9v barrel, routing

forksand 3 years ago
parent 6ac6586993
commit 1dd6b838da

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
) )
) )
(boundary (boundary
(path pcb 0 240000 -160000 70000 -160000 70000 -35000 240000 -35000 (path pcb 0 199391 -111345 119391 -111345 119391 -71345.3 199391 -71345.3
240000 -160000) 199391 -111345)
) )
(via "Via[0-1]_800:400_um") (via "Via[0-1]_800:400_um")
(rule (rule
@ -33,111 +33,81 @@
) )
) )
(placement (placement
(component "Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_CUI_PJ-063AH_Horizontal"
(place J1 129405.200000 -98698.400000 front 0.000000 (PN Barrel_Jack_MountingPin))
(component OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical (component OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical
(place D1 124285.506000 -77276.019000 front 0.000000 (PN BPW34)) (place D1 121986.900000 -76070.300000 front 0.000000 (PN BPW34))
) )
(component Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering (component Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering
(place RV1 126989.200000 -105611.200000 front 0.000000 (PN 250k)) (place RV1 195054.600000 -78301.900000 front 0.000000 (PN 250k))
) )
(component Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6 (component Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6
(place BZ1 180400.400000 -101609.700000 front 0.000000 (PN Buzzer)) (place BZ1 187414.300000 -101603.500000 front 0.000000 (PN Buzzer))
) )
(component "Package_DIP:DIP-8_W7.62mm" (component "Package_DIP:DIP-8_W7.62mm"
(place U1 157837.800000 -90285.600000 front 0.000000 (PN LM358)) (place U1 166000.000000 -78000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN LM358))
) )
(component LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm (component LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm
(place D2 170140.900000 -105827.500000 front 0.000000 (PN LED)) (place D2 138000.000000 -105000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN LED))
) )
(component Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal (component Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal
(place R4 142477.800000 -96765.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 150k)) (place R4 139000.000000 -97000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 150k))
(place R8 142477.800000 -104865.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 1k)) (place R8 142000.000000 -78000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 1k))
(place R1 142477.800000 -100815.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 10M)) (place R1 179000.000000 -78000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 10M))
(place R6 144477.800000 -90235.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 1.5M)) (place R6 161000.000000 -100000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 1.5M))
(place R3 176337.800000 -77175.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 56k)) (place R3 153000.000000 -84000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 56k))
(place R2 163027.800000 -77175.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 1.5M)) (place R2 161000.000000 -94000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 1.5M))
(place R7 163027.800000 -85275.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 1k)) (place R7 139000.000000 -84000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 1k))
(place R5 163027.800000 -81225.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 1k)) (place R5 163000.000000 -106000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 1k))
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D9.0mm_W5.0mm_P5.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D9.0mm_W5.0mm_P5.00mm
(place C2 144677.800000 -85190.600000 front 0.000000 (PN "100 uF")) (place C2 175000.000000 -96000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN "100 uF"))
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D16.0mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D16.0mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm
(place C4 126127.800000 -91720.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.02µF)) (place C4 179000.000000 -86000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.02µF))
) )
(component "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline" (component "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline"
(place Q2 169047.800000 -96905.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 2N3904)) (place Q2 154000.000000 -96000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 2N3904))
(place Q1 185107.800000 -82455.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 2N7000)) (place Q1 194000.000000 -86000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 2N7000))
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D5.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D5.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm
(place C5 144677.800000 -78660.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.01µF)) (place C5 155000.000000 -78000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.01µF))
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D6.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D6.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm
(place C1 176305.476000 -90285.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.1µF)) (place C1 145000.000000 -91000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.1µF))
(place C3 176305.476000 -83755.600000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.1µF)) (place C3 137000.000000 -91000.000000 front 0.000000 (PN 0.1µF))
) )
) )
(library (library
(image "Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_CUI_PJ-063AH_Horizontal"
(outline (path signal 100 -5000 1000 -1000 1000))
(outline (path signal 100 -1000 1000 0 0))
(outline (path signal 100 0 0 1000 1000))
(outline (path signal 100 1000 1000 5000 1000))
(outline (path signal 100 5000 1000 5000 -12000))
(outline (path signal 100 5000 -12000 -5000 -12000))
(outline (path signal 100 -5000 -12000 -5000 1000))
(outline (path signal 120 -5110 -4950 -5110 1110))
(outline (path signal 120 -5110 1110 -2300 1110))
(outline (path signal 120 2300 1110 5110 1110))
(outline (path signal 120 5110 1110 5110 -4950))
(outline (path signal 120 5110 -9050 5110 -12110))
(outline (path signal 120 5110 -12110 -5110 -12110))
(outline (path signal 120 -5110 -12110 -5110 -9050))
(outline (path signal 120 -1000 1300 1000 1300))
(outline (path signal 50 -6000 1500 -6000 -12500))
(outline (path signal 50 -6000 -12500 6000 -12500))
(outline (path signal 50 6000 -12500 6000 1500))
(outline (path signal 50 6000 1500 -6000 1500))
(pin Rect[A]Pad_4000x2000_um 1 0 0)
(pin Oval[A]Pad_3300x2000_um 2 0 -6000)
(pin Oval[A]Pad_2000x3500_um MP -4500 -7000)
(pin Oval[A]Pad_2000x3500_um MP@1 4500 -7000)
(keepout "" (circle F.Cu 1600 0 -9000))
(keepout "" (circle B.Cu 1600 0 -9000))
(image OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical (image OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical
(outline (path signal 120 200 3100 4900 3100))
(outline (path signal 120 200 -3100 4900 -3100))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 1800 3440 1800))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 1800 3440 1200))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 1200 1640 1200))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 1200 1640 600))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 600 3440 600))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 600 3440 0))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 0 1640 0))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 0 1640 -600))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 -600 3440 -600))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 -600 3440 -1200))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 -1200 1640 -1200))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 -1200 1640 -1800))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 -1800 3440 -1800))
(outline (path signal 100 4840 -3000 240 -3000))
(outline (path signal 100 240 3000 4840 3000))
(outline (path signal 50 -1490 3250 6570 3250))
(outline (path signal 50 -1490 3250 -1490 -3250))
(outline (path signal 50 6570 -3250 6570 3250))
(outline (path signal 50 6570 -3250 -1490 -3250))
(outline (path signal 0 269.222 3162.99 286.796 3120.56 269.222 3078.14 261.495 3074.93
263.116 3072.8 -21.942 2833.47 -282.627 2567.8 -516.516 2278.26
-721.434 1967.54 -895.476 1638.53 -1037.03 1294.29 -1144.76 938.021
-1217.69 573.03 -1255.13 202.711 -1256.74 -169.491 -1222.49 -540.119
-1152.71 -905.725 -1048.04 -1262.91 -909.462 -1608.36 -738.261 -1938.86
-536.027 -2251.33 -304.642 -2542.87 -46.255 -2810.78 236.73 -3052.56
235.172 -3054.57 242.426 -3057.57 260 -3100 242.426 -3142.43
200 -3160 164.828 -3145.43 163.27 -3147.44 -128.513 -2898.15
-394.931 -2621.92 -633.509 -2321.31 -842.029 -1999.12 -1018.55 -1658.35
-1161.44 -1302.17 -1269.36 -933.879 -1341.31 -556.908 -1376.62 -174.76
-1374.97 209.012 -1336.36 590.842 -1261.17 967.179 -1150.08 1334.53
-1004.13 1689.47 -824.678 2028.7 -613.391 2349.08 -372.232 2647.62
-103.443 2921.55 190.476 3168.32 192.097 3166.19 226.796 3180.56))
(outline (path signal 0 4934.05 3145.89 4935.75 3148.19 5233.41 2903.78 5505.65 2631.34
5749.85 2333.51 5963.64 2013.15 6144.95 1673.35 6292.05 1317.4
6403.51 948.739 6478.26 570.916 6515.56 187.582 6515.07 -197.563
6476.79 -580.801 6401.08 -958.432 6288.68 -1326.81 6140.68 -1682.38
5958.49 -2021.71 5743.89 -2341.53 5498.94 -2638.74 5226 -2910.48
4927.72 -3154.13 4926 -3151.81 4892.09 -3165.85 4849.66 -3148.28
4832.09 -3105.85 4849.66 -3063.43 4858.18 -3059.9 4856.46 -3057.58
5145.62 -2821.39 5410.2 -2557.97 5647.65 -2269.85 5855.68 -1959.83
6032.29 -1630.88 6175.77 -1286.19 6284.72 -929.093 6358.11 -563.021
6395.22 -191.515 6395.7 181.84 6359.53 553.439 6287.08 919.697
6179.03 1277.08 6036.44 1622.13 5860.67 1951.52 5653.43 2262.08
5416.71 2550.8 5152.8 2814.89 4864.25 3051.81 4865.95 3054.11
4857.57 3057.57 4840 3100 4857.57 3142.43 4900 3160))
(outline (path signal 0 4869.09 3037.95 4870.42 3039.68 5152.32 2801.13 5409.94 2536.53
5640.87 2248.36 5842.98 1939.29 6014.39 1612.19 6153.5 1270.1
6259.02 916.205 6329.97 553.794 6365.68 186.236 6365.84 -183.054
6330.42 -550.643 6259.78 -913.112 6154.55 -1267.09 6015.73 -1609.3
5844.59 -1936.54 5642.74 -2245.78 5412.04 -2534.14 5154.65 -2798.95
4872.95 -3037.74 4871.62 -3036.02 4842.49 -3048.09 4807.14 -3033.44
4792.49 -2998.09 4807.14 -2962.73 4813.36 -2960.15 4812.04 -2958.43
5086.39 -2725.88 5337.06 -2467.98 5561.73 -2187.15 5758.32 -1885.98
5924.98 -1567.28 6060.18 -1234.01 6162.66 -889.273 6231.46 -536.266
6265.95 -178.275 6265.8 181.373 6231.02 539.336 6161.92 892.284
6059.16 1236.94 5923.68 1570.1 5756.75 1888.65 5559.91 2189.66
5335.01 2470.31 5084.12 2727.99 4809.58 2960.32 4810.91 2962.05
4804.65 2964.64 4790 3000 4804.65 3035.36 4840 3050))
(outline (path signal 0 272.861 3033.44 287.506 2998.09 272.861 2962.73 266.638 2960.15 (outline (path signal 0 272.861 3033.44 287.506 2998.09 272.861 2962.73 266.638 2960.15
267.961 2958.43 -6.385 2725.88 -257.059 2467.98 -481.733 2187.15 267.961 2958.43 -6.385 2725.88 -257.059 2467.98 -481.733 2187.15
-678.317 1885.98 -844.983 1567.28 -980.184 1234.01 -1082.66 889.273 -678.317 1885.98 -844.983 1567.28 -980.184 1234.01 -1082.66 889.273
@ -151,8 +121,68 @@
-1285.84 183.054 -1250.42 550.643 -1179.78 913.112 -1074.55 1267.09 -1285.84 183.054 -1250.42 550.643 -1179.78 913.112 -1074.55 1267.09
-935.729 1609.3 -764.594 1936.54 -562.74 2245.78 -332.043 2534.14 -935.729 1609.3 -764.594 1936.54 -562.74 2245.78 -332.043 2534.14
-74.648 2798.95 207.052 3037.74 208.375 3036.02 237.506 3048.09)) -74.648 2798.95 207.052 3037.74 208.375 3036.02 237.506 3048.09))
(pin Round[A]Pad_1600_um 1 0 0) (outline (path signal 0 4869.09 3037.95 4870.42 3039.68 5152.32 2801.13 5409.94 2536.53
5640.87 2248.36 5842.98 1939.29 6014.39 1612.19 6153.5 1270.1
6259.02 916.205 6329.97 553.794 6365.68 186.236 6365.84 -183.054
6330.42 -550.643 6259.78 -913.112 6154.55 -1267.09 6015.73 -1609.3
5844.59 -1936.54 5642.74 -2245.78 5412.04 -2534.14 5154.65 -2798.95
4872.95 -3037.74 4871.62 -3036.02 4842.49 -3048.09 4807.14 -3033.44
4792.49 -2998.09 4807.14 -2962.73 4813.36 -2960.15 4812.04 -2958.43
5086.39 -2725.88 5337.06 -2467.98 5561.73 -2187.15 5758.32 -1885.98
5924.98 -1567.28 6060.18 -1234.01 6162.66 -889.273 6231.46 -536.266
6265.95 -178.275 6265.8 181.373 6231.02 539.336 6161.92 892.284
6059.16 1236.94 5923.68 1570.1 5756.75 1888.65 5559.91 2189.66
5335.01 2470.31 5084.12 2727.99 4809.58 2960.32 4810.91 2962.05
4804.65 2964.64 4790 3000 4804.65 3035.36 4840 3050))
(outline (path signal 0 4934.05 3145.89 4935.75 3148.19 5233.41 2903.78 5505.65 2631.34
5749.85 2333.51 5963.64 2013.15 6144.95 1673.35 6292.05 1317.4
6403.51 948.739 6478.26 570.916 6515.56 187.582 6515.07 -197.563
6476.79 -580.801 6401.08 -958.432 6288.68 -1326.81 6140.68 -1682.38
5958.49 -2021.71 5743.89 -2341.53 5498.94 -2638.74 5226 -2910.48
4927.72 -3154.13 4926 -3151.81 4892.09 -3165.85 4849.66 -3148.28
4832.09 -3105.85 4849.66 -3063.43 4858.18 -3059.9 4856.46 -3057.58
5145.62 -2821.39 5410.2 -2557.97 5647.65 -2269.85 5855.68 -1959.83
6032.29 -1630.88 6175.77 -1286.19 6284.72 -929.093 6358.11 -563.021
6395.22 -191.515 6395.7 181.84 6359.53 553.439 6287.08 919.697
6179.03 1277.08 6036.44 1622.13 5860.67 1951.52 5653.43 2262.08
5416.71 2550.8 5152.8 2814.89 4864.25 3051.81 4865.95 3054.11
4857.57 3057.57 4840 3100 4857.57 3142.43 4900 3160))
(outline (path signal 0 269.222 3162.99 286.796 3120.56 269.222 3078.14 261.495 3074.93
263.116 3072.8 -21.942 2833.47 -282.627 2567.8 -516.516 2278.26
-721.434 1967.54 -895.476 1638.53 -1037.03 1294.29 -1144.76 938.021
-1217.69 573.03 -1255.13 202.711 -1256.74 -169.491 -1222.49 -540.119
-1152.71 -905.725 -1048.04 -1262.91 -909.462 -1608.36 -738.261 -1938.86
-536.027 -2251.33 -304.642 -2542.87 -46.255 -2810.78 236.73 -3052.56
235.172 -3054.57 242.426 -3057.57 260 -3100 242.426 -3142.43
200 -3160 164.828 -3145.43 163.27 -3147.44 -128.513 -2898.15
-394.931 -2621.92 -633.509 -2321.31 -842.029 -1999.12 -1018.55 -1658.35
-1161.44 -1302.17 -1269.36 -933.879 -1341.31 -556.908 -1376.62 -174.76
-1374.97 209.012 -1336.36 590.842 -1261.17 967.179 -1150.08 1334.53
-1004.13 1689.47 -824.678 2028.7 -613.391 2349.08 -372.232 2647.62
-103.443 2921.55 190.476 3168.32 192.097 3166.19 226.796 3180.56))
(outline (path signal 50 6570 -3250 -1490 -3250))
(outline (path signal 50 6570 -3250 6570 3250))
(outline (path signal 50 -1490 3250 -1490 -3250))
(outline (path signal 50 -1490 3250 6570 3250))
(outline (path signal 100 240 3000 4840 3000))
(outline (path signal 100 4840 -3000 240 -3000))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 -1800 3440 -1800))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 -1200 1640 -1800))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 -1200 1640 -1200))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 -600 3440 -1200))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 -600 3440 -600))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 0 1640 -600))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 0 1640 0))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 600 3440 0))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 600 3440 600))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 1200 1640 600))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 1200 1640 1200))
(outline (path signal 100 3440 1800 3440 1200))
(outline (path signal 100 1640 1800 3440 1800))
(outline (path signal 120 200 -3100 4900 -3100))
(outline (path signal 120 200 3100 4900 3100))
(pin Round[A]Pad_1600_um 2 5080 0) (pin Round[A]Pad_1600_um 2 5080 0)
(pin Round[A]Pad_1600_um 1 0 0)
) )
(image Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering (image Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering
(outline (path signal 100 3810 2540 3790.45 2154.55 3732.01 1773.05 3635.27 1399.43 (outline (path signal 100 3810 2540 3790.45 2154.55 3732.01 1773.05 3635.27 1399.43
@ -595,11 +625,26 @@
(shape (path B.Cu 1600 0 0 0 0)) (shape (path B.Cu 1600 0 0 0 0))
(attach off) (attach off)
) )
(padstack Oval[A]Pad_3300x2000_um
(shape (path F.Cu 2000 -650 0 650 0))
(shape (path B.Cu 2000 -650 0 650 0))
(attach off)
(padstack Oval[A]Pad_2000x3500_um
(shape (path F.Cu 2000 0 -750 0 750))
(shape (path B.Cu 2000 0 -750 0 750))
(attach off)
(padstack Rect[A]Pad_2000x2000_um (padstack Rect[A]Pad_2000x2000_um
(shape (rect F.Cu -1000 -1000 1000 1000)) (shape (rect F.Cu -1000 -1000 1000 1000))
(shape (rect B.Cu -1000 -1000 1000 1000)) (shape (rect B.Cu -1000 -1000 1000 1000))
(attach off) (attach off)
) )
(padstack Rect[A]Pad_4000x2000_um
(shape (rect F.Cu -2000 -1000 2000 1000))
(shape (rect B.Cu -2000 -1000 2000 1000))
(attach off)
(padstack Rect[A]Pad_1050x1500_um (padstack Rect[A]Pad_1050x1500_um
(shape (rect F.Cu -525 -750 525 750)) (shape (rect F.Cu -525 -750 525 750))
(shape (rect B.Cu -525 -750 525 750)) (shape (rect B.Cu -525 -750 525 750))
@ -626,7 +671,7 @@
(pins BZ1-1 U1-7 R8-2 C5-2) (pins BZ1-1 U1-7 R8-2 C5-2)
) )
(net GND (net GND
(pins RV1-3 BZ1-2 D2-1 C2-2 C4-2 R1-2 Q1-1 C1-2 C3-2) (pins J1-MP J1-MP@1 RV1-3 BZ1-2 D2-1 C2-2 C4-2 R1-2 Q1-1 C1-2 C3-2)
) )
(net "Net-(C1-Pad1)" (net "Net-(C1-Pad1)"
(pins D1-1 C1-1 R2-1) (pins D1-1 C1-1 R2-1)
@ -635,7 +680,7 @@
(pins R4-2 C2-1 Q2-2) (pins R4-2 C2-1 Q2-2)
) )
(net +9V (net +9V
(pins RV1-1 U1-8 R4-1 Q2-3 C3-1) (pins J1-2 RV1-1 U1-8)
) )
(net "Net-(C4-Pad1)" (net "Net-(C4-Pad1)"
(pins C4-1 R5-2) (pins C4-1 R5-2)
@ -667,6 +712,9 @@
(pins U1-4) (pins U1-4)
) )
(net -9V
(pins J1-1 R4-1 Q2-3 C3-1)
(class kicad_default (class kicad_default
(circuit (circuit
(use_via Via[0-1]_800:400_um) (use_via Via[0-1]_800:400_um)

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
(footprint "Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering" (layer "F.Cu") (footprint "Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5BCDF3D1) (tstamp 243f2a77-2610-4ff8-9109-c0b7ac85fa1b) (tedit 5BCDF3D1) (tstamp 243f2a77-2610-4ff8-9109-c0b7ac85fa1b)
(at 195.054627 78.301859) (at 195.0546 78.3019)
(descr "Potentiometer, vertical, Bourns 3339P, hand-soldering, http://www.bourns.com/docs/Product-Datasheets/3339.pdf") (descr "Potentiometer, vertical, Bourns 3339P, hand-soldering, http://www.bourns.com/docs/Product-Datasheets/3339.pdf")
(tags "Potentiometer vertical Bourns 3339P hand-soldering") (tags "Potentiometer vertical Bourns 3339P hand-soldering")
(property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch")
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
(footprint "Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6" (layer "F.Cu") (footprint "Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A030281) (tstamp a862feaf-ff23-4303-913d-3362f461d7b4) (tedit 5A030281) (tstamp a862feaf-ff23-4303-913d-3362f461d7b4)
(at 187.414265 101.603514) (at 187.4143 101.6035)
(descr "Generic Buzzer, D15mm height 7.5mm with RM7.6mm") (descr "Generic Buzzer, D15mm height 7.5mm with RM7.6mm")
(tags "buzzer") (tags "buzzer")
(property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch")
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
(footprint "OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu") (footprint "OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5B86044C) (tstamp d1b49cb8-6b34-4ec1-a60e-4284e2c0a7e8) (tedit 5B86044C) (tstamp d1b49cb8-6b34-4ec1-a60e-4284e2c0a7e8)
(at 121.986899 76.070297) (at 121.9869 76.0703)
(descr "Resistor, LDR 7x6mm") (descr "Resistor, LDR 7x6mm")
(tags "Resistor LDR7x6mm") (tags "Resistor LDR7x6mm")
(property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch")
@ -922,7 +922,7 @@
(footprint "Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_CUI_PJ-063AH_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (footprint "Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_CUI_PJ-063AH_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5B0886BD) (tstamp d96a271c-4f7d-4afa-97ee-43d51798c7ed) (tedit 5B0886BD) (tstamp d96a271c-4f7d-4afa-97ee-43d51798c7ed)
(at 129.405197 98.698354) (at 129.4052 98.6984)
(descr "Barrel Jack, 2.0mm ID, 5.5mm OD, 24V, 8A, no switch, https://www.cui.com/product/resource/pj-063ah.pdf") (descr "Barrel Jack, 2.0mm ID, 5.5mm OD, 24V, 8A, no switch, https://www.cui.com/product/resource/pj-063ah.pdf")
(tags "barrel jack cui dc power") (tags "barrel jack cui dc power")
(property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetfile" "gammaray2usb.kicad_sch")
@ -964,7 +964,7 @@
(pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0) (size 4 2) (drill oval 3 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0) (size 4 2) (drill oval 3 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 16 "-9V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 663b0a8e-7021-40d9-91f0-aa3fd78cdb4f)) (net 16 "-9V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 663b0a8e-7021-40d9-91f0-aa3fd78cdb4f))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval locked (at 0 6) (size 3.3 2) (drill oval 2.3 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad "2" thru_hole oval locked (at 0 6) (size 3.3 2) (drill oval 2.3 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f75d0706-2701-4cc9-97a4-cb9d199c7441)) (net 5 "+9V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f75d0706-2701-4cc9-97a4-cb9d199c7441))
(pad "MP" thru_hole oval locked (at 4.5 7) (size 2 3.5) (drill oval 1 2.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad "MP" thru_hole oval locked (at 4.5 7) (size 2 3.5) (drill oval 1 2.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "MountPin") (pintype "passive") (tstamp bb9d56ad-e2d5-401e-ab62-629c3edd88e3)) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "MountPin") (pintype "passive") (tstamp bb9d56ad-e2d5-401e-ab62-629c3edd88e3))
(pad "MP" thru_hole oval locked (at -4.5 7) (size 2 3.5) (drill oval 1 2.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad "MP" thru_hole oval locked (at -4.5 7) (size 2 3.5) (drill oval 1 2.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
@ -1117,4 +1117,129 @@
(gr_line (start 199.390549 71.345251) (end 199.390549 111.345251) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7bacb1b7-163f-4861-a0ed-98a6c5ab90ef)) (gr_line (start 199.390549 71.345251) (end 199.390549 111.345251) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7bacb1b7-163f-4861-a0ed-98a6c5ab90ef))
(gr_line (start 119.390549 111.345251) (end 119.390549 71.345251) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp eed64291-8834-49f5-bf98-4a2573554d45)) (gr_line (start 119.390549 111.345251) (end 119.390549 71.345251) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp eed64291-8834-49f5-bf98-4a2573554d45))
(segment (start 158.8747 76.8747) (end 154.4106 76.8747) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 2a9c9b98-41ab-459b-96d9-2c6d51f9feea))
(segment (start 173.62 80.54) (end 172.4947 80.54) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 37656fa9-c05c-49fc-b9cc-25497f464800))
(segment (start 171.3694 79.4147) (end 161.4147 79.4147) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 4ec3048c-1e82-4abb-ac6e-dff6102c1bde))
(segment (start 160 78) (end 158.8747 76.8747) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 75c70b04-a35d-4a45-a35f-8c74b5852d1e))
(segment (start 161.4147 79.4147) (end 160 78) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 851b2bc1-dd3e-4410-843b-951b9c03e308))
(segment (start 172.4947 80.54) (end 171.3694 79.4147) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 8998b758-8d87-4ad7-bf79-c2e78f1cc845))
(segment (start 154.4106 76.8747) (end 153.2853 78) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 8ad4cb9e-1056-40f8-b4fa-98968dbc539e))
(segment (start 152.16 78) (end 153.2853 78) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp c19087ad-654c-49c9-bb14-aefd1143a4dd))
(segment (start 173.62 80.54) (end 175.416 80.54) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp adcc689a-aa0e-46a6-97ef-02dd5bc18183))
(segment (start 175.416 80.54) (end 187.4143 92.5383) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp f34d1d4b-672b-4c33-a692-d6e42c3c2c63))
(segment (start 187.4143 92.5383) (end 187.4143 101.6035) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp f7beb6a6-5220-455c-addd-09e49123b6c4))
(segment (start 178.6099 94.6099) (end 180 96) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 01ffae98-6373-4b6a-ba79-a6b5365b198f))
(segment (start 133.5589 106.0447) (end 125.2515 106.0447) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 1221aaab-599e-4f47-b3e6-2454a17fcea3))
(segment (start 165.8912 91) (end 170.0758 95.1846) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 14e5b38c-1742-4656-8a0e-6afb5de63832))
(segment (start 143.1458 89.8542) (end 148.8542 89.8542) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 3aff4a79-c4db-4059-8d0f-a51bc8dc3e0a))
(segment (start 194 86) (end 189 86) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 43593ba0-31dc-4e9c-8a42-dfbe1907f59e))
(segment (start 189.4108 96) (end 189 96) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 47ae3475-9e8c-4e4c-94f1-9d437e383f28))
(segment (start 170.0758 95.1846) (end 173.4317 95.1846) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 565738ce-533a-4887-b793-0d420eca4276))
(segment (start 138 105) (end 134.6036 105) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 5ceea5a0-b1a7-49a9-ac4e-6bcd7185cc4a))
(segment (start 189 96) (end 189 86) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 6ade6b67-433d-4a48-a66b-b7901b82eb49))
(segment (start 134.6036 105) (end 133.9052 105.6984) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 9b69d48c-883f-495f-83d8-e6e64f0389a7))
(segment (start 148.8542 89.8542) (end 150 91) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp b9539b82-db02-49f3-ba9b-49d35343482f))
(segment (start 133.9052 105.6984) (end 133.5589 106.0447) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp ba47dbad-b5fa-4ac2-89cf-f0f520d19c1d))
(segment (start 189 96) (end 180 96) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp ce9115c1-a8a0-4afc-b618-02dc6faf15a9))
(segment (start 125.2515 106.0447) (end 124.9052 105.6984) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp ddb15e15-2451-4bf5-9b5c-1a0ffb3e9fb2))
(segment (start 173.4317 95.1846) (end 174.0064 94.6099) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp e0766ee5-da32-4e20-be96-309ad2d2fede))
(segment (start 142 91) (end 143.1458 89.8542) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp ebfaba76-65cf-41cf-9ee0-099bb5c65586))
(segment (start 195.0143 101.6035) (end 189.4108 96) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp f1b67cf5-8d76-47e4-9f89-a250903f7221))
(segment (start 174.0064 94.6099) (end 178.6099 94.6099) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp f3ff711b-c067-4c3d-bcee-18c0e98fda9e))
(segment (start 150 91) (end 165.8912 91) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp fa718c3c-f1ac-46ed-b9d6-33e81350a98e))
(segment (start 192.8128 73.2219) (end 195.0546 73.2219) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 1212077a-6991-48e0-9595-ed5569c9c220))
(segment (start 189.16 78) (end 189.16 79.1253) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 57d8ea0d-596a-4533-b827-6a2922de9969))
(segment (start 189 86) (end 189 79.2853) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 995b039d-dd95-4211-a8c8-14d1ce4b80d1))
(segment (start 142 99.7747) (end 138 103.7747) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp b645eb35-1de6-4068-80ba-9e09d2ffa428))
(segment (start 189.16 78) (end 189.16 76.8747) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d2772c19-0d6e-4706-ac0b-7fb1a3357ebb))
(segment (start 138 105) (end 138 103.7747) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d49df258-5a63-4bf1-8012-8136c777867c))
(segment (start 189 79.2853) (end 189.16 79.1253) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d68beed2-6b1b-42c7-ba68-acec0fdce6a9))
(segment (start 189.16 76.8747) (end 192.8128 73.2219) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d9f34c04-83e2-410c-9662-c1d6138ea185))
(segment (start 142 91) (end 142 99.7747) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp e35ca1d3-84ab-4331-89c2-4d4a27facf79))
(segment (start 148 94) (end 161 94) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 05076186-aa8c-4422-942d-c35ba457f49e))
(segment (start 145 91) (end 148 94) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 333b12f4-1770-46f9-a157-123e2db001f0))
(segment (start 142.5339 88.5339) (end 134.4505 88.5339) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 2ebdb8b1-358c-4f34-9ac9-14db46852df1))
(segment (start 145 91) (end 142.5339 88.5339) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 631e9175-1859-4f85-ad4c-6091279d2be5))
(segment (start 134.4505 88.5339) (end 121.9869 76.0703) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp f6651d0f-f32b-43dc-b379-60b0d11e881e))
(segment (start 149.16 97) (end 150.2853 97) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 02eef9db-39e0-4433-94e4-892508684a41))
(segment (start 155.27 97.0753) (end 150.3606 97.0753) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 0961c240-4bb1-433b-982e-d6d3d48e74ef))
(segment (start 173.9247 97.0753) (end 155.27 97.0753) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 328111e2-05bd-4134-99f0-82fce097ed15))
(segment (start 150.3606 97.0753) (end 150.2853 97) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 4bba0d63-36c0-4e2f-9dd8-8bdc2ee599d9))
(segment (start 175 96) (end 173.9247 97.0753) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 51cbbbbe-3800-4154-80ad-2446b8f08eae))
(segment (start 155.27 96) (end 155.27 97.0753) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp ae58d266-4f50-4d51-a1cc-3ec98b9b1bba))
(segment (start 127.0798 97.5089) (end 127.0798 104.3483) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 069d564d-5be4-4d28-be89-96f2299a658a))
(segment (start 174.1827 78) (end 173.62 78) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 1dcc5247-99a0-41af-8f63-df962e30575a))
(segment (start 175.8898 79.1445) (end 194.212 79.1445) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 1de47b67-dfb3-4251-abfa-c9aa911dad27))
(segment (start 127.0798 104.3483) (end 127.4299 104.6984) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 1fe72c60-e2b1-4942-95d4-e7ae2e09540b))
(segment (start 129.4052 104.6984) (end 127.4299 104.6984) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 4af30a61-31d1-4a54-bc14-f8975e39676b))
(segment (start 173.62 78) (end 172.4947 78) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 53ce8e6d-3ddc-409e-a72d-4360c16fe2de))
(segment (start 194.212 79.1445) (end 195.0546 78.3019) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 5dbd9295-4229-4ac2-be19-32a3d0f8ebf5))
(segment (start 149.9973 76.4081) (end 129.4052 97.0002) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 9b162c90-a0b4-4f99-9e17-47f3a7e56ee1))
(segment (start 174.7453 78) (end 175.8898 79.1445) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp a8e5553e-0019-4e3e-9498-3eeb157034cd))
(segment (start 129.4052 97.0002) (end 127.5885 97.0002) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp a9ddc237-58b1-40ae-b3d2-076e631621c2))
(segment (start 174.1827 78) (end 174.7453 78) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp d5d7ecc5-2776-4bd5-b515-2fa3f763b211))
(segment (start 170.9028 76.4081) (end 149.9973 76.4081) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp e35f5960-903d-4d2a-a063-27a6ce26d62e))
(segment (start 172.4947 78) (end 170.9028 76.4081) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp ec394e3e-6900-422f-abe1-483367ead325))
(segment (start 127.5885 97.0002) (end 127.0798 97.5089) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp f05052b7-4cba-455f-a307-3dbb9f261072))
(segment (start 173.16 91.84) (end 173.16 106) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 26a60585-631f-4fd5-9d2d-caf9d1dabe38))
(segment (start 179 86) (end 173.16 91.84) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 62c83349-1b67-44e0-9edb-3588a1b1acfe))
(segment (start 165.1667 84.35) (end 166.8197 84.35) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 04a4afe5-d6c5-4d70-ab74-d4bdc37d5544))
(segment (start 168.0897 85.62) (end 173.62 85.62) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 402c87ee-7acb-4b3a-9d16-6180a7ad1e2d))
(segment (start 155 78) (end 155.6427 78.6426) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 4bbb9c73-c534-46d9-84e3-c6d6a5867d35))
(segment (start 149.16 84) (end 150.2853 84) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 8aef74f8-d07c-4799-92ab-881d18f17faa))
(segment (start 155.6427 78.6426) (end 150.2853 84) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp b48889d4-eb7f-440a-ad83-e7132f8f6822))
(segment (start 166.8197 84.35) (end 168.0897 85.62) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp b9ecd66a-ecfc-4dfa-a6bb-7171f81ff637))
(segment (start 156.8703 79.8703) (end 160.687 79.8703) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp d5dec634-3614-4964-b2a3-e70cacc9c88a))
(segment (start 155.6427 78.6426) (end 156.8703 79.8703) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp de22b3f6-1e2a-49b2-9f2c-ab5080f6bb66))
(segment (start 160.687 79.8703) (end 165.1667 84.35) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp eaa35ad3-a5a0-4101-a219-417a07a6af31))
(segment (start 194.98 87.3653) (end 188.3653 87.3653) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 079e54f4-32d2-42ed-98b2-0a7f1be31605))
(segment (start 195.27 87.0753) (end 194.98 87.3653) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 63029f04-5086-4f4c-bbab-b82cf6c1c4a8))
(segment (start 188.3653 87.3653) (end 179 78) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 817252a9-9c63-4d91-b667-833c64ffa753))
(segment (start 179 78) (end 177.0703 76.0703) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 91891e81-9ba8-44fc-bbbc-4c0bfc4d8ba9))
(segment (start 177.0703 76.0703) (end 127.0669 76.0703) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 9602bed2-f6c4-4999-b40a-6342c7be7ea5))
(segment (start 195.27 86) (end 195.27 87.0753) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp dd109137-f591-44e3-9a2b-5bd8d815cb3c))
(segment (start 142 78) (end 146.1488 82.1488) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 2c9b9dd4-5fca-488a-9eab-46e2f218e648))
(segment (start 146.1488 99.3912) (end 140.54 105) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 55529a0f-55db-4c95-b4c2-7c9e63ee82b8))
(segment (start 146.1488 82.1488) (end 146.1488 99.3912) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 7d6f946d-db0a-487e-aba3-86307a040f1a))
(segment (start 195.8206 84.2053) (end 168.2506 84.2053) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 0e041bfd-761c-41ac-ae2a-3012f872f6aa))
(segment (start 168.2506 84.2053) (end 167.1253 83.08) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 5fbe6cd0-9148-4b8e-a427-d57edb680a91))
(segment (start 196.54 84.9247) (end 195.8206 84.2053) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 60eacc19-7040-475e-80f0-0710dc381bc7))
(segment (start 166 83.08) (end 167.1253 83.08) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 61fe3fa1-a22d-4da0-945d-a318ac9d2ca4))
(segment (start 196.54 86) (end 196.54 84.9247) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp a1a99997-4408-4b1f-99e0-95ad6ec64939))
(segment (start 164.8747 83.08) (end 164.2853 83.6694) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 3c649af3-2f14-4b29-823b-8d34e3cc14bd))
(segment (start 163.16 84) (end 164.2853 84) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 5076a14c-f82c-4205-b628-c44bfedd569a))
(segment (start 164.2853 83.6694) (end 164.2853 84) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 9960e4b7-c78f-46cc-951b-58b666b64b09))
(segment (start 166 83.08) (end 164.8747 83.08) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp d6652b3d-8f1b-431a-b6fb-3b72c7db10d3))
(segment (start 160.0347 84) (end 153 84) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 79a62eb8-39f8-442a-92a0-f924afac7f0b))
(segment (start 170.0347 94) (end 160.0347 84) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp d09f8e57-e247-4da9-bcf0-c417fdf8141f))
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(segment (start 161 104) (end 161 100) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp a9317beb-aff8-4606-b666-fe0eac0ebd3a))
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(segment (start 166 78) (end 166 79.1253) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp aa52f37a-4870-40fe-ae46-3c5294078284))
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(segment (start 172.4947 85.0492) (end 166.5708 79.1253) (width 0.25) (layer "B.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp dddfa065-b9b5-48d3-bf3d-cb011bb7f7fb))
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(segment (start 147.2381 75.7619) (end 139 84) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 99e122c1-975b-449f-94a2-a6114cbecc4d))
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(segment (start 156.54 96) (end 156.54 94.9247) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp 6b88206f-2e27-41cc-9d70-b2985e92d2a2))
(segment (start 129.4052 98.6984) (end 131.7305 98.6984) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp 6ff9adcf-ad06-4006-b89e-fc87ec5df8e5))
(segment (start 139 97) (end 133.4289 97) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp c7af4996-ea35-4748-9b04-2f2d0760270c))
(segment (start 140.9247 94.9247) (end 139 96.8494) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp ddf6c5c6-9893-4e3d-bd1d-739522c8dd84))
(segment (start 139 96.8494) (end 139 97) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp de457ee6-6ab0-47f4-878a-2675f74f4bde))
(segment (start 140.9247 94.9247) (end 137 91) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp e570bf23-c2d9-4476-90c6-90b5b16518fe))
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) )

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@ -583,6 +583,88 @@
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@ -1051,8 +1133,8 @@
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) )
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) )
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid cbd1beb0-4e1a-4131-bc21-f5d04a4adbc8) (uuid cbd1beb0-4e1a-4131-bc21-f5d04a4adbc8)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 121.92 146.05 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid ebed6589-278a-4a15-9559-ea7a4d8d2b1c) (uuid ebed6589-278a-4a15-9559-ea7a4d8d2b1c)
@ -3855,7 +3976,7 @@
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid f4428751-4522-4056-a660-a101cc66f793) (uuid f4428751-4522-4056-a660-a101cc66f793)
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@ -3905,11 +4026,8 @@
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@ -4013,5 +4131,8 @@
(path "/86eee192-26e0-42e3-9662-7d516b8d85d5" (path "/86eee192-26e0-42e3-9662-7d516b8d85d5"
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) )

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(via_costs 50) (via_costs 50)
(plane_via_costs 5) (plane_via_costs 5)
(start_ripup_costs 100) (start_ripup_costs 100)
(start_pass_no 10) (start_pass_no 12)
(layer_rule F.Cu (layer_rule F.Cu
(active on) (active on)
(preferred_direction horizontal) (preferred_direction horizontal)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
) )
(class default (class default
"Net-(BZ1-Pad1)" GND "Net-(C1-Pad1)" "Net-(C2-Pad1)" +9V "Net-(C4-Pad1)" "Net-(C5-Pad1)" "Net-(D1-Pad2)" "Net-(BZ1-Pad1)" GND "Net-(C1-Pad1)" "Net-(C2-Pad1)" +9V "Net-(C4-Pad1)" "Net-(C5-Pad1)" "Net-(D1-Pad2)"
"Net-(D2-Pad2)" "Net-(Q1-Pad3)" "Net-(Q2-Pad1)" "Net-(R5-Pad1)" "Net-(R6-Pad2)" "Net-(R7-Pad1)" GNDREF "Net-(D2-Pad2)" "Net-(Q1-Pad3)" "Net-(Q2-Pad1)" "Net-(R5-Pad1)" "Net-(R6-Pad2)" "Net-(R7-Pad1)" GNDREF "-9V"
(clearance_class default) (clearance_class default)
(via_rule default) (via_rule default)
(rule (rule

@ -3,47 +3,50 @@
(base_design gammaray2usb.dsn) (base_design gammaray2usb.dsn)
(placement (placement
(resolution um 10) (resolution um 10)
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(place J1 1294052 -986984 front 0)
(component OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical (component OptoDevice:R_LDR_7x6mm_P5.1mm_Vertical
(place D1 1242855 -772760 front 0) (place D1 1219869 -760703 front 0)
) )
(component Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering (component Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Bourns_3339P_Vertical_HandSoldering
(place RV1 1269892 -1056112 front 0) (place RV1 1950546 -783019 front 0)
) )
(component Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6 (component Buzzer_Beeper:Buzzer_15x7.5RM7.6
(place BZ1 1804004 -1016097 front 0) (place BZ1 1874143 -1016035 front 0)
) )
(component "Package_DIP:DIP-8_W7.62mm" (component "Package_DIP:DIP-8_W7.62mm"
(place U1 1578378 -902856 front 0) (place U1 1660000 -780000 front 0)
) )
(component LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm (component LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm
(place D2 1701409 -1058275 front 0) (place D2 1380000 -1050000 front 0)
) )
(component Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal (component Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal
(place R4 1424778 -967656 front 0) (place R4 1390000 -970000 front 0)
(place R8 1424778 -1048656 front 0) (place R8 1420000 -780000 front 0)
(place R1 1424778 -1008156 front 0) (place R1 1790000 -780000 front 0)
(place R6 1444778 -902356 front 0) (place R6 1610000 -1000000 front 0)
(place R3 1763378 -771756 front 0) (place R3 1530000 -840000 front 0)
(place R2 1630278 -771756 front 0) (place R2 1610000 -940000 front 0)
(place R7 1630278 -852756 front 0) (place R7 1390000 -840000 front 0)
(place R5 1630278 -812256 front 0) (place R5 1630000 -1060000 front 0)
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D9.0mm_W5.0mm_P5.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D9.0mm_W5.0mm_P5.00mm
(place C2 1446778 -851906 front 0) (place C2 1750000 -960000 front 0)
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D16.0mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D16.0mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm
(place C4 1261278 -917206 front 0) (place C4 1790000 -860000 front 0)
) )
(component "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline" (component "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline"
(place Q2 1690478 -969056 front 0) (place Q2 1540000 -960000 front 0)
(place Q1 1851078 -824556 front 0) (place Q1 1940000 -860000 front 0)
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D5.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D5.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm
(place C5 1446778 -786606 front 0) (place C5 1550000 -780000 front 0)
) )
(component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D6.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm (component Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D6.0mm_W2.5mm_P5.00mm
(place C1 1763055 -902856 front 0) (place C1 1450000 -910000 front 0)
(place C3 1763055 -837556 front 0) (place C3 1370000 -910000 front 0)
) )
) )
(was_is (was_is
@ -69,446 +72,479 @@
(net "Net-(BZ1-Pad1)" (net "Net-(BZ1-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1526378 -1048656 1736200 -805400
1526378 -1037403 1754160 -805400
1874143 -925383
1874143 -1016035
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1556604 -875899 1736200 -805400
1590968 -875899 1724947 -805400
1643325 -928256
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1526378 -1037403 1724947 -805400
1537696 -1026085 1713694 -794147
1537696 -912176 1614147 -794147
1534553 -909033 1600000 -780000
1534553 -897950
1556604 -875899
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1496778 -786606 1600000 -780000
1556604 -846432 1588747 -768747
1556604 -875899 1544106 -768747
1532853 -780000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1804004 -1016097 1521600 -780000
1790751 -1016097 1532853 -780000
) )
) )
(net GND
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1654578 -928256 1500000 -910000
1702910 -928256 1658912 -910000
1790751 -1016097 1700758 -951846
1734317 -951846
1740064 -946099
1786099 -946099
1800000 -960000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1654578 -928256 1420000 -910000
1643325 -928256 1431458 -898542
) 1488542 -898542
1500000 -910000
) )
) )
(net GND
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1851078 -824556 1339052 -1056984
1842575 -824556 1335589 -1060447
1252515 -1060447
1249052 -1056984
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1813055 -837556 1380000 -1050000
1829575 -837556 1346036 -1050000
1842575 -824556 1339052 -1056984
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1526378 -1008156 1890000 -960000
1526378 -996903 1800000 -960000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1526378 -996903 1950143 -1016035
1496778 -967303 1894108 -960000
1496778 -851906 1890000 -960000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1868431 -1004524 1890000 -960000
1826933 -1046022 1890000 -860000
1721319 -1046022
1713662 -1053679
1713662 -1058275
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1813055 -902856 1891600 -780000
1868431 -958232 1891600 -791253
1868431 -1004524
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1880004 -1016097 1890000 -860000
1868431 -1004524 1890000 -792853
1891600 -791253
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1701409 -1058275 1891600 -780000
1713662 -1058275 1891600 -768747
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1813055 -902856 1891600 -768747
1813055 -837556 1928128 -732219
1950546 -732219
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1701409 -1058275 1940000 -860000
1689156 -1058275 1890000 -860000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1526378 -1008156 1380000 -1050000
1639037 -1008156 1380000 -1037747
1689156 -1058275
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1361278 -917206 1420000 -910000
1273172 -1005312 1420000 -997747
1269892 -1005312 1380000 -1037747
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C1-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1496778 -851906 1450000 -910000
1471139 -877545 1480000 -940000
1400939 -877545 1610000 -940000
1361278 -917206
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C1-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1630278 -771756 1450000 -910000
1619416 -760894 1425339 -885339
1254721 -760894 1344505 -885339
1242855 -772760 1219869 -760703
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C2-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1763055 -902856 1750000 -960000
1631955 -771756 1739247 -970753
1630278 -771756 1552700 -970753
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C2-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1526378 -967656 1491600 -970000
1526378 -862034 1502853 -970000
1502723 -838379
1460305 -838379
1446778 -851906
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1703178 -969056 1552700 -960000
1703178 -958303 1552700 -970753
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1703178 -958303 1552700 -970753
1677874 -958303 1503606 -970753
1668521 -967656 1502853 -970000
1526378 -967656
) )
) )
) )
(net +9V (net +9V
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1715878 -902856 1294052 -1046984
1715878 -969056 1274299 -1046984
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1763055 -837556 1736200 -780000
1715878 -884733 1724947 -780000
1715878 -902856
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1715878 -902856 1724947 -780000
1665831 -902856 1709028 -764081
1499973 -764081
1294052 -970002
1275885 -970002
1270798 -975089
1270798 -1043483
1274299 -1046984
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1654578 -902856 1741827 -780000
1665831 -902856 1736200 -780000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1643325 -902856 1741827 -780000
1606626 -939555 1747453 -780000
1452878 -939555
1452878 -939556
1424778 -967656
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1424778 -967656 1747453 -780000
1336322 -1056112 1758898 -791445
1269892 -1056112 1942120 -791445
1950546 -783019
(net "Net-(C4-Pad1)"
(path B.Cu 2500
1790000 -860000
1731600 -918400
1731600 -1060000
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C5-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1654578 -902856 1556427 -786426
1643325 -902856 1568703 -798703
1606870 -798703
1651667 -843500
1668197 -843500
1680897 -856200
1736200 -856200
) )
(path F.Cu 2500
1550000 -780000
1556427 -786426
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C4-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1731878 -812256 1556427 -786426
1720625 -812256 1502853 -840000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1261278 -917206 1491600 -840000
1418241 -760243 1502853 -840000
1668612 -760243
1720625 -812256
) )
) )
) )
(net "Net-(C5-Pad1)" (net "Net-(D1-Pad2)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1643325 -898194 1790000 -780000
1643325 -907518 1770703 -760703
1649916 -914109 1270669 -760703
1657075 -914109
1665868 -922902
1665868 -959327
1657392 -967803
1654578 -967803
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1731878 -852756 1952700 -870753
1688763 -852756 1949800 -873653
1643325 -898194 1883653 -873653
1790000 -780000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1446778 -786606 1952700 -860000
1458481 -774903 1952700 -870753
1501196 -774903
1624487 -898194
1643325 -898194
) )
) )
(net "Net-(D2-Pad2)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1654578 -979056 1420000 -780000
1654578 -967803 1461488 -821488
1461488 -993912
1405400 -1050000
) )
) )
) )
(net "Net-(D1-Pad2)" (net "Net-(Q1-Pad3)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1863778 -813803 1631600 -840000
1810076 -760101 1642853 -840000
1684510 -760101
1661513 -783098
1519372 -783098
1506673 -770399
1446405 -770399
1372279 -844525
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1863778 -824556 1660000 -830800
1863778 -813803 1648747 -830800
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1372279 -844525 1648747 -830800
1400821 -873067 1642853 -836694
1400821 -984199 1642853 -840000
1424778 -1008156
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1372279 -844525 1660000 -830800
1365420 -844525 1671253 -830800
1293655 -772760
) )
) )
(path F.Cu 2500
1965400 -860000
1965400 -849247
) )
(net "Net-(D2-Pad2)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1424778 -1048656 1965400 -849247
1446651 -1070529 1958206 -842053
1714555 -1070529 1682506 -842053
1726809 -1058275 1671253 -830800
) )
) )
) )
(net "Net-(Q1-Pad3)" (net "Net-(Q2-Pad1)"
(path B.Cu 2500
1540000 -960000
1540000 -850000
1530000 -840000
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1876478 -824556 1711600 -940000
1876478 -835309 1700347 -940000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1876478 -835309 1700347 -940000
1864605 -835309 1600347 -840000
1784358 -915556 1530000 -840000
1643324 -915556 )
1605224 -953656
1578378 -953656
) )
) )
(net "Net-(R5-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1864978 -771756 1660000 -805400
1864978 -783009 1660000 -816653
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1876478 -824556 1610000 -1000000
1876478 -794509 1671253 -938747
1864978 -783009 1671253 -825092
1662814 -816653
1660000 -816653
) )
) )
(path B.Cu 2500
1630000 -1060000
1610000 -1040000
1610000 -1000000
) )
(net "Net-(Q2-Pad1)" )
(net "Net-(R6-Pad2)"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1690478 -969056 1660000 -780000
1690478 -979809 1660000 -791253
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1690478 -979809 1724947 -850492
1719927 -979809 1665708 -791253
1774505 -925231 1660000 -791253
1774505 -782883
1763378 -771756
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1731878 -771756 1711600 -988747
1763378 -771756 1724947 -975400
1724947 -850492
) )
(path B.Cu 2500
1724947 -850492
1733386 -842053
1736200 -842053
) )
) )
(net "Net-(R5-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1444778 -902356 1736200 -830800
1459425 -917003 1736200 -842053
1578378 -917003
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path B.Cu 2500
1578378 -928256 1711600 -1000000
1578378 -917003 1711600 -988747
) )
) )
(net "Net-(R7-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1630278 -812256 1925146 -757619
1641650 -823628 1472381 -757619
1641650 -860764 1390000 -840000
1585411 -917003
1578378 -917003
) )
) )
) )
(net "Net-(R6-Pad2)" (net "-9V"
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1578378 -902856 1409247 -949247
1589631 -902856 1390000 -968494
1390000 -970000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path B.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1589631 -902856 1565400 -949247
1640431 -953656 1409247 -949247
1654578 -953656
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1578378 -902856 1409247 -949247
1567125 -902856 1370000 -910000
) )
) )
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1546378 -902356 1294052 -986984
1566625 -902356 1317305 -986984
1567125 -902856 )
) )
(path F.Cu 2500
1390000 -970000
1334289 -970000
1317305 -986984
) )
) )
(net "Net-(R7-Pad1)"
(wire (wire
(path F.Cu 2500 (path F.Cu 2500
1630278 -852756 1565400 -960000
1598826 -884208 1565400 -949247
1424820 -884208
1278316 -1030712
1244492 -1030712
) )
) )
) )
