# include "temperature.h"
# include "ultralcd.h"
# ifdef ULTRA_LCD
# include "Marlin.h"
# include "language.h"
# include "cardreader.h"
# include "temperature.h"
# include "stepper.h"
# include "ConfigurationStore.h"
int8_t encoderDiff ; /* encoderDiff is updated from interrupt context and added to encoderPosition every LCD update */
/* Configuration settings */
int plaPreheatHotendTemp ;
int plaPreheatHPBTemp ;
int plaPreheatFanSpeed ;
int absPreheatHotendTemp ;
int absPreheatHPBTemp ;
int absPreheatFanSpeed ;
static float manual_feedrate [ ] = MANUAL_FEEDRATE ;
# endif // ULTIPANEL
/* !Configuration settings */
//Function pointer to menu functions.
typedef void ( * menuFunc_t ) ( ) ;
uint8_t lcd_status_message_level ;
char lcd_status_message [ LCD_WIDTH + 1 ] = WELCOME_MSG ;
# ifdef DOGLCD
# include "dogm_lcd_implementation.h"
# else
# include "ultralcd_implementation_hitachi_HD44780.h"
# endif
/** forward declarations **/
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
void copy_and_scalePID_i ( ) ;
void copy_and_scalePID_d ( ) ;
/* Different menus */
static void lcd_status_screen ( ) ;
extern bool powersupply ;
static void lcd_main_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_tune_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_prepare_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_move_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_temperature_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_temperature_preheat_pla_settings_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_temperature_preheat_abs_settings_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_motion_menu ( ) ;
# ifdef DOGLCD
static void lcd_set_contrast ( ) ;
# endif
static void lcd_control_retract_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_sdcard_menu ( ) ;
static void lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ; //Cause an LCD refresh, and give the user visual or audible feedback that something has happened
/* Different types of actions that can be used in menu items. */
static void menu_action_back ( menuFunc_t data ) ;
static void menu_action_submenu ( menuFunc_t data ) ;
static void menu_action_gcode ( const char * pgcode ) ;
static void menu_action_function ( menuFunc_t data ) ;
static void menu_action_sdfile ( const char * filename , char * longFilename ) ;
static void menu_action_sddirectory ( const char * filename , char * longFilename ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_bool ( const char * pstr , bool * ptr ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_int3 ( const char * pstr , int * ptr , int minValue , int maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float3 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float32 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float5 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float51 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float52 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_long5 ( const char * pstr , unsigned long * ptr , unsigned long minValue , unsigned long maxValue ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_bool ( const char * pstr , bool * ptr , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_int3 ( const char * pstr , int * ptr , int minValue , int maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float3 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float32 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float5 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float51 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float52 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_long5 ( const char * pstr , unsigned long * ptr , unsigned long minValue , unsigned long maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
# if !defined(LCD_I2C_VIKI)
# endif
# endif
# else
# define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 2 // VIKI LCD rotary encoder uses a different number of steps per rotation
# endif
# endif
# endif
/* Helper macros for menus */
# define START_MENU() do { \
if ( encoderPosition > 0x8000 ) encoderPosition = 0 ; \
if ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM < currentMenuViewOffset ) currentMenuViewOffset = encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ; \
uint8_t _lineNr = currentMenuViewOffset , _menuItemNr ; \
bool wasClicked = LCD_CLICKED ; \
for ( uint8_t _drawLineNr = 0 ; _drawLineNr < LCD_HEIGHT ; _drawLineNr + + , _lineNr + + ) { \
_menuItemNr = 0 ;
# define MENU_ITEM(type, label, args...) do { \
if ( _menuItemNr = = _lineNr ) { \
if ( lcdDrawUpdate ) { \
const char * _label_pstr = PSTR ( label ) ; \
if ( ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ) = = _menuItemNr ) { \
lcd_implementation_drawmenu_ # # type # # _selected ( _drawLineNr , _label_pstr , # # args ) ; \
} else { \
lcd_implementation_drawmenu_ # # type ( _drawLineNr , _label_pstr , # # args ) ; \
} \
} \
if ( wasClicked & & ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ) = = _menuItemNr ) { \
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ; \
menu_action_ # # type ( args ) ; \
return ; \
} \
} \
_menuItemNr + + ; \
} while ( 0 )
# define MENU_ITEM_DUMMY() do { _menuItemNr++; } while(0)
# define MENU_ITEM_EDIT(type, label, args...) MENU_ITEM(setting_edit_ ## type, label, PSTR(label) , ## args )
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
# define MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK(type, label, args...) MENU_ITEM(setting_edit_callback_ ## type, label, PSTR(label) , ## args )
# define END_MENU() \
if ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM > = _menuItemNr ) encoderPosition = _menuItemNr * ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM - 1 ; \
if ( ( uint8_t ) ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ) > = currentMenuViewOffset + LCD_HEIGHT ) { currentMenuViewOffset = ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ) - LCD_HEIGHT + 1 ; lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ; _lineNr = currentMenuViewOffset - 1 ; _drawLineNr = - 1 ; } \
} } while ( 0 )
/** Used variables to keep track of the menu */
volatile uint8_t buttons ; //Contains the bits of the currently pressed buttons.
# else
volatile uint8_t buttons_reprapworld_keypad ; // to store the reprapworld_keypad shift register values
# endif
volatile uint8_t slow_buttons ; //Contains the bits of the currently pressed buttons.
# endif
uint8_t currentMenuViewOffset ; /* scroll offset in the current menu */
uint32_t blocking_enc ;
uint8_t lastEncoderBits ;
uint32_t encoderPosition ;
bool lcd_oldcardstatus ;
# endif
# endif //ULTIPANEL
menuFunc_t currentMenu = lcd_status_screen ; /* function pointer to the currently active menu */
uint32_t lcd_next_update_millis ;
uint8_t lcd_status_update_delay ;
uint8_t lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ; /* Set to none-zero when the LCD needs to draw, decreased after every draw. Set to 2 in LCD routines so the LCD gets at least 1 full redraw (first redraw is partial) */
//prevMenu and prevEncoderPosition are used to store the previous menu location when editing settings.
menuFunc_t prevMenu = NULL ;
uint16_t prevEncoderPosition ;
//Variables used when editing values.
const char * editLabel ;
void * editValue ;
int32_t minEditValue , maxEditValue ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
menuFunc_t callbackFunc ;
// place-holders for Ki and Kd edits
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
float raw_Ki , raw_Kd ;
/* Main status screen. It's up to the implementation specific part to show what is needed. As this is very display dependent */
static void lcd_status_screen ( )
if ( lcd_status_update_delay )
lcd_status_update_delay - - ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_status_screen ( ) ;
lcd_status_update_delay = 10 ; /* redraw the main screen every second. This is easier then trying keep track of all things that change on the screen */
currentMenu = lcd_main_menu ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
lcd_implementation_init ( ) ; // to maybe revive the LCD if static electricity killed it.
// Dead zone at 100% feedrate
if ( ( feedmultiply < 100 & & ( feedmultiply + int ( encoderPosition ) ) > 100 ) | |
( feedmultiply > 100 & & ( feedmultiply + int ( encoderPosition ) ) < 100 ) )
encoderPosition = 0 ;
feedmultiply = 100 ;
if ( feedmultiply = = 100 & & int ( encoderPosition ) > ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE )
feedmultiply + = int ( encoderPosition ) - ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
else if ( feedmultiply = = 100 & & int ( encoderPosition ) < - ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE )
feedmultiply + = int ( encoderPosition ) + ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
else if ( feedmultiply ! = 100 )
feedmultiply + = int ( encoderPosition ) ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
if ( feedmultiply < 10 )
feedmultiply = 10 ;
if ( feedmultiply > 999 )
feedmultiply = 999 ;
# endif //ULTIPANEL
static void lcd_return_to_status ( )
encoderPosition = 0 ;
currentMenu = lcd_status_screen ;
static void lcd_sdcard_pause ( )
card . pauseSDPrint ( ) ;
static void lcd_sdcard_resume ( )
card . startFileprint ( ) ;
static void lcd_sdcard_stop ( )
card . sdprinting = false ;
card . closefile ( ) ;
quickStop ( ) ;
autotempShutdown ( ) ;
cancel_heatup = true ;
/* Menu implementation */
static void lcd_main_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_WATCH , lcd_status_screen ) ;
if ( movesplanned ( ) | | IS_SD_PRINTING )
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_TUNE , lcd_tune_menu ) ;
} else {
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_PREPARE , lcd_prepare_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_CONTROL , lcd_control_menu ) ;
if ( card . cardOK )
if ( card . isFileOpen ( ) )
if ( card . sdprinting )
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PAUSE_PRINT , lcd_sdcard_pause ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_RESUME_PRINT , lcd_sdcard_resume ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_STOP_PRINT , lcd_sdcard_stop ) ;
} else {
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_CARD_MENU , lcd_sdcard_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_CNG_SDCARD , PSTR ( " M21 " ) ) ; // SD-card changed by user
# endif
} else {
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_NO_CARD , lcd_sdcard_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_INIT_SDCARD , PSTR ( " M21 " ) ) ; // Manually initialize the SD-card via user interface
# endif
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_autostart_sd ( )
card . lastnr = 0 ;
card . setroot ( ) ;
card . checkautostart ( true ) ;
# endif
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
static void lcd_babystep_x ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
babystepsTodo [ X_AXIS ] + = ( int ) encoderPosition ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X ) , " " ) ;
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_tune_menu ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_babystep_y ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
babystepsTodo [ Y_AXIS ] + = ( int ) encoderPosition ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y ) , " " ) ;
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_tune_menu ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_babystep_z ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
babystepsTodo [ Z_AXIS ] + = BABYSTEP_Z_MULTIPLICATOR * ( int ) encoderPosition ;
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
encoderPosition = 0 ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z ) , " " ) ;
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_tune_menu ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_tune_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_MAIN , lcd_main_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_SPEED , & feedmultiply , 10 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE , & target_temperature [ 0 ] , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE1 , & target_temperature [ 1 ] , 0 , HEATER_1_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
# if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE2 , & target_temperature [ 2 ] , 0 , HEATER_2_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_BED , & target_temperature_bed , 0 , BED_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FAN_SPEED , & fanSpeed , 0 , 255 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FLOW , & extrudemultiply , 10 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FLOW0 , & extruder_multiply [ 0 ] , 10 , 999 ) ;
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FLOW1 , & extruder_multiply [ 1 ] , 10 , 999 ) ;
# endif
# if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FLOW2 , & extruder_multiply [ 2 ] , 10 , 999 ) ;
# endif
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_BABYSTEP_X , lcd_babystep_x ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_BABYSTEP_Y , lcd_babystep_y ) ;
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
# endif //BABYSTEP_XY
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_BABYSTEP_Z , lcd_babystep_z ) ;
Add the socalled "Babystepping" feature.
It is a realtime control over the head position via the LCD menu system that works _while_ printing.
Using it, one can e.g. tune the z-position in realtime, while printing the first layer.
Also, lost steps can be manually added/removed, but thats not the prime feature.
Stuff is placed into the Tune->Babystep *
It is not possible to have realtime control via gcode sending due to the buffering, so I did not include a gcode yet. However, it could be added, but it movements will not be realtime then.
Historically, a very similar thing was implemented for the "Kaamermaker" project, while Joris was babysitting his offspring, hence the name.
say goodby to fuddling around with the z-axis.
12 years ago
# endif
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE , PSTR ( " M600 " ) ) ;
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
void lcd_preheat_pla0 ( )
setTargetHotend0 ( plaPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( plaPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = plaPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
void lcd_preheat_abs0 ( )
setTargetHotend0 ( absPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( absPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = absPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //2nd extruder preheat
void lcd_preheat_pla1 ( )
setTargetHotend1 ( plaPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( plaPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = plaPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
void lcd_preheat_abs1 ( )
setTargetHotend1 ( absPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( absPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = absPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
# endif //2nd extruder preheat
# if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //3 extruder preheat
void lcd_preheat_pla2 ( )
setTargetHotend2 ( plaPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( plaPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = plaPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
void lcd_preheat_abs2 ( )
setTargetHotend2 ( absPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( absPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = absPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
# endif //3 extruder preheat
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 || TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //more than one extruder present
void lcd_preheat_pla012 ( )
setTargetHotend0 ( plaPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetHotend1 ( plaPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetHotend2 ( plaPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( plaPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = plaPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
void lcd_preheat_abs012 ( )
setTargetHotend0 ( absPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetHotend1 ( absPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetHotend2 ( absPreheatHotendTemp ) ;
setTargetBed ( absPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = absPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
# endif //more than one extruder present
void lcd_preheat_pla_bedonly ( )
setTargetBed ( plaPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = plaPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
void lcd_preheat_abs_bedonly ( )
setTargetBed ( absPreheatHPBTemp ) ;
fanSpeed = absPreheatFanSpeed ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
setWatch ( ) ; // heater sanity check timer
static void lcd_preheat_pla_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_PREPARE , lcd_prepare_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA0 , lcd_preheat_pla0 ) ;
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //2 extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA1 , lcd_preheat_pla1 ) ;
# endif //2 extruder preheat
# if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //3 extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA2 , lcd_preheat_pla2 ) ;
# endif //3 extruder preheat
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 || TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //all extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA012 , lcd_preheat_pla012 ) ;
# endif //2 extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_BEDONLY , lcd_preheat_pla_bedonly ) ;
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_preheat_abs_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_PREPARE , lcd_prepare_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS0 , lcd_preheat_abs0 ) ;
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //2 extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS1 , lcd_preheat_abs1 ) ;
# endif //2 extruder preheat
# if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //3 extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS2 , lcd_preheat_abs2 ) ;
# endif //3 extruder preheat
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 || TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //all extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS012 , lcd_preheat_abs012 ) ;
# endif //2 extruder preheat
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_BEDONLY , lcd_preheat_abs_bedonly ) ;
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
void lcd_cooldown ( )
setTargetHotend0 ( 0 ) ;
setTargetHotend1 ( 0 ) ;
setTargetHotend2 ( 0 ) ;
setTargetBed ( 0 ) ;
fanSpeed = 0 ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
static void lcd_prepare_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_MAIN , lcd_main_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_AUTOSTART , lcd_autostart_sd ) ;
# endif
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS , PSTR ( " M84 " ) ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_AUTO_HOME , PSTR ( " G28 " ) ) ;
//MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_SET_ORIGIN, PSTR("G92 X0 Y0 Z0"));
# if TEMP_SENSOR_0 != 0
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 || TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 || TEMP_SENSOR_BED != 0
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA , lcd_preheat_pla_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS , lcd_preheat_abs_menu ) ;
# else
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA , lcd_preheat_pla0 ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS , lcd_preheat_abs0 ) ;
# endif
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_COOLDOWN , lcd_cooldown ) ;
# if PS_ON_PIN > -1
if ( powersupply )
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF , PSTR ( " M81 " ) ) ;
} else {
MENU_ITEM ( gcode , MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON , PSTR ( " M80 " ) ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_AXIS , lcd_move_menu ) ;
END_MENU ( ) ;
float move_menu_scale ;
static void lcd_move_menu_axis ( ) ;
static void lcd_move_x ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
refresh_cmd_timeout ( ) ;
current_position [ X_AXIS ] + = float ( ( int ) encoderPosition ) * move_menu_scale ;
if ( min_software_endstops & & current_position [ X_AXIS ] < X_MIN_POS )
current_position [ X_AXIS ] = X_MIN_POS ;
if ( max_software_endstops & & current_position [ X_AXIS ] > X_MAX_POS )
current_position [ X_AXIS ] = X_MAX_POS ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
# ifdef DELTA
calculate_delta ( current_position ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( delta [ X_AXIS ] , delta [ Y_AXIS ] , delta [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ X_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# else
plan_buffer_line ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ X_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# endif
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( " X " ) , ftostr31 ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] ) ) ;
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_move_menu_axis ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_move_y ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
refresh_cmd_timeout ( ) ;
current_position [ Y_AXIS ] + = float ( ( int ) encoderPosition ) * move_menu_scale ;
if ( min_software_endstops & & current_position [ Y_AXIS ] < Y_MIN_POS )
current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = Y_MIN_POS ;
if ( max_software_endstops & & current_position [ Y_AXIS ] > Y_MAX_POS )
current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = Y_MAX_POS ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
# ifdef DELTA
calculate_delta ( current_position ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( delta [ X_AXIS ] , delta [ Y_AXIS ] , delta [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ Y_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# else
plan_buffer_line ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ Y_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# endif
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( " Y " ) , ftostr31 ( current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ) ) ;
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_move_menu_axis ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_move_z ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
refresh_cmd_timeout ( ) ;
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] + = float ( ( int ) encoderPosition ) * move_menu_scale ;
if ( min_software_endstops & & current_position [ Z_AXIS ] < Z_MIN_POS )
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] = Z_MIN_POS ;
if ( max_software_endstops & & current_position [ Z_AXIS ] > Z_MAX_POS )
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] = Z_MAX_POS ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
# ifdef DELTA
calculate_delta ( current_position ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( delta [ X_AXIS ] , delta [ Y_AXIS ] , delta [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# else
plan_buffer_line ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# endif
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( " Z " ) , ftostr31 ( current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ) ) ;
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_move_menu_axis ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_move_e ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
current_position [ E_AXIS ] + = float ( ( int ) encoderPosition ) * move_menu_scale ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
# ifdef DELTA
calculate_delta ( current_position ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( delta [ X_AXIS ] , delta [ Y_AXIS ] , delta [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ E_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# else
plan_buffer_line ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] , manual_feedrate [ E_AXIS ] / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
# endif
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( " Extruder " ) , ftostr31 ( current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ) ;
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_move_menu_axis ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void lcd_move_menu_axis ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_MOVE_AXIS , lcd_move_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_X , lcd_move_x ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_Y , lcd_move_y ) ;
if ( move_menu_scale < 10.0 )
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_Z , lcd_move_z ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_E , lcd_move_e ) ;
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_move_menu_10mm ( )
move_menu_scale = 10.0 ;
lcd_move_menu_axis ( ) ;
static void lcd_move_menu_1mm ( )
move_menu_scale = 1.0 ;
lcd_move_menu_axis ( ) ;
static void lcd_move_menu_01mm ( )
move_menu_scale = 0.1 ;
lcd_move_menu_axis ( ) ;
static void lcd_move_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_PREPARE , lcd_prepare_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_10MM , lcd_move_menu_10mm ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_1MM , lcd_move_menu_1mm ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOVE_01MM , lcd_move_menu_01mm ) ;
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_MAIN , lcd_main_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_TEMPERATURE , lcd_control_temperature_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_MOTION , lcd_control_motion_menu ) ;
# ifdef DOGLCD
// MENU_ITEM_EDIT(int3, MSG_CONTRAST, &lcd_contrast, 0, 63);
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_CONTRAST , lcd_set_contrast ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_RETRACT , lcd_control_retract_menu ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_STORE_EPROM , Config_StoreSettings ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_LOAD_EPROM , Config_RetrieveSettings ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE , Config_ResetDefault ) ;
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_temperature_menu ( )
# ifdef PIDTEMP
// set up temp variables - undo the default scaling
raw_Ki = unscalePID_i ( Ki ) ;
raw_Kd = unscalePID_d ( Kd ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_CONTROL , lcd_control_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE , & target_temperature [ 0 ] , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE1 , & target_temperature [ 1 ] , 0 , HEATER_1_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
# if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE2 , & target_temperature [ 2 ] , 0 , HEATER_2_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_BED , & target_temperature_bed , 0 , BED_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FAN_SPEED , & fanSpeed , 0 , 255 ) ;
# ifdef AUTOTEMP
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( bool , MSG_AUTOTEMP , & autotemp_enabled ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_MIN , & autotemp_min , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_MAX , & autotemp_max , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float32 , MSG_FACTOR , & autotemp_factor , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ;
# endif
# ifdef PIDTEMP
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_PID_P , & Kp , 1 , 9990 ) ;
// i is typically a small value so allows values below 1
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( float52 , MSG_PID_I , & raw_Ki , 0.01 , 9990 , copy_and_scalePID_i ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( float52 , MSG_PID_D , & raw_Kd , 1 , 9990 , copy_and_scalePID_d ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_PID_C , & Kc , 1 , 9990 ) ;
# endif //PIDTEMP
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS , lcd_control_temperature_preheat_pla_settings_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( submenu , MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS , lcd_control_temperature_preheat_abs_settings_menu ) ;
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_temperature_preheat_pla_settings_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_TEMPERATURE , lcd_control_temperature_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FAN_SPEED , & plaPreheatFanSpeed , 0 , 255 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE , & plaPreheatHotendTemp , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_BED , & plaPreheatHPBTemp , 0 , BED_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_STORE_EPROM , Config_StoreSettings ) ;
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_temperature_preheat_abs_settings_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_TEMPERATURE , lcd_control_temperature_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_FAN_SPEED , & absPreheatFanSpeed , 0 , 255 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE , & absPreheatHotendTemp , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_BED , & absPreheatHPBTemp , 0 , BED_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM ( function , MSG_STORE_EPROM , Config_StoreSettings ) ;
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
static void lcd_control_motion_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_CONTROL , lcd_control_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float32 , MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET , & zprobe_zoffset , 0.5 , 50 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float5 , MSG_ACC , & acceleration , 500 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VXY_JERK , & max_xy_jerk , 1 , 990 ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_VZ_JERK , & max_z_jerk , 0.1 , 990 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VE_JERK , & max_e_jerk , 1 , 990 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_X , & max_feedrate [ X_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_Y , & max_feedrate [ Y_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_Z , & max_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_E , & max_feedrate [ E_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMIN , & minimumfeedrate , 0 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VTRAV_MIN , & mintravelfeedrate , 0 , 999 ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_X , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ X_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_Y , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ Y_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_Z , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ Z_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_E , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ E_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float5 , MSG_A_RETRACT , & retract_acceleration , 100 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_XSTEPS , & axis_steps_per_unit [ X_AXIS ] , 5 , 9999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_YSTEPS , & axis_steps_per_unit [ Y_AXIS ] , 5 , 9999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float51 , MSG_ZSTEPS , & axis_steps_per_unit [ Z_AXIS ] , 5 , 9999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float51 , MSG_ESTEPS , & axis_steps_per_unit [ E_AXIS ] , 5 , 9999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( bool , MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT , & abort_on_endstop_hit ) ;
# endif
# ifdef SCARA
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float74 , MSG_XSCALE , & axis_scaling [ X_AXIS ] , 0.5 , 2 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float74 , MSG_YSCALE , & axis_scaling [ Y_AXIS ] , 0.5 , 2 ) ;
# endif
END_MENU ( ) ;
# ifdef DOGLCD
static void lcd_set_contrast ( )
if ( encoderPosition ! = 0 )
lcd_contrast - = encoderPosition ;
if ( lcd_contrast < 0 ) lcd_contrast = 0 ;
else if ( lcd_contrast > 63 ) lcd_contrast = 63 ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
u8g . setContrast ( lcd_contrast ) ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( PSTR ( MSG_CONTRAST ) , itostr2 ( lcd_contrast ) ) ;
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ;
currentMenu = lcd_control_menu ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
# endif
static void lcd_control_retract_menu ( )
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_CONTROL , lcd_control_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( bool , MSG_AUTORETRACT , & autoretract_enabled ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT , & retract_length , 0 , 100 ) ;
# if EXTRUDERS > 1
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP , & retract_length_swap , 0 , 100 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF , & retract_feedrate , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT , & retract_zlift , 0 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER , & retract_recover_length , 0 , 100 ) ;
# if EXTRUDERS > 1
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAP , & retract_recover_length_swap , 0 , 100 ) ;
# endif
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF , & retract_recover_feedrate , 1 , 999 ) ;
END_MENU ( ) ;
# endif
static void lcd_sd_refresh ( )
card . initsd ( ) ;
currentMenuViewOffset = 0 ;
# endif
static void lcd_sd_updir ( )
card . updir ( ) ;
currentMenuViewOffset = 0 ;
void lcd_sdcard_menu ( )
if ( lcdDrawUpdate = = 0 & & LCD_CLICKED = = 0 )
return ; // nothing to do (so don't thrash the SD card)
uint16_t fileCnt = card . getnrfilenames ( ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_MAIN , lcd_main_menu ) ;
card . getWorkDirName ( ) ;
if ( card . filename [ 0 ] = = ' / ' )
MENU_ITEM ( function , LCD_STR_REFRESH MSG_REFRESH , lcd_sd_refresh ) ;
# endif
} else {
MENU_ITEM ( function , LCD_STR_FOLDER " .. " , lcd_sd_updir ) ;
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < fileCnt ; i + + )
if ( _menuItemNr = = _lineNr )
int nr = fileCnt - 1 - i ;
# else
int nr = i ;
# endif
card . getfilename_sorted ( nr ) ;
# else
card . getfilename ( nr ) ;
# endif
if ( card . filenameIsDir ) {
MENU_ITEM ( sddirectory , MSG_CARD_MENU , card . filename , card . longFilename ) ;
else {
MENU_ITEM ( sdfile , MSG_CARD_MENU , card . filename , card . longFilename ) ;
} else {
END_MENU ( ) ;
# define menu_edit_type(_type, _name, _strFunc, scale) \
void menu_edit_ # # _name ( ) \
{ \
if ( ( int32_t ) encoderPosition < minEditValue ) \
encoderPosition = minEditValue ; \
if ( ( int32_t ) encoderPosition > maxEditValue ) \
encoderPosition = maxEditValue ; \
if ( lcdDrawUpdate ) \
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( editLabel , _strFunc ( ( ( _type ) encoderPosition ) / scale ) ) ; \
if ( LCD_CLICKED ) \
{ \
* ( ( _type * ) editValue ) = ( ( _type ) encoderPosition ) / scale ; \
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ; \
currentMenu = prevMenu ; \
encoderPosition = prevEncoderPosition ; \
} \
} \
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
void menu_edit_callback_ # # _name ( ) \
{ \
if ( ( int32_t ) encoderPosition < minEditValue ) \
encoderPosition = minEditValue ; \
if ( ( int32_t ) encoderPosition > maxEditValue ) \
encoderPosition = maxEditValue ; \
if ( lcdDrawUpdate ) \
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( editLabel , _strFunc ( ( ( _type ) encoderPosition ) / scale ) ) ; \
if ( LCD_CLICKED ) \
{ \
* ( ( _type * ) editValue ) = ( ( _type ) encoderPosition ) / scale ; \
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ; \
currentMenu = prevMenu ; \
encoderPosition = prevEncoderPosition ; \
( * callbackFunc ) ( ) ; \
} \
} \
static void menu_action_setting_edit_ # # _name ( const char * pstr , _type * ptr , _type minValue , _type maxValue ) \
{ \
prevMenu = currentMenu ; \
prevEncoderPosition = encoderPosition ; \
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ; \
currentMenu = menu_edit_ # # _name ; \
editLabel = pstr ; \
editValue = ptr ; \
minEditValue = minValue * scale ; \
maxEditValue = maxValue * scale ; \
encoderPosition = ( * ptr ) * scale ; \
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
} \
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_ # # _name ( const char * pstr , _type * ptr , _type minValue , _type maxValue , menuFunc_t callback ) \
{ \
prevMenu = currentMenu ; \
prevEncoderPosition = encoderPosition ; \
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ; \
currentMenu = menu_edit_callback_ # # _name ; \
editLabel = pstr ; \
editValue = ptr ; \
minEditValue = minValue * scale ; \
maxEditValue = maxValue * scale ; \
encoderPosition = ( * ptr ) * scale ; \
callbackFunc = callback ; \
menu_edit_type ( int , int3 , itostr3 , 1 )
menu_edit_type ( float , float3 , ftostr3 , 1 )
menu_edit_type ( float , float32 , ftostr32 , 100 )
menu_edit_type ( float , float5 , ftostr5 , 0.01 )
menu_edit_type ( float , float51 , ftostr51 , 10 )
menu_edit_type ( float , float52 , ftostr52 , 100 )
menu_edit_type ( unsigned long , long5 , ftostr5 , 0.01 )
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_z_up ( ) {
encoderPosition = 1 ;
lcd_move_z ( ) ;
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_z_down ( ) {
encoderPosition = - 1 ;
lcd_move_z ( ) ;
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_x_left ( ) {
encoderPosition = - 1 ;
lcd_move_x ( ) ;
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_x_right ( ) {
encoderPosition = 1 ;
lcd_move_x ( ) ;
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_y_down ( ) {
encoderPosition = 1 ;
lcd_move_y ( ) ;
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_y_up ( ) {
encoderPosition = - 1 ;
lcd_move_y ( ) ;
static void reprapworld_keypad_move_home ( ) {
enquecommand_P ( ( PSTR ( " G28 " ) ) ) ; // move all axis home
# endif
/** End of menus **/
static void lcd_quick_feedback ( )
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ;
blocking_enc = millis ( ) + 500 ;
lcd_implementation_quick_feedback ( ) ;
/** Menu action functions **/
static void menu_action_back ( menuFunc_t data )
currentMenu = data ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void menu_action_submenu ( menuFunc_t data )
currentMenu = data ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void menu_action_gcode ( const char * pgcode )
enquecommand_P ( pgcode ) ;
static void menu_action_function ( menuFunc_t data )
( * data ) ( ) ;
static void menu_action_sdfile ( const char * filename , char * longFilename )
char cmd [ 30 ] ;
char * c ;
sprintf_P ( cmd , PSTR ( " M23 %s " ) , filename ) ;
for ( c = & cmd [ 4 ] ; * c ; c + + )
* c = tolower ( * c ) ;
enquecommand ( cmd ) ;
enquecommand_P ( PSTR ( " M24 " ) ) ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
static void menu_action_sddirectory ( const char * filename , char * longFilename )
card . chdir ( filename ) ;
encoderPosition = 0 ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_bool ( const char * pstr , bool * ptr )
* ptr = ! ( * ptr ) ;
# endif //ULTIPANEL
/** LCD API **/
void lcd_init ( )
lcd_implementation_init ( ) ;
# ifdef NEWPANEL
pinMode ( BTN_EN1 , INPUT ) ;
pinMode ( BTN_EN2 , INPUT ) ;
# if BTN_ENC > 0
pinMode ( BTN_ENC , INPUT ) ;
# endif
pinMode ( SHIFT_CLK , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SHIFT_LD , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SHIFT_OUT , INPUT ) ;
# endif
# else // Not NEWPANEL
# ifdef SR_LCD_2W_NL // Non latching 2 wire shift register
pinMode ( SR_DATA_PIN , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SR_CLK_PIN , OUTPUT ) ;
# elif defined(SHIFT_CLK)
pinMode ( SHIFT_CLK , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SHIFT_LD , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SHIFT_EN , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( SHIFT_OUT , INPUT ) ;
# else
# error ULTIPANEL requires an encoder
# endif
# endif // SR_LCD_2W_NL
# endif //!NEWPANEL
# if defined(SDSUPPORT) && defined(SDCARDDETECT) && (SDCARDDETECT > 0)
lcd_oldcardstatus = IS_SD_INSERTED ;
# endif //(SDCARDDETECT > 0)
slow_buttons = 0 ;
# endif
lcd_buttons_update ( ) ;
encoderDiff = 0 ;
# endif
void lcd_update ( )
static unsigned long timeoutToStatus = 0 ;
slow_buttons = lcd_implementation_read_slow_buttons ( ) ; // buttons which take too long to read in interrupt context
# endif
lcd_buttons_update ( ) ;
if ( ( IS_SD_INSERTED ! = lcd_oldcardstatus ) )
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ;
lcd_oldcardstatus = IS_SD_INSERTED ;
lcd_implementation_init ( ) ; // to maybe revive the LCD if static electricity killed it.
if ( lcd_oldcardstatus )
card . initsd ( ) ;
card . release ( ) ;
if ( lcd_next_update_millis < millis ( ) )
reprapworld_keypad_move_z_up ( ) ;
reprapworld_keypad_move_z_down ( ) ;
reprapworld_keypad_move_x_left ( ) ;
reprapworld_keypad_move_x_right ( ) ;
reprapworld_keypad_move_y_down ( ) ;
reprapworld_keypad_move_y_up ( ) ;
reprapworld_keypad_move_home ( ) ;
# endif
if ( abs ( encoderDiff ) > = ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP )
lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ;
encoderPosition + = encoderDiff / ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP ;
encoderDiff = 0 ;
timeoutToStatus = millis ( ) + LCD_TIMEOUT_TO_STATUS ;
timeoutToStatus = millis ( ) + LCD_TIMEOUT_TO_STATUS ;
# endif //ULTIPANEL
# ifdef DOGLCD // Changes due to different driver architecture of the DOGM display
blink + + ; // Variable for fan animation and alive dot
u8g . firstPage ( ) ;
u8g . setFont ( u8g_font_6x10_marlin ) ;
u8g . setPrintPos ( 125 , 0 ) ;
if ( blink % 2 ) u8g . setColorIndex ( 1 ) ; else u8g . setColorIndex ( 0 ) ; // Set color for the alive dot
u8g . drawPixel ( 127 , 63 ) ; // draw alive dot
u8g . setColorIndex ( 1 ) ; // black on white
( * currentMenu ) ( ) ;
if ( ! lcdDrawUpdate ) break ; // Terminate display update, when nothing new to draw. This must be done before the last dogm.next()
} while ( u8g . nextPage ( ) ) ;
# else
( * currentMenu ) ( ) ;
# endif
lcd_implementation_update_indicators ( ) ;
# endif
if ( timeoutToStatus < millis ( ) & & currentMenu ! = lcd_status_screen )
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ;
# endif //ULTIPANEL
if ( lcdDrawUpdate = = 2 )
lcd_implementation_clear ( ) ;
if ( lcdDrawUpdate )
lcdDrawUpdate - - ;
lcd_next_update_millis = millis ( ) + 100 ;
void lcd_setstatus ( const char * message )
if ( lcd_status_message_level > 0 )
return ;
strncpy ( lcd_status_message , message , LCD_WIDTH ) ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ;
void lcd_setstatuspgm ( const char * message )
if ( lcd_status_message_level > 0 )
return ;
strncpy_P ( lcd_status_message , message , LCD_WIDTH ) ;
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ;
void lcd_setalertstatuspgm ( const char * message )
lcd_setstatuspgm ( message ) ;
lcd_status_message_level = 1 ;
lcd_return_to_status ( ) ;
# endif //ULTIPANEL
void lcd_reset_alert_level ( )
lcd_status_message_level = 0 ;
# ifdef DOGLCD
void lcd_setcontrast ( uint8_t value )
lcd_contrast = value & 63 ;
u8g . setContrast ( lcd_contrast ) ;
# endif
/* Warning: This function is called from interrupt context */
void lcd_buttons_update ( )
# ifdef NEWPANEL
uint8_t newbutton = 0 ;
if ( READ ( BTN_EN1 ) = = 0 ) newbutton | = EN_A ;
if ( READ ( BTN_EN2 ) = = 0 ) newbutton | = EN_B ;
# if BTN_ENC > 0
if ( ( blocking_enc < millis ( ) ) & & ( READ ( BTN_ENC ) = = 0 ) )
newbutton | = EN_C ;
# endif
buttons = newbutton ;
buttons | = slow_buttons ;
# endif
// for the reprapworld_keypad
uint8_t newbutton_reprapworld_keypad = 0 ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + ) {
newbutton_reprapworld_keypad = newbutton_reprapworld_keypad > > 1 ;
if ( READ ( SHIFT_OUT ) )
newbutton_reprapworld_keypad | = ( 1 < < 7 ) ;
buttons_reprapworld_keypad = ~ newbutton_reprapworld_keypad ; //invert it, because a pressed switch produces a logical 0
# endif
# else //read it from the shift register
uint8_t newbutton = 0 ;
unsigned char tmp_buttons = 0 ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
newbutton = newbutton > > 1 ;
if ( READ ( SHIFT_OUT ) )
newbutton | = ( 1 < < 7 ) ;
buttons = ~ newbutton ; //invert it, because a pressed switch produces a logical 0
# endif //!NEWPANEL
//manage encoder rotation
uint8_t enc = 0 ;
if ( buttons & EN_A )
enc | = ( 1 < < 0 ) ;
if ( buttons & EN_B )
enc | = ( 1 < < 1 ) ;
if ( enc ! = lastEncoderBits )
switch ( enc )
case encrot0 :
if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot3 )
encoderDiff + + ;
else if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot1 )
encoderDiff - - ;
break ;
case encrot1 :
if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot0 )
encoderDiff + + ;
else if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot2 )
encoderDiff - - ;
break ;
case encrot2 :
if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot1 )
encoderDiff + + ;
else if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot3 )
encoderDiff - - ;
break ;
case encrot3 :
if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot2 )
encoderDiff + + ;
else if ( lastEncoderBits = = encrot0 )
encoderDiff - - ;
break ;
lastEncoderBits = enc ;
void lcd_buzz ( long duration , uint16_t freq )
lcd . buzz ( duration , freq ) ;
# endif
bool lcd_clicked ( )
return LCD_CLICKED ;
# endif //ULTIPANEL
/** Float conversion utilities **/
// convert float to string with +123.4 format
char conv [ 8 ] ;
char * ftostr3 ( const float & x )
return itostr3 ( ( int ) x ) ;
char * itostr2 ( const uint8_t & x )
int xx = x ;
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
// convert float to string with +123.4 format
char * ftostr31 ( const float & x )
int xx = x * 10 ;
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx > = 0 ) ? ' + ' : ' - ' ;
xx = abs ( xx ) ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ' . ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 6 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
// convert float to string with 123.4 format
char * ftostr31ns ( const float & x )
int xx = x * 10 ;
xx = abs ( xx ) ;
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ' . ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
char * ftostr32 ( const float & x )
long xx = x * 100 ;
if ( xx > = 0 )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 10000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 0 ] = ' - ' ;
xx = abs ( xx ) ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ' . ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 6 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
char * itostr31 ( const int & xx )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx > = 0 ) ? ' + ' : ' - ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ' . ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 6 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
char * itostr3 ( const int & x )
int xx = x ;
if ( xx < 0 ) {
conv [ 0 ] = ' - ' ;
xx = - xx ;
} else if ( xx > = 100 )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 0 ] = ' ' ;
if ( xx > = 10 )
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ' ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
char * itostr3left ( const int & xx )
if ( xx > = 100 )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = 0 ;
else if ( xx > = 10 )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = 0 ;
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
char * itostr4 ( const int & xx )
if ( xx > = 1000 )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 0 ] = ' ' ;
if ( xx > = 100 )
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ' ' ;
if ( xx > = 10 )
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ' ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
// convert float to string with 12345 format
char * ftostr5 ( const float & x )
long xx = abs ( x ) ;
if ( xx > = 10000 )
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx / 10000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 0 ] = ' ' ;
if ( xx > = 1000 )
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 1 ] = ' ' ;
if ( xx > = 100 )
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ' ' ;
if ( xx > = 10 )
conv [ 3 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ' ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
// convert float to string with +1234.5 format
char * ftostr51 ( const float & x )
long xx = x * 10 ;
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx > = 0 ) ? ' + ' : ' - ' ;
xx = abs ( xx ) ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 10000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = ' . ' ;
conv [ 6 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 7 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
// convert float to string with +123.45 format
char * ftostr52 ( const float & x )
long xx = x * 100 ;
conv [ 0 ] = ( xx > = 0 ) ? ' + ' : ' - ' ;
xx = abs ( xx ) ;
conv [ 1 ] = ( xx / 10000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 2 ] = ( xx / 1000 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 3 ] = ( xx / 100 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 4 ] = ' . ' ;
conv [ 5 ] = ( xx / 10 ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 6 ] = ( xx ) % 10 + ' 0 ' ;
conv [ 7 ] = 0 ;
return conv ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
// Callback for after editing PID i value
// grab the PID i value out of the temp variable; scale it; then update the PID driver
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
void copy_and_scalePID_i ( )
# ifdef PIDTEMP
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
Ki = scalePID_i ( raw_Ki ) ;
updatePID ( ) ;
# endif
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
// Callback for after editing PID d value
// grab the PID d value out of the temp variable; scale it; then update the PID driver
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
void copy_and_scalePID_d ( )
# ifdef PIDTEMP
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
Kd = scalePID_d ( raw_Kd ) ;
updatePID ( ) ;
# endif
# endif //ULTRA_LCD