
1. The symbols, footprints, and 3d models have not been tested. They are
based on published images and measurements on individual samples.
2. The `.dcm` file contains HTML links to information on sites I used
when creating this library, however I do not have any control over
the sites themselves. Follow the links with caution.
3. This library distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but __WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of__
1. Clone this archive to a convenient location on your computer. These are
the commands I use on Linux to create a copy in
mkdir -p ~/kicad/libraries/
cd ~/kicad/libraries/
git clone
2. Add `ESP8266.lib` to the Component Libraries:
eeschema:Preferences->Component Libraries->Add
3. Add `ESP8266.pretty` to the Footprint Libraries:
pcbnew:Preferences->Footprint Libraries Wizard
4. To make the 3d models usable, add the location from step #1 to list
of configured paths as `ESPLIB`. Use a full path. Continuing with
the example step #1:
kicad:Preferences->Configure Paths->Add
Path: /home/<your_login_name>/kicad/libraries/kicad-ESP8266
3D Models
The 3D models were built using [OpenSCAD](http://www.openscad.org/) and
then colored in [Wings3D](http://www.wings3d.com/) to produce the VRML
(`.wrl`) format for KiCAD. Wings3D requires a binary STEP format, but
OpenSCAD writes an ASCII version.
[meshconv](http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~min/meshconv/) will convert the
ASCII format to a binary format.
Here is the workflow I used:
1. Use OpenScad to build the model. Export the model as STL.
* Build using F6
* File->Export...->Export as STL...
2. Use `meshconv` to translate the file to binary.
$ meshconv -c stl <STL-FILE-FROM-OpenSCAD> -o <FILENAME>
3. Now open Wings3d and import the the `FILENAME.stl` as a
_StereoLithography Binary File (*.stl)_.
4. Assign colors.
5. Export as _VRML 2.0 File (*.wrl)_
6. The 3D model probably needs to be scaled to match the footprint. Use
the `kicad:Footprint Editor:Edit->Edit Properties->3D Settings`
dialog. For the ESP-12, the `Shape Scale` X, Y, and Z values are
This repository includes all the intermediate files:
* `.scad` - OpenSCAD model
* `.stl` - OpenSCAD STL
* `_4wings.stl` - STL file converted by `meshconv`
* `.wings` - Wings3D model
* `.wrl` - VRML model for KiCAD
Copyright 2015 J.Dunmire
Contact: jedunmire PLUS kicad-ESP8266 AT gmail DOT com
This file is part of kicad-ESP8266.
kicad-ESP8266 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license visit