@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
// 8 Portuguese
// 9 Finnish
// 10 Aragonese
// 11 Dutch
# define LANGUAGE_CHOICE 1 // Pick your language from the list above
# define LANGUAGE_CHOICE 1 // Pick your language from the list above
# endif
# define PROTOCOL_VERSION "1.0"
@ -40,37 +41,51 @@
# define MACHINE_NAME "Mendel"
# endif
# define FIRMWARE_URL "http: //www.mendel-parts.com"
// Default firmware set to Mendel
# define FIRMWARE_URL "https: //github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin/"
# endif
# define MACHINE_UUID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# endif
# define STRINGIFY_(n) #n
// Common LCD messages
/* nothing here as of yet */
// Common serial messages
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin"
// LCD Menu Messages
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " ready."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Card inserted"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Card removed"
# define MSG_MAIN "Main"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART "Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Disable Steppers"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto H ome"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Set O rigin"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Disable s teppers"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto h ome"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Set o rigin"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Preheat PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Preheat PLA C onf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Preheat PLA c onf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Preheat ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Preheat ABS C onf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Preheat ABS c onf"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Cooldown"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch Power O n"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch Power O ff"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch power o n"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch power o ff"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE "Extrude"
# define MSG_RETRACT "Retract"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Move A xis"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Move a xis"
# define MSG_MOVE_X "Move X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y "Move Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z "Move Z"
@ -119,16 +134,16 @@
# define MSG_CONTRAST "LCD contrast"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Store memory"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Load memory"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Restore F ailsafe"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Restore f ailsafe"
# define MSG_REFRESH "Refresh"
# define MSG_WATCH "Info screen"
# define MSG_PREPARE "Prepare"
# define MSG_TUNE "Tune"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pause P rint"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Resume P rint"
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Stop P rint"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pause p rint"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Resume p rint"
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Stop p rint"
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Print from SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "No C ard"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "No SD c ard"
# define MSG_DWELL "Sleep..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Wait for user..."
# define MSG_RESUMING "Resuming print"
@ -142,16 +157,15 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD -C ard"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD -C ard"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD c ard"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD c ard"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y "Babystep Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z "Babystep Z"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"
# define MSG_CONTRAST "Contrast"
// Serial Console Messages
@ -161,7 +175,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Brown out Reset"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog Reset"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Software Reset"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Author: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Last Updated: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Free Memory: "
@ -227,42 +240,46 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
// LCD Menu Messages
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " Gotowe."
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " gotowy."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Karta wlozona"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Karta usunieta"
# define MSG_MAIN "Menu glowne"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART "Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Wylacz silniki"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto. poz. zerowa"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Ustaw punkt zero wy "
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Ustaw punkt zero "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Rozgrzej PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Ustaw ienia roz . PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Ustaw . rozg . PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Rozgrzej ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Ustaw ienia roz . ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Ustaw . rozg . ABS"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Chlodzenie"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Wl . zasilacz"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Wyl . zasilacz"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Wl acz zasilacz"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Wyl acz zasilacz"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE "Ekstruzja"
# define MSG_RETRACT "Cofanie"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Ruch osi"
# define MSG_MOVE_X " Move X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y " Move Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z " Move Z"
# define MSG_MOVE_E "E xtruder "
# define MSG_MOVE_01MM " Move 0 .1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_1MM " Move 1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_10MM " Move 10mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_X " Przesun w X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y " Przesun w Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z " Przesun w Z"
# define MSG_MOVE_E "E kstruzja (os E) "
# define MSG_MOVE_01MM " Przesuwaj co .1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_1MM " Przesuwaj co 1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_10MM " Przesuwaj co 10mm"
# define MSG_SPEED "Predkosc"
# define MSG_NOZZLE "Dysza"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 "Dysza 2"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 "Dysza 3"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 "Dysza 2"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 "Dysza 3"
# define MSG_BED "Loze"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Obroty wiatraka"
# define MSG_FLOW "Przeplyw"
@ -270,14 +287,14 @@
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Min"
# define MSG_MAX " \002 Max"
# define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Mnoznik"
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP "Auto. temp . "
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP "Auto. temp eratura "
# define MSG_ON "Wl. "
# define MSG_OFF "Wyl."
# define MSG_PID_P "PID-P"
# define MSG_PID_I "PID-I"
# define MSG_PID_D "PID-D"
# define MSG_PID_C "PID-C"
# define MSG_ACC " Acc "
# define MSG_ACC " Przyspieszenie "
# define MSG_VXY_JERK "Zryw Vxy"
# define MSG_VZ_JERK "Zryw Vz"
# define MSG_VE_JERK "Zryw Ve"
@ -300,7 +317,7 @@
# define MSG_CONTRAST "Kontrast LCD"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Zapisz w pamieci"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Wczytaj z pamieci"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Ustaw ienia fabryczne"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Ustaw . fabryczne"
# define MSG_REFRESH "\004Odswiez"
# define MSG_WATCH "Ekran glowny"
# define MSG_PREPARE "Przygotuj"
@ -312,10 +329,9 @@
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Menu karty SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "Brak karty"
# define MSG_DWELL "Uspij..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Czekaj na uzytkownika..."
# define MSG_RESUMING "Wznawiam drukowanie"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Brak ruchu."
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Czesciowe zwolnienie"
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Oczekiwanie..."
# define MSG_RESUMING "Wznawianie druku"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Brak ruchu"
# define MSG_KILLED "Ubity. "
# define MSG_STOPPED "Zatrzymany. "
# define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "Zwolniony."
@ -326,16 +342,16 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "Auto. wycofanie"
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Zmien filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD " Uruchom karte SD"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Zmi en karte SD"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT " Probkuj Z po za lozem"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN " Domuj X/ Y przed Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET " Z Offset"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD " Inicjal. karty SD"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Zmi ana karty SD"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT " Sonda Z za lozem"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN " Wroc w X Y przed Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET " Offset Z "
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y "Babystep Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z "Babystep Z"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT " Endstop abort "
# define MSG_CONTRAST " C ontrast"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT " Blad wyl. kranc. "
# define MSG_CONTRAST " K ontrast"
// Serial Console Messages
@ -345,12 +361,11 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Reset (spadek napiecia)"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Reset (watchdog)"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Reset (programowy)"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin"
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Autor: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Ostatnia aktualizacja: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Wolna pamiec: "
# define MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES " Bufor planisty krokow (w bajtach): "
# define MSG_OK " ok "
# define MSG_OK " OK "
# define MSG_FILE_SAVED "Plik zapisany."
# define MSG_ERR_LINE_NO "Numer linijki nie jest ostatnim numerem linijki+1; ostatnia linijka:"
# define MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "Niezgodna suma kontrolna; ostatnia linijka: "
@ -370,7 +385,7 @@
# define MSG_BED_HEATING "Nagrzewanie loza..."
# define MSG_BED_DONE "Nagrzewanie loza zakonczone."
# define MSG_COUNT_X " Licz enie X: "
# define MSG_COUNT_X " Licz nik X: "
# define MSG_ERR_KILLED "Drukarka zatrzymana. Wywolano kill()"
# define MSG_ERR_STOPPED "Drukarka zatrzymana z powodu bledu. Usun problem i zrestartuj drukartke komenda M999. (temperatura zostala zresetowana; ustaw temperature po restarcie)"
# define MSG_RESEND "Wyslij ponownie: "
@ -386,7 +401,7 @@
# define MSG_M119_REPORT "Zgloszenie statusu wylacznikow krancowych"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT "Wyzwolony"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN "Otwarty"
# define MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET " Hotend offsets :"
# define MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET " Offsety dysz :"
# define MSG_SD_CANT_OPEN_SUBDIR "Nie mozna otworzyc podkatalogu"
# define MSG_SD_INIT_FAIL "Blad inicjalizacji karty SD"
@ -401,22 +416,26 @@
# define MSG_SD_WRITE_TO_FILE "Zapisywanie do pliku: "
# define MSG_SD_PRINTING_BYTE "Drukowanie z karty SD, bajt "
# define MSG_SD_NOT_PRINTING "Nie trwa drukowanie z karty SD"
# define MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE " blad podczas zapisu do pliku"
# define MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE " Wystapil blad podczas zapisu do pliku"
# define MSG_SD_CANT_ENTER_SUBDIR "Nie mozna odczytac podkatalogu: "
# define MSG_STEPPER_TOO_HIGH "Za duza czestotliwosc krokow: "
# define MSG_ENDSTOPS_HIT "Wylacznik krancowy zostal wyzwolony na pozycji: "
# define MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP " uniemozliwiono zimna ekstruzje"
# define MSG_ERR_LONG_EXTRUDE_STOP " uniemozliwiono zbyt dluga ekstruzje"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping w osi X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping w osi Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping w osi Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
// LCD Menu Messages
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " prete."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Carte inseree"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Carte retiree"
@ -426,9 +445,9 @@
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Home auto."
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Regler origine"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " Prechauffage PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS " Regl. prech auffe PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS " Regl. prech . PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Prechauffage ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Regl. prech auffe ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Regl. prech . ABS"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Refroidir"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Allumer alim."
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Eteindre alim."
@ -449,7 +468,7 @@
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 "Buse2"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 "Buse3"
# define MSG_BED "Plateau"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Vite sse ventilateur"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Vite . ventilateur"
# define MSG_FLOW "Flux"
# define MSG_CONTROL "Controler"
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Min"
@ -495,10 +514,9 @@
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Impr. depuis SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "Pas de carte"
# define MSG_DWELL "Repos..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Atten te de l'utilisateur.. ."
# define MSG_RESUMING "Repri se de l'impression "
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Atten . de l'util ."
# define MSG_RESUMING "Repri . de l'impr. "
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Aucun mouvement."
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Relache partielle"
# define MSG_KILLED "MORT."
@ -510,14 +528,14 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "Retract. Auto."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Changer filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. la carte SD"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Changer de carte SD "
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside Bed "
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN " Home X/ Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET " Z Offset"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Changer de carte "
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z sonde exte. lit "
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN " Rev. dans XY av. Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET " Offset Z "
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y "Babystep Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z "Babystep Z"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT " Endstop abort "
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT " Butee abandon "
# define MSG_CONTRAST "Contrast"
// Serial Console Messages
@ -528,7 +546,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " RAZ defaut alim."
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " RAZ Watchdog"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " RAZ logicielle"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Auteur: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Derniere MaJ: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Memoire libre: "
@ -594,6 +611,7 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
@ -601,6 +619,7 @@
// LCD Menu Messages
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " Bereit."
@ -608,13 +627,13 @@
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "SDKarte entfernt"
# define MSG_MAIN "Hauptmenü"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART "Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Stepper abschalt en "
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Stepper abschalt . "
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto Nullpunkt"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Setze Nullpunkt"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Vorwärmen PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Vorwärm en PLA Einstellungen "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Vorwärm . PLA Ein. "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Vorwärmen ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Vorwärm en ABS Einstellungen "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Vorwärm . ABS Ein. "
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Abkühlen"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch Power On"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch Power Off"
@ -681,10 +700,9 @@
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "SDKarten Menü"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "Keine SDKarte"
# define MSG_DWELL "Warten..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Warte auf Nutzer ... "
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Warte auf Nutzer "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Druck fortsetzung"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Kein Zug."
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Stepper tlw frei"
# define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "Stepper frei"
@ -697,7 +715,7 @@
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Filament wechseln"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD-Card"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD-Card"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
@ -714,7 +732,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Brown out Reset"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog Reset"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Software Reset"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin: "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Author: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Last Updated: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Free Memory: "
@ -780,6 +797,7 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
@ -787,14 +805,16 @@
// LCD Menu Messages
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Tarjeta SD Colocada"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Tarjeta SD Retirada"
# define MSG_MAIN "Menu Principal"
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " lista."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Tarjeta colocada"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Tarjeta retirada"
# define MSG_MAIN "Menu principal"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART " Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Apagar Motores"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Llevar al Origen" // "Llevar Ejes al Cero"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Establecer C ero"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Apagar m otores"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Llevar al origen"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Establecer c ero"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Precalentar PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Ajustar temp. PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Precalentar ABS"
@ -804,7 +824,7 @@
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch Power Off"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE "Extruir"
# define MSG_RETRACT "Retraer"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Mover E jes"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Mover e jes"
# define MSG_MOVE_X "Move X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y "Move Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z "Move Z"
@ -850,24 +870,24 @@
# define MSG_RECTRACT "Retraer"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura"
# define MSG_MOTION "Movimiento"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Guardar M emoria"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Cargar M emoria"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Rest. de emergen cia "
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Guardar m emoria"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Cargar m emoria"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Rest. de emergen . "
# define MSG_REFRESH "Volver a cargar"
# define MSG_WATCH "Monitorizar"
# define MSG_PREPARE "Preparar"
# define MSG_TUNE "Ajustar"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausar I mpresion"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Reanudar Impresion "
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Detener I mpresion"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausar i mpresion"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Reanudar impres. "
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Detener i mpresion"
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Menu de SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "No hay T arjeta SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "No hay t arjeta SD"
# define MSG_DWELL "Reposo..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Esperando Ordenes... "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Resumiendo Impresion "
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Esperando ordenes "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Resumiendo impre. "
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Sin movimiento"
# define MSG_STOPPED "PARADA . "
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Retraer mm"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Retraer F"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT "Levantar mm"
@ -875,19 +895,18 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Iniciando . Tarjeta-SD "
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambiar Tarjeta-SD "
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Iniciando tarjeta "
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambiar tarjeta "
# define MSG_RECTRACT_WIDE "Retraer"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE_WIDE "Temperatura"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE_RTN "Temperatura"
# define MSG_MAIN_WIDE "Menu P rincipal"
# define MSG_MAIN_WIDE "Menu p rincipal"
# define MSG_MOTION_WIDE "Movimiento"
# define MSG_PREPARE_ALT "Preparar"
# define MSG_CONTROL_ARROW "Control"
# define MSG_RETRACT_ARROW "Retraer"
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Desacople Parcial"
# define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "Desacoplada."
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
@ -904,7 +923,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Reset por Voltaje Incorrecto"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Reset por Bloqueo"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Reset por Software"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Autor: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Ultima actualizacion: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Memoria libre: "
@ -969,30 +987,34 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
// LCD Menu Messages
// LCD Menu Messages
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Карта вставлена"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Карта извлечена"
# define MSG_MAIN " Меню \003"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART " Автостарт "
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS " Выключить двигатели"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME " Парковка "
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN " Запомнить ноль "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " Преднагрев PLA "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS " Настр. преднагр. PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " Преднагрев ABS "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS " Настр. преднагр. ABS"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN " Охлаждение "
# define MSG_MAIN " Меню \003"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART " Автостарт"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Выкл. двигатели"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME " Парковка"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN " Запомнить ноль"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Преднагрев PLA "
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " Преднагрев ABS"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN " Охлаждение"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch Power On"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch Power Off"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE " Экструзия "
# define MSG_RETRACT " Откат"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS " Движение по осям \x7E "
# define MSG_EXTRUDE " Экструзия"
# define MSG_RETRACT " Откат"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Движение по осям"
# define MSG_MOVE_X "Move X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y "Move Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z "Move Z"
@ -1000,74 +1022,73 @@
# define MSG_MOVE_01MM "Move 0.1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_1MM "Move 1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_10MM "Move 10mm"
# define MSG_SPEED " Скорость:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE " \002 Фильера:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 " \002 Филье р а 2:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 " \002 Филье р а 3:"
# define MSG_BED " \002 Кровать:"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED " Куллер:"
# define MSG_FLOW " Поток:"
# define MSG_CONTROL " Настройки \003"
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Минимум:"
# define MSG_MAX " \002 Максимум:"
# define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Фактор:"
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP " Autotemp:"
# define MSG_SPEED " Скорость:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE " \002 Фильера:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 " \002 Филье р а 2:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 " \002 Филье р а 3:"
# define MSG_BED " \002 Кровать:"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED " Куллер:"
# define MSG_FLOW " Поток:"
# define MSG_CONTROL " Настройки \003"
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Минимум:"
# define MSG_MAX " \002 Максимум:"
# define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Фактор:"
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP " Autotemp:"
# define MSG_ON "Вкл. "
# define MSG_OFF "Выкл. "
# define MSG_PID_P " PID-P: "
# define MSG_PID_I " PID-I: "
# define MSG_PID_D " PID-D: "
# define MSG_PID_C " PID-C: "
# define MSG_ACC " Acc:"
# define MSG_VXY_JERK " Vxy-jerk: "
# define MSG_PID_P " PID-P: "
# define MSG_PID_I " PID-I: "
# define MSG_PID_D " PID-D: "
# define MSG_PID_C " PID-C: "
# define MSG_ACC " Acc:"
# define MSG_VXY_JERK " Vxy-jerk: "
# define MSG_VZ_JERK "Vz-jerk"
# define MSG_VE_JERK "Ve-jerk"
# define MSG_VMAX " Vmax "
# define MSG_VMAX " Vmax "
# define MSG_X "x:"
# define MSG_Y "y:"
# define MSG_Z "z:"
# define MSG_E "e:"
# define MSG_VMIN " Vmin:"
# define MSG_VTRAV_MIN " VTrav min:"
# define MSG_AMAX " Amax "
# define MSG_A_RETRACT " A-retract:"
# define MSG_XSTEPS " X шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_YSTEPS " Y шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_ZSTEPS " Z шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_ESTEPS " E шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_RECTRACT " Откат подачи \x7E"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE " Температура \x7E"
# define MSG_MOTION " Скорости \x7E"
# define MSG_VMIN " Vmin:"
# define MSG_VTRAV_MIN " VTrav min:"
# define MSG_AMAX " Amax "
# define MSG_A_RETRACT " A-retract:"
# define MSG_XSTEPS " X шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_YSTEPS " Y шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_ZSTEPS " Z шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_ESTEPS " E шаг/ mm:"
# define MSG_RECTRACT " Откат подачи \x7E"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Температура \x7E"
# define MSG_MOTION "Скорости \x7E"
# define MSG_CONTRAST "LCD contrast"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM " Сохранить настройки "
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM " Загрузить настройки "
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE " С б р о с настроек "
# define MSG_REFRESH "\004О б но вить "
# define MSG_WATCH " Обзор \003"
# define MSG_PREPARE " Действия \x7E"
# define MSG_TUNE " Настройки \x7E"
# define MSG_ PAUSE_PRINT " Пауза печати \x7E "
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT " Продолжить печать \x7E "
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT " Остановить печать \x7E "
# define MSG_CARD_MENU " Меню карты \x7E"
# define MSG_NO_CARD " Нет карты"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Сохранить в EPROM "
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Загруз. из EPROM "
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE " С б р о с настроек"
# define MSG_REFRESH "\004О б но вить "
# define MSG_WATCH " Обзор \003"
# define MSG_PREPARE " Действия \x7E"
# define MSG_TUNE "Настройки \x7E"
# define MSG_ RESUME_PRINT "Продолжить печать "
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT " Продолжить печать"
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Остановить печать"
# define MSG_CARD_MENU " Меню карты \x7E"
# define MSG_NO_CARD " Нет карты"
# define MSG_DWELL "Сон..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Нажмите для продолж. "
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Ожиданиие "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Resuming print"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Нет движения. "
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE " Извлечение принта "
# define MSG_KILLED "УБИТО. "
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT " Откат mm:"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF " Откат F:"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT " Прыжок mm:"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER " Возврат +mm:"
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT " АвтоОткат:"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Нет движения."
# define MSG_KILLED "УБИТО."
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Откат mm:"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Откат F:"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT "Прыжок mm:"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER "Возврат +mm:"
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "АвтоОткат:"
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD-Card"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD-Card"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "ZProbe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
@ -1084,7 +1105,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Brown out с б р о с "
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog с б р о с "
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " программный с б р о с "
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Автор: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Последнее обновление: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Памяти свободно: "
@ -1148,14 +1168,17 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
// LCD Menu Messages
// LCD Menu Messages
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " pronto."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "SD Card inserita"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "SD Card rimossa"
# define MSG_MAIN "Menu principale"
@ -1243,11 +1266,10 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoArretramento"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Qualcosa non va in MenuStructure."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Cambia filamento"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Iniz. SD-Card"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambia SD-Card"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
@ -1256,7 +1278,7 @@
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"
# define MSG_CONTRAST "Contrast"
// Serial Console Messages
// Serial Console Messages
# define MSG_Enqueing "accodamento \""
# define MSG_POWERUP "Accensione"
@ -1264,7 +1286,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Brown out Reset"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog Reset"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Software Reset"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Autore: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Ultimo Aggiornamento: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Memoria Libera: "
@ -1330,6 +1351,7 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Qualcosa non va in MenuStructure."
# endif
@ -1337,26 +1359,28 @@
// LCD Menu Messages
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " Pronta."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Cartao SD inserido"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Cartao SD removido"
# define MSG_MAIN " Menu Principal \003"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART " Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS " Apagar Motores"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME " Ir para Origen"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN " Estabelecer Origen"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " pre-aquecer PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS " pre-aquecer PLA Setting"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " pre-aquecer ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS " pre-aquecer ABS Setting"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN " Esfriar"
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " pronto."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Cartao inserido"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Cartao removido"
# define MSG_MAIN " Menu principal \003"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART "Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS " Apagar motores"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Ir para origen"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Estabelecer orig."
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Pre-aquecer PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Pre-aquecer ABS"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Esfriar"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch Power On"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch Power Off"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE " Extrudar"
# define MSG_RETRACT " Retrair"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " p re-aquecer PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " p re-aquecer ABS"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS " Mover eixo \x7E"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE " Extrudar"
# define MSG_RETRACT " Retrair"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " P re-aquecer PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " P re-aquecer ABS"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS " Mover eixo \x7E"
# define MSG_MOVE_X "Move X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y "Move Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z "Move Z"
@ -1364,26 +1388,26 @@
# define MSG_MOVE_01MM "Move 0.1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_1MM "Move 1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_10MM "Move 10mm"
# define MSG_SPEED " Velocidade:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE " \002Nozzle:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 " \002Nozzle2:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 " \002Nozzle3:"
# define MSG_BED " \002Base:"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED " Velocidade Ventoinha: "
# define MSG_FLOW " Fluxo:"
# define MSG_CONTROL " Controle \003"
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Min:"
# define MSG_MAX " \002 Max:"
# define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Fact:"
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP " Autotemp:"
# define MSG_SPEED " Velocidade:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE " \002Nozzle:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 " \002Nozzle2:"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 " \002Nozzle3:"
# define MSG_BED " \002Base:"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED " Velocidade vento. "
# define MSG_FLOW " Fluxo:"
# define MSG_CONTROL " Controle \003"
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Min:"
# define MSG_MAX " \002 Max:"
# define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Fact:"
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP " Autotemp:"
# define MSG_ON "On "
# define MSG_OFF "Off"
# define MSG_PID_P " PID-P: "
# define MSG_PID_I " PID-I: "
# define MSG_PID_D " PID-D: "
# define MSG_PID_C " PID-C: "
# define MSG_ACC " Acc:"
# define MSG_VXY_JERK " Vxy-jerk: "
# define MSG_PID_P " PID-P: "
# define MSG_PID_I " PID-I: "
# define MSG_PID_D " PID-D: "
# define MSG_PID_C " PID-C: "
# define MSG_ACC " Acc:"
# define MSG_VXY_JERK " Vxy-jerk: "
# define MSG_VZ_JERK "Vz-jerk"
# define MSG_VE_JERK "Ve-jerk"
# define MSG_VMAX " Vmax "
@ -1391,39 +1415,38 @@
# define MSG_Y "y:"
# define MSG_Z "z:"
# define MSG_E "e:"
# define MSG_VMIN " Vmin:"
# define MSG_VTRAV_MIN " VTrav min:"
# define MSG_AMAX " Amax "
# define MSG_A_RETRACT " A-retract:"
# define MSG_XSTEPS " Xpasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_YSTEPS " Ypasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_ZSTEPS " Zpasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_ESTEPS " Epasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_MAIN_WIDE " Menu Principal \003"
# define MSG_VMIN " Vmin:"
# define MSG_VTRAV_MIN " VTrav min:"
# define MSG_AMAX " Amax "
# define MSG_A_RETRACT " A-retract:"
# define MSG_XSTEPS " Xpasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_YSTEPS " Ypasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_ZSTEPS " Zpasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_ESTEPS " Epasso/ mm:"
# define MSG_MAIN_WIDE " Menu Principal \003"
# define MSG_RECTRACT "Retrair"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura"
# define MSG_MOTION "Movimento"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM " Guardar memoria"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM " Carregar memoria"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE " Rest. de emergencia "
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM " Guardar memoria"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM " Carregar memoria"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE " Rest. de emergen. "
# define MSG_REFRESH "\004Recarregar"
# define MSG_WATCH " Monitorar \003"
# define MSG_PREPARE " Preparar \x7E"
# define MSG_PREPARE_ALT " Preparar \003"
# define MSG_CONTROL_ARROW " Controle \x7E"
# define MSG_RETRACT_ARROW " Retrair \x7E"
# define MSG_TUNE " Tune \x7E"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT " Pausar Impressao \x7E "
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT " Resumir Impressao \x7E "
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT " Parar Impressao \x7E "
# define MSG_CARD_MENU " Menu cartao SD \x7E "
# define MSG_NO_CARD " Sem cartao SD"
# define MSG_WATCH " Monitorar \003"
# define MSG_PREPARE " Preparar \x7E"
# define MSG_PREPARE_ALT " Preparar \003"
# define MSG_CONTROL_ARROW " Controle \x7E"
# define MSG_RETRACT_ARROW " Retrair \x7E"
# define MSG_TUNE " Tune \x7E"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT " Pausar impressao "
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT " Resumir impressao "
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT " Parar impressao "
# define MSG_CARD_MENU " Menu cartao SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD " Sem cartao SD"
# define MSG_DWELL "Repouso..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Esperando Ordem... "
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Esperando ordem "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Resuming print"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Sem movimento."
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Lancamento Parcial"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Sem movimento"
# define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "Lancado."
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT " Retrair mm:"
@ -1432,12 +1455,11 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT " AutoRetr.:"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Algo esta errado na estrutura do Menu."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD-Card"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD-Card"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Son da fora da mesa"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN " Home X/ Y antes de Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Son . fora da mesa"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN " XY antes de Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y "Babystep Y"
@ -1453,7 +1475,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Reset por voltagem incorreta"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Reset por Bloqueio"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Reset por Software"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Author: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Ultima atualizacao: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " memoria Livre: "
@ -1519,6 +1540,7 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Algo esta errado na estrutura do Menu."
# endif
@ -1526,10 +1548,10 @@
// Finnish
// LCD Menu Messages
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " valmis"
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " valmis."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Kortti asetettu"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Kortti poistettu"
# define MSG_MAIN "Palaa"
@ -1538,9 +1560,9 @@
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Aja referenssiin"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Aseta origo"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Esilammita PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Esilamm ita PLA konf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Esilamm . PLA konf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Esilammita ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Esilamm ita ABS konf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Esilamm . ABS konf"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Jaahdyta"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch Power On"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch Power Off"
@ -1606,8 +1628,8 @@
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Korttivalikko"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "Ei korttia"
# define MSG_DWELL "Nukkumassa..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Odotet aan valintaa... "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Jatke taan tulostusta"
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Odotet . valintaa "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Jatke . tulostusta"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Ei liiketta."
# define MSG_KILLED "KILLED. "
@ -1620,7 +1642,7 @@
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD-Card"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD-Card"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
@ -1637,7 +1659,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Alajannite Reset"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Vahtikoira Reset"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Ohjelmisto Reset"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Author: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Paivitetty viimeksi: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Vapaata muistia: "
@ -1705,24 +1726,27 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"
# define MSG_CONTRAST "Contrast"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
// LCD Menu Messages
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " Parada."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Tarcheta SD Colocada"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Tarcheta SD Retirada"
# define MSG_MAIN "Menu Prencipal"
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " parada."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Tarcheta colocada"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Tarcheta retirada"
# define MSG_MAIN "Menu prencipal"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART " Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Amortar Motors"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Levar a l' Orichen" // "Levar Eixes a o Zero"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Establir Z ero"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Amortar m otors"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Levar a l' orichen"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Establir z ero"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Precalentar PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Achustar tem p . PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Achustar tem . PLA"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Precalentar ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Achustar tem p . ABS"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Achustar tem . ABS"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Enfriar"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Enchegar Fuent"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Desenchegar Fuent"
@ -1776,21 +1800,21 @@
# define MSG_MOTION "Movimiento"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Alzar Memoria"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Cargar Memoria"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Rest. d'emerchen cia "
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Rest. d'emerchen . "
# define MSG_REFRESH "Tornar a cargar"
# define MSG_WATCH "Monitorizar"
# define MSG_PREPARE "Preparar"
# define MSG_TUNE "Achustar"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausar I mpresion"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Contin ar I mpresion"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausar i mpresion"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Contin . i mpresion"
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Detener Impresion"
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Menu de SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "No i hai Tarcheta SD "
# define MSG_NO_CARD "No i hai tarcheta "
# define MSG_DWELL "Reposo..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Asperan do Ordines... "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Contin ando I mpresion"
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Asperan . ordines "
# define MSG_RESUMING "Contin . i mpresion"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Sin movimiento"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Retraer mm"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Retraer F"
@ -1799,8 +1823,8 @@
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Cambear"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Encetan do. Tarcheta-SD "
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambiar Tarcheta-SD "
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Encetan . tarcheta "
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambiar tarcheta "
# define MSG_RECTRACT_WIDE "Retraer"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE_WIDE "Temperatura"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE_RTN "Temperatura"
@ -1809,9 +1833,8 @@
# define MSG_PREPARE_ALT "Preparar"
# define MSG_CONTROL_ARROW "Control"
# define MSG_RETRACT_ARROW "Retraer"
# define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Desacople Parcial"
# define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "Desacoplada."
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z Probe Outside B ed"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. b ed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y before Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
@ -1828,7 +1851,6 @@
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Reset por Voltaje Incorrecto"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Reset por Bloqueo"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Reset por Software"
# define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin "
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Autor: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Zaguer esvielle: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Memoria libre: "
@ -1893,6 +1915,188 @@
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
# endif
# if LANGUAGE_CHOICE == 11 //Dutch
// LCD Menu Messages
// Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
# define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " gereed."
# define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Kaart ingestoken"
# define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Kaart verwijderd"
# define MSG_MAIN "Main"
# define MSG_AUTOSTART "Autostart"
# define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Motoren uit"
# define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto home"
# define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Nulpunt instellen"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "PLA voorverwarmen"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "PLA verw. conf"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "ABS voorverwarmen"
# define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "ABS verw. conf"
# define MSG_COOLDOWN "Afkoelen"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Stroom aan"
# define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Stroom uit"
# define MSG_EXTRUDE "Extrude"
# define MSG_RETRACT "Retract"
# define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "As verplaatsen"
# define MSG_MOVE_X "Verplaats X"
# define MSG_MOVE_Y "Verplaats Y"
# define MSG_MOVE_Z "Verplaats Z"
# define MSG_MOVE_E "Extruder"
# define MSG_MOVE_01MM "Verplaats 0.1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_1MM "Verplaats 1mm"
# define MSG_MOVE_10MM "Verplaats 10mm"
# define MSG_SPEED "Snelheid"
# define MSG_NOZZLE "Nozzle"
# define MSG_NOZZLE1 "Nozzle2"
# define MSG_NOZZLE2 "Nozzle3"
# define MSG_BED "Bed"
# define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Fan snelheid"
# define MSG_FLOW "Flow"
# define MSG_CONTROL "Control"
# define MSG_MIN " \002 Min"
# define MSG_MAX " \002 Max"
# define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Fact"
# define MSG_AUTOTEMP "Autotemp"
# define MSG_ON "Aan "
# define MSG_OFF "Uit"
# define MSG_PID_P "PID-P"
# define MSG_PID_I "PID-I"
# define MSG_PID_D "PID-D"
# define MSG_PID_C "PID-C"
# define MSG_ACC "Versn"
# define MSG_VXY_JERK "Vxy-jerk"
# define MSG_VZ_JERK "Vz-jerk"
# define MSG_VE_JERK "Ve-jerk"
# define MSG_VMAX "Vmax "
# define MSG_X "x"
# define MSG_Y "y"
# define MSG_Z "z"
# define MSG_E "e"
# define MSG_VMIN "Vmin"
# define MSG_VTRAV_MIN "VTrav min"
# define MSG_AMAX "Amax "
# define MSG_A_RETRACT "A-retract"
# define MSG_XSTEPS "Xsteps / mm"
# define MSG_YSTEPS "Ysteps / mm"
# define MSG_ZSTEPS "Zsteps / mm"
# define MSG_ESTEPS "Esteps / mm"
# define MSG_RECTRACT "Terugtrekken"
# define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperatuur"
# define MSG_MOTION "Beweging"
# define MSG_CONTRAST "LCD contrast"
# define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Geheugen opslaan"
# define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Geheugen laden"
# define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Noodstop reset"
# define MSG_REFRESH "Ververs"
# define MSG_WATCH "Info scherm"
# define MSG_PREPARE "Voorbereiden"
# define MSG_TUNE "Afstellen"
# define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Print pauzeren"
# define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Print hervatten"
# define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Print stoppen"
# define MSG_CARD_MENU "Print van SD"
# define MSG_NO_CARD "Geen SD kaart"
# define MSG_DWELL "Slapen..."
# define MSG_USERWAIT "Wachten..."
# define MSG_RESUMING "Print hervatten"
# define MSG_NO_MOVE "Geen beweging."
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Retract mm"
# define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Retract F"
# define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr."
# define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Verv. Filament"
# define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD kaart"
# define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Verv. SD card"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe uit. bed"
# define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X / Y voor Z"
# define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystap X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y "Babystap Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z "Babystap Z"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop afbr."
// Serial Console Messages
# define MSG_Enqueing "enqueing \""
# define MSG_POWERUP "Opstarten"
# define MSG_EXTERNAL_RESET " Externe Reset"
# define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Lage voedingsspanning Reset"
# define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog Reset"
# define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Software Reset"
# define MSG_AUTHOR " | Auteur: "
# define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Laatst bijgewerkt: "
# define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Vrij Geheugen: "
# define MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES " PlannerBufferBytes: "
# define MSG_OK "ok"
# define MSG_FILE_SAVED "Bestand opslaan voltooid."
# define MSG_ERR_LINE_NO "Regelnummer is niet het laatste regelnummer+1, Laatste regel: "
# define MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "Checksum fout, Laatste regel: "
# define MSG_ERR_NO_CHECKSUM "Regel zonder checksum, Laatste regel: "
# define MSG_ERR_NO_LINENUMBER_WITH_CHECKSUM "Geen regelnummer met checksum, Laatste regel: "
# define MSG_FILE_PRINTED "Bestand afdrukken klaar"
# define MSG_BEGIN_FILE_LIST "Begin bestandslijst"
# define MSG_END_FILE_LIST "Einde bestandslijst"
# define MSG_M104_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M104 Ongeldige extruder "
# define MSG_M105_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M105 Ongeldige extruder "
# define MSG_M200_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M200 Ongeldige extruder "
# define MSG_M218_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M218 Ongeldige extruder "
# define MSG_ERR_NO_THERMISTORS "Geen thermistors - geen temperatuur"
# define MSG_M109_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M109 Ongeldige extruder "
# define MSG_HEATING "Opwarmen..."
# define MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE "Opwarmen klaar."
# define MSG_BED_HEATING "Bed opwarmen."
# define MSG_BED_DONE "Bed klaar."
# define MSG_COUNT_X " Aantal X: "
# define MSG_ERR_KILLED "Printer stopgezet. kill() aangeroepen!"
# define MSG_ERR_STOPPED "Printer gestopt vanwege fouten. Los de fout op en gebruik M999 om opnieuw te starten. (Temperatuur is gereset, stel deze opnieuw in na herstart)"
# define MSG_RESEND "Opnieuw sturen: "
# define MSG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND "Onbekend commando: \""
# define MSG_ACTIVE_EXTRUDER "Actieve Extruder: "
# define MSG_INVALID_EXTRUDER "Ongeldige extruder"
# define MSG_X_MIN "x_min: "
# define MSG_X_MAX "x_max: "
# define MSG_Y_MIN "y_min: "
# define MSG_Y_MAX "y_max: "
# define MSG_Z_MIN "z_min: "
# define MSG_Z_MAX "z_max: "
# define MSG_M119_REPORT "Eindstop statusrapportage:"
# define MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN "open"
# define MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET "Hotend afwijking:"
# define MSG_SD_CANT_OPEN_SUBDIR "Kan subdirectory niet openen"
# define MSG_SD_INIT_FAIL "SD initialiseren mislukt"
# define MSG_SD_VOL_INIT_FAIL "volume.init mislukt"
# define MSG_SD_OPENROOT_FAIL "openRoot mislukt"
# define MSG_SD_CARD_OK "SD kaart ok"
# define MSG_SD_WORKDIR_FAIL "workDir openen mislukt"
# define MSG_SD_OPEN_FILE_FAIL "Openen mislukt, bestand: "
# define MSG_SD_FILE_OPENED "Bestand geopend: "
# define MSG_SD_SIZE " Grootte: "
# define MSG_SD_FILE_SELECTED "Bestanden geselecteerd:"
# define MSG_SD_WRITE_TO_FILE "Schrijven naar bestand: "
# define MSG_SD_PRINTING_BYTE "SD printen byte: "
# define MSG_SD_NOT_PRINTING "Niet SD printen"
# define MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE "Fout tijdens het schrijven naar bestand:"
# define MSG_SD_CANT_ENTER_SUBDIR "Kan subdirectory niet in: "
# define MSG_STEPPER_TOO_HIGH "stapsnelheid te hoog:"
# define MSG_ENDSTOPS_HIT "endstops geraakt: "
# define MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP " Koude extrusie voorkomen"
# define MSG_ERR_LONG_EXTRUDE_STOP " te lange extrusie voorkomen"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
# define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Babystepping Z"
# define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Fout in menustructuur"
# endif